Source code for ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StitchingRigid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Stitching module for aligning and stitching data sets ridgidly.

The module provides base classes and routines for stitching images. The
:mod:`~ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StichingWobbly` module builds on this 
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = ''
__download__ = ''

import copy
import warnings

import itertools as itt
import functools as ft
import inspect as insp

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import concurrent.futures

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import ClearMap.IO.Source as src
import ClearMap.IO.Slice as slc
import ClearMap.IO.FileList as fl

import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.ParallelTraceback as ptb

import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d
import ClearMap.Visualization.Color as col

import ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression as te
import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr

from ClearMap.Utils.Formatting import ensure

from ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.layout_graph_utils import (get_connected_components, connect_sources,
                                                             get_positions_from_tree, get_color_ids)

# Geometry
from ClearMap.Utils.utilities import CancelableProcessPoolExecutor

[docs] class Region(object): """Class to handle rectangular regions storing positional information.""" #__slots__ = ('_position', '_shape'); def __init__(self, position = None, shape = None, lower = None, upper = None): """Region constructor. Arguments --------- lower, upper: tuples of int The corners of the rectangular region. """ if lower is not None: position = ensure(lower, tuple); if upper is not None: shape = tuple(u - l for u,l in zip(upper,position)); self._position = ensure(position, tuple); self._shape = ensure(shape, tuple); @property def position(self): """The position of the region. Returns ------- position : tuple of ints The position of the region. """ return self._position; @position.setter def position(self, position): self._position = ensure(position, tuple); @property def shape(self): """The shape of the region. Returns ------- shape : tuple of int The shape of the layout. """ return self._shape; @shape.setter def shape(self, shape): self._shape = ensure(shape, tuple); @property def lower(self): """The lower corner of the source's placement. Returns ------- lower : array of int The coordinates of the lower corner of the source's placment. """ return self.position; @lower.setter def lower(self, lower): self._position = ensure(lower, tuple); @property def upper(self): """The upper corner of the source's placement. Returns ------- upper : array of int The coordinates of the upper corner of the source's placment. """ return tuple(p + s for p,s in zip(self.position, self.shape)); @upper.setter def upper(self, upper): position = self.position; self._shape = tuple(u - p for u,p in zip(upper, position)); @property def extent(self): """The difference between upper and lower corner. Returns ------- extent : tuple of int The difference between upper and lower corner. Note ---- The extent can differ from the shape in case the source is bended or wobbly. """ return tuple(u - l for l,u in zip(self.lower, self.upper)); @property def origin(self): """The origin of this region, i.e. its positively rectified position. Returns ------- origin : tuple of ints The rectified position, i.e. coordiantes below zero are set to zero. """ return tuple(p if p >= 0 else 0 for p in self.position); @property def ndim(self): """The dimension of the source. Returns ------- ndim : int The dimension of the source. """ return len(self._position);
[docs] def position_to_local(self, position): """Converts a position to the a local position wrt to the sources origin. Arguments --------- position : tuple of ints The non-local position. Returns ------- loacl_position : tuple of ints The local position within this region. """ return tuple(p - q for p,q in zip(position, self.position));
[docs] def position_from_local(self, local_position): """Converts a position given in local coordiantes to the non-local position. Arguments --------- local_position : tuple of ints The local position within the region. Returns ------- position : tuple of ints The non-local position. """ return tuple(p + q for p,q in zip(local_position, self.position));
[docs] def coordinate_to_local(self, coordinate, axis): """Converts a coordinate along an axis to the a local coordinate. Arguments --------- coordinate : int The non-local coordinate along the axis. axis : int The axis of the coordiante. Returns ------- loacl_coordinate : tuple of ints, or int The local coordinate within this region. """ return coordinate - self.position[axis];
[docs] def coordinate_from_local(self, loacl_coordinate, axis): """Converts a local coordainte along an axis to the non-local coordinate. Arguments --------- local_coordinate : int The local coordinate along the axis. axis : int The axis of the coordiante. Returns ------- coordinate : int The non-local coordainte. """ return loacl_coordinate + self.position[axis];
[docs] def local_slicing(self, source = None, position = None): """Returns the slice of this region in a source or from a position. Arguments --------- source : Source class Source at which this region should be sliced. position : tuple of ints Position of the lower corner of the sink. Returns ------- slice : list of slice objects The slice specifications for this region in a source. Note ---- This routine assumes that the region is within the source. No boundary checks are performed. """ if source is not None: position = source.position; if position is None: position = (0,) * self.ndim; #raise ValueError('Either the source or position argument must be given!') return tuple(slice(l - p, u - p) for l,u,p in zip(self.lower, self.upper, position));
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.copy(self);
def __str__(self): try: lower = self.lower; except: lower = None; try: upper = self.upper; except: upper = None; s = "Region[%r, %r]" % (lower, upper); return s; def __repr__(self): return self.__str__();
[docs] class Overlap(Region): """Class to handle overlapping regions of aligned sources.""" def __init__(self, position = None, shape = None, lower = None, upper = None, sources = None): """Overlap constructor. Arguments --------- lower, upper: tuples of int The corners of the rectangular region. sources : list of Source classes The sources that contribute to this region. """ super(Overlap, self).__init__(position = position, shape = shape, lower = lower, upper = upper); if sources == None: sources = (); self._sources = ensure(sources, tuple); @property def sources(self): """The sources that contribute to this overlap region. Returns ------- sources : list of Source classes The sources that contribute to this region. """ return self._sources; @sources.setter def sources(self, sources): self._sources = ensure(sources, tuple);
[docs] def source_slicings(self): """Returns the slices of this overlap region of the contributing sources. Returns ------- slices : list of list of slice objects The slice specifications for the sources. """ return [self.local_slicing(position = s.position) for s in self.sources];
[docs] def source_arrays(self): """Returns the data arrays of the sources in this region Returns ------- arrays : list of arrays The arrays of all the sources that overlap in this region. """ return [s[sl] for s,sl in zip(self.sources, self.source_slicings())];
[docs] def plot(self): """Plots the overlap region. Returns ------- plot : DataViewer The plot of the overlap. """ return p3d.plot(self.source_arrays());
def __copy__(self): new = type(self)(); new.__dict__.update(self.__dict__); new._sources = list(self._sources); return new; def __str__(self): try: lower = self.lower; except: lower = None; try: upper = self.upper; except: upper = None; try: n_sources = len(self.sources); except: n_sources = None; s = "Overlap[%r, %r]<%r>" % (lower, upper, n_sources); return s;
######################################################################################## ### Sources ########################################################################################
[docs] class SourceRegion(Region): """Class to signal a Source with a region. Note ---- This class serves as a base class to identify all sources with positional information. """ pass
[docs] class Source(SourceRegion, src.AbstractSource): """Class to handle basic data sources in a layout for stitching.""" #__slots__ = ('_position', '_shape', '_dtype', '_order', '_location') counter = 0; """Counter for the sources used to create unique ids.""" def __init__(self, source = None, position = None, tile_position = None): """Source class constructor. Arguments --------- source: string, array or Source class The data source. position : tuple of int or None The position of the source's 'lower' corner in the layout. tile_position : array or None Optional position of this source in a tiling grid. """ if source is not None: source = io.as_source(source); sid = None; if isinstance(source, Source): position = source.position if position is None else position; tile_position = source.tile_position if tile_position is None else tile_position; sid =; source = source.source; shape = source.shape; if shape is None: raise ValueError('Cannot initilaize source without a shape!'); if position is None: position = (0,) * len(shape); SourceRegion.__init__(self, position = position, shape = shape); src.AbstractSource.__init__(self, source = source); self._source = source; self._tile_position = ensure(tile_position, tuple); if sid is None: self._id = Source.counter; Source.counter += 1; else: self._id = sid; @property def name(self): return 'Stitchable-' +; @property def id(self): """The source id. Returns ------- id : int The id of the source. Note ---- Parallel processing changes pointers, this id can be used to identify the same source. """ return self._id; @id.setter def id(self, id): self._id = id; #def __eq__(self, other): # if isinstance(other, Source): # return ==; # else: # return False; # #def __hash__(self): # return id(self); @property def source(self): """The underlying IO source.""" return self._source; @property def tile_position(self): """Optional position on a grid. Returns ------- tile_position : tuple of int The tile position of this source on a grid. """ return self._tile_position; @tile_position.setter def tile_position(self, tile_position): self._tile_position = ensure(tile_position, tuple); @property def identifier(self): identifier = self.tile_position; if identifier is None: identifier =; return identifier;
[docs] def slice_along_axis(self, coordinate = None, local_coordinate = None, axis = 2): """Slice this source at a coordinate along an axis. Arguments --------- coordinate : int The coordinate at which to take the slice. local_coordinate : int The local coordinate in the underlying source along the slice axis. axis : int The axis to take the slice in. Returns ------- source : SlicedSource class The sliced source. Note ---- Either coordiante or local_coordinate must be given. """ if local_coordinate is None: if coordinate is None: raise ValueError('Either a coordiante or a base_coordainte needs to be given!'); local_coordinate = self.coordinate_to_local(coordinate, axis=axis); if not 0 <= local_coordinate < self.shape[axis]: raise ValueError('The source cannot be sliced at the base coordinate %d!' % local_coordinate); slicing = [slice(None)] * self.ndim; slicing[axis] = local_coordinate; slicing = tuple(slicing); return Slice(source=self, slicing=slicing)
[docs] def as_virtual(self): new = self.copy(); new._source = self._source.as_virtual(); return new;
[docs] def as_real(self): new = self.copy(); new._source = self._source.as_real(); return new;
def __getitem__(self, *args): return self._source.__getitem__(*args); #def __setitem__(self, *args): # self._source.__setitem__(*args); def __str__(self): return _source_string(self); # other source attributes #def __getattr__(self, name): # print 'getattr', self.__class__, name # print self._source.__class__ # if not hasattr(self._source, name): # raise AttributeError('The source does not have the atrribute %s!' % name); # return getattr(self._source, name); @property def location(self): return self._source.location; @location.setter def location(self, value): self._source.location = value;
[docs] def plot(self): return p3d.plot(self.source);
[docs] class Slice(slc.Slice, SourceRegion): """Class to handle a slice of a stitchable source.""" def __init__(self, source, position = None, tile_position = None, slicing = None): """Slice class constructor. Arguments --------- source: string, array or Source class The image source. position : tuple of int or None The position of the source's 'lower' corner in the layout. tile_position : array or None Optional position of this source in a tiling grid. slicing : slice specification The slice specification to obtain this slice. """ if not isinstance(source, SourceRegion): source = Source(source = source, position = position, tile_position = tile_position); SourceRegion.__init__(self, position = None, shape = None); slc.Slice.__init__(self, source = source, slicing = slicing); @property def identifier(self): return self.source.identifier; @property def position(self): if self._position is None: start = slc.sliced_start(self.slicing, self.source.shape); reduction = slc.sliced_reduction(self.slicing, self.source.ndim); return tuple(self.source.position[r] + start[r] for r in reduction); else: return self._position; @position.setter def position(self, value): self._position = ensure(value, tuple); #raise RuntimeError('Cannot set position of this sliced source!') @property def position_unsliced(self): """Returns the position of this slice in the underlying space taking into account the source position. Returns ------- position : tuple of ints or int The position of the slice in the higher dimensional space of the source. """ if self._position is None: start = slc.sliced_start(self.slicing, self.source.shape); return tuple(p + s for p,s in zip(self.source.position, start)); else: shape = self.source.shape; start = slc.sliced_start(self.slicing, shape); reduction = slc.sliced_reduction(self.slicing, len(shape)); source_position = self.source.position position = (); rd = 0; for d in range(self.source.ndim): if d in reduction: position += (self._position[rd],); rd += 1; else: position += (source_position[d] + start[d],); return position; @property def id(self): return; @property def tile_position(self): return self._source.tile_position; def __str__(self): return _source_string(self); # source attributes #def __getattr__(self, name): # if not hasattr(self.source, name): # raise AttributeError('The source does not have the atrribute %s!' % name); # return getattr(self.source, name);
[docs] def as_virtual(self): new = self.copy(); new._source = self._source.as_virtual(); return new;
[docs] def as_real(self): new = self.copy(); new._source = self._source.as_real(); return new;
def _source_string(self): """Helper to generate a string describing a source with positional infomration.""" try: name =; name = '%s' % name if name is not None else ''; except: name =''; try: shape = self.shape shape ='%r' % ((shape,)) if shape is not None else ''; except: shape = ''; try: dtype = self.dtype; dtype = '[%s]' % dtype if dtype is not None else ''; except: dtype = ''; try: order = self.order; order = '|%s|' % order if order is not None else ''; except: order = ''; try: location = self.source.location; location = '%s' % location if location is not None else ''; if len(location) > 25: #location = location[:25] + '...' + location[-25:] location = '...' + location[-25:]; if len(location) > 0: location = '{%s}' % location; except: location = ''; try: position = "P%r" % (list(self.position),); except: position = ''; try: tile_position = "T%r" % (tuple(self.tile_position),); except: tile_position = ''; try: ids = '(#%d)' %; except: ids = ''; return name + ids + tile_position + position + shape + dtype + order + location ######################################################################################## ### Layouts ######################################################################################## #TODO: really need this base class ?
