Source code for ClearMap.Alignment.Resampling

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module provides methods to resample and reorient data. 

Resampling the data is usually necessary as the first step to match the 
resolution and orientation of the reference object.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2023 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = ''
__download__ = ''

import os
import tempfile
import itertools
import functools as ft
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

import numpy as np

import cv2

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import ClearMap.IO.FileList as fl

import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.ProcessWriter as pw
import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.ParallelTraceback as ptb

import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr
from ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression import Expression

from .Transformations.Transformation import TransformationBase
from ClearMap.Alignment.orientation import (format_orientation, orientation_to_transposition, orient_resolution,
                                            orient_shape, orient, orient_points)
from ClearMap.Utils.utilities import handle_deprecated_args

[docs] def resample_shape_from_resolution(original_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, orientation=None, discretize=True): """Calculate the resampled shape given resolution information. Arguments --------- original_shape : tuple Shape of the data array to be resampled. original_resolution : tuple Resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple Resolution of the resampled data array. orientation : tuple Orientation specifications. discretize : bool If True, return next largest integer values. Returns ------- resampled_shape : tuple or None The shape of the resampled data array. """ # orient onto resampled array original_shape_oriented = orient_shape(original_shape, orientation) original_resolution_oriented = orient_resolution(original_resolution, orientation) # shape resampled_shape = tuple(float(s) * float(r) / float(rr) for s, r, rr in zip(original_shape_oriented, original_resolution_oriented, resampled_resolution)) if discretize: resampled_shape = tuple(int(np.ceil(s)) for s in resampled_shape) return resampled_shape
[docs] def original_shape_from_resolution(resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, orientation=None, discretize=True): """Calculate the original shape given resolution information. Arguments --------- resampled_shape : tuple Shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple Resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple Resolution of the resampled data array. orientation : tuple Orientation specifications. discretize : bool If True, return next largest integer values. Returns ------- resampled_shape : tuple or None The shape of the resampled data array. """ # orient onto original array resampled_shape_oriented = orient_shape(resampled_shape, orientation, inverse=True) resampled_resolution_oriented = orient_resolution(resampled_resolution, orientation, inverse=True) # shape original_shape = tuple(float(rs) * float(rr) / float(r) for r, rs, rr in zip(original_resolution, resampled_shape_oriented, resampled_resolution_oriented)) if discretize: original_shape = tuple(int(np.ceil(s)) for s in original_shape) return original_shape
[docs] def resample_resolution_from_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, orientation=None): """Calculate the resampled resolution given shape information. Arguments --------- original_shape : tuple Shape of the data array to be resampled. resampled_shape : tuple Resolution of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple Resolution of the data array to be resampled. orientation : tuple Orientation specifications. Returns ------- resampled_resolution : tuple or None The resolution of the resampled data array. """ # orient onto resampled array original_shape_oriented = orient_shape(original_shape, orientation) original_resolution_oriented = orient_resolution(original_resolution, orientation) resampled_resolution = tuple(float(s) * float(r) / float(rs) for s, r, rs in zip(original_shape_oriented, original_resolution_oriented, resampled_shape)) return resampled_resolution
[docs] def original_resolution_from_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, resampled_resolution, orientation=None): """Calculate the original resolution given shape information. Arguments --------- original_shape : tuple Shape of the data array to be resampled. resampled_shape : tuple Resolution of the resampled data array. resampled_resolution : tuple Resolution of the resampled data array. orientation : tuple Orientation specifications. Returns ------- resampled_resolution : tuple or None The resolution of the resampled data array. """ # orient onto resampled array resampled_shape_oriented = orient_shape(resampled_shape, orientation, inverse=True) resampled_resolution_oriented = orient_resolution(resampled_resolution, orientation, inverse=True) original_resolution = tuple(float(rs) * float(rr) / float(s) for s, rs, rr in zip(original_shape, resampled_shape_oriented, resampled_resolution_oriented)) return original_resolution
