# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to handle label and annotation info from Allen Brain Atlas (v2).
- The files containing annotation information is assumed to be in the path
stored in :const:`atlas_path`, which defaults to the resource path
- The annotation file is assumed to be 'annotation_25_full.nrrd'
but can be set via :const:`default_annotation_file`.
- The mapping between labels and brain area information is assumed to be in
the 'annotation.json' file but the location can be set
via :const:`default_label_file`.
- `Allen Brain Atlas <https://mouse.brain-map.org/static/atlas>`_
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <christoph.kirst.ck@gmail.com>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = 'https://idisco.info'
__download__ = 'https://www.github.com/ChristophKirst/ClearMap2'
# TODO: inherit Label from dict
# TODO: integrate with atlas meshes / plotting / transforming data / region selection
import os
import sys
import collections
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt
import ClearMap.Settings
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
import ClearMap.IO.IO as clearmap_io
import ClearMap.IO.FileUtils as fu
from ClearMap.Alignment.Resampling import orientation_to_transposition, format_orientation
import ClearMap.Utils.HierarchicalDict as hdict
from ClearMap.Alignment.utils import create_label_table
from ClearMap.Visualization import Color as col
# ## Atlas Structures
def decompress_atlases(atlas_base_name):
paths = []
atlas_component_names = ('annotation', 'hemispheres', 'reference', 'distance_to_surface')
for atlas_type in atlas_component_names:
f_path = os.path.join(settings.atlas_folder, f'{atlas_base_name}_{atlas_type}.tif')
fu.uncompress(f_path, extension='auto')
return paths
atlas_base_name = 'ABA_25um' # FIXME: change if different atlas
default_annotation_file, default_hemispheres_file,\
default_reference_file, default_distance_to_surface_file = decompress_atlases(atlas_base_name)
This file is by default the Allen brain annotated mouse atlas with 25um
isotropic resolution.
Includes the
- Default volumetric annotated image file.
- Default hemispheres annotated image file
- Default reference (grayscale) image file
- Corresponding distance to surface file
default_label_file = os.path.join(settings.atlas_folder, 'ABA_annotation.json')
"""Default list of labels and region names in the annotated image.
This file is by default the labels for the Allen brain annotated mouse
atlas with 25um isotropic resolution.
default_extra_label = [
(182305696, 453, 'No label', 'NoL'),
(182305712, 453, 'No label', 'NoL'),
(312782560, 315, 'No label', 'NoL'),
(312782592, 453, 'No label', 'NoL'),
(312782656, 315, 'No label', 'NoL'),
(526157184, 993, 'No label', 'NoL'),
(526322272, 500, 'No label', 'NoL'),
(527696992, 315, 'No label', 'NoL')
"""Additional label not in the Allen Brain Atlas label but in the atlas image.
This is required for the older version of the Allen Brain Atlas. There
are no more labels missing in the current version (2017+ with 2022+ json file).
The form is a list of tuples, each tuple has the form
(atlas id, parent id, name, acronym).
class Label(object):
"""Class holding information of an individual Atlas label."""
def __init__(self, data, children=None, parent=None, level=0):
self.data = data
self.children = children
self.parent = parent
self.data['level'] = level
def name(self):
return self.data['name']
def id(self):
return self.data['id']
def level(self):
return self.data['level']
def order(self):
return self.data['order']
def color(self, *args, **kwargs):
return col.color(self.data['rgb'], **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.data[key] = value
def parent_list(self, max_depth=None, min_level=None):
if max_depth is None:
max_depth = self.level + 1
if min_level is None:
min_level = 1
if max_depth > 0 and self.level > min_level and self.parent is not None:
return [self] + self.parent.parent_list(max_depth=max_depth-1, min_level=min_level)
return []
def write(self, with_children=True, indent=None):
return self.__str__(indent=indent, with_children=with_children)
def info(self, with_children=True, indent=None):
print(self.write(indent=indent, with_children=with_children))
def __str__(self, indent=None, with_children=False):
indent = indent or ''
s = ''
if with_children and isinstance(self.children, list):
for c in self.children:
s += '\n' + c.__str__(indent=indent + ' ')
h = f'{indent}{self.name}\n{indent}{"=" * len(self.name)}\n'
s = h + hdict.write(self.data, head=indent[:-1]) + '\n' + s
return s
def __repr__(self, indent=None, with_children=False):
return self.__str__(indent=indent, with_children=False)
class Annotation(object):
"""Class that holds information of the annotated regions."""