[docs] class AlignmentBase(object): """Base class to handle alignments between two adjacent sources.""" #note: could make this a source like object with data and plot routines def __init__(self, pre = None, post = None): """Alignment constructor. Arguments --------- pre, post: Source classes The pointers to the source classes of the adjacent images. shift : tuple of int Additional shift between the pre source and post source positions to better align them. displacement : tuple of int The optimal displacement between the positions of the pre and post source. quality : number or None The quality of the alignment. """ if not isinstance(pre, SourceRegion) or not isinstance(post, SourceRegion): raise ValueError('Pre and post specifications need to be Source classes!') self._pre = pre; self._post = post; @property def sources(self): """The sources that contribute to this alignment. Returns ------- sources : list of Source classes The sources that contribute to this alignment. """ return [self._pre, self._post]; @sources.setter def sources(self, sources): self._pre, self._post = sources; @property def pre(self): """The first source that contributes to this alignment. Returns ------- source : Source classes The first source that contribute to this alignment. """ return self._pre; @pre.setter def pre(self, pre): self._pre = pre; @property def post(self): """The second source that contributes to this alignment. Returns ------- source : Source classes The second source that contribute to this alignment. """ return self._post; @post.setter def post(self, post): self._post = post; @property def ndim(self): """Dimension of the alignment sources. Returns ------- ndim : int The dimension of the sources. """ return self.pre.ndim;
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plots this alignment""" plot_sources(self.sources, *args, **kwargs);
[docs] def overlay(self, **kwargs): return overlay_sources(self.sources, **kwargs);
[docs] def plot_overlay(self, **kwargs): ovl = self.overlay(colors = 'ids', **kwargs); return p3d.plot([ovl]);
[docs] def overlay_overlap(self, max_shifts = 0): o1,o2 = _overlap_with_shifts(self.pre,, max_shifts=max_shifts); i1 = self.pre[o1.local_slicing(self.pre)]; i2 =[o2.local_slicing(]; return [i1,i2];
[docs] def plot_overlap(self, **kwargs): #cut overlap region return p3d.plot([self.overlay_overlap(**kwargs)]);
[docs] def overlay_mip(self, *args, **kwargs): """Overlays this alignment using max intensity projection.""" return overlay_along_axis_mip(self.pre,, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_mip(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plots this alignment using max intensity projection.""" return plot_along_axis_mip(self.pre,, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.copy(self);
def __str__(self): return "Alignment(%r->%r)" % (self.pre.identifier,; def __repr__(self): return self.__str__();
[docs] class Alignment(AlignmentBase): """Class to handle rigid alignments between two adjacent sources.""" #note: could make this a source like object with data and plot routines def __init__(self, pre = None, post = None, shift = None, displacement = None, quality = None): """Alignment constructor. Arguments --------- pre, post: Source classes The pointers to the source classes of the adjacent images. shift : tuple of int Additional shift between the pre source and post source positions to better align them. displacement : tuple of int The optimal displacement between the positions of the pre and post source. quality : number or None The quality of the alignment. """ AlignmentBase.__init__(self, pre=pre, post=post); if displacement is None: if shift is None: displacement = tuple(p - q for p,q in zip(post.position, pre.position)); else: displacement = tuple(p - q + s for p,q,s in zip(post.position, pre.position, shift)); self._displacement = ensure(displacement, tuple); if quality is None: self._quality = -np.inf; else: self._quality = float(quality); @property def displacement(self): """The displacement between the two sources given their positions and the alignment shift. Returns ------- displacmeent : array of int The displacement between the sources. """ #return tuple(p - q + s for p,q,s in zip(, self.pre.position, self.shift)); return self._displacement; @displacement.setter def displacement(self, displacement): #self.shift = tuple(d - (p - q) for d,p,q in zip(displacement,, self.pre.position)) self._displacement = ensure(displacement, tuple); @property def shift(self): """The additional shift between the source positions that better aligns them. Returns ------- shift : array of int The additional shift between the source positions that better aligns them. """ #return self._shift; return tuple(p + d - q for p,q,d in zip(self.pre.position,, self.displacement)); @shift.setter def shift(self, shift): #self._shift = ensure(shift, tuple); self._displacement = tuple(q + s - p for p,q,s in zip(self.pre.position,, shift)) @property def quality(self): """The quality of this alignment. Returns ------- quality : float The quality of this alignment. """ return self._quality; @quality.setter def quality(self, quality): self._quality = float(quality);
[docs] def mip_axis(self, axis=None, max_shifts=None): """A axis for maximum projections.""" return _mip_axis(self.pre,, axis=axis, max_shifts=max_shifts);
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plots this alignment""" post =; post.position = tuple(p + d for p,d in zip(self.pre.position, self.displacement)); return plot_sources([self.pre, post], *args, **kwargs);
@property def name(self): return type(self).__name__; def __str__(self): quality = self.quality; if quality is not None: quality = '%.2e' % quality; return "%s(%r->%r)D%rS%r[%s]" % (, self.pre.identifier,, self.displacement, self.shift, quality);
[docs] class Layout(SourceRegion, src.AbstractSource): """Base class to handle the layout of multiple sources.""" def __init__(self, sources, alignments = None, position = None, shape = None, dtype = None, order = None, location = None): """Layout constructor. Arguments --------- sources : list of filenames or Source classes List of the sources of the individual sources contributing to the full image. alignments : list of Alignment classes The alignment structure of the sources. shape : tuple of int or None The fixed shape of this Layout, if None the minimal size to fit all sources will be used. dtype: dtype or None The data type to use for this layout, if None use the dtype of the first source. order : 'C", 'F' or None Contiguous order of the layout array. position : tuple of int or None The fixed position of this layout, if None the lower corner to fit all sources will be used. """ SourceRegion.__init__(self, position = position, shape = shape); src.AbstractSource.__init__(self, source = None, shape = shape, dtype = dtype, order = order, location = location); self._sources = [s if isinstance(s, SourceRegion) else Source(source = s) for s in sources] self._alignments = [] if alignments is None else alignments; @property def sources(self): """The sources in the layout. Returns ------- sources : list List of the sources in this layout. """ return self._sources; @sources.setter def sources(self, sources): self._sources = sources; @property def n_sources(self): """Number of sources in the layout. Returns ------- n_sources : int Number of sources in this layout. """ return len(self.sources); @property def alignments(self): """The alignments in the layout. Returns ------- alignments : list List of the alignments in this layout. """ return self._alignments; @alignments.setter def alignments(self, alignments): self._alignments = alignments; @property def n_alignments(self): """Number of alignments in this layout. Returns ------- n_alignments : int Number of alignments in this layout. """ return len(self.alignments); @property def ndim(self): """Dimension of the alignment sources. Returns ------- ndim : int The dimension of the sources. """ return self.sources[0].ndim; ### Geometry @property def position(self): """Returns the lower position of the layout. Returns ------- position : tuple of ints The position of the lower corner of this layout. """ if self._position is not None: return self._position; else: return self.lower; @position.setter def position(self, position): self._position = ensure(position, tuple); @property def lower(self): """Calculates the lower position of the entire layout. Returns ------- lower : tuple of ints The lower position of the full layout. """ return tuple(np.min([s.lower for s in self.sources], axis = 0)); @property def upper(self): """Calculates the upper position of the entire layout. Returns ------- upper : tuple of ints The upper position of the full layout. """ return tuple(np.max([s.upper for s in self.sources], axis = 0)); @property def shape(self): """Shape of the layout. Returns ------- shape : tuple of int The shape of the layout when stitching together all the sources. """ if self._shape is not None: return self._shape; else: return tuple(u - o for u,o in zip(self.upper, self.origin)); @shape.setter def shape(self, shape): self._shape = ensure(shape, tuple);
[docs] def lower_to_origin(self): """Moves the sources so that the lower corner is at the origin.""" lower = self.lower; source_positions = [tuple(p - l for p,l in zip(positions, lower)) for positions in self.source_positions()]; self.set_source_positions(source_positions);
[docs] def source_positions(self, sources = None): """Returns the positions of the sources. Returns ------- positions : list of tuples of ints The source positions. """ if sources is None: sources = self.sources; return [s.position for s in sources];
[docs] def set_source_positions(self, positions = None, sources = None, update_alignments = False): """Sets the positions of the sources. Arguments --------- positions : list of tuple of ints or None The new positions of the sources, if None infer a consistent solution from the alignments. sources : list of Source classes If only a subset of positions is given, this list represents the sources of those positions. update_alignments : bool If True, also update the alignments shifts to match the new positions. """ if sources is None: sources = self.sources; if positions is None: positions = positions_from_tree(alignments = self.alignments, sources = sources); old_positions = self.source_positions(sources = sources); for s,p in zip(sources, positions): s.position = p; if update_alignments: if sources == self.sources: for a in self.alignments: a.shift = (0,) * self.ndim; else: new_positions = self.source_positions(sources = sources); delta = [tuple(n-o for n,o in zip(npos, opos)) for npos,opos in zip(new_positions, old_positions)]; sources_to_index = { s: i for i,s in enumerate(sources)}; for a in self.alignments: pre = a.pre in sources; post = in sources; if pre and post: a.shift = (0,) * self.ndim; elif pre: i = sources_to_index[a.pre]; a.shift = tuple(s + d for s,d in zip(a.shift, delta[i])); elif post: i = sources_to_index[]; a.shift = tuple(s - d for s,d in zip(a.shift, delta[i]));
[docs] def sink_slicing(self): """Returns the slice of this layout's data in an underlying sink. Returns ------- slice : list of slice objects The slice to use if this layout is placed in an underling sink. Note ---- Positions below zero are cut off as well as above the shape. """ return tuple(slice(o, o + s) for o,s in zip(self.origin, self.shape));
### IO @property def dtype(self): """Data type of the sources in the layout. Returns ------- dtype : dtype Data type of the sources in this layout. """ if self._dtype is not None: return self._dtype; else: return self.sources[0].dtype; @dtype.setter def dtype(self, dtype): self._dtype = dtype; @property def order(self): """The contiguous order of the source. Returns ------- order : order The contiguous order of the source. """ if self._order is not None: return self._order; else: return self.sources[0].order; @order.setter def order(self, order): self._order = ensure(order, str); @property def location(self): """The location of the layout when written. Returns ------- location : str The location of the layout when written. """ return self._location; @location.setter def location(self, location): self._location = ensure(location, str); ### Functionality
[docs] def source_index(self, source): """The id of a source in the list of sources. Arguments --------- source : Source class Returns ------- id : int or None Position of the source in the sources list, None if not found. """ for i,s in enumerate(self.sources): if == return i; return None;
[docs] def update_alignments_from_sources(self): """Updates the alignments from the source positions.""" zero = (0,) * self.ndim; for a in self.alignments: a.shift = zero;
[docs] def update_sources_from_alignments(self): """Updates the source positions from the alignments.""" positions = positions_from_tree(sources = self.sources, alignments = self.alignments, fixed_source=self.sources[0]); self.set_source_positions(positions, update_alignments = True);
[docs] def remove_source(self, source): """Removes a source from this Layout. Arguments --------- source : int, Source class or list of ints or Source classes The list of source classes to remove from this layout. Note ---- The alignments are cleaned in a consistent way when this routine is used. """ if not isinstance(source, (tuple, list)): source = [source]; dels = []; for i,si in enumerate(source): if isinstance(si, int): si = self.sources[si]; source[i] = si; sid = self.source_index(si); if sid is not None: dels.append(sid); dela = []; for i,a in enumerate(self.alignments): if a.pre in source or in source: dela.append(i); self.sources = [s for i,s in enumerate(self.sources) if i not in dels]; self.alignments = [a for i,a in enumerate(self.alignments) if i not in dela];
[docs] def change_sources(self, sources): """changes the sources of this layout. Arguments --------- sources : list of sources The new sources. Note ---- This allows to stitch other color channels with the same alignment. """ if len(sources) != len(self._sources): raise ValueError('The number of sources %d and layout sources %d do not match!' % (len(sources), len(self._sources))); old_sources = self._sources; old_to_new = {o : n for o,n in zip(old_sources, sources)}; alignments = [a.copy() for a in self._alignments]; for a in alignments: a.pre = old_to_new[a.pre]; = old_to_new[]; for s,o in zip(sources, old_sources): s.position = o.position; s.tile_position = o.tile_position; self._alignments = alignments; self._sources = sources;
[docs] def change_source_location(self, expression, substitutions): """Change the sources to point to a new location. Arguments --------- expression : str Tag expression of source names with additional substitution tags. substitutions : dict A substitution dictionary of the form {tag_name : value}, specifying how to replace the substitution tags. Note ---- This function is useful to stitch other color channels of imagining data using the same alignments. """ if not isinstance(expression, te.Expression): expression = te.Expression(expression); #get locations locations = [s.location for s in self._sources]; for l in locations: if l is None: raise RuntimeError('The layout contains sources without locations!'); #change location expressions locations = [expression.string(expression.values(l).update(substitutions)) for l in locations]; sources = [s.copy() for s in self._sources]; for s,l in zip(sources, locations): s.source.location = l; self.change_sources(sources);
[docs] def replace_source_location(self, match, replace, method = 'expression'): """Change the sources to point to a new location. Arguments --------- match : str or Expression Expression of source names to match and substitute. replace : str or Expression Expression to replace source names with. Note ---- This function is useful to stitch other color channels of imagining data using the same alignments. """ if method == 'expression': locations = [s.location for s in self._sources]; for l in locations: if not isinstance(l, str): raise RuntimeError('The layout contains sources without locations!'); ##change location expressions #locations = [l.replace(match, replace) for l in locations]; e_match = te.Expression(match); e_replace = te.Expression(replace); for s,l in zip(self.sources, locations): values = e_match.values(l); s.location = l.replace(e_match.string(values), e_replace.string(values)); elif method == 'replace': #get locations locations = [s.location for s in self._sources]; for l in locations: if not isinstance(l, str): raise RuntimeError('The layout contains sources without locations!'); #change location expressions locations = [l.replace(match, replace) for l in locations]; for s,l in zip(self.sources, locations): s.location = l; else: raise ValueError('Method %r not valid!' % method);
