Source code for ClearMap.Alignment.Annotation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module to handle label and annotation info from Allen Brain Atlas (v2).
  - The files containing annotation information is assumed to be in the path
    stored in :const:`atlas_path`, which defaults to the resource path 
  - The annotation file is assumed to be 'annotation_25_full.nrrd'
    but can be set via :const:`default_annotation_file`.

  - The mapping between labels and brain area information is assumed to be in 
    the 'annotation.json' file but the location can be set
    via :const:`default_label_file`.     
  - `Allen Brain Atlas <>`_
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = ''
__download__ = ''

# TODO: inherit Label from dict
# TODO: integrate with atlas meshes / plotting / transforming data / region selection

import os
import sys
import collections

import json

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt

import ClearMap.Settings
import ClearMap.Settings as settings

import ClearMap.IO.IO as clearmap_io
import ClearMap.IO.FileUtils as fu

from ClearMap.Alignment.Resampling import orientation_to_transposition, format_orientation
import ClearMap.Utils.HierarchicalDict as hdict

from ClearMap.Alignment.utils import create_label_table

from ClearMap.Visualization import Color as col

# ## Atlas Structures

[docs] def decompress_atlases(atlas_base_name): paths = [] atlas_component_names = ('annotation', 'hemispheres', 'reference', 'distance_to_surface') for atlas_type in atlas_component_names: f_path = os.path.join(settings.atlas_folder, f'{atlas_base_name}_{atlas_type}.tif') fu.uncompress(f_path, extension='auto') paths.append(f_path) return paths
atlas_base_name = 'ABA_25um' # FIXME: change if different atlas default_annotation_file, default_hemispheres_file,\ default_reference_file, default_distance_to_surface_file = decompress_atlases(atlas_base_name) """ Note ---- This file is by default the Allen brain annotated mouse atlas with 25um isotropic resolution. Includes the - Default volumetric annotated image file. - Default hemispheres annotated image file - Default reference (grayscale) image file - Corresponding distance to surface file """ default_label_file = os.path.join(settings.atlas_folder, 'ABA_annotation.json') """Default list of labels and region names in the annotated image. Note ---- This file is by default the labels for the Allen brain annotated mouse atlas with 25um isotropic resolution. """ default_extra_label = [ (182305696, 453, 'No label', 'NoL'), (182305712, 453, 'No label', 'NoL'), (312782560, 315, 'No label', 'NoL'), (312782592, 453, 'No label', 'NoL'), (312782656, 315, 'No label', 'NoL'), (526157184, 993, 'No label', 'NoL'), (526322272, 500, 'No label', 'NoL'), (527696992, 315, 'No label', 'NoL') ] """Additional label not in the Allen Brain Atlas label but in the atlas image. Warning ------- This is required for the older version of the Allen Brain Atlas. There are no more labels missing in the current version (2017+ with 2022+ json file). Note ---- The form is a list of tuples, each tuple has the form (atlas id, parent id, name, acronym). """
[docs] class Label(object): """Class holding information of an individual Atlas label.""" def __init__(self, data, children=None, parent=None, level=0): = data self.children = children self.parent = parent['level'] = level @property def name(self): return['name'] @property def id(self): return['id'] @property def level(self): return['level'] @property def order(self): return['order']
[docs] def color(self, *args, **kwargs): return col.color(['rgb'], **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value
[docs] def parent_list(self, max_depth=None, min_level=None): if max_depth is None: max_depth = self.level + 1 if min_level is None: min_level = 1 if max_depth > 0 and self.level > min_level and self.parent is not None: return [self] + self.parent.parent_list(max_depth=max_depth-1, min_level=min_level) else: return []
[docs] def write(self, with_children=True, indent=None): return self.__str__(indent=indent, with_children=with_children)
[docs] def info(self, with_children=True, indent=None): print(self.write(indent=indent, with_children=with_children))