def __init__(self, label_file=None, extra_label=None, annotation_file=None): # FIXME: add warning if None
label_file : str
File with label information in json format.
self.root = None
self.structures = None
self.ids = None
self.names = None
self.labels = None
self.acronyms = None
self.colors_rgb = None
self.colors_hex = None
self.df = None
self.extra_label = None
self.annotation_file = None
self.label_file = None
self.dict_id_to_acronym = {}
self.dict_id_to_name = {}
self.dict_id_to_color = {}
# self.dict_id_to_path = {}
self.dict_acronym_to_id = {}
self.dict_name_to_id = {}
self.initialize(label_file=label_file, extra_label=extra_label, annotation_file=annotation_file)
def _initialize_dataframe(self):
df = pd.DataFrame({
"id": self.ids,
"name": self.names,
"acronym": self.acronyms,
"colors_hex": self.colors_hex,
#"colors_rgb": self.colors_rgb,
df["colors_rgb"] = df["colors_hex"].map(lambda x: col.hex_to_rgb(x))
return df
def get_dict(self, from_='id', to='acronym'):
return dict(zip(self.df[from_], self.df[to]))
def ids_to_acronyms(self, ids):
return [self.dict_id_to_acronym[id_] for id_ in ids]
def ids_to_names(self, ids):
return [self.dict_id_to_name[id_] for id_ in ids]
def get_colors_rgba(self, alpha=1):
return self.df["colors_hex"].map(lambda x: col.hex_to_rgb(x, alpha=alpha))
def initialize(self, label_file=None, extra_label=None, annotation_file=None):
# read json file
if label_file is None:
label_file = default_label_file
if annotation_file is None:
annotation_file = default_annotation_file
if extra_label is None:
extra_label = default_extra_label
if extra_label in ['None', '', False]: # add nodes for missing labels
extra_label = []
self.label_file = label_file
self.annotation_file = annotation_file
self.extra_label = extra_label
# initialize label tree
with open(label_file, 'r') as file_in:
aba = json.load(file_in)
root = aba['msg'][0]
self.root = self.initialize_tree(root)
# maxgraph = max(self.get_list('graph_order'))
for a in extra_label:
i, p, n, l = a
node = self.find(p, key='id')
data = node.data.copy()
data['id'] = i
data['name'] = n
data['acronym'] = l
data['parent_structure_id'] = p
data['graph_order'] = -1
data['atlas_id'] = -1
node.children.append(Label(data, parent=node, children=[], level=node.level+1))
# initialize generic id
self.add_data('order', range(self.n_structures))
# initialize color label
self.colors_hex = self.get_list('color_hex_triplet')
self.colors_rgb = np.array([col.hex_to_rgb(c) for c in self.colors_hex])
self.add_data('rgb', self.colors_rgb)
self.add_data('color_order', range(self.n_structures))
# initialize lookup tables
self.structures = self.get_list(None)
self.ids = self.get_list('id')
self.labels = self.get_list('atlas_id')
self.names = self.get_list('name')
self.acronyms = self.get_list('acronym')
# build dataframe
self.df = self._initialize_dataframe()
# build dictionaries
self.dict_id_to_acronym = self.get_dict(from_='id', to='acronym')
self.dict_id_to_name = self.get_dict(from_='id', to='name')
self.dict_id_to_color = self.get_dict(from_='id', to='colors_hex')
# self.dict_id_to_path = self.get_dict(from_='id', to='structure_acronym_path') #TODO to be implemented
self.dict_acronym_to_id = self.get_dict(from_='acronym', to='id')
self.dict_name_to_id = self.get_dict(from_='name', to='id')
# import atlas
self.atlas = clearmap_io.read(self.annotation_file).astype(int)
self.children_df = create_label_table(self.label_file, save=False, from_cached=True)
def initialize_tree(self, root, parent=None, level=0):
label = Label({k: v for k, v in root.items() if k != "children"}, parent=parent, level=level)
label.children = [self.initialize_tree(c, parent=label, level=level + 1) for c in root['children']]
return label
def get_list(self, key=None, node=None, level=None):
if node is None:
node = self.root
l = []
if level is not None:
n = node
while n.level > level:
n = n.parent
n = node
if key is not None:
for c in node.children:
l.extend(self.get_list(node=c, key=key, level=level))
return l
def n_structures(self):
return len(self.get_list())
def max_level(self):
return np.max(self.get_list('level'))
def get_hierarchical_dictionary(self, node=None):