[docs] def sort_sources_by_position(self): """Sorts the sources of this layout by their current position.""" pl = self.source_positions(); p = np.zeros(len(pl), dtype = object); for i in range(len(p)): p[i] = pl[i]; sort_id = np.argsort(p); self._sources = [self._sources[i] for i in sort_id];
[docs] def connected_components(self, min_quality = None, with_sources = False): """Determines the connected components of the layout. Arguments --------- min_quality : float, tuple of floats or None The minimal quality needed to include an alignment in the calculation. with_sources : bool If True, also return the sources in each component. Returns ------- components : list of list of Alignment classes The connected components of the alignments. component_sources : list of list of Source classes The sources in each compoenent. """ return connected_components(alignments = self.alignments, sources = self.sources, min_quality = min_quality, with_sources = with_sources);
[docs] def connected(self): """Returns True if the alignments form a single connected component. Returns ------- connected : bool True if the alignments form a single connected component. """ return connected(alignments = self.alignments, sources = self.sources);
[docs] def embedding(self): """Splits the set of co-axial sources into a minimal set of non-overlaping regions. Returns ------- shape : tuple of int The shape that encapsulates all the regions. position : tuple of int The lowest corner of all the regions. regions : list of Region classes. The regions of different overlaps of the individual sources. Note ---- The result can be used to stitch the images. """ return embedding(sources = self._sources, shape = self.shape, position = self.origin);
[docs] def layout_from_region(self, region = None, position = None, shape = None, lower = None, upper = None): """Returns a layout with only the sources needed to construct the specified region Returns ------- layout : Layout class The reduced layout needed to cover the region. """ if not isinstance(region, Region): if lower is None or upper is None: if position is None or shape is None: raise ValueError('Either a region or position and shape or lower and upper coordinates have to be given!'); else: region = Region(position = position, shape = shape); else: region = Region(lower = lower, upper = upper); lower = region.lower; upper = region.upper; new = self.copy(); rem = [s for s in self.sources if np.any([u < l for u,l in zip(s.upper, lower)]) \ or np.any([l >= u for l,u in zip(s.lower, upper)])]; new.remove_sources(rem); return new;
[docs] def slice_along_axis(self, coordinate, axis = 2): """Returns a layout corresponding to a slice along a single axis in this layout. Arguments --------- coordinate : int The coordinate at which to take the slice. axis : int The axis to take the slice in. Returns ------- layout : SlicedLayout class The sliced layout. """ return slice_layout_along_axis(self, coordinate = coordinate, axis = axis);
### Alignment, placement ans stitching
[docs] def align(self, max_shifts = 10, clip = None, background = None, processes = None, verbose = False): """Align the sources.""" align_layout(self, max_shifts = max_shifts, clip = clip, background = background, processes = processes, verbose = verbose);
[docs] def place(self, method = 'optimization', lower_to_origin = False, processes = None, verbose = False, min_quality=None): """Optimizes positions of the sources in this layout.""" place_layout(self, method = method, min_quality=min_quality, lower_to_origin = lower_to_origin, verbose = verbose);
[docs] def stitch(self, sink = None, method = 'interpolation', processes = None, verbose = False): """Stitches the sources according to this layout. Arguments --------- sink : sink specification or None The sink to write the result to. method : str The method to use for the stitching: 'interpolation', 'max', 'min', 'mean' Returns ------- stitched : array or sink The stitched array or sink. """ return stitch_layout(self, method = method, sink = sink, verbose = verbose);
[docs] def align_axis(self, depth = 10, max_shifts = 10, axis = None, axis_range = None, clip = None, background = None, processes = None, verbose = False): """Aligns sources in a layout along a single axis only. Arguments --------- layout: Layout class The layout in which to align the 3d sources in z-direction. depth : int or list of ints The approximate overlaps of the sources in the tiling dimensions to use for mip projection when aligning the axis. max_shifts : tuple of ints The minmal and maximal shifts along all axes consider. axis : int The axis to aling the sources along. axis_range : tuple of int or None If not None, use only a sub set of the axis range to speed up processing. clip : number or None If not None, clip the soruces at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. processes : int or 'serial' Number of processor to use for parallel processing, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool Print progress information. """ if axis is None: axis = self.axis; align_layout_axis(self, depth = depth, max_shifts = max_shifts, axis = axis, axis_range = axis_range, clip = clip, background = background, processes = processes, verbose = verbose);
[docs] def place_axis(self, axis = None, method = 'optimization', min_quality = None, lower_to_origin = False, verbose = False): """Places the sources in a layout along a single axis only. Arguments --------- axis: int The axis which to place the sources along. method : 'optimization' or 'tree' The method to use to place the sources. min_quality : float The minimal quality of the alignment. lower_to_origin : bool If True the lower corner of the aligned images is set to zero. """ if axis is None: axis = self.axis; place_layout_axis(self, axis = axis, method = method, min_quality = min_quality, lower_to_origin = lower_to_origin, verbose = verbose);
### Data access @property def array(self): """Returns the stitched data Arguments --------- sink : sink specification or None The sink to write the result to. If None return as array. Returns ------- data : array or sink The stitched array or sink. """ return self.stitch(sink = None); def __getitem__(self, slicing): #TODO: speed up stitching for subslices etc -> for fast previews return self.array.__getitem__(slicing); def __setitem__(self, slicing): raise ValueError('Cannot set data in a Layout.');
[docs] def array_along_axis(self, sink = None, coordinate = None, axis = 2): """Returns the stitched data Arguments --------- sink : sink specification or None The sink to write the result to. If None return as array. coordinate : int The coordinate at which to take the slice. axis : int The axis to take the slice in. Returns ------- data : array or sink The stitched array or sink. """ l = self.slice_along_axis(coordinate = coordinate, axis = axis); return l.stitch(sink = sink);
[docs] def overlay(self, colors = None, percentile = 98, normalize = True, coordinate = None, axis = 2): """Overlays the sources to check their placement. Arguments --------- colors : list of tuple of floats or color names The optional RGB colors to use. percentile : int Use this percentile as upper cutoff in the resulting image to enhance contrast. normalize : bool If True normalize image to floats between 0 and 1. coordinate : int or None Optional coordinate at which to take a slice. axis : int Optional axis to take the slice in. Returns ------- image : array A color image. """ if coordinate is None: layout = self; else: layout = self.slice_along_axis(coordinate = coordinate, axis = axis); return overlay_layout(layout, colors = colors, percentile = percentile, normalize = normalize);
[docs] def plot(self, colors = None, percentile = 98, normalize = True, color_ids = None, coordinate = None, axis = 2): """Plots overlayed sources to check their placement. Arguments --------- colors : list of tuple of floats or color names The optional RGB colors to use. percentile : int Use this percentile as upper cutoff in the resulting image to enhance contrast. normalize : bool If True normalize image to floats between 0 and 1. color_ids : list of ints Use specific color ids for the sources contributing to the layout. coordinate : int or None Optional coordinate at which to take a slice. axis : int Optional axis to take the slice in. Returns ------- image : array A color image. """ if coordinate is None: layout = self; else: layout = self.slice_along_axis(coordinate = coordinate, axis = axis); return plot_layout(layout, colors = colors, percentile = percentile, normalize = normalize)
[docs] def plot_regions(self, cmap =, annotate = True, axes = [0,1]): """Overlays and plots regions to check the alignment of this layout. Arguments --------- cmap : colormap The color map to use to color the regions. annotate : bool Use annotaton or not. axes : tuple of ints Axes to use if sources are larger than 2d. """ position, shape, regions = self.embedding(); plot_regions(regions, sources = self.sources, cmap = cmap, annotate = annotate, axes = axes);
[docs] def plot_alignments(self, cmap =, annotate = True, axes = [0,1]): """Overlays and plots regions to check the alignment of this layout. Arguments --------- cmap : colormap The color map to use to color the regions. annotate : bool Use annotaton or not. axes : tuple of ints Axes to use if sources are larger than 2d. """ plot_alignments(self.alignments, sources = self.sources, cmap = cmap, annotate = annotate, axes = axes);
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Loads the layout specifications from a file. """ layout = load_layout(filename, self); self.__init__(layout);
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Saves the layout to a file. """ save_layout(filename, self);
### Internals def __copy__(self): cls = self.__class__ new = cls.__new__(cls) new.__dict__.update(self.__dict__); #copy sorces and alignments sources, alignments = copy_sources_and_alignments(self._sources, self._alignments); new._sources = sources; new._alignments = alignments; return new;
[docs] def sources_as_virtual(self): sources = self.sources; alignments = self.alignments; new_sources = [s.as_virtual() for s in sources]; new_alignments = [a.copy() for a in alignments]; source_to_new = {s : n for s,n in zip(sources, new_sources)}; for a,an in zip(alignments, new_alignments): an.pre = source_to_new[a.pre]; = source_to_new[]; self._sources = new_sources; self._alignments = new_alignments;
[docs] def sources_as_real(self): sources = self.sources; alignments = self.alignments; new_sources = [s.as_real() for s in sources]; new_alignments = [a.copy() for a in alignments]; source_to_new = {s : n for s,n in zip(sources, new_sources)}; for a,an in zip(alignments, new_alignments): an.pre = source_to_new[a.pre]; = source_to_new[]; self._sources = new_sources; self._alignments = new_alignments;
[docs] def as_virtual(self): new = self.copy(); new.sources_as_virtual(); return new;
[docs] def as_real(self): new = self.copy(); new.sources_as_real(); return new;
def __str__(self): name =; s = _source_string(self); layout = "<<%ds, %da>>" % (self.n_sources, self.n_alignments); return name + layout + s[len(name):]; def __repr__(self): return self.__str__();
[docs] class TiledLayout(Layout): """TiledLayout handles stacks aligned on a tiling grid.""" def __init__(self, sources = None, expression = None, tile_axes = None, tile_shape = None, tile_positions = None, positions = None, overlaps = None, alignments = None, position = None, shape = None, dtype = None, order = None, location = None): """TiledLayout constructor. Arguments --------- sources : list of file names or Source classes List of the sources of the individual tiles / images. expression : str or None If sources is None, use this expression to a list of files to generate the sources. tile_axes : str or None If expression is given, use this ordering of the tag names in expression to consturct the tiling grid. tile_shape : tuple of ints or None Optional shape of the grid. tile_positions : list of tuple of ints or None Optional list of grid positions of the sources. positions : list of tuple of ints or None Optional list of positions of the individual sources. overlaps : tuple of ints or None Optional overlaps of the sources in each grid dimension. alignments : list of Alignment classes Optional alignment structure of the sources. shape : tuple of int or None The fixed shape of this Layout, if None the minimal size to fit all sources will be used. position : tuple of int or None The fixed position of this layout, if None the lower corner to fit all sources will be used. dtype: dtype or None The data type to use for this layout, if None use the dtype of the first source. """ if expression is None and sources is None: raise ValueError('Either exprssion or sources must be given!'); if expression is not None: sources, alignments, tile_positions = _initialize_tiles_from_expression(expression, tile_axes=tile_axes, tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_positions=tile_positions, overlaps=overlaps, positions=positions, alignments=alignments); else: sources, alignments, tile_positions = _initialize_tiles_from_sources(sources, tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_positions=tile_positions, positions=positions, overlaps=overlaps, alignments=alignments) #init the underlying Layout super(TiledLayout, self).__init__(sources = sources, alignments = alignments, position = position, shape = shape, dtype = dtype, order = order, location = location); #set tile_positions for s,g in zip(self.sources, tile_positions): s.tile_position = g; #udate sources if positions is None: self.update_sources_from_alignments(); @property def tile_dim(self): """Returns the dimension of the grid. Returns ------- g_dim : int The grid dimension. """ return len(self.tile_positions[0]); @property def tile_positions(self): """Returns the list of the grid positions of the sources. Returns ------- tile_positions : list of tuple of ints The grid positions of the sources. """ return [s.tile_position for s in self.sources];
[docs] def source_to_tile_position(self, source): """Maps the source to a position on the grid in this layout. Arguments --------- source : Source class or int The souce or id of the source to map to a grid position. Returns ------- positions : tuple of ints or None The grid position of the source, None if not found. """ if isinstance(source, int): return self.sources[source].tile_position; elif source in self.sources: return source.tile_position; else: return None;
[docs] def source_from_tile_position(self, tile_position): """Maps the grid position to a source in this layout. Arguments --------- tile_position : tuple of ints The position of the source in the grid. Returns ------- source : Source class or None The source at the required grid position, None if not found. """ for s in self.sources: if s.tile_position == tile_position: return s; return None;
[docs] def center_tile_position(self): """Returns the most center tile position in this layout. Returns ------- tile_center : tuple of ints The tile position of the most central tile. """ return _center_tile(self.tile_positions);
[docs] def center_tile_source(self): """Returns the most central source in this tile layout. Returns ------- center : tuple of ints The most central tile. """ tile_center = self.center_tile_position(); return self.source_from_tile_position(tile_center);
[docs] def sort_sources_by_tile_position(self): """Sorts the sources of this layout by grid position.""" gpl = self.tile_positions; gp = np.zeros(len(gpl), dtype = object); for i in range(len(gp)): gp[i] = tuple(gpl[i]); sort_id = np.argsort(gp); self._sources = [self._sources[i] for i in sort_id];
[docs] def adjust_overlaps(self, overlaps = None): """Adjusts the positions of the sources given a new estimate of the overlaps. Arguments --------- overlaps : tuple of ints or None Overlaps of the sources in each grid dimension. """ tile_dim = self.tile_dim; if overlaps is None: overlaps = 0; if not hasattr(overlaps, '__len__'): overlaps = [overlaps]; overlaps = np.array(overlaps, dtype=int); overlaps = np.pad(overlaps,(0,max(0, tile_dim-len(overlaps))), 'wrap'); for a in self.alignments: pre = a.pre.tile_position; post =; shift = list(a.shift); for d in range(tile_dim): delta = pre[d] - post[d]; if delta == 1: shift[d] = pre.shape[d] - overlaps[d]; elif delta == -1: shift[d] = -post.shape[d] + overlaps[d]; a.shift = tuple(shift); for s in self.sources: s.position = (0,) * self.ndim; self.update_sources_from_alignments();