[docs] def resample_information(original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, original=None, resampled=None, orientation=None, discretize=True, consistent=True): """Convert resampling information to standard form. This function takes in various optional parameters related to the original and resampled data, and returns a tuple containing the original shape, resampled shape, original resolution, resampled resolution, and orientation in a standard format. Arguments --------- original_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the data array to be resampled. resampled_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the resampled data array. original : str, array or None Optional source to be resampled used to determine missing resampling information. resampled: str, array or None Optional source of the resampled data used to determine missing resampling information. orientation : tuple Orientation as specified. discretize : bool If True and sufficient shape information is given, discretize the shapes. consistent: If True, recalculate resolutions to match the discrete shapes. Returns ------- original_shape : tuple or None Value of the shape of the data array to be resampled resampled_shape : tuple or None Value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Value of the resolution of the resampled data array. orientation : tuple Orientation in standard formatting. See also -------- resample : Function that performs the actual resampling based on the information provided. """ orientation = format_orientation(orientation) # shapes form sources if original_shape is None and original is not None: original_shape = io.shape(original) if resampled_shape is None: try: resampled_shape = io.shape(resampled) except FileNotFoundError: pass # ndim for var in [original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution]: if var is not None: ndim = len(var) break else: raise ValueError('The resampling information is not sufficient!') # resolutions if original_shape is None and original_resolution is None: original_resolution = (1,) * ndim if resampled_shape is None and resampled_resolution is None: resampled_resolution = (1,) * ndim if original_resolution is None and resampled_resolution is None: original_resolution = (1,) * ndim # auto complete (if one piece of information is missing) if all_not_none([original_shape, original_resolution, resampled_shape]) and resampled_resolution is None: resampled_resolution = resample_resolution_from_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, orientation) if all_not_none([original_shape, original_resolution, resampled_shape, resampled_resolution]): resampled_shape = resample_shape_from_resolution(original_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, orientation, discretize) if discretize and consistent: resampled_resolution = resample_resolution_from_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, orientation) if original_shape is not None and original_resolution is None \ and resampled_shape is not None and resampled_resolution is not None: original_resolution = original_resolution_from_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, resampled_resolution, orientation) if original_shape is None and all_not_none([original_resolution, resampled_shape, resampled_resolution]): original_shape = original_shape_from_resolution(resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, orientation, discretize) if discretize and consistent: original_resolution = original_resolution_from_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, resampled_resolution, orientation) return original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, orientation
[docs] def all_not_none(*args): return all([a is not None for a in args])
[docs] def resample_shape(original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, original=None, resampled=None, orientation=None, consistent=True): """Calculate the resampled shape. Arguments --------- original_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the data array to be resampled. resampled_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the resampled data array. original : str, array or None Optional source to be resampled used to determine missing resampling information. resampled: str, array or None Optional source of the resampled data used to determine missing resampling information. orientation : tuple Orientation as specified. consistent: If True, recalculate resolutions to match the discrete shapes. Returns ------- original_shape : tuple or None Value of the shape of the data array to be resampled resampled_shape : tuple or None Value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Value of the resolution of the resampled data array. See also -------- resample: For more details. :mod:`ClearMap.Alignment.orientation` """ if original_shape is None and resampled_shape is None: raise RuntimeError('Either the original or resampled shape must be defined to determine all shapes!') original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, orientation = \ resample_information(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, discretize=True, consistent=consistent) return original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution
[docs] def resample_resolution(original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, original=None, resampled=None, orientation=None, discretize=True, consistent=True): """Calculate resolutions for original and resampled data. Arguments --------- original_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the data array to be resampled. resampled_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the resampled data array. original : str, array or None Optional source to be resampled used to determine missing resampling information. resampled: str, array or None Optional source of the resampled data used to determine missing resampling information. orientation : tuple Orientation as specified. discretize : bool If True and sufficient shape information is given, discretize the shapes. consistent: If True, recalculate resolutions to match the discrete shapes. Returns ------- original_resolution : tuple or None Value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Value of the resolution of the resampled data array. See also -------- resample : For more details. :mod:`ClearMap.Alignment.orientation` """ original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, orientation = \ resample_information(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, discretize=discretize, consistent=consistent) if original_resolution is None or resampled_resolution is None: raise ValueError('Cant determine original or resmapled resolutions from the resampling specifications.') return original_resolution, resampled_resolution
