# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Wobbly stitching module handles the alginment of large volumetric data sets.
The module alings stacks allowing them to wobble around a wobble axis, i.e.
due to oscillatory movements during image aquisition.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <christoph.kirst.ck@gmail.com>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = 'http://idisco.info'
__download__ = 'http://www.github.com/ChristophKirst/ClearMap2'
import warnings
import numpy as np
import functools as ft
import multiprocessing as mp
import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import ClearMap.IO.Slice as slc
import ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StitchingRigid as strg
import ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.Tracking as trk
import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.ParallelTraceback as ptb
import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr
import ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression as te
from ClearMap.Utils.utilities import CancelableProcessPoolExecutor
from ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.layout_graph_utils import cluster_components
### Layout
class WobblySource(strg.Source):
"""Class to handle source data and positions of wobbly stacks."""
status_to_description = {ISOLATED : 'isolated',
INVALID : 'invalid',
VALID : 'valid',
FIXED : 'fixed'}
def __init__(self, source, wobble = None, status = None, axis = 2, position = None, tile_position = None):
"""Source class construtor.
source: string, array or Source class
The image source.
position : list of tuple of ints or None
The positions of the source's 'lower' corner of the source.
wobble : list of list of ints or None
The positions of the individual planes in this wobbly source.
strg.Source.__init__(self, source = source, position = position, tile_position = tile_position);
self._axis = int(axis);
if wobble is None:
shape = super(WobblySource, self).shape;
self._wobble = np.zeros((shape[self._axis], len(shape) - 1), dtype = int);
self._wobble = np.array(wobble, dtype = int);
if status is None:
shape = super(WobblySource, self).shape;
self._status = np.full(shape[self._axis], self.VALID, dtype = int);
self._status = np.array(status, dtype = int);
def name(self):
return 'Wobbly-' + self.source.name;
def axis(self):
"""The axis along which the source is assumed to be wobbly.
axis : int
The wobble axes.
return self._axis;
def coordinate(self):
return self._position[self.axis];
def height(self):
return self._source.shape[self.axis];
def wobble(self):
"""The wobblyness of this source.
wobble : array of ints
The deviations from the source position along the wobble axes.
return self._wobble;
def wdim(self):
return self._source.ndim - 1;
def wobble(self, wobble):
if wobble.shape[0] != self.height or wobble.ndim != self.wdim:
raise ValueError('Number of wobbles %d is not equal the number of planes = %d along the wobble axis %d!' % (wobble.shape[0], self.height, self.axis));
self._wobble = np.array(wobble, dtype = int);
def wobble_from_positions(self, positions):
start = self.coordinate;
stop = start + self.height;
self._wobble[:] = positions[start:stop];
#set status
finite = np.all(np.isfinite(positions[start:stop]), axis=1);
non_finite = np.logical_not(finite);
self._status[non_finite] = self.INVALID;
#self._status[finite] = self.VALID;
def status(self):
"""The status of each slice of this source.
status : array of ints
The status for each position along the wobble axes.
return self._status;
def valids(self):
return self._status >= self.VALID;
### Geometry
def lower_wobbly(self):
"""The lower corner of the wobbly source.
lower : tuple of int
The coordinates of the lower corner of the source.
wobble_min = np.min(self._wobble, axis=0);
return self._wobble_to_position(wobble_min, self.coordinate);
def upper_wobbly(self):
"""The upper corner of the source.
upper : tuple of int
The coordinates of the upper corner of the source.
wobble_max = np.max(self._wobble, axis=0);
position = self._wobble_to_position(wobble_max, self.coordinate);
shape = self.source.shape;
return tuple(p + s for p,s in zip(position, shape));
def positions(self):
"""The positions of the lower corners of all slices along the wobble axis.
positions : array
The coordinates of the lower corner of the slices along the wobble axis.
wobble = self.wobble;
axis = self.axis;
coordinate = self.coordinate;
positions = np.concatenate([wobble[:,:axis],
np.arange(len(wobble))[:,np.newaxis] + coordinate,
wobble[:,axis:]], axis = 1)
return positions;
def coordinate_to_local(self, coordinate):
"""Converts a wobble axis coordinate to the a local coordinate wrt to the sources origin.
coordinate : int
The non-local coordinate.
loacl_coordinate : int
The local coordinate within this source.
position = self.coordinate;
shape = self.height;
if coordinate < position or coordinate >= position + shape:
raise RuntimeError('Coordinate %d out of range (%d,%d)!' % (coordinate, position, position + shape))
return coordinate - position;
def coordinate_from_local(self, local_coordinate):
"""Converts a local wobble axis coordiante to the non-local coordinate.
local_coordinate : int
The local coordiante within the source.
coordiante : int
The non-local coordiante.
position = self.coordainte;
shape = self.height;
if local_coordinate < 0 or local_coordinate >= shape:
raise RuntimeError('Coordinate %d out of range (%d,%d)!' % (local_coordinate, position, position + shape))
return local_coordinate + position;
def position_at_coordinate(self, coordinate):
"""Returns the wobbly position of the source at the specified coordinate along the wobble axis.
coordinate : int
The coordinate along the wobble axis.
position : tuple of int.
The non-local position of the specified coordinate slice.
local_coordinate = self.coordinate_to_local(coordinate);
wobble = self._wobble[local_coordinate];
return self._wobble_to_position(wobble, coordinate);
def wobble_at_coordinate(self, coordinate):
"""Returns the wobbly position of the source at the specified coordinate along the wobble axis.
coordinate : int
The coordinate along the wobble axis.
position : tuple of int.
The non-local position of the specified coordinate slice.
local_coordinate = self.coordinate_to_local(coordinate);
return self._wobble[local_coordinate];
def status_at_coordinate(self, coordinate):
local_coordinate = self.coordinate_to_local(coordinate);
return self._status[local_coordinate];
def set_status_at_coordinate(self, coordinate, status):
local_coordinate = self.coordinate_to_local(coordinate);
self._status[local_coordinate] = status;
def is_valid(self, coordinate):
return 0 <= coordinate - self.coordinate < self.height and self.status_at_coordinate(coordinate) >= self.VALID;
def set_invalid(self, coordinate):
if 0 <= coordinate - self.coordinate < self.height:
self.set_status_at_coordinate(coordinate, self.INVALID);
def set_isolated(self, coordinate):
if 0 <= coordinate - self.coordinate < self.height:
self.set_status_at_coordinate(coordinate, self.ISOLATED);
def fix_isolated(self, exclude_borders = False):
"""Fix the positons of isolated slices."""
status = self.status;
wobble = self.wobble;
n_status = len(status);
isolated = np.array(status == self.ISOLATED, dtype=int);
isolated = np.pad(isolated, (1,1), 'constant');
delta = np.diff(isolated);
starts = np.where(delta > 0)[0];
ends = np.where(delta < 0)[0];
#whole stack has no isolated slices
if len(starts) == 0:
#if whole stack is isolated
if len(starts) == 1 and starts[0] == 0 and len(ends) == 1 and ends[0] == n_status:
status[:] = self.ISOLATED;
#find left and right bounds for isolated stretches
for s,e in zip(starts, ends):
#exclude borders
if exclude_borders:
if s == 0 or e == n_status:
status[s:e] = self.ISOLATED;
#find next valid in each direction
if s > 0 and status[s-1] >= self.VALID:
left = wobble[[s-1]];
left = None;
if e < n_status and status[e] >= self.VALID:
right = wobble[[e]];
right = None;
if left is None and right is None:
status[s:e] = self.ISOLATED;
if left is None:
wobble[s:e] = right;
elif right is None:
wobble[s:e] = left;
else: # linearly interpolate
wobble[s:e] = np.array(np.round((right-left) * 1.0 / (e-s+1) * np.arange(1, e-s+1)[:, np.newaxis] + left), dtype = int);
status[s:e] = self.FIXED;
def smooth_positions(self, smooth = dict(method = 'window', window = 'bartlett', window_length = 10)):
positions = smooth_positions(self.positions, self.valids, smooth=smooth);
return positions;
### Helper
def _wobble_to_position(self, wobble, coordinate):
"""Transform a wobble and axis coordinate to the full position.
wobble : tuple
The wobble to add.
coordinate : int
The coordinate along the axis
position : tuple
The poisotn with added wobble.
axis = self.axis;
return tuple(wobble[:axis]) + (coordinate,) + tuple(wobble[axis:]);
### Other
def array_wobbly(self):
"""Returns the array in the wobbly form with zeros at empty positions.
array : array
The data of the array.