if node is None:
node = self.root
d = node.data
d['children'] = [self.get_hierarchical_dictionary(node=n) for n in node.children]
return d
def get_dictionary(self, key, value, node=None, level=None, ordered=False,
with_parents=False, max_depth=None, min_level=None):
if node is None:
node = self.root
keys = self.get_list(key=key, node=node, level=None)
values = self.get_list(key=value, node=node, level=level)
if ordered:
dictionary = collections.OrderedDict()
dictionary = dict()
for k, v in zip(keys, values):
dictionary[k] = v
if with_parents:
for k,v in dictionary.items():
node = self.find(k, key=key)
parent_list = node.parent_list(max_depth=max_depth, min_level=min_level)
dictionary[k] = tuple(node[value] for node in parent_list)
return dictionary
def get_map(self, key, value, node=None, level=None):
d = self.get_dictionary(key=key, value=value, node=node, level=level)
n = max(d.keys())
m = np.zeros(n+1, dtype=int)
m[list(d.keys())] = list(d.values())
return m
def add_data(self, name, data):
nodes = self.get_list()
for n, d in zip(nodes, data):
n.data[name] = d
def convert_label(self, label, key='order', value='graph_order', node=None, level=None, method='map'):
if key in ('acronym', 'name', 'color_hex_triplet'): # string keys
method = 'dictionary'
if method in ['map']:
m = self.get_map(key=key, value=value, node=node, level=level)
return m[label]
d = self.get_dictionary(key=key, value=value, node=node, level=level)
return np.vectorize(d.__getitem__, otypes=[type(list(d.values())[0])])(label)
def label_to_color(self, label, key='order', level=None, alpha=True, as_int=False, int_type='uint8'):
cm = self.colors_rgb
cm = col.color(cm, alpha=alpha, as_int=as_int, int_type=int_type)
if key != 'order' or level is not None:
label = self.convert_label(label, key=key, value='order', level=level)
return cm[label]
def find(self, label, key='id', value=None, node=None, level=None):
d = self.get_dictionary(key=key, value=value, node=node, level=level)
if isinstance(label, list): # FIXME: iterable
return [d[l] for l in label]
return d[label]
def parents(self, label, key='id', value=None):
d = self.get_dictionary(key=key, value=None, node=None, level=None)
p = d[label]
l = [p]
while p.level > 0:
p = p.parent
if value is None:
return l
return [ll[value] for ll in l]
def common_parent(self, label, key='id', value=None):
parents = [self.parents(l, key=key, value=key) for l in label]
n = min([len(p) for p in parents])
p0 = parents[0]
level = -1
while -level-1 < n and np.all([p[level] == p0[level] for p in parents]):
level -= 1
return self.find(p0[level+1], key=key, value=value)
def map_volume(self):
uniques, counts = np.unique(self.atlas, return_counts=True)
return dict(zip(uniques, counts))
def get_lateralised_volume_map(self, atlas_scale, hemispheres_file_path):
hemispheres_atlas = clearmap_io.read(hemispheres_file_path)
scale = np.prod(atlas_scale)
hem_ids = sorted(np.unique(hemispheres_atlas))
volumes = {}
for hem_id in hem_ids:
unique_ids, counts = np.unique(self.atlas[hemispheres_atlas == hem_id], return_counts=True)
for id_, count in zip(unique_ids, counts):
volumes[(id_, hem_id)] = count * scale
return volumes
def get_dict_parents_to_children(self, parents_ids=None, including_parents=False):
map_children = {}
for parent_id in parents_ids:
map_children[parent_id] = self.children_df.set_index('id').loc[parent_id, 'all_children_structures_ids'].copy()
if including_parents:
for parent in parents_ids:
return map_children
def get_dict_children_to_parents(self, parents_ids=None, including_parents=False):
map_children = self.get_dict_parents_to_children(parents_ids=parents_ids, including_parents=including_parents).copy()
map_parent = {}
for parent in map_children:
for child in map_children[parent].copy():
map_parent[child] = parent
return map_parent
def get_map_to_parent(self, parent_ids):
uses annotation graph to map all possible children structures to its parent in parent_ids
return self.get_dict_children_to_parents(parent_ids, including_parents=True)
def get_children(self, structure_ids):
if isinstance(structure_ids, int):
structure_ids = [structure_ids]
map_children = self.get_dict_parents_to_children(parents_ids=structure_ids, including_parents=False)