[docs] def alignment_from_tile_positions(self, tile_position1, tile_position2): """Returns the alignemtn between two tiles if exists.. Arguments --------- tile_position1,2 : tuple of ints The position of the sources in the grid. Returns ------- alignment : Alignment class or None The alignment between the tile positions, None if not found. """ for a in self.alignments: if a.pre.tile_position == tile_position1 and == tile_position2 or \ a.pre.tile_position == tile_position2 and == tile_position1: return a; return None;
[docs] def alignments_from_tile_position(self, tile_position): """Returns a list of all alignments that involve a specified tile. Arguments --------- tile_position : tuple of ints The position of the source. Returns ------- alignments : list of Alignment class The alignments involved in the specified tile position, """ alignments = [] for a in self.alignments: if a.pre.tile_position == tile_position or == tile_position: alignments.append(a); return alignments;
[docs] def align_on_tiling(self, overlaps = (50,50), max_shifts = (-50,50), clip = None, background = None, processes = None, verbose = False): """Align pairwise images using overlaps along and grid information. Arguments --------- layout : TiledLayout The grid layout of the sources. overlaps : int, tuple of ints or list of tuple of ints The overlaps along the grid axes. max_shifts : tuple or list of tuple of ints The maximal shifts along the axes directions. clip : number or None If not None, clip the soruces at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. processes : int or 'serial' Number of processor to use for parallel processing, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- layout : Layout class The updated layout. """ return align_layout_on_tiling(self, overlaps = overlaps, max_shifts = max_shifts, clip = clip, background = background, processes = processes, verbose = verbose);
def _center_tile(tile_positions): """helper to calucalte the most central tile in a list of tile positions.""" tdim = len(tile_positions[0]); tpos = np.array(tile_positions, dtype=int); for d in range(tdim): m = np.sort(tpos[:,d])[(len(tpos)-1)//2]; tpos = np.array([t for t in tpos if t[d] == m], dtype=int); center = tpos[0]; return tuple(center); def _initialize_tiles_from_sources(sources, tile_shape = None, tile_positions = None, positions = None, overlaps = None, alignments = None): """Helper to set up the TiledLayout info.""" #tiling if tile_positions is None: # infer tiling from sources or tile_shape if tile_shape is None: # infer tiling from structure of sources if isinstance(sources, list): # nested list structure #grid shape src = sources; tile_shape = (); while isinstance(src, list): tile_shape += (len(src),); src = src[0]; #convert to flat list src = sources; while isinstance(src[0], list): sl = []; for s in src: sl.extend(s); src = sl; sources = src; elif isinstance(sources, np.ndarray): # numpy array tile_shape = sources.shape; sources = list(sources.flat); #create grid positions tile_positions = list(itt.product(*[range(s) for s in tile_shape])); else: tile_shape = np.max(tile_positions, axis = 0) + 1; #sources sources = list(sources); if len(tile_positions) != len(sources): ValueError('Number of sources = %d does not match grid positions = %d !' % (len(sources), len(tile_positions))); #remove None type sources and ensure source classes src = []; pos = []; for s,p in zip(sources, tile_positions): if s is not None: if isinstance(s, Source): src.append(s) else: src.append(Source(source = s)); pos.append(p); sources = src; tile_positions = pos; #tile data tile_dim = len(tile_positions[0]); source_dim = sources[0].ndim; tile_position_to_source = { p : s for p,s in zip(tile_positions, sources)}; # alignments if alignments is None: alignments = []; if positions is None: if overlaps is None: overlaps = 0; if not isinstance(overlaps, (list, tuple)): overlaps = [overlaps]; overlaps = np.array(overlaps, dtype=int); overlaps = np.pad(overlaps,(0,max(0, tile_dim-len(overlaps))), 'wrap'); for d in range(tile_dim): for pre,pre_tpos in zip(sources, tile_positions): if pre_tpos[d] < tile_shape[d] - 1: shift = tuple(0 if i!=d else pre.shape[d] - overlaps[d] for i in range(source_dim)); post_tpos = tuple(p if i!=d else p+1 for i,p in enumerate(pre_tpos)); post = tile_position_to_source.get(post_tpos, None); if post is not None: alignments.append(Alignment(pre = pre, post = post, shift = shift)) for s in sources: # ensure source positions are properly updated s.position = (0,) * s.ndim; else: #positions are given for d in range(tile_dim): for pre,pre_tpos in zip(sources, tile_positions): if pre_tpos[d] < tile_shape[d] - 1: post_tpos = tuple(p if i!=d else p+1 for i,p in enumerate(pre_tpos)); post = tile_position_to_source.get(post_tpos, None); if post is not None: alignments.append(Alignment(pre = pre, post = post, shift = (0,) * pre.ndim)); for s,p in zip(sources, positions): s.position = p; return sources, alignments, tile_positions def _initialize_tiles_from_expression(expression, tile_axes = None, tile_shape = None, tile_positions = None, overlaps = None, positions = None, alignments = None): """Helper to nitialize TiledLayout from an expression of file names.""" if not isinstance(expression, te.Expression): expression = te.Expression(expression); tag_names = expression.tag_names(); if tile_axes is None: tile_axes = tag_names; for n in tile_axes: if not n in tag_names: raise ValueError('The expression does not have the named pattern %s' % n); for n in tag_names: if not n in tile_axes: raise ValueError('The expression has the named pattern %s that is not in tile_axes=%r' % (n, tile_axes)); #print tile_axes, tag_names #construct tiling files = fl._file_list(expression); tile_values = [expression.values(f) for f in files]; tile_values = [tuple(tv[n] for n in tile_axes) for tv in tile_values]; if tile_positions is not None: tile_positions = [t for t in tile_positions if t in tile_values]; sources = []; for p in tile_positions: for s,t in zip(files, tile_values): if t == p: sources.append(s); break; else: tile_positions = tile_values; sources = files; tile_shape = np.max(tile_positions, axis = 0) + 1; # assume that numbering starts with 0! return _initialize_tiles_from_sources(sources, tile_positions=tile_positions, tile_shape=tile_shape, positions=positions, overlaps=overlaps, alignments=alignments) ######################################################################################## ### Basic functions ########################################################################################
[docs] def check_alignments_and_sources(alignments, sources, verbose = False): """Checks consistency of alignments and sources.""" for i,a in enumerate(alignments): if a.pre not in sources: if verbose: print("Alignment %d, pre source %d not in sources %r!" % (i,, [ for s in sources])); #print a.pre, sources return False; if not in sources: if verbose: print("Alignment %d, post source %d not in sources %r!" % (i,, [ for s in sources])); #print, sources return False; return True;
[docs] def copy_sources_and_alignments(sources, alignments): """Copys the sources and alignments but not the underlying array data. Arguments --------- sources : list of Source classes or None List of sources. alignments : list of Alignment classes The pairwise alignments. Returns ------- sources : list of Source classes or None Copied list of sources. alignments : list of Alignment classes Copied list of pairwise alignments. """ new_sources = [s.copy() for s in sources]; new_alignments = [a.copy() for a in alignments]; source_to_new = {s : n for s,n in zip(sources, new_sources)}; for a,an in zip(alignments, new_alignments): an.pre = source_to_new[a.pre]; = source_to_new[]; return new_sources, new_alignments;
[docs] def sources_from_alignments(alignments): """Returns a unique list of sources from the given alignments. Arguments --------- alignments : list of Alignment classes The pairwise alignments. Returns ------- sources : list of Source classes A unique list of the sources. """ sources = []; for a in alignments: if a.pre not in sources: sources.append(a.pre); if not in sources: sources.append(; return sources;
[docs] def source_index(sources, source): """The index of a source in the list of sources. Arguments --------- sources : list of source classes The list of sources to search in. source : Source class The source to search for. Returns ------- index : int or None Position of the source in the sources list, None if not found. """ for i,s in enumerate(sources): if == return i; return None;
[docs] def connected_components(alignments, sources = None, min_quality = None, with_sources = False): """Returns the connected components of the alignments Arguments --------- alignments : list of Alignment classes The pairwise alignments. sources : list of Source classes or None Optional list of all sources. min_quality : float, tuple of floats or None The mininal quality for alignments to be included in the calculation. with_sources : bool If True, also return the sources in each component, as single sources might not appear in the alignment components. Returns ------- components : list of list of Alignment classes The connected components of the alignments. """ alignments = filter_alignments(alignments, min_quality = min_quality); if sources is None: sources = sources_from_alignments(alignments); n_sources = len(sources); source_to_index = { s : i for i,s in enumerate(sources)}; #print sources, alignments connected_components, n_components = get_connected_components(alignments, n_sources, source_to_index) # create components components = []; for i in range(n_components): ids = np.where(connected_components == i)[0]; comp = []; for a in alignments: if source_to_index[a.pre] in ids: comp.append(a); components.append(comp); if with_sources: component_sources = [[sources[i] for i in np.where(connected_components == c)[0]] for c in range(n_components)]; return components, component_sources else: return components;
[docs] def connected(alignments, sources = None): """Returns True if the alignments form a single connected component. Arguments --------- alignments : list of Alignment classes The pairwise alignments. sources : list of Source classes or None Optional list of all sources. Returns ------- connected : bool True if the alignments form a single connected component. """ return len(connected_components(alignments = alignments, sources = sources)) == 1;
[docs] def save_layout(filename, layout): """Saves a layout class to a file. Arguments --------- filename : str The file to save the layout too. layout : Layout class The layout to save. Returns ------- file_name : str The file name in which the layout was saved. """ s = np.array([layout.as_virtual()], dtype=object); #prevent np to add .npy to a .layout file fid = open(filename, "wb");, s, allow_pickle=True); fid.close(); return filename;
[docs] def load_layout(filename): """Loads a layout class from a file Arguments --------- filename : str The file to load the layout from. Returns ------- layout : Layout class The loaded layout. """ s = np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True); layout = s[0]; return layout;
[docs] def slice_layout_along_axis(layout, coordinate, axis = 2): """Slice a layout at a coordinate along an axis. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout to take the slice through. coordinate : int The coordinate of the slice along the slice axis in the original layout. axis : int The axis used to slice the layout. Note ---- The sources of the layout will be sliced accordingly. The sources position along the axis is taken into account and sources not in the slice are droped. Thus, ensure the position along the slice axis is aligned, e.g. by using :func:`aling_layout_along_axis`. """ sources = [s for s in layout.sources if 0 <= coordinate - s.position[axis] < s.shape[axis]]; new_layout = layout.copy(); new_layout._sources = [s.slice_along_axis(coordinate = coordinate, axis = axis) for s in sources] source_to_sliced = {s : sl for s,sl in zip(sources, new_layout._sources)}; alignments = [a.copy() for a in layout.alignments if a.pre in sources and in sources]; for a in alignments: a.pre = source_to_sliced[a.pre]; = source_to_sliced[]; displacement = a.displacement; a.displacement = displacement[:axis] + displacement[axis+1:]; new_layout._alignments = alignments; if layout._shape is None: new_layout._shape = None; else: shape = layout._shape; new_layout._shape = shape[:axis] + shape[axis+1:]; if layout._position is None: new_layout._position = None; else: position = layout.position; new_layout._position = position[:axis] + position[axis+1:]; #new_layout.coordinate = coordinate; #new_layout.axis = axis; #new_layout.slicing = tuple(slice(None) if d != axis else coordinate for d in range(layout.ndim)) return new_layout;
######################################################################################## ### Alignment ########################################################################################
[docs] def align_2_sources(src1, src2, max_shifts = 10, clip = None, background = None, normalize = False, verbose = False, debug = False): """Align 2 sources using root mean square difference measure. Arguments --------- src1, src2 : array like sources Sources to align. max_shifts : int, tuple or list of tuples of ints The minimum and maximum shifts along the different axes to consider for alignment. clip : number or None If not None, clip the sources at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. normalize : bool Use normalized cross correlation, instead of co-variance, i.e. subtract mean and divide by std. verbose : bool If True print progress information. Returns ------- shift : array The additional shift between the first and second source for optimal pairwise alignment. quality : float Quality measure. """ #if not isinstance(src1, SourceRegion): # src1 = Source(source=src1); #if not isinstance(src2, SourceRegion): # src2 = Source(source=src2); if src1.ndim != src2.ndim: raise ValueError('Sources expected to have same dimension, found %d and %d dimensional images!' % (src1.ndim, src2.ndim)); ndim = src1.ndim; slice1, slice2, pad1, pad2, slice_no_pad1, slice_no_pad2, shift_min, shift_max, fft_roi = _slicing_and_padding_for_fft(src1, src2, max_shifts); # format max shifts max_shifts = np.array(_format_max_shifts(max_shifts, ndim), dtype=int); shift_min = max_shifts[:,0]; shift_max = max_shifts[:,1]; if debug or verbose: print('Alignment: positions = %r,%r, shapes= %r,%r shifts=%r,%r' % (src1.position, src2.position, src1.shape, src2.shape, shift_min, shift_max)); # extract relevant data i1 = src1[slice1]; i2 = src2[slice2]; if debug: print('Alignment: data shapes = %r, %r' % (i1.shape, i2.shape)); print('Alignment: overlaping slices = %r, %r' % (slice1, slice2)); # clip images for better alignment performance if clip is not None: #if sources are memmaps copy to array i1 = np.array(i1); i2 = np.array(i2); #clip if isinstance(clip, (tuple, list)): if clip[0] is not None: i1[i1 < clip[0]] = clip[0]; i2[i2 < clip[0]] = clip[0]; if clip[1] is not None: i1[i1 > clip[1]] = clip[1]; i2[i2 > clip[1]] = clip[1]; else: i1[i1 > clip] = clip; i2[i2 > clip] = clip; #check if one of the images is background if background is not None: if isinstance(background, tuple): if isinstance(background[1], int): aa1 = aa2 = background[1]; else: aa1 = * background[1]; aa2 = * background[1]; bb = np.sum(i1 >= background[0]); bad = bb < aa1; if verbose and bad: print('Alignment: Not enough pixels %d<%d above background %d in source %r' % (bb, aa1, background[0], src1.tile_position)); if not bad: bb = np.sum(i2 >= background[0]); bad = bb < aa2; if verbose and bad: print('Alignment: Not enough pixels %d<%d above background %d in source %r' % (bb, aa2, background[0], src2.tile_position)); else: #background is int bad = np.all(i1 < background) or np.all(i2 < background) if verbose and bad: print('Alignment: No good signal between %r and %r' % (src1.tile_position, src2.tile_position)); if bad: shift = np.zeros(i1.ndim, dtype=int); quality = -np.inf; return shift, quality; # ensure doulbe images for fft i1 = np.asarray(i1, dtype = float); i2 = np.asarray(i2, dtype = float); #normalize the image if normalize: i1 -= np.mean(i1); i2 -= np.mean(i2); i1 *= 1.0/np.sqrt(np.sum(i1*i1)); i2 *= 1.0/np.sqrt(np.sum(i2*i2)); #pad to same size + zeros for overlap in fft i1 = np.pad(i1, pad1, 'constant'); i2 = np.pad(i2, pad2, 'constant'); #weights w1 = np.zeros(i1.shape); w1[slice_no_pad1] = 1; w1fft = np.fft.fftn(w1); if np.any([s1.start != s2.start or s1.stop != s2.stop for s1,s2 in zip(slice_no_pad1, slice_no_pad2)]): w2 = np.zeros(i2.shape); w2[slice_no_pad2] = 1; w2fft = np.fft.fftn(w2); else: w2 = w1; w2fft = w1fft; #debug if debug: if debug is True: debug = 1; plt.figure(95+debug-1); plt.clf(); plt.subplot(2,2,1); plt.imshow(i1.T); plt.title('i1') plt.subplot(2,2,2); plt.imshow(w1.T); plt.title('w1') plt.subplot(2,2,3); plt.imshow(i2.T); plt.title('i2') plt.subplot(2,2,4); plt.imshow(w2.T); plt.title('w2') plt.figure(99+debug-1); plt.clf(); plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.hist(i1.flatten(), bins = 256); plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.hist(i2.flatten(), bins = 256); print('Alignment: shapes = %r, %r' % (i1.shape, i2.shape)); # fft i1fft = np.fft.fftn(i1); i2fft = np.fft.fftn(i2); s1fft = np.fft.fftn(i1 * i1); s2fft = np.fft.fftn(i2 * i2); wssd = w1fft * np.conj(s2fft) + s1fft * np.conj(w2fft) - 2 * i1fft * np.conj(i2fft); #if verbose: # print 'FFT done!'; wssd = np.fft.ifftn(wssd); nrm = np.fft.ifftn(w1fft * np.conj(w2fft)); #if verbose: # print 'iFFT done!'; # debug if debug: plt.figure(96+debug-1); plt.clf(); plt.subplot(2,2,1); plt.imshow(np.abs(wssd.T)); plt.title('wssd') plt.subplot(2,2,2); plt.imshow(np.abs(nrm.T)); plt.title('nrm') plt.subplot(2,2,3); plt.imshow(np.abs(wssd.T) / np.abs(nrm.T)); # range of interest wssd = wssd[fft_roi]; nrm = nrm[fft_roi]; # normalize eps = 2.2204e-16; nrm[nrm <= eps] = eps; cc = np.abs(wssd / nrm); # debug if debug: plt.figure(97+debug-1); plt.clf(); plt.subplot(2,2,1); plt.imshow(np.abs(wssd.T)); plt.title('wssd'); plt.subplot(2,2,2); plt.imshow(np.abs(nrm.T)); plt.title('nrm'); plt.subplot(2,2,3); plt.imshow(np.abs(wssd.T) / np.abs(nrm.T)); # find optimal shift shift = np.argmin(cc); shift = np.unravel_index(shift, cc.shape); quality = -(cc[tuple(shift)]); #print shift, quality #debug if debug: plt.plot([shift[0]], [shift[1]], '*', c = 'r') # correct for cutting shift = tuple(s + m for s,m in zip(shift, shift_min)); if verbose: print('Alignment: done! shift = %r, quality = %.2e' % (shift, quality)); return shift, quality;
[docs] def overlap(region1, region2): """Overlap between two regions.""" ovl = np.max([region1.lower, region2.lower], axis = 0); ovu = np.min([region1.upper, region2.upper], axis = 0); if np.any(ovu - ovl - 1 < 0): return None; else: return Overlap(lower = ovl, upper = ovu, sources = [region1, region2]);
def _overlap_with_shifts(src1, src2, max_shifts): """Calculates the maximal overlap between two sources given maximal shifts. Returns ------- overlap1 : Overlap The overlap between source 1 and source 2 if the latter is shifted the minimal shift and its shape is enalarged by the shift differences. overlap2 : Overlap The overlap between source 1 and source 2 if the former is negatively shifted the maximal shift and its shape enlarged by the shift differences. Note ---- Overlap1 can be used to extract the maximal region in source 1 that will be covered by source 2 including the shifts. Overlap2 can be used to extract the maximal region in source 2 that will be covered by source 1 including the shifts. """ # format max shifts max_shifts = np.array(_format_max_shifts(max_shifts, src1.ndim), dtype=int); shift_min = max_shifts[:,0]; shift_max = max_shifts[:,1]; # calculate overlap regions from positions, shapes and max_shifts p1 = np.array(src1.position); p2 = np.array(src2.position); s1 = src1.shape; s2 = src2.shape; #print p1, p2, s1, s2, sh_min, sh_max s1a = Region(position = tuple(p1), shape = s1); s2a = Region(position = tuple(p2 + shift_min), shape = tuple(s2 + shift_max - shift_min)); overlap_a = overlap(s1a, s2a); if overlap_a is None: raise ValueError('The two sources will never overlap, increase max_shifts or change source positions!'); s1b = Region(position = tuple(p1 - shift_max), shape = tuple(s1 + shift_max - shift_min)); s2b = Region(position = tuple(p2), shape = s2); overlap_b = overlap(s1b, s2b); return overlap_a, overlap_b def _slicing_and_padding_for_fft(src1, src2, max_shifts): ndim = src1.ndim; p1 = np.array(src1.position); p2 = np.array(src2.position); #max overlap regions overlap1, overlap2 = _overlap_with_shifts(src1, src2, max_shifts=max_shifts); #shifts max_shifts = np.array(_format_max_shifts(max_shifts, src1.ndim), dtype=int); shift_min = max_shifts[:,0]; shift_max = max_shifts[:,1]; #correct for shift vs range shift_max += 1; #source slicing slice1 = overlap1.local_slicing(source = src1); slice2 = overlap2.local_slicing(source = src2); #correct max shifts to maximal useful if overlap is smaller p1l = p1 + [s.start for s in slice1]; p1u = p1 + [s.stop for s in slice1]; p2l = p2 + [s.start for s in slice2]; p2u = p2 + [s.stop for s in slice2]; for d in range(ndim): shift_min[d] = max(shift_min[d], p1l[d] - p2u[d]); shift_max[d] = min(shift_max[d], p1u[d] - p2l[d]); #padding to make equal size and account for shifts / correlations due to 'wrap around' of fft pad1 = []; pad2 = []; for d in range(ndim): l_min = min(p1l[d], p2l[d] + shift_min[d]); l_max = min(p1l[d], p2l[d] + shift_max[d]); u_min = max(p1u[d], p2u[d] + shift_min[d]); u_max = max(p1u[d], p2u[d] + shift_max[d]); s_min = u_min - l_min; s_max = u_max - l_max; if s_min >= s_max: pad1.append((p1l[d] - l_min, u_min - p1u[d])); pad2.append((p2l[d] + shift_min[d] - l_min, u_min - (p2u[d]+shift_min[d]))) else: pad1.append((p1l[d] - l_max, u_max - p1u[d])); pad2.append((p2l[d] + shift_max[d] - l_max, u_max - (p2u[d]+shift_max[d]))) #non padded slices s12 = tuple(u - l + p[0] + p[1] for u,l,p in zip(p1u, p1l, pad1)); slice_no_pad1 = tuple(slice(p[0], s-p[1]) for p,s in zip(pad1, s12)); slice_no_pad2 = tuple(slice(p[0], s-p[1]) for p,s in zip(pad2, s12)); # range of interest fft_roi = (); for d in range(ndim): if pad2[d][0] == 0: # right pad fft_roi += (slice(None, (shift_max[d] - shift_min[d])),) else: # left pad fft_roi += (slice(-(shift_max[d] - shift_min[d]), None),); return slice1, slice2, pad1, pad2, slice_no_pad1, slice_no_pad2, shift_min, shift_max, fft_roi
[docs] def align_2_sources_along_axis(src1, src2, axis = 0, overlap = 10, max_shifts = 10, clip = None, background = None, verbose = False): """Align 2 images along a specified axis. Arguments --------- src1, src2 : 2d arrays The images to align. axis : int The alignment axis. overlap : tuple of int The minimum and maximum overlap along the alignment axis max_shifts : int, tuple of int or list of tuple of ints The minimum and maximum shifts along the different axes. Only the values for the axes orthogonal to the alignment axis are used. clip : number or None If not None, clip the sources at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- shift : array The shift of the second image wrt to the first for optimal pairwise alignment. quality : float A quality measure of the alignment. Note ---- This routine simply translates overlap specifications in one axis direction into max_shifts for use with align_2_sources. """ if not isinstance(src1, SourceRegion): src1 = Source(src1); if not isinstance(src2, SourceRegion): src2 = Source(src2); if src1.ndim != src2.ndim: raise ValueError('Images expected to have the same dimensions, found %d and %d dimensional images!' % (src1.ndim, src2.ndim)); ndim = src1.ndim; s1 = src1.shape; s2 = src2.shape; max_shifts = _format_max_shifts(max_shifts, ndim) # overlaps if isinstance(overlap,int): overlap=(1,overlap); p1 = src1.position; p2 = src2.position; shifts = []; for d in range(ndim): if d == axis: max_ovl = min(s1[axis], s2[axis]); max_ovl = min(max_ovl, max(overlap)); min_ovl = min(max_ovl, min(overlap)); min_ovl = max(1, min_ovl); shifts.append((s1[axis]-max_ovl + p1[axis]-p2[axis], s1[axis]-min_ovl + p1[axis]-p2[axis])); else: shifts.append(max_shifts[d]); return align_2_sources(src1, src2, max_shifts = shifts, clip = clip, background = background, verbose = verbose)
[docs] def max_intensity_projection(data, axis = 0, function = np.max): """Returns the max intensity projection along a specified axis. Arguments --------- data : array The data array. axis : int The axis along which to perform the maximum projection. Returns ------- mip : array The maximum intensity projection of the data along axis. """ return function(data, axis = axis);
[docs] def align_2_sources_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis = 2, depth = 10, max_shifts = 10, clip = None, background = None, verbose = False, with_mip = False): """Align 2 images orthogonal to a spcified axis using max projection Arguments --------- src1, src2: 2d arrays The sources to align. axis: int Axis for max intensity projection (mip). depth : int The depth to use for the maximum intensity projection along the mip axis. max_shifts: tuple of int The minimum and maximum shifts along the axes. clip : number or None If not None, clip the soruces at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. with_mip: bool If True, also return the maximum projections used to aling the two sources. Returns ------- shift : array The shift of the second image wrt to the first for optimal pairwise alignment orthogonal to mip axis quality : float The quality measure of the alignment. mips : tuple of arrays Optional maximum intensity projections. """ if not isinstance(src1, SourceRegion): src1 = Source(src1); if not isinstance(src2, SourceRegion): src2 = Source(src2); if src1.ndim != src2.ndim: raise ValueError('Images expected to have the same dimensions, found %d and %d dimensional images!' % (src1.ndim, src2.ndim)); ndim = src1.ndim; max_shifts = _format_max_shifts(max_shifts, ndim) max_shifts = max_shifts[:axis] + max_shifts[axis+1:]; s1 = src1.shape; s2 = src2.shape; # max intensity projections sub1 = [slice(None)] * ndim; sub1[axis] = slice(max(0, s1[axis] - depth), None); sub1 = tuple(sub1); sub2 = [slice(None)] * ndim; sub2[axis] = slice(None, min(depth, s2[axis])); sub2 = tuple(sub2); # calculate max projection along axis mip1 = max_intensity_projection(src1[sub1], axis = axis); mip2 = max_intensity_projection(src2[sub2], axis = axis); #add position information p1 = src1.position[:axis] + src1.position[axis+1:]; p2 = src2.position[:axis] + src2.position[axis+1:]; #print axis, p1, p2 mip1 = Source(mip1, position = p1, tile_position = src1.tile_position); mip2 = Source(mip2, position = p2, tile_position = src2.tile_position); #print mip1, mip2 mip_shift, quality = align_2_sources(mip1, mip2, max_shifts = max_shifts, clip = clip, background = background, verbose = verbose); shift = np.zeros(ndim, dtype=int); k = 0; for d in range(ndim): if d != axis: shift[d] = mip_shift[k]; k += 1; shift = tuple(shift); res = (shift, quality); if with_mip: res += ((mip1, mip2),); return res;
[docs] def align_layout(layout, max_shifts = 10, clip = None, background = None, processes = None, verbose = False): """Aligns the sources in a layout. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout of the sources. max_shifts : int, tuple of ints or list of list of tuple of ints The maximal shifts of the images with respect to each other along each dimension. clip : number or None If not None, clip the soruces at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. processes : int or 'serial' Number of processor to use for parallel processing, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- layout : Layout class The layout with the new alignments. """ if not isinstance(layout, Layout): raise ValueError("A Layout class is expected as input!"); #source_to_index = {s : i for i,s in enumerate(layout.sources)}; n_alignments = layout.n_alignments; if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Alignment: Aligning %r' % layout); if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial': processes = mp.cpu_count(); _align = ft.partial(_align_layout, n_alignments=n_alignments, max_shifts=max_shifts, clip=clip, background=background, verbose=verbose) if processes == 'serial': results = [_align(a.pre,, i) for i,a in enumerate(layout.alignments)]; else: layout.sources_as_virtual(); alignments = layout.alignments; with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor: results =, [a.pre for a in alignments], [ for a in alignments], range(n_alignments)); results = list(results); #layout.sources_as_real() for a,r in zip(layout.alignments, results): shift, quality = r; a.shift = shift; a.quality = quality; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Alignment: Aligning %r' % layout); return layout;
@ptb.parallel_traceback def _align_layout(pre, post, aid, n_alignments, max_shifts, clip, background, verbose): if verbose: #id1 = source_to_index[pre]; id2 = source_to_index[post]; print('Alignment: aligning source %d with %d, alignment pair %d/%d' % (,, aid, n_alignments)); return align_2_sources(pre, post, max_shifts=max_shifts, clip=clip, background=background, verbose=verbose);
[docs] def align_layout_on_tiling(layout, overlaps = 10, max_shifts = 10, clip = None, background = None, processes = None, verbose = False): """Calculates shifts of the sources on a gird layout that aligns them. Arguments --------- layout : TiledLayout The grid layout of the sources. overlaps : tuple of ints The overlaps along the grid axes. max_shifts : tuple or list of tuple of ints The maximal shifts along the axes directions. clip : number or None If not None, clip the soruces at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. processes : int or 'serial' Number of processor to use for parallel processing, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- layout : TiledLayout class The updated layout after alignment. """ if not isinstance(layout, Layout): raise ValueError("A TiledLayout class is expected as input!"); if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Alignment: Aligning %r on gird!' % layout); alignments = layout.alignments; n_alignments = len(alignments); #source_to_index = {s : i for i,s in enumerate(layout.sources)}; axes = []; for i,a in enumerate(layout.alignments): #alignment axis pos_pre = np.array(a.pre.tile_position); pos_post= np.array(; axes.append(np.where(pos_pre - pos_post != 0)[0][0]); _align = ft.partial(_align_layout_on_tiling, n_alignments=n_alignments, overlaps=overlaps, max_shifts=max_shifts, clip=clip, background=background, verbose=verbose) if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial': processes = mp.cpu_count(); if processes == 'serial': results = [_align(a.pre,, ax, i) for a,ax,i in zip(alignments, axes, range(n_alignments))]; else: layout.sources_as_virtual(); alignments = layout.alignments; with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor: results =, [a.pre for a in alignments], [ for a in alignments], axes, range(n_alignments)); results = list(results) #layout.sources_as_real() for a,r in zip(layout.alignments, results): shift, quality = r; a.shift = shift; a.quality = quality; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Alignment: Aligning %r on grid' % layout); return layout;
@ptb.parallel_traceback def _align_layout_on_tiling(pre, post, axis, aid, n_alignments, overlaps, max_shifts, clip, background, verbose): if verbose: #id1 = source_to_index[a.pre]; id2 = source_to_index[]; print('Alignment: aligning source %d with %d along axis %d, alignment pair %d/%d' % (,, axis, aid, n_alignments)); return align_2_sources_along_axis(pre, post, axis=axis, overlap=overlaps[axis], max_shifts=max_shifts, clip=clip, background=background, verbose=verbose);