# Usage
[docs] @handle_deprecated_args({ 'source': 'original', 'sink': 'resampled', 'source_shape': 'original_shape', 'sink_shape': 'resampled_shape', 'source_resolution': 'original_resolution', 'sink_resolution': 'resampled_resolution' }) def resample_factor(original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, original=None, resampled=None, orientation=None, discretize=True, consistent=True): """Calculate scaling factors for the resampling. Arguments --------- original_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the data array to be resampled. resampled_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the resampled data array. original : str, array or None Optional source to be resampled used to determine missing resampling information. resampled: str, array or None Optional source of the resampled data used to determine missing resampling information. orientation : tuple Orientation as specified. discretize : bool If True and sufficient shape information is given, discretize the shapes. consistent: If True, recalculate resolutions to match the discrete shapes. .. deprecated:: 2.1.0 The following arguments are deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.0: - source (now original) - sink (now resampled) - source_shape (now original_shape) - sink_shape (now resampled_shape) - source_resolution (now original_resolution) - sink_resolution (now resampled_resolution) Returns ------- original_resolution : tuple or None Value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Value of the resolution of the resampled data array. See also -------- resample : For more details. :mod:`ClearMap.Alignment.orientation` """ original_resolution, resampled_resolution = \ resample_resolution(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, discretize=discretize, consistent=consistent) resampled_resolution_in_source_orientation = orient_resolution(resampled_resolution, orientation, inverse=True) factor = tuple(float(r) / float(rr) for r, rr in zip(original_resolution, resampled_resolution_in_source_orientation)) return factor
######################################################################################## # Resample ########################################################################################
[docs] @handle_deprecated_args({ 'source': 'original', 'sink': 'resampled', 'source_shape': 'original_shape', 'sink_shape': 'resampled_shape', 'source_resolution': 'original_resolution', 'sink_resolution': 'resampled_resolution' }) def resample(original, resampled=None, original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, orientation=None, interpolation='linear', axes_order=None, method='shared', processes=None, workspace=None, verbose=True): """Resample data of source in new shape/resolution and orientation. Arguments --------- original : str, array or None Data array source to be resampled. resampled: str, array or None Optional sink for the resampled data. original_shape : tuple or None Optional value for the shape of the data array to be resampled. Determined by the shape of the original source by default. resampled_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the resampled data array. orientation : tuple or None Orientation specification. interpolation : str Interpolation method to use. Available methods are 'linear', 'nearest', 'area'. axes_order : list of tuples of int or None The axes pairs along which to resample the data at each step. If None, this is determined automatically. For a FileList source, setting the first tuple should point to axis not indicating files. If 'size' the axis order is determined automatically to maximally reduce the size of the array in each resampling step. If 'order' the axis order is chosen automatically to optimize io speed. method : 'shared' or 'memmap' Method to handle intermediate resampling results. If 'shared' use shared memory, otherwise use a memory map on disk. processes : int, None or 'serial' Number of processes to use for parallel resampling, if None use maximal processes available, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool If True, display progress information. .. deprecated:: 2.1.0 The following arguments are deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.0: - source (now original) - sink (now resampled) - source_shape (now original_shape) - sink_shape (now resampled_shape) - source_resolution (now original_resolution) - sink_resolution (now resampled_resolution) Returns ------- resampled : array or str The data or filename of resampled sink. Notes ----- * Resolutions are assumed to be given for the axes of the intrinsic orientation of the data and reference (as when viewed by ImageJ). * Orientation: permutation of 1,2,3 with potential sign, indicating which axes map onto the reference axes, a negative sign indicates reversal of that particular axes. * Only a minimal set of information to determine the resampling parameter has to be given, e.g. original_shape or the original source and resampled_shape. * The resampling is done by iterating two-dimensional resampling steps. """ # TODO: write full nd resampling routine extending cv2 lib. if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer() if os.path.splitext(original)[1] == '.tif': # Resampling is much faster from .npy files exp = Expression(original) for tag in exp.tags: exp = Expression(exp.pattern[0].replace(str(tag), '')) new_path = exp.pattern[0] + '.npy' io.convert(original, new_path) original = new_path else: new_path = None original = io.as_source(original) dtype = original.dtype order = original.order if original_shape is not None and original_shape != original.shape: original_resolution, resampled_resolution = resample_resolution(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, consistent=True) original_shape = io.shape(original) resampled_shape = None else: original_shape = original.shape if original.ndim == 4 and 3 not in original_shape: # 4D but not color raise ValueError(f'Unsupported shape for original: "{original_shape}"') original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution = \ resample_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, consistent=True) resampled_shape_in_original_orientation = orient_shape(resampled_shape, orientation, inverse=True) interpolation = _interpolation_to_cv2(interpolation, dtype=dtype) if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial': processes = # determine order of resampling axes_order, shape_order = _axes_order(axes_order, original_shape, resampled_shape_in_original_orientation, order=order, source=original, minimize_size=True) if verbose: print('Resampling: %r -> %r using axes:%r and intermediate shapes:%r' % (original_shape, resampled_shape, axes_order, shape_order)) if len(axes_order) == 0: if verbose: print('Resampling: no resampling necessary, source has same size as sink!') if original != resampled: # TODO: this should be handled by Source functionality ! return io.write(resampled, original) else: return original # resample n_steps = len(axes_order) resampled_data = last = original delete_files = [] if new_path is not None: delete_files.append(new_path) for step, axes, shape in zip(range(n_steps), axes_order, shape_order): if step == n_steps - 1 and orientation is None: resampled_data = io.initialize(source=resampled, shape=resampled_shape, dtype=dtype, as_source=True) else: if method == 'shared': resampled_data = io.sma.create(shape, dtype=dtype, order=order, as_source=True) else: location = tempfile.mktemp() + '.npy' resampled_data = io.mmp.create(location, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order, as_source=True) delete_files.append(location) # indices for non-resampled axes indices = tuple(range(s) for d, s in enumerate(shape) if d not in axes) indices = tuple(i for i in itertools.product(*indices)) n_indices = len(indices) # resample step last_virtual = last.as_virtual() resampled_data_virtual = resampled_data.as_virtual() _resample = ft.partial(_resample_2d, source=last_virtual, sink=resampled_data_virtual, axes=axes, shape=shape, interpolation=interpolation, n_indices=n_indices, verbose=verbose) if processes == 'serial': for index in indices: _resample(index=index) else: # with CancelableProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor: # ThreadPool because of documented cv2 instability w/ multiprocessing. Is this still true ? with ThreadPoolExecutor(processes) as executor: chunk_size = len(indices) // (processes * 3) # REFACTOR: explain calculation, indices, chunksize=chunk_size) # default chunk_size is 1 (too small) if workspace is not None: workspace.executor = executor last = resampled_data if orientation is not None: resampled_data = orient(resampled_data, orientation) resampled = io.write(resampled, resampled_data) else: resampled = resampled_data for f in delete_files: io.delete_file(f) if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Resampling') return resampled
[docs] def resample_inverse(resampled, original=None, original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, orientation=None, axes_order=None, method='memmap', interpolation='linear', processes=None, verbose=True, workspace=None): """Resample data inversely to :func:`resample` routine. Arguments --------- resampled: str, array or None Data array to be inversely resampled. original : str, array or None Optional sink for the inversely resampled array. original_shape : tuple or None Optional value for the shape of the original data array. resampled_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the resampled data array. Determined by the shape of the resampled source by default. original_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the resampled data array. orientation : tuple or None Orientation specification. interpolation : str Interpolation method to use. Available methods are 'linear', 'nearest', 'area'. axes_order : list of tuples of int or None The axes pairs along which to resample the data at each step. If None, this is determined automatically. For a FileList source, setting the first tuple should point to axis not indicating files. If 'size' the axis order is determined automatically to maximally reduce the size of the array in each resampling step. If 'order' the axis order is chosen automatically to optimize io speed. method : 'shared' or 'memmap' Method to handle intermediate resampling results. If 'shared' use shared memory, otherwise use a memory map on disk. processes : int, None or 'serial' Number of processes to use for parallel resampling, if None use maximal processes available, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool If True, display progress information. Returns ------- resampled : array or str Data or file name of inversely resampled image. Notes ----- * All arguments, except source and sink should be passed as :func:`resample` to invert the resampling. """ resampled = io.as_source(resampled) # invert orientation resampled = orient(resampled, orientation, inverse=True) # resampled data in original orientation resampled_shape = orient_shape(resampled_shape, orientation, inverse=True) resampled_resolution = orient_resolution(resampled_resolution, orientation, inverse=True) if axes_order is not None: transposition = orientation_to_transposition(orientation, inverse=True) axes_map = {i: t for i, t in enumerate(transposition)} axes_order = [(axes_map[axes[0]], axes_map[axes[1]]) for axes in axes_order] # inversely resample return resample(resampled, original, resampled_shape, original_shape, resampled_resolution, original_resolution, orientation=None, interpolation=interpolation, axes_order=axes_order, method=method, processes=processes, workspace=workspace, verbose=verbose)
######################################################################################## # Resample Points ########################################################################################