children = []
for parent in map_children:
return children
def enrich_df(self, df):
df = df.copy()
df['name'] = df['id'].map(self.dict_id_to_name)
df['acronym'] = df['id'].map(self.dict_id_to_acronym)
return df
def label_points(self, points): #TODO Test me
points: array representing coordinates (floats) of n points, shape (n_points, 3)
array of structure ids, of shape (n_points,)
xs, ys, zs = points.astype(int).T
xmax, ymax, zmax = self.atlas.shape
mask = (xs >= 0) & (xs < xmax) & (ys >= 0) & (ys < ymax) & (zs >= 0) & (zs < zmax)
cell_labels = np.zeros_like(mask.astype(np.uint64))
cell_labels[mask] = self.atlas[xs[mask], ys[mask], zs[mask]]
return cell_labels
def __str__(self):
return f'Annotation({self.n_structures})[{self.max_level}]{{{self.label_file}}}'
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
# Handle singleton
def create_singleton():
global annotation, n_structures, get_dictionary, get_list, get_map, find, initialized
annotation = Annotation()
"""Information on the annotated regions"""
n_structures = annotation.n_structures # remove
get_dictionary = annotation.get_dictionary # remove
get_list = annotation.get_list # remove
get_map = annotation.get_map # remove
find = annotation.find # Find and replace
initialized = False
if 'sphinx' in sys.modules.keys():
print('Imported for documentation, skipping annotation singleton creation')
annotation = None
def initialize(label_file=None, extra_label=None, annotation_file=None):
global initialized, annotation, n_structures, get_dictionary, get_list, get_map, find # FIXME: avoid global
annotation = Annotation(label_file=label_file, extra_label=extra_label, annotation_file=annotation_file)
n_structures = annotation.n_structures
get_dictionary = annotation.get_dictionary
get_list = annotation.get_list
get_map = annotation.get_map
find = annotation.find
initialized = True
def set_annotation_file(annotation_file):
initialize(annotation_file=annotation_file, label_file=annotation.label_file, extra_label=annotation.extra_label)
def set_label_file(label_file, extra_label=None):
initialize(annotation_file=annotation.annotation_file, label_file=label_file, extra_label=extra_label)
# ## Labeling
# TODO:use parallel array processing and lut routines to speed up?
def label_points(points, annotation_file=None, invalid=0, key='order', level=None): # FIXME: document level
"""Label points according to the annotation in the labeled image file.
points : array
Array of ndim point coordinates to be labeled.
annotation_file : str
File name of the atlas annotation.
invalid : int
Label for invalid points.
key : str
The key of the label, by default the order of the labels.
level : int
The level of the hierarchy to use.
label : array
Label of the points corresponding to the given key.
# TODO consider refactoring using annotation.label_points
n_points, n_spatial_dim = points.shape
atlas = clearmap_io.read(__get_module_annotation_file(annotation_file))
if atlas.dtype.kind == 'f':
atlas = np.array(atlas, dtype=int)
# Filter out of atlas coordinates
points_int = np.asarray(points, dtype=int)
valid = np.ones(n_points)
for d in range(n_spatial_dim):
in_dim_range = np.logical_and(points_int[:, d] >= 0, points_int[:, d] < atlas.shape[d])
valid = np.logical_and(valid, in_dim_range)
indices = tuple([points_int[valid, d] for d in range(n_spatial_dim)])
label = np.full(n_points, invalid, dtype=int)
label[valid] = atlas[indices]
if key != 'id' or level is not None:
label[valid] = convert_label(label[valid], key='id', value=key, level=level)
return label
def convert_label(label, key='id', value='order', level=None, method=None):
Convert label using the atlas annotation data.
label : array
List of labels to convert.
key : str
The key corresponding to the label. #TODO list possible keys
value : str
The key to convert the label to. #TODO list possible values
level : nt or None
Convert at this level of the hierarchy. If None use full hierarchy.
method : 'map' or 'dictionary'
Convert labels using a mapping array or a dictionary. Depending on the keys
either can be faster for large data sets.
label : array
List of converted labels.