def __str__(self, indent=None, with_children=False): indent = indent or '' s = '' if with_children and isinstance(self.children, list): for c in self.children: s += '\n' + c.__str__(indent=indent + ' ') h = f'{indent}{}\n{indent}{"=" * len(}\n' s = h + hdict.write(, head=indent[:-1]) + '\n' + s return s def __repr__(self, indent=None, with_children=False): return self.__str__(indent=indent, with_children=False)
[docs] class Annotation(object): """Class that holds information of the annotated regions.""" def __init__(self, label_file=None, extra_label=None, annotation_file=None): # FIXME: add warning if None """Initialization Arguments --------- label_file : str File with label information in json format. """ self.root = None self.structures = None self.ids = None self.names = None self.labels = None self.acronyms = None self.colors_rgb = None self.colors_hex = None self.df = None self.extra_label = None self.annotation_file = None self.label_file = None self.dict_id_to_acronym = {} self.dict_id_to_name = {} self.dict_id_to_color = {} # self.dict_id_to_path = {} self.dict_acronym_to_id = {} self.dict_name_to_id = {} self.initialize(label_file=label_file, extra_label=extra_label, annotation_file=annotation_file) def _initialize_dataframe(self): df = pd.DataFrame({ "id": self.ids, "name": self.names, "acronym": self.acronyms, "colors_hex": self.colors_hex, #"colors_rgb": self.colors_rgb, }) df["colors_rgb"] = df["colors_hex"].map(lambda x: col.hex_to_rgb(x)) return df
[docs] def get_dict(self, from_='id', to='acronym'): return dict(zip(self.df[from_], self.df[to]))
[docs] def ids_to_acronyms(self, ids): return [self.dict_id_to_acronym[id_] for id_ in ids]
[docs] def ids_to_names(self, ids): return [self.dict_id_to_name[id_] for id_ in ids]
[docs] def get_colors_rgba(self, alpha=1): return self.df["colors_hex"].map(lambda x: col.hex_to_rgb(x, alpha=alpha))
[docs] def initialize(self, label_file=None, extra_label=None, annotation_file=None): # read json file if label_file is None: label_file = default_label_file if annotation_file is None: annotation_file = default_annotation_file if extra_label is None: extra_label = default_extra_label if extra_label in ['None', '', False]: # add nodes for missing labels extra_label = [] self.label_file = label_file self.annotation_file = annotation_file self.extra_label = extra_label # initialize label tree with open(label_file, 'r') as file_in: aba = json.load(file_in) root = aba['msg'][0] self.root = self.initialize_tree(root) # maxgraph = max(self.get_list('graph_order')) for a in extra_label: i, p, n, l = a node = self.find(p, key='id') data = data['id'] = i data['name'] = n data['acronym'] = l data['parent_structure_id'] = p data['graph_order'] = -1 data['atlas_id'] = -1 node.children.append(Label(data, parent=node, children=[], level=node.level+1)) # initialize generic id self.add_data('order', range(self.n_structures)) # initialize color label self.colors_hex = self.get_list('color_hex_triplet') self.colors_rgb = np.array([col.hex_to_rgb(c) for c in self.colors_hex]) self.add_data('rgb', self.colors_rgb) self.add_data('color_order', range(self.n_structures)) # initialize lookup tables self.structures = self.get_list(None) self.ids = self.get_list('id') self.labels = self.get_list('atlas_id') self.names = self.get_list('name') self.acronyms = self.get_list('acronym') # build dataframe self.df = self._initialize_dataframe() # build dictionaries self.dict_id_to_acronym = self.get_dict(from_='id', to='acronym') self.dict_id_to_name = self.get_dict(from_='id', to='name') self.dict_id_to_color = self.get_dict(from_='id', to='colors_hex') # self.dict_id_to_path = self.get_dict(from_='id', to='structure_acronym_path') #TODO to be implemented self.dict_acronym_to_id = self.get_dict(from_='acronym', to='id') self.dict_name_to_id = self.get_dict(from_='name', to='id') # import atlas self.atlas = self.children_df = create_label_table(self.label_file, save=False, from_cached=True)
[docs] def initialize_tree(self, root, parent=None, level=0): label = Label({k: v for k, v in root.items() if k != "children"}, parent=parent, level=level) label.children = [self.initialize_tree(c, parent=label, level=level + 1) for c in root['children']] return label
[docs] def get_list(self, key=None, node=None, level=None): if node is None: node = self.root l = [] if level is not None: n = node while n.level > level: n = n.parent else: n = node if key is not None: l.append(n[key]) else: l.append(n) for c in node.children: l.extend(self.get_list(node=c, key=key, level=level)) return l