[docs] @handle_deprecated_args({ 'source': 'resampled_points', 'sink': 'original_points', 'source_shape': 'original_shape', 'sink_shape': 'resampled_shape', 'source_resolution': 'original_resolution', 'sink_resolution': 'resampled_resolution' }) def resample_points(original_points, resampled_points=None, original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, original=None, resampled=None, orientation=None): """Transform point coordinates according to resampling specifications. Arguments --------- original_points : str, array or None Data array source to be resampled. resampled_points: str, array or None Optional sink for the resampled points original_shape : tuple or None Optional value for the shape of the data array to be resampled. Determined by the shape of the original source by default. resampled_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the resampled data array. original : array or str Optional original source data used to infer resampling specifications. resampled : array or str Optional resampled source data used to infer resampling specifications. orientation : tuple or None Orientation specification. .. deprecated:: 2.1.0 The following arguments are deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.0: - source (now original_points) - sink (now resampled_points) - source_shape (now original_shape) - sink_shape (now resampled_shape) - source_resolution (now original_resolution) - sink_resolution (now resampled_resolution) Returns ------- resampled : array or str The array or filename of resampled points. Notes ----- * The resampling of points here corresponds to he resampling of a data array in :func:`resample`. * The arguments should be passed exactly as in :func:`resample` except for the additional original_points and resampled_points. """ factor = resample_factor(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, discretize=True, consistent=True) original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution = \ resample_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, consistent=True) resampled = io.as_source(original_points) resampled = resampled[:] * factor resampled = orient_points(resampled, orientation, shape=orient_shape(resampled_shape, orientation, inverse=True)) return io.write(resampled_points, resampled)
[docs] def resample_points_inverse(resampled_points, original_points=None, original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, original=None, resampled=None, orientation=None): """Transform point coordinates inversely according to resampling specifications. Arguments --------- resampled_points: str, array or None Optional source of the resampled points to be resampled inversely. original_points : str, array or None Data array sink for inversely resampled points. original_shape : tuple or None Optional value for the shape of the data array to be resampled. Determined by the shape of the original source by default. resampled_shape : tuple or None Optional value of the shape of the resampled data array. original_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the data array to be resampled. resampled_resolution : tuple or None Optional value of the resolution of the resampled data array. original : array or str Optional original source data used to infer resampling specifications. resampled : array or str Optional resampled source data used to infer resampling specifications. orientation : tuple or None Orientation specification. Returns ------- resampled : array or str The array or filename of resampled points. Notes ----- * The resampling of points here corresponds to he resampling of a data array in :func:`resample`. * The arguments should be passed exactly as in :func:`resample` except for the additional original_points and resampled_points. """ factor = resample_factor(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, discretize=True, consistent=True) original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution = \ resample_shape(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, consistent=True) resampled_points = io.as_source(resampled_points) original = orient_points(resampled_points, orientation, shape=resampled_shape, inverse=True) original = original[:] / factor return io.write(original_points, original)
######################################################################################## # Transformation interface ########################################################################################
[docs] class ResamplingTransformation(TransformationBase): def __init__(self, ttype='Resampling', inverse=False, original_resolution=None, resampled_resolution=None, original_shape=None, resampled_shape=None, original=None, resampled=None, orientation=None): super().__init__(ttype=ttype, inverse=inverse) original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, orientation = \ resample_information(original_shape, resampled_shape, original_resolution, resampled_resolution, original, resampled, orientation, discretize=True, consistent=True) self.original_shape = original_shape self.resampled_shape = resampled_shape self.original_resolution = original_resolution self.resampled_resolution = resampled_resolution self.orientation = orientation
[docs] def resample_kwargs(self): return dict(original_shape=self.original_shape, resampled_shape=self.resampled_shape, resampled_resolution=self.resampled_resolution, original_resolution=self.original_resolution, orientation=self.orientation)
[docs] def resample_factor(self): return resample_factor(**self.resample_kwargs())
[docs] def transform_data(self, source, sink=None, inverse=False, **kwargs): inverse = self.get_inverse(inverse) resample_kwargs = self.resample_kwargs() resample_kwargs.update(kwargs) if not inverse: return resample(source, sink, **resample_kwargs) else: return resample_inverse(source, sink, **resample_kwargs)
[docs] def transform_points(self, source, sink=None, inverse=False, **kwargs): inverse = self.get_inverse(inverse) resample_kwargs = self.resample_kwargs() resample_kwargs.update(kwargs) if not inverse: return resample_points(source, sink, **resample_kwargs) else: return resample_points_inverse(source, sink, **resample_kwargs)
[docs] def transform_shape(self, shape, inverse=False, **kwargs): kwargs = self.resample_kwargs() kwargs.update(**kwargs) kwargs.update(original_shape=shape) return resample_shape(shape, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: dictionary = super().to_dict() dictionary.update(self.resample_kwargs()) return dictionary
def __repr__(self): orientation = '' if self.orientation is None else ('%r ' % (self.orientation,)) return '%s[%s%r->%r]' % (super().__repr__(), orientation, self.original_resolution, self.resampled_resolution)