# TODO consider refactoring using instance attributes
if value in ('rgb', 'rgba', 'RGB', 'RGBA'):
alpha = value.lower().endswith('a')
as_int = value[:3] == 'RGB'
return annotation.label_to_color(label, key=key, alpha=alpha, as_int=as_int)
return annotation.convert_label(label, key=key, value=value, level=level, method=method)
def __get_module_annotation_file(annotation_file):
if annotation_file is None:
if not initialized:
raise ValueError('Cannot use this function without an annotation file if '
'the module has not been initialized. '
'Please call set_annotation_file first.')
return annotation.annotation_file
return annotation_file
# FIXME: add use_default kwarg to signature to make explicit and make orientation necessary
# FIXME: + replace defaults with currently computed
def prepare_annotation_files(slicing=None, orientation=None, directory=None, postfix=None, annotation_file=None,
hemispheres_file=None, reference_file=None, distance_to_surface_file=None,
hemispheres=False, overwrite=False, verbose=False):
Crop the annotation, reference and distance files to match the data.
slicing : tuple or None
The slice specification after reorienting.
orientation : tuple, str or None.
The orientation specification. Strings can be 'left' or 'right', for the
two hemispheres.
directory : str or None
The target directory. If None, use ClearMap resources folder.
postfix : str or None
Use this postfix for the cropped annotation file. If None and automatic
label is chosen.
annotation_file : str or None
The annotation file to use.
hemispheres_file : str or None
The hemispheres annotation file to use. "hemispheres" must be set to True
reference_file : str or None
The reference file to use.
distance_to_surface_file : str or None
The distance file to use.
hemispheres : bool
Whether to return the hemispheres annotation
overwrite : bool
If True, overwrite existing files.
verbose : bool
Whether to print verbose output.
annotation_file : str
The cropped annotation file.
reference_file : str
The cropped reference file.
distance_to_surface_file : str
The distance cropped file.
if annotation_file is None:
annotation_file = default_annotation_file
if hemispheres_file is None:
hemispheres_file = default_hemispheres_file
if reference_file is None:
reference_file = default_reference_file
if distance_to_surface_file is None:
distance_to_surface_file = default_distance_to_surface_file
files = [annotation_file, reference_file, distance_to_surface_file]
if hemispheres:
files.insert(1, hemispheres_file)
results = []
for f_path in files:
if f_path is not None:
fn = __format_annotation_filename(f_path, orientation=orientation, slicing=slicing, postfix=postfix, directory=directory)
if verbose:
print('Preparing: %r' % fn)
if not overwrite and clearmap_io.is_file(fn):
if verbose:
print('Atlas file exists, skipping')
if not clearmap_io.is_file(f_path):
raise ValueError(f'Cannot find annotation file: {f_path}')
s = clearmap_io.as_source(f_path)
if verbose:
print('Preparing: from source %r' % s)
data = np.array(s.array)
if orientation is not None:
# permute
per = orientation_to_transposition(orientation)
data = data.transpose(per)
# reverse axes
re_slice = False
sl = [slice(None)] * data.ndim
for d, o in enumerate(orientation):
if o < 0:
sl[d] = slice(None, None, -1)
re_slice = True
if re_slice:
data = data[tuple(sl)]
if slicing is not None:
data = data[slicing]
clearmap_io.write(fn, data)
return results
def __substitute_chars(s):
chars_to_strip = ' '
chars_to_substitute = '(,)' # TODO: check if we add '[]'
for c in chars_to_strip:
s = s.replace(c, '')
for c in chars_to_substitute:
s = s.replace(c, '_')
return s
def __format_annotation_filename(filename, orientation=None, slicing=None, postfix=None, directory=None):
"""Formats the annotation filename given orientation and slicing."""