@property def n_structures(self): return len(self.get_list()) @property def max_level(self): return np.max(self.get_list('level'))
[docs] def get_hierarchical_dictionary(self, node=None): if node is None: node = self.root d = d['children'] = [self.get_hierarchical_dictionary(node=n) for n in node.children] return d
[docs] def get_dictionary(self, key, value, node=None, level=None, ordered=False, with_parents=False, max_depth=None, min_level=None): if node is None: node = self.root keys = self.get_list(key=key, node=node, level=None) values = self.get_list(key=value, node=node, level=level) if ordered: dictionary = collections.OrderedDict() else: dictionary = dict() for k, v in zip(keys, values): dictionary[k] = v if with_parents: for k,v in dictionary.items(): node = self.find(k, key=key) parent_list = node.parent_list(max_depth=max_depth, min_level=min_level) dictionary[k] = tuple(node[value] for node in parent_list) return dictionary
[docs] def get_map(self, key, value, node=None, level=None): d = self.get_dictionary(key=key, value=value, node=node, level=level) n = max(d.keys()) m = np.zeros(n+1, dtype=int) m[list(d.keys())] = list(d.values()) return m
[docs] def add_data(self, name, data): nodes = self.get_list() for n, d in zip(nodes, data):[name] = d
[docs] def convert_label(self, label, key='order', value='graph_order', node=None, level=None, method='map'): if key in ('acronym', 'name', 'color_hex_triplet'): # string keys method = 'dictionary' if method in ['map']: m = self.get_map(key=key, value=value, node=node, level=level) return m[label] else: d = self.get_dictionary(key=key, value=value, node=node, level=level) return np.vectorize(d.__getitem__, otypes=[type(list(d.values())[0])])(label)
[docs] def label_to_color(self, label, key='order', level=None, alpha=True, as_int=False, int_type='uint8'): cm = self.colors_rgb cm = col.color(cm, alpha=alpha, as_int=as_int, int_type=int_type) if key != 'order' or level is not None: label = self.convert_label(label, key=key, value='order', level=level) return cm[label]
[docs] def find(self, label, key='id', value=None, node=None, level=None): d = self.get_dictionary(key=key, value=value, node=node, level=level) if isinstance(label, list): # FIXME: iterable return [d[l] for l in label] else: return d[label]
[docs] def parents(self, label, key='id', value=None): d = self.get_dictionary(key=key, value=None, node=None, level=None) p = d[label] l = [p] while p.level > 0: p = p.parent l.append(p) if value is None: return l else: return [ll[value] for ll in l]
[docs] def common_parent(self, label, key='id', value=None): parents = [self.parents(l, key=key, value=key) for l in label] n = min([len(p) for p in parents]) p0 = parents[0] level = -1 while -level-1 < n and np.all([p[level] == p0[level] for p in parents]): level -= 1 return self.find(p0[level+1], key=key, value=value)
@property def map_volume(self): uniques, counts = np.unique(self.atlas, return_counts=True) return dict(zip(uniques, counts))
[docs] def get_lateralised_volume_map(self, atlas_scale, hemispheres_file_path): hemispheres_atlas = scale = hem_ids = sorted(np.unique(hemispheres_atlas)) volumes = {} for hem_id in hem_ids: unique_ids, counts = np.unique(self.atlas[hemispheres_atlas == hem_id], return_counts=True) for id_, count in zip(unique_ids, counts): volumes[(id_, hem_id)] = count * scale return volumes
[docs] def get_dict_parents_to_children(self, parents_ids=None, including_parents=False): map_children = {} for parent_id in parents_ids: map_children[parent_id] = self.children_df.set_index('id').loc[parent_id, 'all_children_structures_ids'].copy() if including_parents: for parent in parents_ids: map_children[parent].append(parent) return map_children
[docs] def get_dict_children_to_parents(self, parents_ids=None, including_parents=False): map_children = self.get_dict_parents_to_children(parents_ids=parents_ids, including_parents=including_parents).copy() map_parent = {} for parent in map_children: for child in map_children[parent].copy(): map_parent[child] = parent return map_parent
[docs] def get_map_to_parent(self, parent_ids): """ uses annotation graph to map all possible children structures to its parent in parent_ids """ return self.get_dict_children_to_parents(parent_ids, including_parents=True)