[docs] class OrientationTransformation(TransformationBase): ttype = 'Orientation' def __init__(self, orientation=None, shape=None,inverse=None): super().__init__(inverse=inverse) self.orientation = format_orientation(orientation) self.shape = shape
[docs] def transform_data(self, source, sink=None, inverse=False): inverse = self.get_inverse(inverse) return io.write(sink, orient(source, orientation=self.orientation, inverse=inverse))
[docs] def transform_points(self, source, sink=None, inverse=False, **kwargs): inverse = self.get_inverse(inverse) return io.write(sink, orient_points(source, orientation=self.orientation, shape=self.shape, inverse=inverse))
[docs] def transform_shape(self, shape, inverse=False, **kwargs): return orient_shape(self.orientation, shape, inverse=inverse)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: dictionary = super().to_dict() dictionary.update(orientation=self.orientation, shape=self.shape) return dictionary
def __repr__(self): orientation = '' if self.orientation is None else ('%r' % (self.orientation,)) shape = '' if self.shape is None else (' %r ' % (self.shape,)) return '%s[%s%s]' % (super().__repr__(), orientation, shape)
######################################################################################## # Helpers ######################################################################################## @ptb.parallel_traceback def _resample_2d(index, source, sink, axes, shape, interpolation, n_indices, verbose): """Resampling helper function to use for parallel resampling of image slices""" if verbose: pw.ProcessWriter(index).write("Resampling: resampling axes %r, slice %r / %d" % (axes, index, n_indices)) # slicing slicing_ = () i = 0 for d in range(len(shape)): if d in axes: slicing_ += (slice(None),) else: slicing_ += (index[i],) i += 1 # resample sink = sink.as_real() source = source.as_real() new_shape = (shape[axes[1]], shape[axes[0]]) sink[slicing_] = cv2.resize(source[slicing_], new_shape, interpolation=interpolation) # note cv2 takes reverse shape order ! def _order_axes(original_shape, resampled_shape, resample_axes, resample_factors, sort_factors=None, minimize_size=True): """Helper to order axes resampling according to minimize or maximize the change in data size at each step. Note ---- The change in data size at each step is given by the change in size between two intermediate 2d resampling steps. Note that the resampled_shape is assumed to be given in the original orientation. # (1000, 50, 10) -> (500, 10, 5) / factors (1/2, 1/5, 1/2) # 0,1 (1000, 50, 10) -> (500,10,10) -> size:50000 # 0,2 (1000, 50, 10) -> (500,50,5) -> size:125000 # 1,2 (1000, 50, 10) -> (1000,10,5) -> size:50000 # (1000, 100, 10) -> (500, 50, 5) / factors (1/2, 1/2, 1/2) # 0,1 (1000, 100, 10) -> (500,50,10) -> size:250000 # 0,2 (1000, 100, 10) -> (500,100,5) -> size:250000 # 1,2 (1000, 100, 10) -> (1000,50,5) -> size:250000 """ resample_axes = np.array(resample_axes) if sort_factors is None: sort_factors = resample_factors axes_order = [] shape_order = [] current_shape = original_shape while len(resample_axes) > 0: if len(resample_axes) >= 2: # take the best two resampling factors best = np.argsort(sort_factors)[:2] if minimize_size else np.argsort(sort_factors)[-2:] current_axes = tuple(np.sort(resample_axes[best])) resample_axes = np.array([s for a, s in enumerate(resample_axes) if a not in best]) resample_factors = np.array([s for a, s in enumerate(resample_factors) if a not in best]) sort_factors = np.array([s for a, s in enumerate(sort_factors) if a not in best]) else: # take remaining axis and best resampled axis axis = resample_axes[0] best_axis = np.argsort(current_shape) if minimize_size else np.argsort(current_shape)[::-1] best_axis = [a for a in best_axis if a != axis][0] current_axes = (axis, best_axis) if axis < best_axis else (best_axis, axis) resample_axes = [] current_shape = tuple(s if d not in current_axes else t for d, (s, t) in enumerate(zip(current_shape, resampled_shape))) axes_order.append(current_axes) shape_order.append(current_shape) return axes_order, shape_order def _axes_order(axes_order, original_shape, resampled_shape, order=None, source=None, minimize_size=True): """Helper to find axes order for subsequent 2d resampling steps.""" # specified axes_order if axes_order is not None and isinstance(axes_order, list): axes_order = [(a[0], a[1]) if a[0] < a[1] else (a[1], a[0]) for a in axes_order] shape_order = [] last_shape = original_shape for axes in axes_order: if not isinstance(axes, tuple) and len(axes) != 2: raise ValueError('resampling; expected a tuple of len 2 for axes_order entry, got %r!' % axes) last_shape = tuple(s if d not in axes else t for d, (s, t) in enumerate(zip(last_shape, resampled_shape))) shape_order.append(last_shape) return axes_order, shape_order # determine axes order automatically if axes_order is None: axes_order = 'order' if axes_order == 'order' and order is None and not isinstance(source, fl.Source): axes_order = 'size' # only select axes that need resampling resample_axes = [d for d, (s, rs) in enumerate(zip(original_shape, resampled_shape)) if s != rs] resample_factors = [float(rs) / float(s) for s, rs in zip(original_shape, resampled_shape) if s != rs] # axes and shape order results if axes_order == 'size': # order to reduce size as much as possible in each sub-resampling step return _order_axes(original_shape, resampled_shape, resample_axes, resample_factors, None, minimize_size) elif axes_order == 'order': # order axes according to file or array order for faster io # determine order according to file structure (i.e. resample individual files first) if isinstance(source, fl.Source): axes_list = source.axes_list # axes for individual files shift = -(np.max(resample_factors) + 1) # make file factors the smallest if not minimize_size: shift = -shift # make file factors the biggest sort_factors = [f + shift if a in axes_list else f for a, f in zip(resample_axes, resample_factors)] return _order_axes(original_shape, resampled_shape, resample_axes, resample_factors, sort_factors, minimize_size) else: # follow 'C' or 