axis = self.axis;
extent = self.extent;
ndim = len(extent);
array = np.zeros(extent, dtype=self.dtype, order=self.order);
lower_wobble = np.min(self.wobble, axis = 0);
slicing = (slice(None),) * (ndim - 1);
for c in range(extent[axis]):
slicing_source = slicing[:axis] + (c,) + slicing[axis:];
data = self.source[slicing_source];
shape = data.shape;
position = self.wobble[c] - lower_wobble;
slicing_data = tuple(slice(p,p+s) for p,s in zip(position, shape));
slicing_data = slicing_data[:axis] + (c,) + slicing_data[axis:];
array[slicing_data] = data;
return array;
def __copy__(self):
cls = self.__class__
new = cls.__new__(cls)
new._wobble = self._wobble.copy();
return new
class WobblyAlignment(strg.Alignment):
status_to_description = {NOSIGNAL : 'no signal',
NOMINIMA : 'no minima',
UNALIGNED : 'unaligned',
UNTRACED : 'untraced',
INVALID : 'invalid',
VALID : 'valid',
MEASURED : 'measured',
ALIGNED : 'aligned',
FIXED : 'fixed'}
def __init__(self, pre = None, post = None, shifts = None, displacements = None, qualities = None, status = None, axis = 2, shift = None, displacement = None, quality = None):
strg.Alignment.__init__(self, pre=pre, post=post, shift=shift, displacement=displacement, quality=quality);
#overlap region
ovlp = strg.overlap(strg.Region(position = pre.position[axis:axis+1], shape = pre.shape[axis:axis+1]),
strg.Region(position = post.position[axis:axis+1], shape = post.shape[axis:axis+1]));
if ovlp == None:
raise ValueError('The two sources do not overlap along the wobble axis!');
n = ovlp.shape[0]
ndim = pre.ndim;
if displacements is None:
d = tuple(p - q for p,q,d in zip(post.position, pre.position, range(ndim)) if d != axis);
if shifts is None:
displacements = np.ones((n, pre.ndim-1), dtype = int) * d;
displacements = np.array(shifts, dtype = int) + d;
self._displacements = displacements;
if qualities is None:
qualities = np.ones(n) * (-np.inf);
self.qualities = qualities;
if status is None:
status = np.full(n, self.VALID, dtype = int);
self.status = status;
self.axis = axis;
def displacements(self):
return self._displacements;
def displacements(self, value):
if len(value) != self.upper_coordinate - self.lower_coordinate:
raise ValueError('Dimension mismatch %d != %d' % (len(value), self.upper_coordinate - self.lower_coordinate));
self._displacements = value;
def lower_coordinate(self):
return max(self.pre.coordinate, self.post.coordinate);
def upper_coordinate(self):
return min(self.pre.coordinate + self.pre.height, self.post.coordinate + self.post.height)
def coordinate_to_local(self, coordinate):
lower, upper = self.lower_coordinate, self.upper_coordinate
if not (lower <= coordinate < upper):
raise ValueError('Invalid coordinate!');
return coordinate - lower;
def shifts(self):
axis = self.axis;
displacements = self._displacements;
pre_pos = self.pre.position;
post_pos = self.post.position;
pre_pos = pre_pos[:axis] + pre_pos[axis+1:];
post_pos = post_pos[:axis] + post_pos[axis+1:];
shifts = displacements - post_pos + pre_pos;
return shifts;
def shifts(self, value):
if len(value) != self.upper_coordinate - self.lower_coordinate:
raise ValueError('Dimension mismatch %d != %d' % (len(value), self.upper_coordinate - self.lower_coordinate));
axis = self.axis;
pre_pos = self.pre.position;
post_pos = self.post.position;
pre_pos = pre_pos[:axis] + pre_pos[axis+1:];
post_pos = post_pos[:axis] + post_pos[axis+1:];
self._displacements = np.array(value) + post_pos - pre_pos;
def align_wobbly_axis(self, **kwargs):
shifts, qualities = align_wobbly_axis(self.pre, self.post, axis=self.axis, **kwargs);
self.shifts = shifts;
self.qualities = qualities;
def displacement_at_coordinate(self, coordinate):
return self._displacements[self.coordinate_to_local(coordinate)]
def quality_at_coordinate(self, coordinate):
return self.qualities[self.coordinate_to_local(coordinate)]
def status_at_coordinate(self, coordinate):
return self.status[self.coordinate_to_local(coordinate)]
def set_status_at_coordinate(self, coordinate, status):
def valids(self, min_quality = -np.inf):
valids = self.status >= self.VALID;
if min_quality:
valids = np.logical_and(valids, self.qualities > min_quality);
return valids;
def smooth_displacements(self, min_quality = -np.inf, **kwargs):
displacements = smooth_displacements(self.displacements, self.valids(min_quality=min_quality), **kwargs);
#self.displacements = displacements
return displacements;
def fix_unaligned(self):
"""Linearly interpolate between unaligned coordinates"""
status = self.status;
displacements = self.displacements;
qualities = self.qualities;
n_status = len(status);
unaligned = np.array(status == self.UNALIGNED, dtype=int);
unaligned = np.pad(unaligned, (1,1), 'constant');
delta = np.diff(unaligned);
starts = np.where(delta > 0)[0];
ends = np.where(delta < 0)[0];
#whole stack is aligned
if len(starts) == 0:
#whole stack is unalinged
if len(starts) == 1 and starts[0] == 0 and len(ends) == 1 and ends[0] == n_status:
status[:] = self.INVALID;
#find left and right bounds for isolated stretches
for s,e in zip(starts, ends):
#find next valid in each direction
if s > 0 and status[s-1] >= self.VALID:
left = displacements[[s-1]];
left = None;
if e < n_status and status[e] >= self.VALID:
right = displacements[[e]];
right = None;
if left is None and right is None:
status[s:e] = self.INVALID;
if left is None:
displacements[s:e] = right;
qualities[s:e] = qualities[e];
elif right is None:
displacements[s:e] = left;
qualities[s:e] = qualities[s-1];
else: # linearly interpolate
displacements[s:e] = np.array(np.round((right-left) * 1.0 / (e-s+1) * np.arange(1, e-s+1)[:, np.newaxis] + left), dtype = int);
qs = qualities[s-1];
qe = qualities[e];
if np.isfinite(qs) and np.isfinite(qe):
qualities[s:e] = (qe - qs) / (e-s+1) * np.arange(1, e-s+1) + qs;
elif np.isfinite(qe):
qualities[s:e] = qe;
qualities[s:e] = qs;
status[s:e] = self.FIXED;
def overlay_wobbly(self, overlap = True):
axis = self.axis;
shifts = self.shifts;
n_slices = len(shifts);
shifts = shifts[self.status >= self.VALID]
min_shifts = np.min(np.array(shifts), axis = 0);
max_shifts = np.max(np.array(shifts), axis = 0);
min_shifts = tuple(min_shifts[:axis]) + (0,) + tuple(min_shifts[axis:]);
max_shifts = tuple(max_shifts[:axis]) + (0,) + tuple(max_shifts[axis:]);
ndim = len(min_shifts);
if overlap:
o1,o2 = strg._overlap_with_shifts(self.pre, self.post, max_shifts=[(m,n) for m,n in zip(min_shifts, max_shifts)]);
i1 = self.pre[o1.local_slicing(self.pre)]
i2 = self.post[o2.local_slicing(self.post)]
p1 = o1.lower;
p2 = o2.lower;
s1 = o1.shape;
s2 = o2.shape;
i1 = self.pre;
i2 = self.post;
p1 = self.pre.position;
p2 = self.post.position;
s1 = self.pre.shape;
s2 = self.post.shape;
pad1 = ();
off2 = ();
shape = ();
for d in range(ndim):
pad1 += ((max(0, p1[d] - (p2[d] + min_shifts[d])), max(0, p2[d] + s2[d] + max_shifts[d] - (p1[d] + s1[d]))),);
off2 += (max(0, p2[d] + min_shifts[d] - p1[d]),);
shape += (max(s1[d] + pad1[d][0] + pad1[d][1], off2[d] + max_shifts[d] - min_shifts[d] + s2[d]),);
ovl = [np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.pre.dtype), np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.post.dtype)];
slice_i = [slice(None)] * ndim;
pad1i = pad1[:axis] + pad1[axis+1:];
for i in range(n_slices):
if i%100 == 0:
print('Generating overlay slice %d/%d!' % (i,n_slices))
if self.status[i] >= self.VALID:
slice_i[axis] = i;
shift = tuple(self.shifts[i]);
shift = shift[:axis] + (0,) + shift[axis:];
pad2 = tuple((o + s - m, sh - (o + s - m) - sp) for o,s,m,sh,sp in zip(off2, shift, min_shifts, shape, s2));
pad2i = pad2[:axis] + pad2[axis+1:];
ovl[0][slice_i] = np.pad(i1[slice_i], pad1i, 'constant')
ovl[1][slice_i] = np.pad(i2[slice_i], pad2i, 'constant')
return ovl;
def plot_overlay_wobbly(self):
return strg.p3d.plot([self.overlay_wobbly()]);
def overlay_mip_wobbly(self, overlap = True, mip_axis = None, percentile = 98, normalize = True):
ovl_mip = self.overlay_wobbly(overlap=overlap);
#max project
if mip_axis is None:
mip_axis = strg._mip_axis(self.pre, self.post);
ovl_mip = [np.max(o, axis=mip_axis) for o in ovl_mip];
for o in ovl_mip:
p = np.percentile(o, percentile);
import ClearMap.Visualization.Color as col
colors = [[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]];
colors = [col.color(c, alpha = False, as_int = True) for c in colors];
image = np.zeros(ovl_mip[0].shape + (3,));
for o,c in zip(ovl_mip,colors):
image += np.multiply.outer(o /o.max(),c);
if normalize:
for c in range(3):
image[:,:,c] /= image[:,:,c].max();
return image;
def plot_mip_wobbly(self, overlap = True, mip_axis = None, percentile = 98):
image = self.overlay_mip_wobbly(overlap=overlap, mip_axis=mip_axis, percentile=percentile);
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(np.transpose(image, [1,0,2])[:,:,:], origin = 'lower');
class WobblyLayout(strg.TiledLayout):
"""Layout to handle stitching of wobbly sources."""
def __init__(self, sources = None, expression = None, tile_axes = None, tile_shape = None, tile_positions = None, positions = None, overlaps = None, alignments = None, axis = 2, position = None, shape = None, dtype = None, order = None):
"""WobblyStackLayout constructor.
expression : str
Regular expression of source names.
tile_axes : tuple of strings
The names and ordering of the grid axes of the named groups in the regular expression. If None use the names and order as they appear in expression.
tile_shape : tuple of ints or None
Shape of the grid. If None determine automatically.
tile_positions : list of tuple of ints or None
List of grid positions to consider, if None use all available.
positions : list of tuples of ints
The positions of the individual sources, if None use overlaps to position sources.
overlaps : tuple of ints or None
Overlaps of the individual sources in each grid dimension. If None assume overlap is zero.
shape : tuple of int or None
The fixed shape of this Layout, if None the minimal size to fit all sources will be used.
position : tuple of int or None
The fixed position of this layout, if None the lower corner to fit all sources will be used.
dtype: dtype or None
The data type to use for this layout, if None use the dtype of the first source.
axis : int
The wobbly axis of the sources.