if postfix is None:
orientation = format_orientation(orientation, default=(1, 2, 3))
x, y, z = orientation
postfix = f'{x}_{y}_{z}_{slicing}'
postfix = __substitute_chars(postfix)
if postfix:
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
fn = base + f'_{postfix}{ext}'
fn = filename
if directory is not None:
fn = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(filename))
return fn
def annotation_to_distance_file(annotation_file_path):
brain_mask = (clearmap_io.read(annotation_file_path) > 0).astype(int)
distance_array = distance_transform_edt(brain_mask)
return distance_array
def convert_array(array, key='id', value='order'):
if value =='color':
return colorize(array, key)
key_to_value = get_map(key=key, value=value)
array = np.asarray(array, dtype=int)
return key_to_value[array]
def colorize(array, key='id'):
if key != 'order':
array = convert_array(array, key=key, value='order')
order_to_color = color_map()[...,:3]
return order_to_color[array]
def color_map(alpha=True, as_int=False, int_type='uint8'): # FIXME: this is bordeline circular (atlas module and annotation)
Generates a color map from color ids to rgb
alpha : bool
If True return a color map with alpha values.
color_map : array
An array of rgb colors for each label.
cm = annotation.colors_rgb
return col.color(cm, alpha=alpha, as_int=as_int, int_type=int_type)
def get_names_map():
return dict(zip(annotation.ids, annotation.names))
# ## Tests
def _test1():
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.Alignment.Annotation as ano
from importlib import reload
points = np.array([[162, 200, 138], [246, 486, 138], [246, 486, 138]])
label = ano.label_points(points)
cnts = ano.count_points(points)
cnts = ano.count_points(points, hierarchical=False)
import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
l = ano.find(247, key='id')
ano.annotation.get_dictionary(key='id', value='acronym', with_parents=True, min_level=3, max_depth=3)
def _test2():
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.Alignment.Annotation as ano
from importlib import reload
assert annotation.df.shape == (1319, 5)
assert annotation.dict_id_to_acronym[1] == "TMv"
assert annotation.dict_name_to_id['Interpeduncular nucleus'] == 100
assert annotation.dict_id_to_name[1000] == 'extrapyramidal fiber systems'
assert annotation.dict_acronym_to_id['MO'] == 500
assert annotation.dict_id_to_color[200] == '61E7B7'
### annotation_new contains last annotation atlas (2017) and last annotation graph (from Allen, October 2022
annotation_fpath = os.path.join(ClearMap.Settings.atlas_folder, "ABA_25um_2017_annotation.tif")
label_fpath = os.path.join(ClearMap.Settings.atlas_folder, "ABA_annotation_last.json")
annotation_new = Annotation(label_file=label_fpath, annotation_file=annotation_fpath)
# assert annotation_new.df.shape == (1336, 5)
# assert annotation_new.dict_id_to_acronym[1] == "TMv"
# assert annotation_new.dict_name_to_id['Interpeduncular nucleus'] == 100
# assert annotation_new.dict_id_to_name[1000] == 'extrapyramidal fiber systems'
# assert annotation_new.dict_acronym_to_id['MO'] == 500
# assert annotation_new.dict_id_to_color[200] == '61E7B7'
# assert annotation_new.children_df.shape == (1327, 9)
# assert annotation_new.children_df.set_index('id').loc[100, 'structure_path'] == [997, 8, 343, 313, 348, 165, 100]
# assert annotation_new.children_df.set_index('id').loc[997, 'direct_children_structures_ids'] == [8, 1009, 73, 1024, 304325711]
# assert annotation_new.children_df.set_index('id').loc[65, 'all_children_structures_ids'] == []
# assert annotation_new.get_dict_children_to_parents([1032]) == {1055: 1032, 1063: 1032, 1071: 1032, 1078: 1032}
# assert annotation_new.get_dict_parents_to_children([1032]) == {1032: [1055, 1063, 1071, 1078]}
# assert (annotation_new.enrich_df(pd.DataFrame([{"id": 1111}])).equals(
# pd.DataFrame([{'id': 1111, 'name': 'Primary somatosensory area, trunk, layer 5',
# 'acronym': 'SSp-tr5'}])))