[docs] def align_layout_axis(layout, axis = 2, depth = 10, max_shifts = 10, axis_range = None, clip = None, background = None, processes = None, verbose = False): """Aligns sources in a layout in a single axis direction only. Arguments --------- layout: Layout class The layout in which to align the 3d sources in z-direction. axis : int The axis along to aling the layout. depth : int or list of ints The approximate overlaps of the images in the different dimensions to use for mip projection. Only the depth parameter along the relevant axis is used. max_shifts : tuple of ints The minmal and maximal shift in to consider. axis_range : tuple of int or None Use only a sub set of the axis range to speed up processing. clip : number or None If not None, clip the soruces at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. processes : int or 'serial' Number of processor to use for parallel processing, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool Print progress information. Returns ------- layout : Layout The layout with updated axis-alignments. Note ---- To speed up the calculation, a mip projection is used in the direction of the tiling """ if not isinstance(layout, Layout): raise ValueError('The layout is expected to be a GridLayout'); if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Alignment: aligning sources in layout along axis=%d!' % axis) #format the shifts if not isinstance(depth, (list, tuple)): depth = (depth,) * layout.ndim; max_shifts = _format_max_shifts(max_shifts, layout.ndim); n_alignments = layout.n_alignments; _align = ft.partial(_align_layout_axis, n_alignments=n_alignments, axis=axis, axis_range=axis_range, depth=depth, max_shifts=max_shifts, clip=clip, background=background, verbose=verbose); if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial': processes = mp.cpu_count(); if processes == 'serial': results = [_align(a.pre,, i) for i,a in enumerate(layout.alignments)]; else: layout.sources_as_virtual(); alignments = layout.alignments; #print('align_axis') with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor: results =, [a.pre for a in alignments], [ for a in alignments], range(n_alignments)); results = list(results); #layout.sources_as_real(); for a,r in zip(layout.alignments, results): shift, quality = r; a_shift = list(a.shift); a_shift[axis] = shift[axis]; a.shift = tuple(a_shift); a.quality = quality; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Alignment: aligning sources in layout along axis=%d!' % axis) return layout;
@ptb.parallel_traceback def _align_layout_axis(src1, src2, aid, n_alignments, axis, axis_range, depth, max_shifts, clip, background, verbose): if verbose: print('Alignment: aligning %r with %r along axis %d and range %r, alignment pair %d/%d !' % (src1.tile_position, src2.tile_position, axis, axis_range, aid, n_alignments)); #reduce source size sl = (slice(None),) * src1.ndim; if not axis_range in [None, all]: p1 = list(src1.position); sl1 = list(sl); sl1[axis] = slice(axis_range[0] - p1[axis], axis_range[1] - p1[axis]) sl1 = tuple(sl1); src1 = Slice(source = src1, slicing = sl1); p2 = list(src2.position); sl2 = list(sl); sl2[axis] = slice(axis_range[0] - p2[axis], axis_range[1] - p2[axis]) sl2 = tuple(sl2); src2 = Slice(source = src2, slicing = sl2); #mip axis # t1 = src1.tile_position; # t2 = src2.tile_position; # if not t1 is None and not t2 is None: # mip_axis = np.where(np.array(t1) - t2 != 0)[0][0]; # else: # mip_axis = axis; # # if mip_axis == axis: # #take the smallest overlapping dim # r1 = Region(position = src1.position, shape = src1.shape); # r2 = Region(position = src2.position, shape = src2.shape); # overlap1, _ = _overlap_with_shifts(r1, r2, max_shifts = max_shifts); # mip_shape = None; # mip_axis = None; # for d,s in enumerate(overlap1.shape): # if d != axis: # if mip_shape is None: # mip_shape = s; # mip_axis = d; # elif mip_shape < s: # mip_shape = s; # mip_axis = d; mip_axis = _mip_axis(src1, src2, axis=axis, max_shifts=max_shifts); mip_depth = depth[mip_axis]; result = align_2_sources_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis = mip_axis, depth = mip_depth, max_shifts = max_shifts, clip = clip, background = background, verbose = False); if verbose: shift, quality = result; print('Alignment: aligning %r with %r along axis %d, alignment pair %d/%d done, shift = %r, quality = %.2e!' % (src1.tile_position, src2.tile_position, axis, aid, n_alignments, shift, quality)); return result;
[docs] def align_layout_rigid_mip(layout, depth = 10, max_shifts = 10, ranges = None, clip = None, background = None, processes = None, workspace=None, verbose = False): """Aligns sources in a layout in a single axis direction only. Arguments --------- layout: Layout class The layout in which to align the 3d sources in z-direction. depth : int or list of ints The approximate overlaps of the images in the different dimensions to use for mip projection. Only the depth parameter along the relevant axis is used. max_shifts : tuple of ints The minmal and maximal shift in to consider. axis_range : tuple of int or None Use only a sub set of the axis range to speed up processing. clip : number or None If not None, clip the soruces at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. processes : int or 'serial' layout.alig Number of processor to use for parallel processing, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool Print progress information. Returns ------- layout : Layout The layout with updated axis-alignments. Note ---- To speed up the calculation, a mip projection is used in the direction of the tiling. The tiling dimension are assumed to be alinged with the first image dimensions. """ if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Alignment: rigidly aligning sources in layout: %r!' % layout) #format the shifts if not isinstance(depth, (list, tuple)): depth = (depth,) * layout.ndim; if not isinstance(ranges, list): ranges = [ranges] * layout.ndim; max_shifts = _format_max_shifts(max_shifts, layout.ndim); n_alignments = layout.n_alignments; _align = ft.partial(_align_layout_ridgid_mip, n_alignments=n_alignments, depth=depth, max_shifts=max_shifts, ranges=ranges, clip=clip, background=background, verbose=verbose); if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial': processes = mp.cpu_count(); if processes == 'serial': results = [_align(a.pre,, i) for i,a in enumerate(layout.alignments)]; else: layout.sources_as_virtual(); alignments = layout.alignments; #print('align_axis') with CancelableProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor: results =, [a.pre for a in alignments], [ for a in alignments], range(n_alignments)); if workspace is not None: workspace.executor = executor if workspace is not None: workspace.executor = None results = list(results); #layout.sources_as_real(); for a,r in zip(layout.alignments, results): shift, quality = r; a.shift = shift; a.quality = quality; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Alignment: rigidly aligning sources in layout: %r!' % layout) return layout;
@ptb.parallel_traceback def _align_layout_ridgid_mip(src1, src2, aid, n_alignments, depth, max_shifts, ranges, clip, background, verbose): if verbose: print('Alignment: aligning %r with %r, alignment pair %d/%d !' % (src1.tile_position, src2.tile_position, aid, n_alignments)); #mip axis # t1 = src1.tile_position; # t2 = src2.tile_position; # if not t1 is None and not t2 is None: # mip_axis = np.where(np.array(t1) - t2 != 0)[0][0]; # else: # mip_axis = None; # # if mip_axis is None: # #take the smallest overlapping dim # r1 = Region(position = src1.position, shape = src1.shape); # r2 = Region(position = src2.position, shape = src2.shape); # overlap1, _ = _overlap_with_shifts(r1, r2, max_shifts = max_shifts); # mip_shape = None; # mip_axis = None; # for d,s in enumerate(overlap1.shape): # if mip_shape is None: # mip_shape = s; # mip_axis = d; # elif mip_shape < s: # mip_shape = s; # mip_axis = d; mip_axis = _mip_axis(src1, src2, axis=None, max_shifts=max_shifts); mip_depth = depth[mip_axis]; #reduce sources to ranges along non-mip axes if ranges != [None] * len(ranges): sl1 = (); sl2 = (); p1 = src1.position; p2 = src2.position; for d,r in enumerate(ranges): if d != mip_axis and r is not None: sl1 += (slice(r[0] - p1[d], r[1] - p1[d]),) sl2 += (slice(r[0] - p2[d], r[1] - p2[d]),) else: sl1 += (slice(None),); sl2 += (slice(None),); src1 = Slice(source = src1, slicing = sl1); src2 = Slice(source = src2, slicing = sl2); result = align_2_sources_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis = mip_axis, depth = mip_depth, max_shifts = max_shifts, clip = clip, background = background, verbose = False); if verbose: shift, quality = result; print('Alignment: aligning %r with %r, alignment pair %d/%d done, shift = %r, quality = %.2e!' % (src1.tile_position, src2.tile_position, aid, n_alignments, shift, quality)); return result; #TODO: align two sources using mip projections in different directions
[docs] def align_layout_rigid_mips(layout, depth = 10, max_shifts = 10, ranges = None, clip = None, background = None, processes = None, verbose = False): """Aligns sources in a layout using mip in all directions. Arguments --------- layout: Layout class The layout in which to align the 3d sources in z-direction. depth : int or list of ints The approximate overlaps of the images in the different dimensions to use for mip projection. Only the depth parameter along the relevant axis is used. max_shifts : tuple of ints The minmal and maximal shift in to consider. axis_range : tuple of int or None Use only a sub set of the axis range to speed up processing. clip : number or None If not None, clip the soruces at this value when calculating the alignment. background : number or None If not None, if the values in the overlap region are less than this number make alignment return -inf quality as there is no signal to use for alignment. processes : int or 'serial' layout.alig Number of processor to use for parallel processing, if 'serial' process in serial. verbose : bool Print progress information. Returns ------- layout : Layout The layout with updated axis-alignments. Note ---- To speed up the calculation, a mip projection is used in the direction of the tiling. The tiling dimension are assumed to be alinged with the first image dimensions. """ if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Alignment: rigidly aligning sources in layout: %r!' % layout) #format the shifts if not isinstance(depth, (list, tuple)): depth = (depth,) * layout.ndim; if not isinstance(ranges, list): ranges = [ranges] * layout.ndim; max_shifts = _format_max_shifts(max_shifts, layout.ndim); n_alignments = layout.n_alignments; _align = ft.partial(_align_layout_ridgid_mips, n_alignments=n_alignments, depth=depth, max_shifts=max_shifts, ranges=ranges, clip=clip, background=background, verbose=verbose); if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial': processes = mp.cpu_count(); if processes == 'serial': results = [_align(a.pre,, i) for i,a in enumerate(layout.alignments)]; else: layout.sources_as_virtual(); alignments = layout.alignments; print('align_axis') with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor: results =, [a.pre for a in alignments], [ for a in alignments], range(n_alignments)); results = list(results); #layout.sources_as_real(); for a,r in zip(layout.alignments, results): shift, quality = r; a.shift = shift; a.quality = quality; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Alignment: rigidly aligning sources in layout: %r!' % layout) return layout;
@ptb.parallel_traceback def _align_layout_ridgid_mips(src1, src2, aid, n_alignments, depth, max_shifts, ranges, clip, background, verbose): if verbose: print('Alignment: aligning %r with %r, alignment pair %d/%d !' % (src1.tile_position, src2.tile_position, aid, n_alignments)); #overlaps r1 = Region(position = src1.position, shape = src1.shape); r2 = Region(position = src2.position, shape = src2.shape); o1, o2 = _overlap_with_shifts(r1, r2, max_shifts = max_shifts); # # #reduce sources to ranges along non-mip axes # if ranges != [None] * len(ranges): # sl1 = (); sl2 = (); # p1 = src1.position; p2 = src2.position; # for d,r in enumerate(ranges): # if d != mip_axis and r is not None: # sl1 += (slice(r[0] - p1[d], r[1] - p1[d]),) # sl2 += (slice(r[0] - p2[d], r[1] - p2[d]),) # else: # sl1 += (slice(None),); # sl2 += (slice(None),); # # src1 = Slice(source = src1, slicing = sl1); # src2 = Slice(source = src2, slicing = sl2); # # # result = align_2_sources_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis = mip_axis, depth = mip_depth, max_shifts = max_shifts, clip = clip, background = background, verbose = False); # # if verbose: # shift, quality = result; # print('Alignment: aligning %r with %r, alignment pair %d/%d done, shift = %r, quality = %.2e!' % (src1.tile_position, src2.tile_position, aid, n_alignments, shift, quality)); # # return result; # def _mip_axis(src1, src2, axis = None, max_shifts = None): """Determine a axis for max intensity projection.""" #mip axis t1 = src1.tile_position; t2 = src2.tile_position; if not t1 is None and not t2 is None: mip_axis = np.where(np.array(t1) - t2 != 0)[0][0]; else: mip_axis = None; if mip_axis == axis: #take the smallest overlapping dim r1 = Region(position = src1.position, shape = src1.shape); r2 = Region(position = src2.position, shape = src2.shape); overlap1, _ = _overlap_with_shifts(r1, r2, max_shifts = max_shifts); mip_shape = None; mip_axis = None; for d,s in enumerate(overlap1.shape): if mip_shape is None: mip_shape = s; mip_axis = d; elif mip_shape < s: mip_shape = s; mip_axis = d; return mip_axis def _format_max_shifts(max_shifts, ndim): """Helper to format the max_shift specifications. """ if isinstance(max_shifts, int): max_shifts = [(-max_shifts, max_shifts)] * ndim; if isinstance(max_shifts, tuple): max_shifts = [max_shifts] * ndim; if isinstance(max_shifts, np.ndarray): max_shifts = list(max_shifts); if not isinstance(max_shifts, list): raise ValueError('max_shifts expected to be int, tuple, list or array, found %r!' % (max_shifts)); if len(max_shifts) != ndim: raise ValueError('max_shifts len = %d expected to be of same dimension as the source = %d!' % (len(max_shifts), ndim)); for d,ms in enumerate(max_shifts): if isinstance(ms, int): ms = (-ms, ms); elif isinstance(ms, list): ms = tuple(ms); if len(ms) != 2: raise ValueError('max_shifts entry at dimension %d expected to be of the firm (min,max), found %r!' % (d, ms)); if max_shifts[d][0] > max_shifts[d][1]: raise ValueError('max_shifts entry at dimension %d expected to be ordered (min <= max), found %r!' % (d, ms)); max_shifts[d] = ms; #max_shifts = np.array(max_shifts, dtype = int); return max_shifts; ######################################################################### ### Placement #########################################################################
[docs] def filter_alignments(alignments, min_quality = -np.inf): """Filter out alignments that fall below a certain quality level. Arguments --------- alignments : list of Alignments classes The pairwise alignments between images to optimize globally. min_quality : float The minimal quality of the alignment. Returns ------- alignments : list of Alignment classes The filtered alignments. """ if min_quality is None: return alignments; max_quality = None; if hasattr(min_quality, '__len__'): if len(min_quality) == 0: return alignments; if len(min_quality) == 1: min_quality = min_quality[0]; else: max_quality = min_quality[1]; min_quality = min_quality[0]; new_alignments = []; for a in alignments: if a.quality > min_quality: if max_quality is not None: if a.quality < max_quality: new_alignments.append(a); else: new_alignments.append(a); return new_alignments;
[docs] def alignments_from_source_positions(alignments): """Update alignment shifts from source positions and shapes Arguments --------- alignments : list of Alignments classes The alignments pairs of the sources. Returns ------- alignments : list of Alignments classes The updated alignments. """ for a in alignments: a.shift = (0,) * a.pre.ndim; return alignments;
[docs] def positions_from_tree(alignments, sources = None, min_quality = None, fixed_source = None, lower_to_origin = False): """Update source positions from alignments. Arguments --------- alignments : list of Alignments classes The alignments pairs of the sources. sources : list of Source classes or None Optional sources to update the positions for, if None extracted from alignment classes. min_quality : float The minimal quality of the alignment. fixed_source : Source class, int or None Optional source to kept fixed. If None the first source is placed at the origin. lower_to_origin : bool If True the lower corner of the aligned images is set to zero. Returns ------- positions : list of tuple of ints The source positions. Note ---- The result will be a single consistent solution based on a minimal paths between the first and the other sources of the layout. """ # TODO: base on spanning tree with best quality measure alignments = filter_alignments(alignments, min_quality = min_quality); if sources is None: sources = sources_from_alignments(alignments); nsources = len(sources); ndim = alignments[0].ndim source_to_index = { s : i for i,s in enumerate(sources)}; g, p = connect_sources(alignments, nsources, source_to_index) positions = get_positions_from_tree(g, fixed_source, source_to_index, nsources, ndim, p) #correct for origin and fixed source if fixed_source is not None: fixed_id = source_to_index[fixed_source]; fixed_position = fixed_source.position; positions = positions - positions[fixed_id] + fixed_position; if lower_to_origin: min_pos = np.min(positions, axis = 0); positions -= min_pos; positions = [tuple(p for p in pos) for pos in positions]; return positions;