# initialize classes
strg.TiledLayout.__init__(self, sources = sources, expression = expression, tile_axes = tile_axes, tile_shape = tile_shape, tile_positions = tile_positions, positions = positions, overlaps = overlaps, alignments = alignments, position = position, shape = shape, dtype = dtype, order = order);
# convert sources to WobblySources
sources = self.sources;
self.sources = [WobblySource(source = s, axis = axis) for s in sources];
alignments = [];
sources_to_wobbly_sources = {s : w for s,w in zip(sources, self.sources)};
for a in self.alignments:
pre = sources_to_wobbly_sources[a.pre];
post = sources_to_wobbly_sources[a.post];
displacement = a.displacement;
quality = a.quality;
alignments.append(WobblyAlignment(pre=pre, post=post, axis=axis, displacement=displacement, quality=quality));
self.alignments = alignments;
self.axis = int(axis);
def lower_wobbly(self):
"""Calculates the lower position of the entire layout.
lower : tuple of ints
The lower position of the full layout.
return tuple(np.min([s.lower_wobbly for s in self.sources], axis = 0));
def upper_wobbly(self):
"""Calculates the upper position of the entire layout.
upper : tuple of ints
The upper position of the full layout.
return tuple(np.max([s.upper_wobbly for s in self.sources], axis = 0));
def origin_wobbly(self):
return tuple(min(p,0) for p in self.lower_wobbly);
def shape_wobbly(self):
return tuple(u - o for u,o in zip(self.upper_wobbly, self.origin_wobbly))
def set_positions(self, positions):
"""Set the positions of all wobbly slices and sources."""
for s,p in zip(self.sources, positions):
def slice_along_axis_wobbly(self, coordinate):
"""Returns a layout corresponding to a slice along the wobble axis in this layout.
coordinate : int
The coordinate at which to take the slice.
axis : int
The axis to take the slice in.
layout : Layout class
The sliced layout.
The underlying sources are converted to virtual for parallel stitching.
axis = self.axis;
ndim = self.ndim;
#filter sources in slice
sources = [source for source in self.sources if source.is_valid(coordinate)];
#slice sources
sliced_sources = [];
for source in sources:
position = source.wobble_at_coordinate(coordinate);
slicing = (slice(None),) * axis + (coordinate - source.coordinate,) + (slice(None),) * (ndim-1-axis);
sliced_sources.append(strg.Source(source = slc.Slice(source=source.source.as_virtual(), slicing=slicing), position=position, tile_position=source.tile_position));
if self._shape is not None:
shape = self._shape[:axis] + self._shape[axis+1];
shape = None;
if self._position is not None:
position = self._position[:axis] + self._position[axis+1];
position = None;
return strg.Layout(sources = sliced_sources, shape = shape, position = position, dtype = self._dtype, order = self._order);
def layouts_along_axis_wobbly(self, coordinates = None):
"""Returns a list of Layouts representing the placed wobbly sources in each wobbly-axis slice of this layout.
coordinates : list of ints, all, or None
The positions of the slices along the wobble axis. If all or None take all possible slices.
slices : list of SlicedLayout classes
The layouts in each wobble-axis-plane.
The slices layouts can be used for stitching of the wobbly stacks.
#create stitching planes
if coordinates is all or coordinates is None:
coordinates = range(self.lower[self.axis], self.upper[self.axis])
return [self.slice_along_axis_wobbly(c) for c in coordinates];
def plot_wobble(self):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.gcf();
axs = [plt.subplot(1,2,i+1) for i in range(2)];
for i,a in enumerate(self.alignments):
invalid = a.status < a.VALID
d = np.array(a.displacements, dtype = float)
d[invalid] = np.nan
#print invalid.sum()
x = np.arange(a.lower_coordinate, a.upper_coordinate)
_ = plt.plot(x, d[:,0], label = '%d: %r-%r' % (i, a.pre.identifier, a.post.identifier)) #analysis:ignore
plt.subplot(1,2,2, sharex = axs[0]);
_ = plt.plot(x, d[:,1], label = '%d: %r-%r' % (i, a.pre.identifier, a.post.identifier)) #analysis:ignore
def on_pick(event):
for ax in axs:
for curve in ax.get_lines():
if curve.contains(event)[0]:
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', on_pick)
def alignment_info(self, tile_position, coordinate, plot = True, use_displacements = True, **kwargs):
"""Gathers all alignment info for a slice of a certain tile."""
#get status
s = self.source_from_tile_position(tile_position);
status = s.status_at_coordinate(coordinate);
#get all connecting alignemtns and thier status
a_status = [];
alignments = self.alignments_from_tile_position(tile_position);
for a in alignments:
a_status.append((a.pre.identifier, a.post.identifier, a.status_at_coordinate(coordinate)));
print('Source status: %r' % WobblySource.status_to_description[status]);
for a in a_status:
print('Alignment status: %r->%r: %r' % (a[0], a[1], WobblyAlignment.status_to_description[a[2]]))
#return status, a_status
#plot overlay to all neighbours
if plot:
axis = self.axis;
ndim = self.ndim;
sources = [s];
for a in alignments:
if a.pre not in sources:
if a.post not in sources:
#slice sources
sliced_sources = [];
for source in sources:
if use_displacements:
if source == s:
position = tuple(0 for i in range(ndim-1));
for a in alignments:
if source == a.pre:
position = tuple(-p for p in a.displacement);
if source == a.post:
position = a.displacement;
position = position[:axis] + position[axis+1:];
position = source.wobble_at_coordinate(coordinate);
slicing = (slice(None),) * axis + (coordinate - source.coordinate,) + (slice(None),) * (ndim-1-axis);
sliced_sources.append(strg.Source(source = slc.Slice(source=source.source.as_virtual(), slicing=slicing), position=position, tile_position=source.tile_position));
sliced_layout = strg.Layout(sources = sliced_sources, shape = None, position = None, dtype = self.dtype, order = self.order);
strg.plot_layout(sliced_layout, **kwargs)
return sliced_layout
### Alignment
class Verbose(object):
flags = {
'save' : 0b010,
'figure' : 0b100
def __init__(self, verbose = True, save = None, directory = None):
if isinstance(verbose, Verbose):
self.verbose = verbose.verbose;
self.save = verbose.save;
self.directory = verbose.directory;
self.verbose = verbose;
self.save = save;
self.directory = directory;
def has_flag(self, flag):
if flag is None:
if isinstance(self.verbose, bool):
return self.verbose;
return self.verbose > 0;
if isinstance(self.verbose, bool):
return False;
return self.verbose & self.flags[flag] > 0;
def copy(self):
new = type(self)();
return new;
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.verbose == other;
def full_filename(self, filename):
if self.directory is None:
return filename;
return io.join(self.directory, filename);
def create_directory(self, prefix = None):
if self.directory is None:
import datetime
directory = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S/');
if prefix is not None:
directory = '%s_%s' % (prefix, directory);
self.diretory = directory;
if not io.is_directory(self.directory):
return self.directory;
def verbose_has_flag(verbose, flag):
return Verbose(verbose).has_flag(flag);
#TODO: use global plane wise coordinates if subsampling !
def align_layout(layout, axis_range=None, max_shifts=10, axis_mip=None,
stack_validation_params=None, validate=None, prepare='normalization',
slice_validation_params=None, validate_slice=None, prepare_slice=None,
verbose=False, processes=None, workspace= None):
if validate is not None:
if not stack_validation_params:
stack_validation_params = validate
warnings.warn('Parameter validate is deprecated, please use stack_validation_params instead',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if validate_slice is not None:
if not slice_validation_params:
slice_validation_params = validate_slice
warnings.warn('Parameter validate_slice is deprecated, please use slice_validation_params instead',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
axis = layout.axis;
alignments = layout.alignments;
if verbose:
timer = tmr.Timer();
print('Alignment: aligning %d pairs of wobbly sources.' % (len(alignments)));
verbose = Verbose(verbose);
if verbose.has_flag('save'):
_align = ft.partial(align_wobbly_axis, axis=axis, axis_range=axis_range, axis_mip=axis_mip, max_shifts=max_shifts,
prepare=prepare, stack_validation_params=stack_validation_params,
prepare_slice=prepare_slice, slice_validation_params=slice_validation_params,
if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial':
processes = mp.cpu_count();
if processes == 'serial':
results = [_align(a.pre, a.post) for a in alignments];
with CancelableProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor:
results = executor.map(_align, [a.pre for a in alignments], [a.post for a in alignments]);
if workspace is not None:
workspace.executor = executor
if workspace is not None:
workspace.executor = None
results = list(results);
for a,r in zip(layout.alignments, results):
a.shifts = r[0];
a.qualities = r[1];
a.status = r[2];
if verbose:
timer.print_elapsed_time('Alignment: aligning %d pairs of wobbly sources' % (len(alignments)));
def align_wobbly_axis(source1, source2, axis=2, axis_range=None, max_shifts=10, axis_mip=None,
stack_validation_params=None, prepare='normalization', slice_validation_params=None,
prepare_slice=None, find_shifts='minimization', with_errors=False, with_overlaps=False,
"""Create shifts along the wobble axis, estimate smooth shifts and mark invalid slices, accounts for jumps in minima using multiple minima."""