[docs] def get_children(self, structure_ids): if isinstance(structure_ids, int): structure_ids = [structure_ids] map_children = self.get_dict_parents_to_children(parents_ids=structure_ids, including_parents=False) children = [] for parent in map_children: children.extend(map_children[parent]) return children
[docs] def enrich_df(self, df): df = df.copy() df['name'] = df['id'].map(self.dict_id_to_name) df['acronym'] = df['id'].map(self.dict_id_to_acronym) return df
[docs] def label_points(self, points): #TODO Test me """ Parameters ---------- points: array representing coordinates (floats) of n points, shape (n_points, 3) Returns ------- array of structure ids, of shape (n_points,) """ xs, ys, zs = points.astype(int).T xmax, ymax, zmax = self.atlas.shape mask = (xs >= 0) & (xs < xmax) & (ys >= 0) & (ys < ymax) & (zs >= 0) & (zs < zmax) cell_labels = np.zeros_like(mask.astype(np.uint64)) cell_labels[mask] = self.atlas[xs[mask], ys[mask], zs[mask]] return cell_labels
def __str__(self): return f'Annotation({self.n_structures})[{self.max_level}]{{{self.label_file}}}' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
########################################################################################## # Handle singleton ##########################################################################################
[docs] def create_singleton(): global annotation, n_structures, get_dictionary, get_list, get_map, find, initialized annotation = Annotation() """Information on the annotated regions""" n_structures = annotation.n_structures # remove get_dictionary = annotation.get_dictionary # remove get_list = annotation.get_list # remove get_map = annotation.get_map # remove find = annotation.find # Find and replace initialized = False
if 'sphinx' in sys.modules.keys(): print('Imported for documentation, skipping annotation singleton creation') annotation = None else: create_singleton()
[docs] def initialize(label_file=None, extra_label=None, annotation_file=None): global initialized, annotation, n_structures, get_dictionary, get_list, get_map, find # FIXME: avoid global annotation = Annotation(label_file=label_file, extra_label=extra_label, annotation_file=annotation_file) n_structures = annotation.n_structures get_dictionary = annotation.get_dictionary get_list = annotation.get_list get_map = annotation.get_map find = annotation.find initialized = True
[docs] def set_annotation_file(annotation_file): initialize(annotation_file=annotation_file, label_file=annotation.label_file, extra_label=annotation.extra_label)
[docs] def set_label_file(label_file, extra_label=None): initialize(annotation_file=annotation.annotation_file, label_file=label_file, extra_label=extra_label)
############################################################################### # ## Labeling ############################################################################### # TODO:use parallel array processing and lut routines to speed up?
[docs] def label_points(points, annotation_file=None, invalid=0, key='order', level=None): # FIXME: document level """Label points according to the annotation in the labeled image file. Arguments --------- points : array Array of ndim point coordinates to be labeled. annotation_file : str File name of the atlas annotation. invalid : int Label for invalid points. key : str The key of the label, by default the order of the labels. level : int The level of the hierarchy to use. Returns ------- label : array Label of the points corresponding to the given key. """ # TODO consider refactoring using annotation.label_points n_points, n_spatial_dim = points.shape atlas = if atlas.dtype.kind == 'f': atlas = np.array(atlas, dtype=int) # Filter out of atlas coordinates points_int = np.asarray(points, dtype=int) valid = np.ones(n_points) for d in range(n_spatial_dim): in_dim_range = np.logical_and(points_int[:, d] >= 0, points_int[:, d] < atlas.shape[d]) valid = np.logical_and(valid, in_dim_range) indices = tuple([points_int[valid, d] for d in range(n_spatial_dim)]) label = np.full(n_points, invalid, dtype=int) label[valid] = atlas[indices] if key != 'id' or level is not None: label[valid] = convert_label(label[valid], key='id', value=key, level=level) return label