[docs] def positions_from_optimization(alignments, sources = None, min_quality = None, fixed_source = None, lower_to_origin = False): # optimize positions ! """Use least squares optimization to find globally optimal source positions from pairwise alignments. Arguments --------- alignments : list of Alignments classes The pairwise alignments between images to optimize globally. sources : list of Source classes or None The sources to optimze the positions for, if None determine from the alignments. min_quality : float The minimal quality of the alignment. fixed_source : Source class, int or None Optional source to kept fixed. If None the first source is kept fixed. lower_to_origin : bool If True, the lower corner of the aligned images is set to zero. Returns ------- sources : list of Source classes The sources with the optimized positions. Note ---- The error function is sum (x_i + s_ij - x_j)^2 with x_i the image positions and s_ij the pairwise shifts. """ #TODO: use qaulity measure in optimization alignments = filter_alignments(alignments, min_quality = min_quality); nalignments = len(alignments); if nalignments <= 0: if sources is None: return None; else: return [s.position for s in sources]; #sources if sources is None: sources = sources_from_alignments(alignments); source_to_index = { s: i for i,s in enumerate(sources)}; if not connected(alignments, sources): raise RuntimeError('Sources need to be connected for optimized placement!') # construct the mappings between node ids and index 1:nimages pre_indices = np.unique([source_to_index[a.pre] for a in alignments]); post_indices = np.unique([source_to_index[] for a in alignments]); node_to_index = np.unique(np.hstack([pre_indices, post_indices])); nnodes = len(node_to_index); index_to_node = -np.ones(np.max(node_to_index)+1, dtype = int); index_to_node[node_to_index] = np.arange(nnodes); ndim = sources[0].ndim; n = ndim * nalignments; m = ndim * (nnodes - 1); # first image is assumed to be fixed at zero # derivative of the error gives constraints s - M x == 0 # s are the displacements, x the centers of the images, M is derived from the error terms # s s = np.zeros(n); k = 0; for a in alignments: sh = a.displacement; for d in range(ndim): s[k] = sh[d]; k = k + 1; # M M = np.zeros((n,m)); k = 0; for a in alignments: for d in range(ndim): pre_node = index_to_node[source_to_index[a.pre]]; if pre_node > 0: M[k, (pre_node - 1) * ndim + d] = -1; post_node = index_to_node[source_to_index[]]; if post_node > 0: M[k, (post_node - 1) * ndim + d] = 1; k = k + 1; #print s #print M #print np.linalg.pinv(M) # find the centers of the images via pseudo inverse positions =, s); positions = np.hstack([np.zeros(ndim), positions]); positions = np.reshape(positions, (-1, ndim)); positions = np.asarray(np.round(positions), dtype = int); #correct for origin and fixed source if fixed_source is not None: fixed_id = source_index(sources, fixed_source); fixed_position = fixed_source.position; else: fixed_id = 0; fixed_position = sources[0].position; positions = positions - positions[fixed_id] + fixed_position; if lower_to_origin: min_pos = np.min(positions, axis = 0); positions -= min_pos; positions = [tuple(p for p in pos) for pos in positions]; return positions;
[docs] def place_layout(layout, method = 'optimization', min_quality = None, lower_to_origin = False, verbose = False): """Place the sources in a layout in a consistent way. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout in which the Sources will be placed in a consistent way. method : 'optimization' or 'tree' The method to use to place the sources. min_quality : float The minimal quality of the alignments to include in the placement process. lower_to_origin : bool If True, the lower corner of the aligned sources is set to zero. Returns ------- layout : Layout class The layout with the optimized positions of the sources. """ #if not isinstance(layout, Layout): # raise ValueError("A Layout class is expected as input!"); methods = ['optimization', 'tree']; if method not in methods: ValueError('Method %r not in %r' % (method, methods)); if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Placement: placing %r!' % layout); #determine connected components components, component_sources = layout.connected_components(min_quality = min_quality, with_sources = True); #print components, component_sources component_positions = []; for component, sources in zip(components, component_sources): fixed_source = sources[(len(sources)-1)//2]; if method == 'optimization': positions = positions_from_optimization(alignments = component, sources = sources, fixed_source = fixed_source, min_quality = None, lower_to_origin = False); elif method == 'tree': positions = positions_from_tree(alignments = component, sources = sources, fixed_source = fixed_source, min_quality = None, lower_to_origin = False); component_positions.append(positions); #order positions according to layout positions = []; for s in layout.sources: for sources, pos in zip(component_sources, component_positions): for cs,p in zip(sources, pos): if == positions.append(p); break; #print(positions) if lower_to_origin: positions = np.array(positions, dtype=int); positions -= np.min(positions, axis = 0); positions = [tuple(p for p in pos) for pos in positions]; layout.set_source_positions(positions = positions, update_alignments = False); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Placement: placing %r' % layout) return layout;
[docs] def place_layout_axis(layout, axis = 2, method = 'optimization', min_quality = None, lower_to_origin = False, verbose = False): """Places the sources in a layout along a single axis only. Arguments --------- layout: Layout class The layout of the stacks. method : 'optimization' or 'tree' The method to use to place the sources. min_quality : float The minimal quality of the alignment. lower_to_origin : bool If True the lower corner of the aligned images is set to zero. Returns ------- layout : Layout The layout with updated z-alignments. """ if not isinstance(layout, Layout): raise ValueError("A Layout class is expected as input!"); if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Placement: placing %r along axis %d!' % (layout, axis)) sources_1d = [SourceRegion(position = s.position[axis:axis+1], shape = s.shape[axis:axis+1]) for s in layout.sources]; source_to_1d = {s : s1 for s,s1 in zip(layout.sources, sources_1d)}; alignments_1d = [Alignment(pre = source_to_1d[a.pre], post = source_to_1d[], shift = a.shift[axis:axis+1], quality = a.quality) for a in layout.alignments]; layout_1d = Layout(sources = sources_1d, alignments = alignments_1d); place_layout(layout_1d, method = method, min_quality = min_quality, lower_to_origin = lower_to_origin); for s,p in zip(layout.sources, layout_1d.source_positions()): position = list(s.position); position[axis] = p[0]; s.position = tuple(position); for a in layout.alignments: shift = list(a.shift); shift[axis] = 0; a.shift = tuple(shift); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Placement: placing %r along axis %d!' % (layout, axis)) return layout;
######################################################################################## ### Stitching ########################################################################################
[docs] def embedding(sources, shape = None, position = None): """Splits a set of co-axial sources into a minimal set of non-overlaping regions. Arguments --------- sources : list of Source or Region classes The sources to embed in a full image. shape : tuple of ints or None Optional fixed shape of the full image, if None use the minimal shape that fits all sources. position : tuple of ints or None Optional position form which to start the stitching. Together with shape this can be used to restrict the stitching region. If None, use the minimal position that fits all the contributing sources. Returns ------- shape : tuple of int The shape that encapsulates all the regions. position : tuple of int The lowest corner of all the regions. regions : list of Overlap classes. The regions of different overlaps of the individual sources. Note ---- The result can be used to stitch the images. """ regions = []; for s in sources: region = Overlap(position = s.position, shape = s.shape, sources = [s]); regions = _add_overlap_region(regions, region); #print regions #print [r.position for r in regions] #print [r.shape for r in regions] if position is None: position = tuple(np.min([r.position for r in regions], axis = 0)); if shape is None: shape = tuple(np.max([r.upper for r in regions], axis = 0)); shape = tuple(max(s,0) for s in shape); #print position, shape # reduce to position new_regions = []; for i,r in enumerate(regions): r.lower = tuple(p if l < p else l for l,p in zip(r.lower, position)); r.upper = tuple(p if u < p else u for u,p in zip(r.upper, position)); if np.all([u > l for u,l in zip(r.upper, r.lower)]): new_regions.append(r); regions = new_regions; #reduce to shape new_regions = []; ps = np.array(position, dtype=int) + shape; for i,r in enumerate(regions): r.lower = tuple(p if l > p else l for l,p in zip(r.lower, ps)); r.upper = tuple(p if u > p else u for u,p in zip(r.upper, ps)); if np.all([u > l for u,l in zip(r.upper,r.lower)]): new_regions.append(r); regions = new_regions; return position, shape, regions;
def _overlap(region1, region2): """Helper to determine overlap between two regions.""" ovl = np.max([region1.lower, region2.lower], axis = 0); ovu = np.min([region1.upper, region2.upper], axis = 0); if np.any(ovu - ovl - 1 < 0): return None; else: return Overlap(lower = ovl, upper = ovu); def _split_region(r, o): """Split region into covering rectangles including the overlap region.""" split = [o]; rl,ru = r.lower, r.upper; ol,ou = o.lower, o.upper; #split along axes for d in range(r.ndim): if rl[d] < ol[d]: l = ol[:d] + rl[d:]; u = ou[:d] + (ol[d],) + ru[d+1:]; split.append(Overlap(lower = l, upper = u)); if ou[d] < ru[d]: l = ol[:d] + (ou[d],) + rl[d+1:]; u = ou[:d] + ru[d:]; split.append(Overlap(lower = l, upper = u)); return split; def _add_overlap_region(regions, region): """Helper to determine overlap regions.""" # try too add the full new region first regsadd = [region]; # the non-overlapping rectangles to be checked for overlap with regsadd regscheck = regions; # rectangles that will not have any further overlap with regsadd regsnew = []; while len(regscheck) > 0 and len(regsadd) > 0: # chek the next one in list rc = regscheck[0]; #print 'add:', regsadd #print 'check:', regscheck #print 'new:', regsnew #check if overlap with any of the regions to be added found = False; for a in range(len(regsadd)): ra = regsadd[a]; ov = _overlap(rc, ra); #print 'chk,add %d:' % a, rc, ra #print 'ovl %d:' % a, ov if ov is not None: #print 'overlap: ', rc, ra, ov # split region to check split = _split_region(rc, ov); for s in split: s.sources = rc.sources; #add id of immage to add to overlapping region #-> cannot overlap with other region -> safe to put into new list sources = split[0].sources; sources += tuple(s for s in ra.sources if s not in sources); split[0].sources = sources #print 'split1:', split regsnew.append(split[0]); #.copy()); # other non-overlapping regions from split need to be checked again #regscheck = [s.copy() for s in split[1:]] + regscheck[1:]; regscheck = split[1:] + regscheck[1:]; #split added region split = _split_region(ra, ov)[1:]; for s in split: s.sources = ra.sources; #print 'split2:', split # add all non-verlapping regions to the 'to be added' list #regsadd = regsadd[:a] + [r.copy() for r in split[1:]] + regsadd[a+1:]; regsadd = regsadd[:a] + split + regsadd[a+1:]; # start cehcking anew found = True; break; if not found: # -> check region not overlapping -> add to new list and remove from checklist regsnew.append(rc); regscheck = regscheck[1:]; regsnew = regsnew + regscheck + regsadd; #print 'done add:', regsnew return regsnew;
[docs] def stitch_by_function(layout, sink = None, function = np.max): """Stitch sources according to shifts applying a specific function in the overlapping regions. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout to use for the sources. sink : array like or None The sink to write the result to. function : function The function to apply in overlapping regions, e.g. np.max or np.mean. Returns ------- stitched : array The stitched array. """ # determine all the overlap regions position, shape, regions = layout.embedding(); # stitch image if 'axis' in insp.getargspec(np.max).args: function = ft.partial(function, axis = 0); if sink is None: stitched = np.zeros(shape, dtype = layout.dtype, order = layout.order); else: stitched = sink; for r in regions: nsources = len(r.sources); if nsources > 1: rd = [s[sl] for s,sl in zip(r.sources, r.source_slicings())]; rd = function(rd); else: rd = r.sources[0][r.source_slicings()[0]]; stitched[r.local_slicing(position = position)] = rd; return stitched;
[docs] def stitch_weights(shape): """Returns the weights of a source of a given shape to use in stitching routines. Arguments --------- shape : tuple of ints The shape of the source. Returns ------- weights : array The weigthsfor the pixels of the source. """ ranges = [np.arange(s) for s in shape]; mesh = np.meshgrid(*ranges, indexing = 'ij'); mesh = [np.min([m, np.max(m) - m], axis = 0) for m in mesh]; weights = np.min(mesh, axis = 0) + 1; return weights;
[docs] def stitch_by_function_with_weights(layout, sink = None, function = np.sum, weight_function = stitch_weights): """Stitch sources applying a specific weighting function in the overlapping regions. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layour of the sources. sink : array like or None The sink to write the result to. function : function The function to apply in overlapping regions, e.g. np.sum or np.mean. weight_function : function A function that returns an array of pixel weights given the source shape. Returns ------- stitched : array The stitched array. """ # determine all the overlap regions position, shape, regions = layout.embedding(); # stitch image if 'axis' in insp.getargspec(function).args: function = ft.partial(function, axis = 0); if sink is None: stitched = np.zeros(shape, dtype = layout.dtype, order = layout.order); else: stitched = sink; #determine weights shapes = [s.shape for s in layout.sources]; if shapes.count(shapes[0]) == len(shapes): same_shape = True; w = weight_function(shapes[0]); else: same_shape = False; source_to_index = {s : i for i,s in enumerate(layout.sources)}; w = [weight_function(s) for s in shapes]; for r in regions: nsources = len(r.sources); #print nsources, r if nsources > 1: rd = np.zeros((nsources,) + r.shape); wd = np.zeros((nsources,) + r.shape); for i,s,sl in zip(range(len(r.sources)), r.sources, r.source_slicings()): #print i, s, sl rd[i] = s[sl]; if same_shape: wd[i] = w[sl]; else: wd[i] = w[source_to_index[s]][sl]; rd = function(rd, wd); else: s = r.sources[0]; rd = s[r.source_slicings()[0]]; stitched[r.local_slicing(position = position)] = rd; return stitched;
[docs] def stitch_by_mean(layout, sink = None): """Stitch sources according to shifts applying mean function in the overlap regions. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout of the sources. sink : array like or None The sink to write the result to. Returns ------- stitched : array The stitched array. """ return stitch_by_function(layout, sink = sink, function = np.mean);
[docs] def stitch_by_max(layout, sink = None): """Stitch sources according to shifts applying max function in the overlap regions. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout of the sources. sink : array like or None The sink to write the result to. Returns ------- stitched : array The stitched array. """ return stitch_by_function(layout, sink = sink, function = np.max);
[docs] def stitch_by_min(layout, sink = None): """Stitch sources according to shifts applying min function in the overlap regions. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout of the sources. sink : array like or None The sink to write the result to. Returns ------- stitched : array The stitched array. """ return stitch_by_function(layout, sink = sink, function = np.min);