if verbose:
timer = tmr.Timer();
print('Alignment: wobbly alignment %r->%r along axis %d' % (source1.identifier, source2.identifier, axis));
#prepare methods dicts
stack_validation_params, prepare, slice_validation_params, prepare_slice, find_shifts = \
[dict(method=m) if isinstance(m, str) else m for m in (stack_validation_params, prepare, slice_validation_params, prepare_slice, find_shifts)];
if axis_mip:
if not isinstance(axis_mip, tuple):
axis_mip = (axis_mip, axis_mip);
#overlap etc
ndim = source1.ndim;
p1 = source1.position;
p2 = source2.position;
s1 = source1.shape;
s2 = source2.shape;
p1a = p1[axis];
p2a = p2[axis];
start = max(p1a, p2a);
stop = min(p1a + s1[axis], p2a + s2[axis]);
if start > stop:
raise ValueError('The sources do not overlap along axis %d!' % axis);
n_slices = stop - start;
#print n_slices, start, stop
if not isinstance(axis_range, tuple):
axis_range = (axis_range,);
if len(axis_range) < 3:
axis_range += (None,) * (3-len(axis_range));
a_start, a_stop, a_step = axis_range if axis_range else (None,None,None)
a_start = start if a_start is None else a_start;
a_stop = stop if a_stop is None else a_stop;
a_step = 1 if a_step is None else a_step;
a_start = max(start, a_start);
a_stop = min(stop, a_stop);
#print a_start, a_stop, a_step, start, stop
#max shifts formatting
max_shifts = strg._format_max_shifts(max_shifts, ndim);
max_shifts = max_shifts[:axis] + max_shifts[axis+1:];
#slices for fft
sl1 = strg.Region(position = p1[:axis] + p1[axis+1:], shape = s1[:axis] + s1[axis+1:]);
sl2 = strg.Region(position = p2[:axis] + p2[axis+1:], shape = s2[:axis] + s2[axis+1:]);
slice1,slice2, pad1,pad2, slice_no_pad1,slice_no_pad2, shift_min,shift_max, fft_roi = strg._slicing_and_padding_for_fft(sl1, sl2, max_shifts);
#print slice1,slice2, pad1,pad2, slice_no_pad1,slice_no_pad2, shift_min,shift_max, fft_roi
#sdim = len(shift_min);
#full slicings
slice1_full = slice1[:axis] + (slice(a_start - p1a, a_stop - p1a),) + slice1[axis:];
slice2_full = slice2[:axis] + (slice(a_start - p2a, a_stop - p2a),) + slice2[axis:];
#print(slice1_full, slice2_full)
#pad1_full = pad1[:axis] + [(0,0)] + pad1[axis:];
#pad2_full = pad2[:axis] + [(0,0)] + pad2[axis:];
i1 = np.array(source1[slice1_full], dtype=float);
i2 = np.array(source2[slice2_full], dtype=float);
#print i1.shape, i2.shape
#initialize the error and status results
status = WobblyAlignment.INVALID * np.ones(n_slices, dtype=int);
error_shape = (n_slices,) + tuple(-s.start if s.start is not None else s.stop for s in fft_roi);
errors = np.zeros(error_shape);
#validate entire stacks
if stack_validation_params:
valid = _validate(i1, **stack_validation_params);
if verbose and not valid:
print('Alignment: Source %r is not valid!' % (source1.identifier,));
if valid:
valid = _validate(i2, **stack_validation_params);
if verbose and not valid:
print('Alignment: Source %r is not valid!' % (source1.identifier,));
if not valid:
status[:] = WobblyAlignment.NOSIGNAL;
results = _shifts_qualities_status(errors, status, correct_shift=shift_min, **find_shifts);
if with_errors:
results += (errors,);
if with_overlaps:
results += ((i1,i2),);
return results;
#keep original copy for validation
if slice_validation_params:
i1raw = i1.copy();
i2raw = i2.copy();
if prepare:
i1 = _prepare(i1, **prepare);
i2 = _prepare(i2, **prepare);
shape1 = i1.shape[:axis] + i1.shape[axis+1:]
w1 = np.pad(np.zeros(shape1), pad1, 'constant');
w1[slice_no_pad1] = 1;
w1fft = np.fft.fftn(w1);
w2 = np.pad(np.zeros(shape1), pad1, 'constant'); # FIXME: check pad1
w2[slice_no_pad2] = 1;
w2fft = np.fft.fftn(w2);
nrm = np.fft.ifftn(w1fft * np.conj(w2fft));
nrm = np.abs(nrm[fft_roi]);
eps = 2.2204e-16;
nrm[nrm < eps] = eps;
#align slices
for i, a in enumerate(range(start, stop)):
if verbose and i % 100 == 0:
print('Alignment: Wobbly alignment %r->%r along axis %d: slice %d / %d' % (source1.identifier, source2.identifier, axis, i, a_stop-a_start));
if a < a_start or a >= a_stop or (a-a_start) % a_step != 0:
status[i] = WobblyAlignment.UNALIGNED;
if axis_mip:
mip_start = max(0, a - a_start - axis_mip[0]);
mip_end = max(0, a - a_start + axis_mip[1]);
slice1_a = (slice(None),) * axis + (slice(mip_start,mip_end),) + (slice(None),) * (ndim-1-axis)
slice2_a = (slice(None),) * axis + (slice(mip_start,mip_end),) + (slice(None),) * (ndim-1-axis)
i1a = np.max(i1[slice1_a], axis=axis);
i2a = np.max(i2[slice2_a], axis=axis);
slice1_a = (slice(None),) * axis + (a - a_start,) + (slice(None),) * (ndim-1-axis)
slice2_a = (slice(None),) * axis + (a - a_start,) + (slice(None),) * (ndim-1-axis)
i1a = i1[slice1_a];
i2a = i2[slice2_a];
if slice_validation_params:
i1rawa = i1raw[slice1_a];
valid = _validate(i1rawa, **slice_validation_params);
if verbose and not valid:
print('Alignment: Slice %d with coordinate %d in source %r is not valid!' % (a - a_start, a, source1.identifier));
if valid:
i2rawa = i2raw[slice2_a];
valid = _validate(i2rawa, **slice_validation_params);
if verbose and not valid:
print('Alignment: Slice %d with coordinate %d in source %r is not valid!' % (a - a_start, a, source2.identifier));
if not valid:
status[i] = WobblyAlignment.NOSIGNAL;
if prepare_slice:
i1a = _prepare(i1a, **prepare_slice);
i2a = _prepare(i2a, **prepare_slice);
i1a = np.pad(i1a, pad1, 'constant');
i2a = np.pad(i2a, pad2, 'constant');
# fft
i1fft = np.fft.fftn(i1a);
i2fft = np.fft.fftn(i2a);
s1fft = np.fft.fftn(i1a * i1a);
s2fft = np.fft.fftn(i2a * i2a);
wssd = w1fft * np.conj(s2fft) + s1fft * np.conj(w2fft) - 2 * i1fft * np.conj(i2fft);
wssd = np.fft.ifftn(wssd);
wssd = wssd[fft_roi];
# normalize
wssd = np.abs(wssd);
wssd = wssd / nrm;
# save least square errors
errors[i] = wssd;
status[i] = WobblyAlignment.MEASURED
if verbose:
timer.print_elapsed_time('Alignment: Wobbly slice alignment %r->%r along axis %d done' % (source1.identifier, source2.identifier, axis));
if verbose_has_flag(verbose, 'save'):
filename = verbose.full_filename('errors_%r_%r.npy' % (source1.identifier, source2.identifier));
np.save(filename, errors);
verbose.save = '%r_%r' % (source1.identifier, source2.identifier)
results = _shifts_qualities_status(errors, status, add_shift=shift_min, verbose=verbose, **find_shifts);
if verbose:
timer.print_elapsed_time('Alignment: Wobbly alignment %r->%r along axis %d done' % (source1.identifier, source2.identifier, axis));
if with_errors:
results += (errors,);
if with_overlaps:
results += ((i1raw,i2raw),);
return results;
def prepare_normalization(array, clip = None, normalize = True):
# clip images for better alignment performance
if clip is not None:
if isinstance(clip, (list, tuple)):
if clip[0] is not None:
array[array < clip[0]] = clip[0];
if clip[1] is not None:
array[array > clip[1]] = clip[1];
array[array > clip] = clip;
#normalize the full image
if normalize:
array -= np.mean(array);
array *= 1.0/np.sqrt(np.sum(array*array));
return array;
def _prepare(array, method='normalization', **kwargs):
if method == 'normalization':
return prepare_normalization(array, **kwargs);
raise ValueError('Preparation method %r not valid!' % method);
def validate_foreground(array, valid_range = (800,None), size = None, fraction = None, verbose = True):
#check if overlaps are background
if valid_range is None:
return True;
low, high = valid_range;
if low is None and high is None:
return True;
if low is not None and high is not None:
foreground = np.sum(np.logical_and(low < array, array < high));
elif low is not None:
foreground = np.sum(low <= array);
foreground = np.sum(array <= high);
if fraction is not None:
size = fraction * array.size;
if size is None:
valid = foreground > 0;
if verbose and not valid:
print('Alignment: All %d pixels are background in range %r!' % (array.size, valid_range));
valid = foreground >= size;
if verbose and not valid:
print('Alignment: Not enough foreground pixels %d < %d in range %r!' % (foreground, size, valid_range));
return valid;
def _validate(array, method='foreground', **kwargs):
if method == 'foreground':
return validate_foreground(array, **kwargs);
raise ValueError('Validation method %r not valid!' % method);
import skimage.feature as skif
def detect_local_minima(error, distance=1):
minima = skif.peak_local_max(-error, min_distance=distance, exclude_border=True);
if len(minima) > 0:
shifts = [tuple(m) for m in minima];
qualities = [error[s] for s in shifts];
shifts = [(0,) * error.ndim];
qualities = [-np.inf];
return shifts, qualities
def _detect_minima(array, method='local_minima', **kwargs):
if method == 'local_minima':
return detect_local_minima(array, **kwargs);
raise ValueError('Method %r not valid for minima detection!' % method);
def shifts_from_minimization(errors, status):
n = len(status);
qualities = -np.inf * np.ones(n);
shifts = np.zeros((n,errors.ndim-1),dtype=int);
# find minimal shifts
for e,s,i in zip(errors, status, range(n)):
if s == WobblyAlignment.MEASURED:
shift = np.argmin(e);
shift = tuple(np.unravel_index(shift, e.shape));
shifts[i] = shift;
qualities[i] = -(e[shift]);
status[i] = WobblyAlignment.ALIGNED;
return shifts, qualities, status
def shifts_from_tracing(errors, status, cutoff=None, new_trajectory_cost=None, minima='local_minima', verbose=False, **kwargs):
verbose = Verbose(verbose);
n = len(status);
qualities = -np.inf * np.ones(n);
shifts = np.zeros((n,errors.ndim-1),dtype=int);
#measured entries
measured = np.where(status == WobblyAlignment.MEASURED)[0];
if len(measured) == 0:
return shifts, qualities, status;
#minima detection
mins = [_detect_minima(error, method=minima, **kwargs) for error in errors[measured]];
#invalid minima
for i,m in zip(measured, mins):
if len(m[1]) == 1 and not np.isfinite(m[1][0]):
status[i] = WobblyAlignment.NOMINIMA
#print('no min')
mins = [m for m in mins if np.isfinite(m[1][0])];
#valid regions
measured = status == WobblyAlignment.MEASURED
valids = np.logical_or(measured, status == WobblyAlignment.UNALIGNED);
valids = np.array(valids, dtype=int);
valids = np.asarray(np.pad(valids, (1,1), 'constant'));
starts = np.where(np.diff(valids) > 0)[0];
ends = np.where(np.diff(valids) < 0)[0];
#print starts, ends
if len(starts) == 0:
return shifts, qualities, status;
if new_trajectory_cost is None:
new_trajectory_cost = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(errors[0].shape, 2)));
n_measured = 0;
for s,e in zip(starts, ends):
#account for subsampling
measured_se = np.where(measured[s:e])[0];
n_measured_se = len(measured_se);
if n_measured_se == 0:
positions = [mins[i][0] for i in range(n_measured, n_measured + n_measured_se)];
n_measured += n_measured_se;
trajectories = trk.track_positions(positions, new_trajectory_cost=new_trajectory_cost, cutoff=cutoff)
if verbose.has_flag('figure'):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(200); plt.clf();
for t in trajectories:
plt.plot([positions[p[0]][p[1]][0] for p in t], [positions[p[0]][p[1]][1] for p in t], [p[0] for p in t])
plt.title('Tracked trajectories')
if verbose.has_flag('save'):
filename = verbose.full_filename('trajectories_%s_%d_%d.npy' % (verbose.save, s, e));
np.save(filename, trajectories);
filename = verbose.full_filename('positions_%s_%d_%d.npy' % (verbose.save, s, e));
np.save(filename, positions);
#successivley add longer trajectories
#TODO: could search local error landscape for best error, etc
n_opt = 0;
t_opt = [];
while n_opt < n_measured_se:
#find longest
lens = np.array([len(t) for t in trajectories]);
iopt = np.where(lens == np.max(lens))[0];
if len(iopt) > 1:
q = [np.sum([errors[t[0]][tuple(positions[t[0]][t[1]])] for t in trajectories[i]]) for i in iopt];
iopt = iopt[np.argmin(q)];
iopt = iopt[0];
n_opt += len(t_opt[-1]);
#remove non relevant trajcetories
ts = t_opt[-1][0][0]
te = t_opt[-1][-1][0];
trajectories = [t for t in trajectories if (t[0][0] < ts and t[-1][0] < ts) or (t[0][0] > te and t[-1][0] > te)]
if len(trajectories) == 0:
if verbose.has_flag('figure'):
fig = plt.figure(201); plt.clf();
for t in t_opt:
plt.plot([positions[p[0]][p[1]][0] for p in t], [positions[p[0]][p[1]][1] for p in t], [p[0] for p in t])
plt.title('Optimal trajectory')
if verbose.has_flag('save'):
#print(verbose.save, (s,e));
filename = verbose.full_filename('trajectory_opt_%s_%d_%d.npy' % (verbose.save, s, e));
np.save(filename, t_opt);
#update results
measured_se += s;
status[measured_se] = WobblyAlignment.UNTRACED
for t in t_opt:
for p in t:
l, m = p;
i = measured_se[l];
shifts[i] = positions[l][m];
qualities[i] = -errors[i][tuple(shifts[i])];
status[i] = WobblyAlignment.ALIGNED;
return shifts, qualities, status;
def _shifts_qualities_status(errors, status, method='minimization', add_shift=None, **kwargs):
"""Helper to calculate shifts, qualities and status from alignment errors."""
if method is None:
method = 'minimization';
if method == 'minimization':
method = shifts_from_minimization
elif method == 'tracing':
method = shifts_from_tracing;
raise ValueError('Method %r not a vaild for shift detection!' % method);
shifts, qualities, status = method(errors, status, **kwargs);
#print shifts, qualities, status
if add_shift is not None:
shifts = [tuple(s + m for s,m in zip(shift, add_shift)) for shift in shifts];
return shifts, qualities, status
def inspect_align_layout(alignment, verbose):
"""Parse the infomration saved during a align_layout.
errors : array
The error landscape for each slice.
minima : array
Coordinates of the detected minima
trajectories : list
List of coordinates of the detected trajectories.
trajectories_optimal : list
List of the optimal trajectories.
verbose = Verbose(verbose);
verbose.save = '%r_%r' % (alignment.pre.identifier, alignment.post.identifier);
error_file = verbose.full_filename('errors_%s.npy' % verbose.save);
error = np.load(error_file)
positions_expression = verbose.full_filename(te.Expression('positions_%s_<s>_<e>.npy' % verbose.save))
positions_files = io.file_list(positions_expression)
minima = [];
for p in positions_files:
values = positions_expression.values(p);
s = values['s']; e = values['e'];
positions = np.load(p)
pp = np.vstack([np.array([np.array(m + (z,), dtype=int) for m in mm], dtype=int) for z,mm in zip(range(s,e),positions)]);
minima = np.vstack(minima)
#potential trajectories
trajectory_expression = verbose.full_filename(te.Expression('trajectories_%s_<s>_<e>.npy' % verbose.save))
trajectory_files = io.file_list(trajectory_expression)
paths = [];
for t in trajectory_files:
values = trajectory_expression.values(t);
s = values['s']; e = values['e'];
trajectories = np.load(t)
positions = np.load(positions_expression.string(values))
z_positions = np.arange(s,e);
for trajectory in trajectories:
paths.append(np.array([np.array(positions[p[0]][p[1]] +(z_positions[p[0]],)) for p in trajectory]));
#optimal trajectory
trajectory_expression = verbose.full_filename(te.Expression('trajectory_opt_%s_<s>_<e>.npy' % verbose.save))
trajectory_files = io.file_list(trajectory_expression)
opt_paths = [];
for t in trajectory_files:
values = trajectory_expression.values(t);
s = values['s']; e = values['e'];
trajectories = np.load(t);
positions = np.load(positions_expression.string(values))
z_positions = np.arange(s,e);
for trajectory in trajectories:
opt_paths.append(np.array([np.array(positions[p[0]][p[1]] +(z_positions[p[0]],)) for p in trajectory]));
return error, minima, paths, opt_paths
### Placement
def place_layout(layout, min_quality = None, method = 'optimization',
smooth = None, smooth_optimized = None, fix_isolated = True,
lower_to_origin = True, processes = None, verbose = False, workspace=None):
"""Place a layout with the WobblyAlignments."""
#prepare methods dicts
smooth, smooth_optimized = [dict(method=m) if isinstance(m, str) else m for m in (smooth, smooth_optimized)];
#place tiles in each slice first
sources = layout.sources;
alignments = layout.alignments;
axis = layout.axis;
#TODO: fix all the upper lower etc defs to not only work with lower_to_origin layout ?
n_slices = layout.extent[axis];
n_sources = len(sources);
if n_sources == 0 or n_slices == 0:
if verbose:
timer = tmr.Timer();
print('Placement: placing positions in %d slices!' % (n_slices));
#compose the slice info
source_to_index = {s : i for i,s in enumerate(sources)};
positions = np.array([s.position[:axis] + s.position[axis+1:] for s in sources]);
alignment_pairs = np.array([(source_to_index[a.pre], source_to_index[a.post]) for a in alignments]);
n_alignments = len(alignment_pairs);
ndim = len(positions[0]);
#displacmeents and qualities
displacements = np.full((n_slices, n_alignments, ndim), np.nan);
qualities = np.full((n_slices, n_alignments), -np.inf);
status = np.full((n_slices, n_alignments), WobblyAlignment.INVALID, dtype = int);
for i,a in enumerate(alignments):
# fill in undersampled gaps
# smooth
l = a.lower_coordinate;
u = a.upper_coordinate;
if smooth:
displacements[l:u,i] = a.smooth_displacements(min_quality=min_quality, **smooth);
displacements[l:u,i] = a.displacements;
qualities[l:u,i] = a.qualities;
status[l:u,i] = a.status;
#np.save('displacements.npy', displacements);
#np.save('qualities.npy', qualities);
#np.save('status.npy', status);
#place each slice
_place = ft.partial(_place_slice, positions=positions, alignment_pairs=alignment_pairs, min_quality=min_quality);
if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial':
processes = mp.cpu_count();
if processes == 'serial':
results = [_place(d,q,s) for d,q,s in zip(displacements, qualities, status)];
with CancelableProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor:
results = executor.map(_place, displacements, qualities, status)
if workspace is not None:
workspace.executor = executor
if workspace is not None:
workspace.executor = None
results = list(results);
positions_new = np.array([r[0] for r in results]);
components = [r[1] for r in results];
#np.save('positions_new.npy', positions_new.swapaxes(0,1));
#TODO: transform status from alignments to source staus ?
if verbose:
timer.print_elapsed_time('Placement: placing positions in %d slices done!' % (n_slices));
#mark and remove isolated tiles
for s,components_slice in enumerate(components):
for c in components_slice:
if len(c) == 1:
layout.sources[c[0]].set_isolated(coordinate = s);
components = [[c for c in components_slice if len(c) > 1] for components_slice in components];
#optimize positions
if method == 'optimization':
if verbose:
print('Placement: optimizing wobbly positions!')
positions_optimized = _optimize_slice_positions(positions_new, components, processes=processes,
workspace=workspace, verbose=verbose)
if verbose:
print('Placement: combining wobbly positions!')
positions_optimized = _straighten_slice_positions(positions_new, components, layout.tile_positions);
positions_optimized = positions_optimized.swapaxes(0,1);
#np.save('positions_optimized_1.npy', positions_optimized);
#TODO: after fixing isolated !!!! or including status !!!