'F' array order axes_order = [] shape_order = [] current_shape = original_shape while len(resample_axes) > 0: if len(resample_axes) >= 2: slicing = slice(-2, None) if order == 'C' else slice(None, 2) current_axes = tuple(resample_axes[slicing]) else: current_axes = (resample_axes[0], axes_order[-1][0]) if order == 'C' \ else (axes_order[-1][1], resample_axes[0]) current_shape = tuple(s if d not in current_axes else t for d, (s, t) in enumerate(zip(current_shape, resampled_shape))) axes_order.append(current_axes) shape_order.append(current_shape) resample_axes = np.array([a for a in resample_axes if a not in current_axes]) return axes_order, shape_order else: raise ValueError("axes_order not 'size','order' or list but %r!" % axes_order) _interpolation_to_cv2_map = { cv2.INTER_NEAREST: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, 'nearest': cv2.INTER_NEAREST, None: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_AREA: cv2.INTER_AREA, 'area': cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LINEAR: cv2.INTER_LINEAR, 'linear': cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC: cv2.INTER_CUBIC, 'cubic': cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4: cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, 'lanczos': cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, cv2.INTER_LINEAR_EXACT: cv2.INTER_LINEAR_EXACT, 'linear_exact': cv2.INTER_LINEAR_EXACT, cv2.INTER_NEAREST_EXACT: cv2.INTER_NEAREST_EXACT, 'nearest_exact': cv2.INTER_NEAREST_EXACT } _interpolation_method_for_int_map = { cv2.INTER_LINEAR: cv2.INTER_LINEAR_EXACT, cv2.INTER_CUBIC: cv2.INTER_LINEAR_EXACT, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4: cv2.INTER_LINEAR_EXACT, cv2.INTER_AREA: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, } def _interpolation_to_cv2(interpolation, default=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, dtype=None): """Helper to convert interpolation specification to CV2 format.""" interpolation = _interpolation_to_cv2_map.get(interpolation, default) # check if consistent with data type if dtype is not None and np.dtype(dtype) not in [float, np.dtype('float32')]: correct_interpolation = _interpolation_method_for_int_map.get(interpolation, interpolation) if correct_interpolation != interpolation: print('Resampling: Warning: the interpolation method requires a float data type, ' 'using an exact method instead!') interpolation = correct_interpolation return interpolation ######################################################################################## # Test ######################################################################################## def _test(): """Tests""" import numpy as np import ClearMap.Settings as settings import ClearMap.IO.IO as io import ClearMap.Alignment.Resampling as res from ClearMap.Alignment.orientation import orient, orient_points from importlib import reload reload(res) # orientation data = np.zeros((15, 16, 17)) data[5, 6, 7] = 1 orientation = (-3, 1, 2) data_oriented = orient(data, orientation) data_inverse = orient(data_oriented, orientation, inverse=True) np.all(data == data_inverse) points = np.array(np.where(data)).T points_oriented = orient_points(points, orientation, shape=data.shape) np.all(points_oriented == np.array(np.where(data_oriented)).T) r = res.resample_information(original_shape=(100, 200, 300), resampled_shape=(50, 50, 30)) print('original_shape=%r, resampled_shape=%r, original_resolution=%r resampled_resolution=%r orientation=%r' % r) r = res.resample_shape(original_shape=(100, 200, 300), resampled_shape=(50, 50, 30)) print('original_shape=%r, resampled_shape=%r, original_resolution=%r resampled_resolution=%r' % r) r = res.resample_shape(original_shape=(100, 200, 300), original_resolution=(2, 2, 2), resampled_resolution=(10, 2, 1)) print('original_shape=%r, resampled_shape=%r, original_resolution=%r resampled_resolution=%r' % r) # random sources from importlib import reload reload(res) shape = (40, 30, 10) original = np.random.rand(40, 30, 10) x, y, z = np.meshgrid(*tuple(np.arange(s) for s in shape)) # original = x + y + z original = np.array(x + y + z, dtype=float) resampled = res.resample(original, original_resolution=(1, 1, 1), resampled_shape=(10, 10, 10), processes='serial') print(resampled.shape) upsampled = res.resample_inverse(resampled, original_resolution=(1, 1, 1), original_shape=original.shape, processes='serial') print(upsampled.shape) import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d p3d.plot([resampled]) p3d.plot([original, upsampled]) source = io.join(settings.test_data_path, 'Resampling/test.tif') sink = io.join(settings.test_data_path, "Resampling/resampled.npy") source = io.join(settings.test_data_path, 'Tif/sequence/sequence<Z,4>.tif') sink = io.join(settings.test_data_path, "Resampling/resampled_sequence.tif") source_shape, sink_shape, source_res, sink_res = res.resample_shape(source_shape=io.shape(source), source_resolution=(1., 1., 1.), sink_resolution=(1.6, 1.6, 2)) axes_order = res._axes_order(None, source_shape, sink_shape) print(axes_order) resampled = res.resample(source, sink, source_resolution=(1., 1., 1.), sink_resolution=(1.6, 1.6, 2), orientation=None, processes=None) p3d.plot(resampled) p3d.plot(source) inverse = res.resample_inverse(resampled, sink=None, resample_source=source, source_resolution=(1, 1, 1), sink_resolution=(10, 10, 2), orientation=None, processes='serial') p3d.plot([source, inverse]) resampled = res.resample(source, sink, source_resolution=(1, 1, 1), sink_resolution=(10, 10, 2), orientation=(2, -1, 3), processes=None) p3d.plot(resampled) inverse = res.resample_inverse(resampled, sink=None, resample_source=source, source_resolution=(1, 1, 1), sink_resolution=(10, 10, 2), orientation=(2, -1, 3), processes=None) p3d.plot([source, inverse]) resampled = res.resample(source, sink=None, source_resolution=(1.6, 1.6, 2), sink_shape=(10, 20, 30), orientation=None, processes=None) p3d.plot(resampled) # ponints points =[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 3]], dtype=float) resampled_points = res.resample_points(points, resample_source=source, resample_sink=sink, orientation=None) print(resampled_points) inverse_points = res.resample_points_inverse(resampled_points, resample_source=source, resample_sink=sink, orientation=None) print(inverse_points) print(, inverse_points)) # random sources from importlib import reload reload(res) source = np.random.rand(20, 30, 40) resampled = res.resample(source, source_resolution=(1, 1, 1), sink_shape=(10, 11, 12), processes='serial') print(resampled.shape) upsampled = res.resample_inverse(resampled, source_resolution=(1, 1, 1), resample_source=source, processes='serial') print(upsampled.shape) import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d p3d.plot([resampled]) p3d.plot([source, upsampled]) # def _axes_order(axes_order, source, sink_shape_in_source_orientation, order=None): # """Helper to find axes order for subsequent 2d resampling steps.""" # # source_shape = source.shape # ndim = source.ndim # # if axes_order is not None and isinstance(axes_order, list): # axes_order = [(a[0], a[1]) if a[0] < a[1] else (a[1], a[0]) for a in axes_order] # shape_order = [] # last_shape = source_shape # for axes in axes_order: # if not isinstance(axes, tuple) and len(axes) != 2: # raise ValueError('resampling; expected a tuple of len 2 for axes_order entry, got %r!' % axes) # last_shape = tuple([s if d not in axes else t for d, s, t in # zip(range(ndim), last_shape, sink_shape_in_source_orientation)]) # shape_order.append(last_shape) # return axes_order, shape_order # # else: # determine automatically # if axes_order is None: # axes_order = 'order' # if axes_order == 'order' and order is None and not isinstance(source, fl.Source): # axes_order = 'size' # # if axes_order == 'size': # order to reduce size as much as possible in each sub-resampling step # resample_axes = np.array( # [d for d, s, t in zip(range(ndim), sink_shape_in_source_orientation, source_shape) if s != t]) # resample_factors = np.array( # [float(t) / float(s) for s, t in zip(sink_shape_in_source_orientation, source_shape) if s != t]) # # axes_order = [] # shape_order = [] # last_shape = source_shape # # while len(resample_axes) > 0: # if len(resample_axes) >= 2: # # take the largest two resampling factors # ids = np.argsort(resample_factors)[-2:] # axes = tuple(np.sort(resample_axes[ids])) # last_shape = tuple([s if d not in axes else t for d, s, t in # zip(range(ndim), last_shape, sink_shape_in_source_orientation)]) # # axes_order.append(axes) # shape_order.append(last_shape) # # resample_axes = np.array([s for a, s in enumerate(resample_axes) if a not in ids]) # resample_factors = np.array([s for a, s in enumerate(resample_factors) if a not in ids]) # # else: # axis = resample_axes[0] # small_axis = np.argsort(last_shape) # small_axis = [a for a in small_axis if a != axis][0] # if axis < small_axis: # axes = (axis, small_axis) # else: # axes = (small_axis, axis) # last_shape = tuple([s if d not in axes else t for d, s, t in # zip(range(ndim), last_shape, sink_shape_in_source_orientation)]) # # axes_order.append(axes) # shape_order.append(last_shape) # # resample_axes = [] # # return axes_order, shape_order # # elif axes_order == 'order': # order axes according to array order for faster io # # if isinstance(source, fl.Source): # # FileList determine order according to file structure # axes_list = source.axes_list # # axes_file = source.axes_file; # # resample_axes = np.array( # [d for d, s, t in zip(range(ndim), sink_shape_in_source_orientation, source_shape) if s != t]) # resample_factors = np.array( # [float(t) / float(s) for s, t in zip(sink_shape_in_source_orientation, source_shape) if s != t]) # # axes_order = [] # shape_order = [] # last_shape = source_shape # # # modify factors to account for file structure # resample_factors_list = [f for a, f in zip(resample_axes, resample_factors) if a in axes_list] # if len(resample_factors_list) > 0: # max_resample_factor_list = np.max(resample_factors_list) # else: # max_resample_factor_list = 0 # resample_factors_sort = np.array([f if a in axes_list else f + max_resample_factor_list for a, f in # zip(resample_axes, resample_factors)]) # # print(resample_factors_sort, resample_factors) # # while len(resample_axes) > 0: # if len(resample_axes) >= 2: # ids = np.argsort(resample_factors_sort)[-2:] # # axes = tuple(np.sort(resample_axes[ids])) # last_shape = tuple([s if d not in axes else t for d, s, t in # zip(range(ndim), last_shape, sink_shape_in_source_orientation)]) # # axes_order.append(axes) # shape_order.append(last_shape) # # resample_axes = np.array([s for a, s in enumerate(resample_axes) if a not in ids]) # resample_factors = np.array([s for a, s in enumerate(resample_factors) if a not in ids]) # resample_factors_sort = np.array( # [s for a, s in enumerate(resample_factors_sort) if a not in ids]) # else: # axis = resample_axes[0] # small_axis = np.argsort(last_shape) # small_axis = [a for a in small_axis if a != axis][0] # if axis < small_axis: # axes = (axis, small_axis) # else: # axes = (small_axis, axis) # last_shape = tuple([s if d not in axes else t for d, s, t in # zip(range(ndim), last_shape, sink_shape_in_source_orientation)]) # # axes_order.append(axes) # shape_order.append(last_shape) # # resample_axes = [] # # return axes_order, shape_order # else: # # not a FileList # resample_axes = np.array( # [d for d, s, t in zip(range(ndim), sink_shape_in_source_orientation, source_shape) if s != t]) # # axes_order = [] # shape_order = [] # last_shape = source_shape # while len(resample_axes) > 0: # if len(resample_axes) >= 2: # if order == 'C': # slicing = slice(-2, None) # else: # slicing = slice(None, 2) # axes = tuple(resample_axes[slicing]) # else: # if order == 'C': # axes = (resample_axes[0], axes_order[-1][0]) # else: # axes = (axes_order[-1][1], resample_axes[0]) # # axes_order.append(axes) # last_shape = tuple([s if d not in axes else t for d, s, t in # zip(range(ndim), last_shape, sink_shape_in_source_orientation)]) # shape_order.append(last_shape) # resample_axes = np.array([a for a in resample_axes if a not in axes]) # # return axes_order, shape_order # # else: # raise ValueError("axes_order not 'size','order' or list but %r!" % axes_order)