[docs] def convert_label(label, key='id', value='order', level=None, method=None): """ Convert label using the atlas annotation data. Arguments --------- label : array List of labels to convert. key : str The key corresponding to the label. #TODO list possible keys value : str The key to convert the label to. #TODO list possible values level : nt or None Convert at this level of the hierarchy. If None use full hierarchy. method : 'map' or 'dictionary' Convert labels using a mapping array or a dictionary. Depending on the keys either can be faster for large data sets. Returns ------- label : array List of converted labels. """ # TODO consider refactoring using instance attributes if value in ('rgb', 'rgba', 'RGB', 'RGBA'): alpha = value.lower().endswith('a') as_int = value[:3] == 'RGB' return annotation.label_to_color(label, key=key, alpha=alpha, as_int=as_int) return annotation.convert_label(label, key=key, value=value, level=level, method=method)
def __get_module_annotation_file(annotation_file): if annotation_file is None: if not initialized: raise ValueError('Cannot use this function without an annotation file if ' 'the module has not been initialized. ' 'Please call set_annotation_file first.') else: return annotation.annotation_file else: return annotation_file # FIXME: add use_default kwarg to signature to make explicit and make orientation necessary # FIXME: + replace defaults with currently computed
[docs] def prepare_annotation_files(slicing=None, orientation=None, directory=None, postfix=None, annotation_file=None, hemispheres_file=None, reference_file=None, distance_to_surface_file=None, hemispheres=False, overwrite=False, verbose=False): """ Crop the annotation, reference and distance files to match the data. Arguments --------- slicing : tuple or None The slice specification after reorienting. orientation : tuple, str or None. The orientation specification. Strings can be 'left' or 'right', for the two hemispheres. directory : str or None The target directory. If None, use ClearMap resources folder. postfix : str or None Use this postfix for the cropped annotation file. If None and automatic label is chosen. annotation_file : str or None The annotation file to use. hemispheres_file : str or None The hemispheres annotation file to use. "hemispheres" must be set to True reference_file : str or None The reference file to use. distance_to_surface_file : str or None The distance file to use. hemispheres : bool Whether to return the hemispheres annotation overwrite : bool If True, overwrite existing files. verbose : bool Whether to print verbose output. Returns ------- annotation_file : str The cropped annotation file. reference_file : str The cropped reference file. distance_to_surface_file : str The distance cropped file. """ if annotation_file is None: annotation_file = default_annotation_file if hemispheres_file is None: hemispheres_file = default_hemispheres_file if reference_file is None: reference_file = default_reference_file if distance_to_surface_file is None: distance_to_surface_file = default_distance_to_surface_file files = [annotation_file, reference_file, distance_to_surface_file] if hemispheres: files.insert(1, hemispheres_file) results = [] for f_path in files: if f_path is not None: fn = __format_annotation_filename(f_path, orientation=orientation, slicing=slicing, postfix=postfix, directory=directory) if verbose: print('Preparing: %r' % fn) if not overwrite and clearmap_io.is_file(fn): if verbose: print('Atlas file exists, skipping') results.append(fn) continue if not clearmap_io.is_file(f_path): raise ValueError(f'Cannot find annotation file: {f_path}') s = clearmap_io.as_source(f_path) if verbose: print('Preparing: from source %r' % s) data = np.array(s.array) if orientation is not None: # permute per = orientation_to_transposition(orientation) data = data.transpose(per) # reverse axes re_slice = False sl = [slice(None)] * data.ndim for d, o in enumerate(orientation): if o < 0: sl[d] = slice(None, None, -1) re_slice = True if re_slice: data = data[tuple(sl)] if slicing is not None: data = data[slicing] clearmap_io.write(fn, data) results.append(fn) else: results.append(None) return results