#smoooth optimized positions
if smooth_optimized:
for p in positions_optimized:
valids = np.all(np.isfinite(p), axis=1);
#include status validation here !
p[:] = smooth_positions(p, valids=valids, **smooth_optimized);
#zero origin
if lower_to_origin:
positions_optimized_valid = np.ma.masked_invalid(positions_optimized);
min_pos = np.array(np.min(np.min(positions_optimized_valid, axis = 0), axis = 0));
positions_optimized -= min_pos;
if verbose:
timer.print_elapsed_time('Placement: placing wobbly layout done!');
#np.save('positions_optimized_2.npy', positions_optimized);
if fix_isolated:
for source in layout.sources:
#return positions_optimized;
def _place_slice(displacements, qualities, status, positions, alignment_pairs, min_quality=-np.inf):
positions = positions.copy();
#filter alignments by quality
valid = status >= WobblyAlignment.VALID;
if min_quality:
valid = np.logical_and(valid, qualities > min_quality);
alignment_pairs = alignment_pairs[valid];
displacements = displacements[valid];
qualities = qualities[valid];
#connected components
component_ids, component_pairs, component_displacements = _connected_components(positions, alignment_pairs, displacements);
for pairs,displ in zip(component_pairs, component_displacements):
_place_slice_component(positions, pairs, displ);
return positions, component_ids;
def _connected_components(positions, alignment_pairs, displacements):
"""Returns the connected components of the alignments."""
n_sources = len(positions);
connected_components, n_components = strg.get_connected_components(alignment_pairs, n_sources)
# create components
component_pairs = [];
component_displacements = [];
component_ids = [];
for i in range(n_components):
ids = np.where(connected_components == i)[0];
pairs = [];
displ = [];
for a,d in zip(alignment_pairs, displacements):
if a[0] in ids:
return component_ids, component_pairs, component_displacements;
def _place_slice_component(positions, alignment_pairs, displacements, fixed = None):
"""Optimize positions for a connected component."""
nalignments = len(alignment_pairs);
if nalignments == 0:
return positions;
# construct the mappings between node ids and index 1:nimages
pre_indices = np.unique([p[0] for p in alignment_pairs])
post_indices = np.unique([p[1] for p in alignment_pairs]);
node_to_index = np.unique(np.hstack([pre_indices, post_indices]));
index_to_node = { i : n for n,i in enumerate(node_to_index)}
nnodes = len(node_to_index);
ndim = len(positions[0]);
n = ndim * nalignments;
m = ndim * (nnodes - 1); # first image is assumed to be fixed at zero
# derivative of the error gives constraints s - M x == 0
# s are the displacements, x the centers of the images, M is derived from the error terms
# s
s = np.zeros(n);
k = 0;
for a, sh in zip(alignment_pairs, displacements):
for d in range(ndim):
s[k] = sh[d];
k = k + 1;
# M
M = np.zeros((n,m));
k = 0;
for a in alignment_pairs:
pre_node = index_to_node[a[0]];
post_node = index_to_node[a[1]];
for d in range(ndim):
if pre_node > 0:
M[k, (pre_node - 1) * ndim + d] = -1;
if post_node > 0:
M[k, (post_node - 1) * ndim + d] = 1;
k = k + 1;
#print s
#print M
#print np.linalg.pinv(M)
# find the centers of the images via pseudo inverse
positions_optimized = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(M), s);
positions_optimized = np.hstack([np.zeros(ndim), positions_optimized]);
positions_optimized = np.reshape(positions_optimized, (-1, ndim));
positions_optimized = np.asarray(np.round(positions_optimized), dtype = int);
#correct for origin and fixed source
if fixed is not None:
fixed_id = fixed;
fixed_id = np.min(alignment_pairs);
fixed_position = positions[fixed_id];
positions_optimized = positions_optimized - positions_optimized[index_to_node[fixed_id]] + fixed_position;
#update positions
positions[node_to_index] = positions_optimized;
def _optimize_slice_positions(positions, components, processes = None, workspace=None, verbose = False):
"""Helper to optimize the positions of the slices on top of each other"""
#refer to the slice components as 'clusters'
#positions is a list of the tile positions in each slice
#positions[slice, tile] is a ndim array of the tile position in slice s
#positions of non-existent tiles are set to [npinf] * ndim
#components is a list of lists indicating the clusters in each slice
#components[slice] = [cluster1, cluster2, ...]
#each cluster is a list of tile ids. tiles not in a slice are not listed.
#minimize displacements of all sources between the slices
n_slices = len(components);
ndim = len(positions[0,0]);
#compute connected components of the clusters
cluster_components_, si_to_c, c_to_si = cluster_components(components)
#cluster_components_ is a list of lists of ints indicating the cluster ids
#that belong to the connected compoenents of the clusters
#cluster_components_[0] = [c1, c2, ...] with cluster ids c1,c2,...
n_components = len(cluster_components_)
if verbose:
print(f'Placement: found {n_components} components to optimize!')
#optimize positions for each cluster component
for cci, cluster_component in enumerate(cluster_components_):
#Error functon:
# E = \sum_s \sum_{i \in C_s} \sum_{j \in C_{s+1}} \sum_{k\in C_{s,i} \cup C_{s+1,j}} (x_{s,k} + s_{s,i} - (x_{s+1,k} + s_{s+1,j}))^2
# x_{s,k} is the position of the k-th tile in the s-th slice
# s_{s,i} is the shift of the i-th cluster C_{s,i} in slice s
# C_s is the set of clusters in slice s
# s0 = argmin_s(|C_s|>0), i0 = argmin(C_\bar{s}) is the first cluster
# s_{s0,i0} = 0 is fixed as the overall shift is arbitrary otherwise.
# derivative of error gives constraints x - M s == 0
# and cluster shifts are given as the pseudo inverse: s = M^\dagger x
# slice indices: t = s+1, r = s-1
# C_{s,i} has an id c, c_to_si and si_to_c convert between s,i and c
# The clusters in this connected component of clusters are enumerated by d
# starting at the second cluster as the first cluster's shift is fixed
# d_to_si, si_to_d convert between them.
n_clusters = len(cluster_component)
n_s = (n_clusters - 1); # first s == 0
if verbose:
print('Placement: optimizing component %d/%d with %d clusters!' % (cci, n_components, n_clusters));
#construct map : slice -> cluster ids
slice_to_cluster_ids = [()] * n_slices;
for c in cluster_component:
s,i = c_to_si(c);
slice_to_cluster_ids[s] += (i,);
#construct generic id d to si maps
si_to_d = {};
d_to_si = {};
for d,c in enumerate(cluster_component[1:]):
s,i = c_to_si(c);
si_to_d[(s,i)] = d;
d_to_si[d] = (s,i);
s0,i0 = c_to_si(cluster_component[0])
# construct x, M
X = [io.sma.zeros(n_s) for d in range(ndim)];
M = [io.sma.zeros((n_s, n_s)) for d in range(ndim)];
for ci, c in enumerate(cluster_component[1:]):
#if verbose and ci % 100 == 0:
# print('Placement: constructing constraints %d/%d!' % (ci, n_clusters))
s,i = c_to_si(c);
C_si = components[s][i];
d = si_to_d[(s,i)];
#print s,i,C_si,d
#if s < n_slices - 1:
#for c2 in cluster_component:
t = s + 1;
if t < n_slices:
for j in slice_to_cluster_ids[t]:
C_tj = components[t][j];
is_first = s0 == t and i0 == j;
if not is_first:
f = si_to_d[(t,j)];
#print t,j,C_tj,is_first,f
for k in C_si:
if k in C_tj:
for e in range(ndim):
X[e][d] += positions[s,k,e] - positions[t,k,e];
M[e][d,d] += 1;
if not is_first:
M[e][d,f] -= 1;
r = s - 1;
if r >= 0:
for j in slice_to_cluster_ids[r]:
C_rj = components[r][j];
is_first = s0 == r and i0 == j;
if not is_first:
f = si_to_d[(r,j)];
for k in C_si:
if k in C_rj:
for e in range(ndim):
X[e][d] -= positions[r,k,e] - positions[s,k,e];
M[e][d,d] += 1;
if not is_first:
M[e][d,f] -= 1;
if verbose:
print('Placement: done constructing constraints for component %d/%d!' % (cci, n_components))
# find the shifts of the clusters via pseudo inverse
#print X
#print M
#print np.linalg.pinv(-M)
if isinstance(processes, int) and processes > 1:
M = [io.sma.smm.insert(m) for m in M];
X = [io.sma.smm.insert(x) for x in X];
with CancelableProcessPoolExecutor(min(processes, ndim)) as executor:
shifts = executor.map(_optimize_shifts, M, X)
if workspace is not None:
workspace.executor = executor
if workspace is not None:
workspace.executor = None
shifts = list(shifts);
shifts = np.array(shifts).T;
shifts = [np.linalg.lstsq(-M[e], X[e], rcond=None)[0] for e in range(ndim)];
shifts = np.asarray(np.round(shifts), dtype=int).T;
#update positions of the tiles
for c in cluster_component[1:]:
s,i = c_to_si(c);
C_si = components[s][i];
d = si_to_d[(s,i)];
#print s,i,d,C_si, shifts[d]
for k in C_si:
positions[s,k] += shifts[d];
if verbose:
print('Placement: component %d/%d optimized!' % (cci, n_components))
#note overall shifts between components is not touched but might be based on
#keeping ovrall distance.