[docs] def stitch_by_interpolation(layout, sink = None): """Stitch sources according to shifts applying linear interpolation in the overlap regions. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout of the sources. sink : array like or None The sink to write the result to. Returns ------- stitched : array The stitched array. """ def weigthed_mean(data, weights): return np.mean(data * weights, axis = 0) / np.mean(weights, axis = 0); return stitch_by_function_with_weights(layout, sink = sink, function = weigthed_mean, weight_function = stitch_weights);
[docs] def stitch_by_interpolation_adjust_max(layout, sink = None): """Stitch sources according to shifts applying linear interpolation in the overlap regions. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout of the sources. sink : array like or None The sink to write the result to. Returns ------- stitched : array The stitched array. """ def weigthed_mean_adjust(data, weights): m = np.max(data); s = np.mean(data * weights, axis = 0) / np.mean(weights, axis = 0); ms = np.max(s); if ms != 0: s *= float(m) / ms; return s; return stitch_by_function_with_weights(layout, sink = sink, function = weigthed_mean_adjust, weight_function = stitch_weights);
def _stitching_function_from_method(method): """Helper to convert stitching method string to function""" method_map = {'interpolation' : stitch_by_interpolation, 'interpolation-adjust-max' : stitch_by_interpolation_adjust_max, 'max' : stitch_by_max, 'min' : stitch_by_min, 'mean' : stitch_by_mean}; if method not in method_map.keys(): ValueError('Method %r not in %r' % (method, method_map.keys())); return method_map[method];
[docs] def stitch_layout(layout, sink = None, method = 'interpolation', verbose = False): """Stitch a layout according to its current alignment. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout of the sources. sink : array like or None The sink to write the result to. method : str The method to use for the stitching: 'interpolation', 'max', 'min', 'mean' verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- stitched : array The stitched array. """ if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Stitching: Stitching %r with method %s.' % (layout, method)); function = _stitching_function_from_method(method); result = function(layout, sink = sink); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Stitching: Stitching %r with method %s' % (layout, method)); return result;
######################################################################################## ### Visualization ########################################################################################
[docs] def overlay_sources(sources, colors = None, percentile = 98, normalize = True): """Overlays the sources to check thier placement. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout with the sources to overlay. colors : list of tuple of floats or color names The optional RGB colors to use. percentile : int Use this percentile as upper cutoff in the resulting image to enhance contrast. normalize : bool If True normalize image to floats between 0 and 1. Returns ------- image : array A color image. """ layout = Layout(sources = sources); return overlay_layout(layout, colors = colors, percentile = percentile, normalize = normalize);
[docs] def layout_coloring(layout, colors = None, color_ids = None): sources = layout.sources nsources = len(sources) color_ids = get_color_ids(sources, nsources, color_ids) if colors == 'ids': return color_ids; ncols = np.max(color_ids) + 1; if colors is None: if ncols <= 2: colors = [[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]; elif ncols <= 4: colors = [[0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.5]]; else: colors = [[0.25, 0, 0 ], [0, 0.25, 0 ], [0, 0, 0.25], [0.25, 0.25, 0 ], [0, 0.25, 0.25], [0.25, 0, 0.25], [0.125,0.25, 0 ], [0.125,0, 0.25]]; colors = [col.color(c, alpha = False, as_int = True) for c in colors]; colors = np.pad(colors[:ncols], ((0,max(0, ncols - len(colors))),(0, 0)), 'wrap'); return colors[color_ids];
[docs] def overlay_layout(layout, colors = None, percentile = 98, normalize = True, color_ids = None): """Overlays the sources to check their placement. Arguments --------- layout : Layout class The layout with the sources to overlay. colors : list of tuple of floats or color names The optional RGB colors to use. percentile : int Use this percentile as upper cutoff in the resulting image to enhance contrast. normalize : bool If True normalize image to floats between 0 and 1. Returns ------- image : array A color image. """ #full shape full_shape = tuple(layout.extent); full_lower = layout.lower; source_colors = layout_coloring(layout, colors=colors, color_ids=color_ids); if colors == 'ids': image = [np.zeros(full_shape) for i in range(max(source_colors)+1)]; else: image = np.zeros(full_shape + (3,)); # construct full image sources = layout.sources; for s,c in zip(sources, source_colors): l = s.lower; u = s.upper; r = tuple(slice(ll - fl , uu - fl) for ll,uu,fl in zip(l, u, full_lower)); if colors == 'ids': image[c][r] += s[:]; else: r += (slice(None),); if normalize: image[r] += np.multiply.outer(np.array(s[:], dtype=float) / s[:].max(), c); else: image[r] += np.multiply.outer(s[:], c); if percentile is not None: if colors == 'ids': for i in image: p = np.percentile(i, percentile); i[i > p] = p; else: p = np.percentile(image, percentile); image[image > p] = p; if normalize: if colors == 'ids': for i in image: i /= i.max(); else: for c in range(3): image[...,c] /= image[...,c].max(); return image;
[docs] def plot_sources(sources, colors = None, percentile = 98, normalize = True): """Overlays and plots sources in a layout to check alignment. Arguments --------- layout: Layout class The layout to use for plotting. colors : list of colors or None The optional RGB colors to use. percentile : int Use this percentile as upper cutoff in the resulting image to enhance contrast. normalize : bool If True normalize image to floats between 0 and 1. Returns ------- image : array A color image of the overlayed sources. """ layout = Layout(sources = sources); return plot_layout(layout, colors = colors, percentile = percentile, normalize = normalize)
[docs] def plot_layout(layout, colors = None, percentile = 98, normalize = True, color_ids = None): """Overlays and plots sources in a layout to check alignment. Arguments --------- layout: Layout class The layout to use for plotting. colors : list of colors or None The optional RGB colors to use. percentile : int Use this percentile as upper cutoff in the resulting image to enhance contrast. normalize : bool If True normalize image to floats between 0 and 1. Returns ------- image : array A color image of the overlayed sources. """ img = overlay_layout(layout, colors = colors, percentile = percentile, normalize = normalize, color_ids = color_ids); if img.ndim == 3: plt.imshow(np.transpose(img, [1,0,2])[:,:,:], origin = 'lower'); plt.tight_layout() else: p3d.plot(img);
[docs] def plot_regions(regions, sources = None, cmap =, annotate = True, axes = [0,1]): """Overlays and plots regions to check the alignment. Arguments --------- regions : list of Region classes. The regions to plot. cmap : colormap The color map to use to color the regions. annotate : bool Use annotaton or not. """ if len(regions) == 0: return; if sources is None: sources = list(np.unique(np.hstack([r.sources for r in regions]))); sources_to_ids = { s : i for i,s in enumerate(sources)}; ndim = regions[0].ndim; if ndim != 2: warnings.warn('The regions are plotted in 2d using axes %r but are %dd!' % (axes, ndim)); if axes is None: axes = [0,1]; ax = plt.gca(); rmin = np.zeros(ndim); rmax = np.zeros(ndim); for i,r in enumerate(regions): rec = plt.Rectangle(np.array(r.lower)[axes], r.upper[axes[0]] - r.lower[axes[0]], r.upper[axes[1]] - r.lower[axes[1]], fill = True, alpha = 0.3, color = cmap(float(i)/len(regions))); ax.add_patch(rec); if annotate: ids = [sources_to_ids[s] for s in r.sources] ax.annotate(str(tuple(ids)), xy=rec.get_xy(), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', color='w', ha='center', fontsize=8, bbox=dict(boxstyle='round, pad=.5', fc=(.1, .1, .1, .92), ec=(1., 1., 1.), lw=1, zorder=1)); rmin = np.min([rmin, r.lower], axis = 0); rmax = np.max([rmax, r.upper], axis = 0); #limits plt.xlim((rmin[axes[0]], rmax[axes[0]])); plt.ylim((rmin[axes[1]], rmax[axes[1]]));
[docs] def plot_alignments(alignments, sources = None, axes = [0,1], annotate = True, min_quality = -np.inf, cmap = """Plots the alignments with their quality""" ndim = alignments[0].ndim; if ndim != 2: warnings.warn('The regions are plotted in 2d using axes %r but are %dd!' % (axes, ndim)); ndim = 2; if axes is None: axes = [0,1]; q = np.array([a.quality for a in alignments]); q_max = np.max(q); if q_max == -np.inf: q_max = 0; q_min = -1; else: q_min = np.min(q); if q_min == -np.inf: q_min = np.min(q[q > -np.inf]); q_min = max(min_quality, q_min); if q_max <= q_min: q_max = q_min + 1; if sources is None: sources = sources_from_alignments(alignments); #plot ax = plt.gca(); rmin = np.zeros(ndim); rmax = np.zeros(ndim); for s in sources: #plot the source boundary lower = np.array(s.lower)[axes]; upper = np.array(s.upper)[axes]; rec = plt.Rectangle(lower, upper[0] - lower[0], upper[1] - lower[1], fill = True, alpha = 0.3, color = 'gray'); ax.add_patch(rec); #if annotate: # ax.annotate(str(, xy=rec.get_xy(), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', # color='w', ha='center', fontsize=8, # bbox=dict(boxstyle='round, pad=.5', fc=(.1, .1, .1, .92), ec=(1., 1., 1.), lw=1, zorder=1)); rmin = np.min([rmin, lower], axis = 0); rmax = np.max([rmax, upper], axis = 0); plt.xlim((rmin[axes[0]], rmax[axes[0]])); plt.ylim((rmin[axes[1]], rmax[axes[1]])); for a in alignments: #print a, a.pre.lower, a.pre.upper p1 = 0.5 * (np.array(a.pre.lower)[axes] + np.array(a.pre.upper)[axes]); p2 = 0.5 * (np.array([axes] + np.array([axes]); if a.quality > -np.inf: c = cmap((float(a.quality) - q_min)/(q_max - q_min)); else: c = 'black'; ax.plot([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], color = c, linewidth = 1); if annotate: ax.annotate("%.2e" % a.quality, xy=0.5*(p1+p2), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', color='w', ha='center', fontsize=8, bbox=dict(boxstyle='round, pad=.5', fc=(.1, .1, .1, .92), ec=(1., 1., 1.), lw=1, zorder=1));
#TODO: join overlap with real code
[docs] def layout_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis = 2, depth = 10, max_shifts = 10, ranges = None, verbose = False): """Layout corresponding to a mip projected alignment Arguments --------- Returns ------- """ #format the shifts ndim = src1.ndim; if not isinstance(depth, (list, tuple)): depth = (depth,) * ndim; if not isinstance(ranges, list): ranges = [ranges] * ndim; max_shifts = _format_max_shifts(max_shifts, ndim); #mip axis # t1 = src1.tile_position; # t2 = src2.tile_position; # if not t1 is None and not t2 is None: # mip_axis = np.where(np.array(t1) - t2 != 0)[0][0]; # else: # mip_axis = None; # # if mip_axis is None: # #take the smallest overlapping dim # r1 = Region(position = src1.position, shape = src1.shape); # r2 = Region(position = src2.position, shape = src2.shape); # overlap1, _ = _overlap_with_shifts(r1, r2, max_shifts = max_shifts); # mip_shape = None; # mip_axis = None; # for d,s in enumerate(overlap1.shape): # if mip_shape is None: # mip_shape = s; # mip_axis = d; # elif mip_shape < s: # mip_shape = s; # mip_axis = d; mip_axis = _mip_axis(src1, src2, axis=None, max_shifts=max_shifts); mip_depth = depth[mip_axis]; #reduce sources to ranges along non-mip axes if ranges != [None] * len(ranges): sl1 = (); sl2 = (); p1 = src1.position; p2 = src2.position; for d,r in enumerate(ranges): if d != mip_axis and r is not None: sl1 += (slice(r[0] - p1[d], r[1] - p1[d]),) sl2 += (slice(r[0] - p2[d], r[1] - p2[d]),) else: sl1 += (slice(None),); sl2 += (slice(None),); src1 = Slice(source = src1, slicing = sl1); src2 = Slice(source = src2, slicing = sl2); #mip mip_depth = depth[mip_axis]; max_shifts = max_shifts[:mip_axis] + max_shifts[mip_axis+1:]; s1 = src1.shape; s2 = src2.shape; # max intensity projections sub1 = [slice(None)] * ndim; sub1[mip_axis] = slice(max(0, s1[mip_axis] - mip_depth), None); sub1 = tuple(sub1); sub2 = [slice(None)] * ndim; sub2[mip_axis] = slice(None, min(mip_depth, s2[mip_axis])); sub2 = tuple(sub2); # calculate max projection along axis mip1 = max_intensity_projection(src1[sub1], axis = mip_axis); mip2 = max_intensity_projection(src2[sub2], axis = mip_axis); #add position information p1 = src1.position[:mip_axis] + src1.position[mip_axis+1:]; p2 = src2.position[:mip_axis] + src2.position[mip_axis+1:]; #print axis, p1, p2 mip1 = Source(mip1, position = p1, tile_position = src1.tile_position); mip2 = Source(mip2, position = p2, tile_position = src2.tile_position); #print mip1, mip2 return Layout(sources = [mip1, mip2]);
[docs] def overlay_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis = 2, depth = 10, max_shifts = 10, ranges = None, verbose = False, **kwargs): layout = layout_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis=axis, depth=depth, max_shifts=max_shifts, ranges=ranges, verbose=verbose); return overlay_layout(layout, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis = 2, depth = 10, max_shifts = 10, ranges = None, verbose = False, **kwargs): layout = layout_along_axis_mip(src1, src2, axis=axis, depth=depth, max_shifts=max_shifts, ranges=ranges, verbose=verbose); return plot_layout(layout, **kwargs)
######################################################################################## ### Tests ######################################################################################## def _test(): import ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StitchingRigid as stb; from importlib import reload reload(stb); #overlaps and embeddings r1 = stb.Region(lower = (0,0), upper = (100,100)); r2 = stb.Region(lower = (80,20), upper = (180, 120)); r = stb.embedding([r1,r2]) print(r) import ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StitchingRigid as stb; import numpy as np import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tfs data = np.load(tfs.vasculature_pre)[:,:100,:100]; #divide data data1 = data[:210,:,:] data2 = data[200:,:,:]; #reload(stb) s1 = stb.Source(source=data1, position = (0,0,0)); s2 = stb.Source(source=data2, position = (190,0,0)); stb.align_2_sources(s1, s2, max_shifts = 20) #Slicing layouts l = stb.Layout(sources = [s1, s2], alignments = [stb.Alignment(pre=s1, post=s2)]) l.alignments[0].plot_overlay() s = l.slice_along_axis(50, axis = 2) s.align(max_shifts = 20, verbose = True, processes=None) = True) s.plot_alignments() d = s.stitch(verbose = True, method = 'max') stb.p3d.plot(d) np.all(d == data[:,:,50]) l.align(max_shifts = 15) l.alignments[0].plot_overlay() #Tiled layouts reload(stb) l = stb.TiledLayout([data1, data2], overlaps = 15); l.plot_regions() l.align(max_shifts = (-20,30), verbose=True) l.plot_alignments() l.sources, verbose=True) l.sources l.plot_alignments() d = l.stitch(method='max', verbose=True) np.all(d == data) stb.p3d.plot(d) #2d Tiles data = np.load(tfs.vasculature_pre)[:,:,:100]; data.shape #divide data data1 = data[:220,:220,:]; data2 = data[200:,:215,:]; data3 = data[:208,200:,:]; data4 = data[193:,198:,:]; tiling = [[data1, data3],[data2, data4]]; #this should result reload(stb) l = stb.TiledLayout(tiling, overlaps = (10,10)) print(l.tile_positions) l.center_tile_source() l.source_positions() l.align_on_tiling(max_shifts = (-25,25), verbose = True) = 'optimization', lower_to_origin = True, verbose = True) l.plot_alignments() s = l.stitch(method = 'max', verbose = True) stb.p3d.plot(s) np.all(s == data) # Tiles from files expression = stb.te.Expression('test_<X,I,2>_<Y,I,4>.tif'); import ClearMap.IO.IO as io for i in range(len(tiling)): for j in range(len(tiling[i])): io.write(expression.string({'X' : i, 'Y' : j}), tiling[i][j]) reload(stb) l = stb.TiledLayout(expression = expression) print(l.tile_positions) print([src.location for src in l.sources]) l.align_on_tiling(max_shifts = (-25,25), verbose = True) = 'optimization', lower_to_origin = True, verbose = True) s = l.stitch(method = 'max', verbose = True) stb.p3d.plot(s) np.all(s == data) #cleanup for i in range(len(tiling)): for j in range(len(tiling[i])):{'X' : i, 'Y' : j}))