def __substitute_chars(s): chars_to_strip = ' ' chars_to_substitute = '(,)' # TODO: check if we add '[]' for c in chars_to_strip: s = s.replace(c, '') for c in chars_to_substitute: s = s.replace(c, '_') return s def __format_annotation_filename(filename, orientation=None, slicing=None, postfix=None, directory=None): """Formats the annotation filename given orientation and slicing.""" if postfix is None: orientation = format_orientation(orientation, default=(1, 2, 3)) x, y, z = orientation postfix = f'{x}_{y}_{z}_{slicing}' postfix = __substitute_chars(postfix) if postfix: base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) fn = base + f'_{postfix}{ext}' else: fn = filename if directory is not None: fn = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(filename)) return fn
[docs] def annotation_to_distance_file(annotation_file_path): brain_mask = ( > 0).astype(int) distance_array = distance_transform_edt(brain_mask) return distance_array
[docs] def convert_array(array, key='id', value='order'): if value =='color': return colorize(array, key) key_to_value = get_map(key=key, value=value) array = np.asarray(array, dtype=int) return key_to_value[array]
[docs] def colorize(array, key='id'): if key != 'order': array = convert_array(array, key=key, value='order') order_to_color = color_map()[...,:3] return order_to_color[array]
[docs] def color_map(alpha=True, as_int=False, int_type='uint8'): # FIXME: this is bordeline circular (atlas module and annotation) """ Generates a color map from color ids to rgb Arguments --------- alpha : bool If True return a color map with alpha values. Returns ------- color_map : array An array of rgb colors for each label. """ cm = annotation.colors_rgb return col.color(cm, alpha=alpha, as_int=as_int, int_type=int_type)
[docs] def get_names_map(): return dict(zip(annotation.ids, annotation.names))
############################################################################### # ## Tests ############################################################################### def _test1(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.Alignment.Annotation as ano from importlib import reload reload(ano) points = np.array([[162, 200, 138], [246, 486, 138], [246, 486, 138]]) label = ano.label_points(points) print(label) cnts = ano.count_points(points) print(cnts) cnts = ano.count_points(points, hierarchical=False) print(cnts) import ClearMap.IO.IO as io ano.write_color_annotation('test.tif') io.delete_file('test.tif') l = ano.find(247, key='id') print(l) print(l.level) ano.annotation.get_dictionary(key='id', value='acronym', with_parents=True, min_level=3, max_depth=3) def _test2(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.Alignment.Annotation as ano from importlib import reload reload(ano) assert annotation.df.shape == (1319, 5) assert annotation.dict_id_to_acronym[1] == "TMv" assert annotation.dict_name_to_id['Interpeduncular nucleus'] == 100 assert annotation.dict_id_to_name[1000] == 'extrapyramidal fiber systems' assert annotation.dict_acronym_to_id['MO'] == 500 assert annotation.dict_id_to_color[200] == '61E7B7' ### annotation_new contains last annotation atlas (2017) and last annotation graph (from Allen, October 2022 annotation_fpath = os.path.join(ClearMap.Settings.atlas_folder, "ABA_25um_2017_annotation.tif") label_fpath = os.path.join(ClearMap.Settings.atlas_folder, "ABA_annotation_last.json") annotation_new = Annotation(label_file=label_fpath, annotation_file=annotation_fpath) # assert annotation_new.df.shape == (1336, 5) # assert annotation_new.dict_id_to_acronym[1] == "TMv" # assert annotation_new.dict_name_to_id['Interpeduncular nucleus'] == 100 # assert annotation_new.dict_id_to_name[1000] == 'extrapyramidal fiber systems' # assert annotation_new.dict_acronym_to_id['MO'] == 500 # assert annotation_new.dict_id_to_color[200] == '61E7B7' # # assert annotation_new.children_df.shape == (1327, 9) # assert annotation_new.children_df.set_index('id').loc[100, 'structure_path'] == [997, 8, 343, 313, 348, 165, 100] # assert annotation_new.children_df.set_index('id').loc[997, 'direct_children_structures_ids'] == [8, 1009, 73, 1024, 304325711] # assert annotation_new.children_df.set_index('id').loc[65, 'all_children_structures_ids'] == [] # # assert annotation_new.get_dict_children_to_parents([1032]) == {1055: 1032, 1063: 1032, 1071: 1032, 1078: 1032} # assert annotation_new.get_dict_parents_to_children([1032]) == {1032: [1055, 1063, 1071, 1078]} # assert (annotation_new.enrich_df(pd.DataFrame([{"id": 1111}])).equals( # pd.DataFrame([{'id': 1111, 'name': 'Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 5', # 'acronym': 'SSp-tr5'}])))