return positions;
def _optimize_shifts(MM,XX):
M = io.sma.smm.get(MM);
X = io.sma.smm.get(XX);
#ss = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(-M), X);
ss = np.linalg.lstsq(-M, X, rcond=None)[0];
#ss = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(-M, X)[0];
return np.asarray(np.round(ss), dtype=int);
def _straighten_slice_positions(positions, components, tile_positions):
"""Straighten the center tiles in each connected cluster component"""
#The cluster components always split between different tiles
#so we can straighten the center tile in each cluster compoenent.
n_slices = len(components);
#compute connected components of the clusters
cluster_components_, si_to_c, c_to_si = cluster_components(components)
for cluster_component in cluster_components_:
slice_ids = [];
for c in cluster_component:
s,i = c_to_si(c);
if s not in slice_ids:
C_si = components[s][i];
tile_ids = [];
tile_pos = [];
for k in C_si:
if k not in tile_ids:
center_tile_position = strg._center_tile(tile_pos);
for i,t in enumerate(tile_pos):
if center_tile_position == t:
center_tile = i;
center_slice = slice_ids[(len(slice_ids)-1)//2];
center_position = positions[center_slice, center_tile];
for k in tile_ids:
for s in range(n_slices):
positions[s,k] += center_position - positions[s,center_tile]
return positions;
def smooth_binary(x, width=1):
"""Remove displacements smaller than a certain width."""
width = width + 1; #width -> range
if len(x) < width:
width = len(x);
x = x.copy();
n = len(x);
#smooth open border
x[:width] = np.median(x[:width]);
x[-width:] = np.median(x[-width:]);
for w in range(width,1,-1):
starts = range(n-w);
ends = range(w,n);
for s,e in zip(starts, ends):
if x[s] == x[e]:
x[s:e] = x[s];
return x;
def smooth_window(x, window_length = 10, window = 'bartlett', binary = None):
"""Convolutional smoothing filter"""
if window_length > len(x):
window_length = len(x);
if window:
windows = ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'];
if not window in windows:
raise ValueError('Window not in %r!' % windows);
if window == 'flat': #moving average
w = np.ones(window_length)
w = getattr(np, window)(window_length)
w /= w.sum();
x = np.pad(x, (window_length, window_length), 'edge')
y = np.convolve(w, x, mode='same')[window_length:-window_length];
y = np.array(np.round(y), dtype = int);
y = x.copy();
if binary:
y = smooth_binary(y, width=binary);
return y;
def smooth_positions(positions, valids, method = 'window', **kwargs):
"""Smooth positions in valid regions."""
return smooth_displacements(positions, valids=valids, method=method, **kwargs);
def smooth_displacements(displacements, valids, method = 'window', **kwargs):
"""Smooth displacements in valid regions."""
displacements_smooth = displacements.copy();
if method is None:
return displacements_smooth;
#find valid slices
valids = np.asarray(np.pad(valids, (1,1), 'constant'), dtype = int);
starts = np.where(np.diff(valids) > 0)[0];
ends = np.where(np.diff(valids) < 0)[0];
if method == 'window':
smooth = ft.partial(smooth_window, **kwargs)
raise ValueError('Smoothing method %r not valid!' % method);
#smooth each interval
ndim = displacements.ndim;
for s,e in zip(starts, ends):
for d in range(ndim):
smooth_displacements = smooth(displacements[s:e,d]);
displacements_smooth[s:e,d] = smooth_displacements;
return displacements_smooth;
def fix_unaligned(displacements, status, qualities):
"""Linearly interpolate between unaligned coordinates"""
n_status = len(status);
unaligned = np.array(status == WobblyAlignment.UNALIGNED, dtype=int);
unaligned = np.pad(unaligned, (1,1), 'constant');
delta = np.diff(unaligned);
starts = np.where(delta > 0)[0];
ends = np.where(delta < 0)[0];
#whole stack is aligned
if len(starts) == 0:
return displacements, status
#whole stack is unalinged
if len(starts) == 1 and starts[0] == 0 and len(ends) == 1 and ends[0] == n_status:
status[:] = WobblyAlignment.INVALID;
return displacements, status
#find left and right bounds for isolated stretches
for s,e in zip(starts, ends):
#find next valid in each direction
if s > 0 and status[s-1] >= WobblyAlignment.VALID:
left = displacements[[s-1]];
left = None;
if e < n_status and status[e] >= WobblyAlignment.VALID:
right = displacements[[e]];
right = None;
if left is None and right is None:
status[s:e] = WobblyAlignment.INVALID;
if left is None:
displacements[s:e] = right;
qualities[s:e] = qualities[e];
elif right is None:
displacements[s:e] = left;
qualities[s:e] = qualities[s-1];
else: # linearly interpolate
displacements[s:e] = np.array(np.round((right-left) * 1.0 / (e-s+1) * np.arange(1, e-s+1)[:, np.newaxis] + left), dtype = int);
qs = qualities[s-1];
qe = qualities[e];
if np.isfinite(qs) and np.isfinite(qe):
qualities[s:e] = (qe - qs) / (e-s+1) * np.arange(1, e-s+1) + qs;
elif np.isfinite(qe):
qualities[s:e] = qe;
qualities[s:e] = qs;
status[s:e] = WobblyAlignment.FIXED;
return displacements, status
#TODO: fix this clean up placement in total including status info
def fix_isolated(self, exclude_borders=False):
"""Fix the positons of isolated slices."""
status = self.status;
wobble = self.wobble;
n_status = len(status);
isolated = np.array(status == self.ISOLATED, dtype=int);
isolated = np.pad(isolated, (1,1), 'constant');
delta = np.diff(isolated);
starts = np.where(delta > 0)[0];
ends = np.where(delta < 0)[0];
#whole stack has no isolated slices
if len(starts) == 0:
#if whole stack is isolated
if len(starts) == 1 and starts[0] == 0 and len(ends) == 1 and ends[0] == n_status:
status[:] = self.ISOLATED;
#find left and right bounds for isolated stretches
for s,e in zip(starts, ends):
#exclude borders
if exclude_borders:
if s == 0 or e == n_status:
status[s:e] = self.ISOLATED;
#find next valid in each direction
if s > 0 and status[s-1] >= self.VALID:
left = wobble[[s-1]];
left = None;
if e < n_status and status[e] >= self.VALID:
right = wobble[[e]];
right = None;
if left is None and right is None:
status[s:e] = self.ISOLATED;
if left is None:
wobble[s:e] = right;
elif right is None:
wobble[s:e] = left;
else: # linearly interpolate
wobble[s:e] = np.array(np.round((right-left) * 1.0 / (e-s+1) * np.arange(1, e-s+1)[:, np.newaxis] + left), dtype = int);
status[s:e] = self.FIXED;
### Stitching
def stitch_layout(layout, sink, method = 'interpolation', processes = None, verbose = True, workspace=None):
"""Stitches the wobbly sources in a wobbly layout.
layout: WobblyLayout class
The layout of the stacks to stitch.
method : 'interpolation', 'max', 'min', 'mean'
The method to use to stitch the sources.
processes : int or 'serial'
Number of processor to use for parallel processing, if 'serial' process in serial.
verbose : bool
If True, print progress information.
layout : Layout
The layout with updated z-alignments.
#if not isinstance(layout, WobblyLayout):
# raise ValueError('Expecting a WobblyLayout instance as first argument!');
if verbose:
timer = tmr.Timer();
print('Stitching: stitching wobbly layout.');
#overall shape
axis = layout.axis;
origin = layout.origin_wobbly;
shape = layout.shape_wobbly;
#print axis, origin, shape
# create sink
#TODO: make layout a sink ! use io.create
io.mmp.create(sink, shape=shape, dtype=layout.dtype, order=layout.order);
#print shape
#create slices
coordinates = np.arange(origin[axis], origin[axis] + shape[axis]);
layout_slices = layout.layouts_along_axis_wobbly(coordinates);
n_slices = len(layout_slices);
#print n_slices
if verbose:
timer = tmr.Timer();
print('Stitching: stitching %d sliced layouts.' % n_slices);
#sliced origin and shape
full_region = strg.Region(position = origin[:axis] + origin[axis+1:], shape = shape[:axis] + shape[axis+1:])
_stitch = ft.partial(_stitch_slice, n_slices=n_slices, sink=sink, method=method,
axis=axis, full_region=full_region, verbose=verbose);
#stitch the data
if not isinstance(processes, int) and processes != 'serial':
processes = mp.cpu_count();
if processes == 'serial':
[_stitch(l,i) for i,l in enumerate(layout_slices)];
#for l in layout_slices:
# l.sources_as_virtual();
with CancelableProcessPoolExecutor(processes) as executor:
executor.map(_stitch, layout_slices, range(n_slices))
if workspace is not None:
workspace.executor = executor
if workspace is not None:
workspace.executor = None
if verbose:
timer.print_elapsed_time('Stitching: stitching wobbly layout done!');
return sink;
def _stitch_slice(slice_layout, slice_id, n_slices, sink, method, axis, full_region, verbose):
if verbose:
print('Stitching: stitching wobbly slice %d/%d' % (slice_id, n_slices));
if len(slice_layout.sources) == 0:
slice_region = strg.Region(lower = slice_layout.origin, upper = slice_layout.upper);
#print slice_region, full_region
overlap = strg._overlap(slice_region, full_region);
if overlap is None:
#print overlap
overlap.sources = [slice_region, full_region];
slice_slicing, full_slicing = overlap.source_slicings();
full_slicing = full_slicing[:axis] + (slice_id,) + full_slicing[axis:];
#print slice_slicing, full_slicing
stitched = strg.stitch_layout(slice_layout, method = method);
#write to sink
io.write(sink, stitched[slice_slicing], slicing = full_slicing);
### Tests
def _test():
import ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StitchingWobbly as stw
from importlib import reload
#create some wobbly tiles
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tfs
data = np.load(tfs.vasculature_pre)[:,:100,:100];
#linear wobble
nz = 3;
data1 = data[:120,:,:nz]
data2 = np.zeros((100,100,nz), dtype = data.dtype);
wobble = [];
for s in range(nz):
x = 2 * s;
data2[:,:,s] = data[100+x:200+x,:,s]
wobble = np.array(wobble);
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
l = stw.WobblyLayout([data1, data2], overlaps = 20);
stw.align_layout(l, max_shifts = 20, verbose = True, processes = 'serial', stack_validation_params= True, find_shifts ='tracing')
a = l.alignments[0];
stw.place_layout(l, method='!optimization', smooth = None, lower_to_origin=True, verbose = True, processes = 'serial')
s = stw.stitch_layout(l, sink = 'test.npy', method='max', processes = 'serial')
#true if not optimized
np.all(stw.io.as_source(s)[:190,:,:] == data[:190,:,:nz])
plt.figure(2); plt.clf();
for s in l.sources:
plt.plot(s.wobble[:,0] - np.min(s.wobble[:,0]))
plt.plot(wobble[:,0] - np.min(wobble[:,0]))
np.all(l.sources[1].wobble[:,0] - 100 == wobble[:,0] )
#Sin wobble
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tfs
data = np.load(tfs.vasculature_pre)[:,:100,:100];
nz = 30;
data1 = data[:120,:,:nz]
data2 = np.zeros((100,100,nz), dtype = data.dtype);
wobble = [];
for s in range(nz):
x = int(10 * np.sin(s * 2 * np.pi/30));
data2[:,:,s] = data[100+x:200+x,:,s]
wobble = np.array(wobble);
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
l = stw.WobblyLayout([data1, data2], overlaps = 20);
stw.align_layout(l, max_shifts = 20, verbose = True, processes = 'serial', stack_validation_params= False)
stw.place_layout(l, method='!optimization', lower_to_origin=True, smooth = None, verbose = True, processes = 'serial')
s = stw.stitch_layout(l, sink = 'test.npy', method='max', processes = 'serial')
plt.figure(2); plt.clf();
for s in l.sources:
plt.plot(s.wobble[:,0] - np.min(s.wobble[:,0]))
plt.plot(wobble[:,0] - np.min(wobble[:,0]))
#True for non-optimized plaements
np.all(stw.io.as_source(s)[:190,:,:] == data[:190,:,:nz])
# wobble + axis alignment
import ClearMap.Alignment.StitchingWobbly as stw
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tfs
data = np.load(tfs.vasculature_pre)[:,:100,:100];
nz = 30; sh = 5;
data1 = data[:120,:,:nz]
data2 = np.zeros((100,100,nz), dtype = data.dtype);
wobble = [];
for s in range(nz):
x = int(10 * np.sin(s * 2 * np.pi/30));
data2[:,:,s] = data[100+x:200+x,:,s+sh]
wobble = np.array(wobble);
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
l = stw.WobblyLayout([data1, data2], overlaps = 20);
stw.strg.align_layout_axis(l, axis=2, depth=25, max_shifts=10, clip=None, background=None, processes=None, verbose=True)
plt.figure(10); plt.clf()
l.alignments[0].plot_mip(depth = 10, max_shifts = [(-30,30),(-30,30),(-20,20)])
stw.strg.place_layout_axis(l, axis = 2, method = 'optimization', min_quality = -np.inf, lower_to_origin = True, verbose = True)
stw.align_layout(l, max_shifts = 20, verbose = True, processes = '!serial', stack_validation_params= False, axis_range = (None, None, 3))
a = l.alignments[0];
plt.figure(10); plt.clf();
stw.place_layout(l, method = 'optimization', lower_to_origin=True, smooth = None, min_quality=-np.inf, processes = '!serial', verbose = True)
s = stw.stitch_layout(l, sink = 'test.npy', method='max', processes = 'serial')
#True for non-optimized plaements
np.all(stw.io.as_source(s)[:190,:,sh:nz] == data[:190,:,sh:nz])
plt.figure(2); plt.clf();
for s in l.sources:
plt.plot(s.wobble[:,0] - np.min(s.wobble[:,0]))
plt.plot(wobble[:,0] - np.min(wobble[:,0]))
# wobble + axis alignment + status
import ClearMap.Alignment.StitchingWobbly as stw
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tfs
data = np.load(tfs.vasculature_pre)[:,:100,:100];
nz = 50; sh = 5;
data1 = data[:120,:,:nz]
data2 = np.zeros((100,100,nz), dtype = data.dtype);
wobble = np.zeros((nz+sh,2), dtype=int);
for s in range(nz):
x = int(10 * np.sin(s * 2 * np.pi/40));
data2[:,:,s] = data[100+x:200+x,:,s+sh]
wobble[s+sh] = (x,0);
invalid = [13,14,15,16,47,48,49];
for s in invalid:
data2[:,:,s] = 0;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
plt.plot(invalid, np.zeros(len(invalid)), '*', c = 'r')
l = stw.WobblyLayout([data1, data2], overlaps = 20); l.sources[1].position = (100,0,sh);
def plot_status(a, fig = 2):
sm = a.smooth_displacements(min_quality = -np.inf, method='window', window='bartlett', window_length=10)
plt.figure(fig); plt.clf()
ax = plt.subplot(2,2,1);
arange = np.arange(a.lower_coordinate, a.upper_coordinate);
for i,d in enumerate(([a.status], [a.qualities], [wobble[arange,0], a.shifts[:,0], sm[:,0]], [wobble[arange,1], a.shifts[:,1], sm[:,1]])):
plt.subplot(2,2,i+1, sharex = ax);
for dd in d:
#plt.plot(arange, dd)
stw._validate(data2[:,:,13], **dict(method='foreground', valid_range = (1, None), size = None) )
l = stw.WobblyLayout([data1, data2], overlaps = 20); l.sources[1].position = (100,0,sh);
stw.align_layout(l, max_shifts = 15, axis_range = (None, None, 1), axis_mip = 1,
stack_validation_params= None,
prepare = 'normalization',
slice_validation_params= dict(method='foreground', valid_range = (1, None), size = None),
find_shifts = dict(method='tracing', cutoff=np.sqrt(2 * 3**2), debug = True),
verbose = True, processes = 'serial')
a = l.alignments[0];
plot_status(a, fig=2)
a.status[a.status < 0] = stw.WobblyAlignment.UNALIGNED
plot_status(a, fig=3)
a = l.alignments[0];
results = stw.align_wobbly_axis(a.pre, a.post, axis_range=(None, None, 1), max_shifts=20, axis_mip=None,
stack_validation_params=None, prepare='normalization',
slice_validation_params=dict(method='foreground', valid_range=(1, None), size=None),
find_shifts='minimization', with_errors=True, with_overlaps=True, verbose=True)
shifts, qualities, status, errors, ovlps = results;
stw.strg.dv.plot((errors.transpose([1,2,0]),) + ovlps)
stw.place_layout(l, method = '!optimization', lower_to_origin=True, min_quality=-np.inf,
smooth = None, smooth_optimized = None,
processes = '!serial', verbose = True)
#plot the positions of the stacks
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(200); plt.clf();
for s in l.sources:
plt.plot(s.wobble[:,0], s.wobble[:,1], np.arange(s.coordinate, s.coordinate + s.height))
plt.title('Source positions')
plt.figure(300); plt.clf();
for i,s in enumerate(l.sources):
plt.plot(s.wobble[:,0], label ='%d' % i)
#non alignable planes
flat = [28,29,30];
for s in flat:
data1[:,:,s] = 10
data2[:,:,s] = 10;
stw.strg.dv.plot([data1[:,:,sh:], data2[:,:,:-sh]])
l = stw.WobblyLayout([data1, data2], overlaps = 20); l.sources[1].position = (100,0,sh);
stw.align_layout(l, max_shifts=20, axis_range=(None, None, 1),
slice_validation_params=dict(method='foreground', valid_range=(1, None), size=None),
find_shifts = dict(method='tracing', cutoff=np.sqrt(2 * 3**2), debug = False),
verbose = True, processes = 'serial')
stw.place_layout(l, method = '!optimization', lower_to_origin=True, min_quality=-np.inf,
smooth = None, smooth_optimized = dict(method='window', window_length=10, binary = 2),
processes = '!serial', verbose = True)
s = stw.stitch_layout(l, sink = 'test.npy', method='max', processes = 'serial')
#True for non-optimized plaements
np.all(stw.io.as_source(s)[:190,:,sh:nz] == data[:190,:,sh:nz])
s = l.slice_along_axis_wobbly(32)
t = stw.strg.stitch_layout(s, sink = None, method = 'max')
plt.figure(10); plt.clf();
plt.imshow(t.T, origin='lower')
plt.figure(2); plt.clf();
for s in l.sources:
plt.plot(np.arange(s.coordinate, s.coordinate + s.height), s.wobble[:,0] - np.min(s.wobble[:,0]))
plt.plot(wobble[:,0] - np.min(wobble[:,0]))
#TODO: min_overlap parameter in alignment to avoid boundary effects
#TODO: option to reduce the shape of the overlaps used for alingment to speed things up
### Test on real data
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StitchingRigid as stg
import ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StitchingWobbly as stw
import ClearMap.IO.Workspace as wsp
directory = '/home/ckirst/Science/Projects/WholeBrainClearing/Vasculature/Experiment/Stitching_2018_06'
expression = 'tiny_[<Y,2> x <X,2>]_C00.ome.npy'
ws = wsp.Workspace(name = 'test', directory = directory, expression=expression);
l = stw.WobblyLayout(expression = ws.filename('expression'), tile_axes = ['X', 'Y'], overlaps = (25, 155));
# rigid alignment
lr = stg.TiledLayout(expression = ws.filename('expression'), tile_axes = ['X', 'Y'], overlaps = (45, 155));
stg.align_layout_rigid_mip(lr, depth=[55, 165, None], max_shifts=[(-30,30),(-30,30),(-20,20)],
ranges = [None,None,None], background=(1000, 100), clip = 25000,
verbose=True, processes='!serial')
stg.place_layout(lr, method='optimization', min_quality=-np.inf, lower_to_origin=True, verbose=True)
# plot result