# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Simple particle tracker based on liner programming.
This module is used by :mod:`~ClearMap.Alignment.Stitching.StitchingWobbly`
to trace wobbly stacks.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <christoph.kirst.ck@gmail.com>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = 'http://idisco.info'
__download__ = 'http://www.github.com/ChristophKirst/ClearMap2'
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
### Tracker
def track_positions(positions, new_trajectory_cost = None, cutoff = None):
"""Track positions of multiple particles.
positionss : array
The particle positions as a list.
new_trajectory_cost : float or None
The cost for a new trajectory, if None, maximal distance+1
cutoff : float or None:
The maximal distance allowed to connect particles.
trajectories : list
The trajectories as a list of list of (time,particle) tuples.
A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems
Jonker, R, Volgenant, A, Computing 1987
#positions: list of list of tuples of of minima [[(min_x1,1,min_y1,2,...),...], [(min_x2,1,...),...],...])
n_steps = len(positions)-1;
#match steps
matches = [match(positions[i], positions[i+1], new_trajectory_cost=new_trajectory_cost, cutoff=cutoff) for i in range(n_steps)];
#build trajectories
n_pre = len(positions[0]);
trajectories = [[(0,i)] for i in range(n_pre)];
active = [i for i in range(n_pre)];
for t in range(1, n_steps+1):
#n_pre = len(positions[t]);
n_post = len(positions[t]);
pre = [trajectories[a][-1][1] for a in active];
m = matches[t-1];
#if len(active) != len(positions[t-1]):
# raise ValueError()
post = [m[p] for p in pre];
p_post = [];
p_end = [];
for a, p in enumerate(post):
if p == n_post:
else: # extend trajectory
#end trajectories
for i in sorted(p_end, reverse=True):
del active[i];
#start new one
new = np.setdiff1d(range(n_post), p_post);
for p in new:
#print '-------'
#print 'pre=%d,%r, post=%d,%r' % (len(pre), pre, len(post), post);
#print 'n_pre, n_post = %d, %d' % (len(positions[t-1]), len(positions[t]))
#print 'match=%r' % (m,)
#print 'p_post = %r, p_end = %r, new = %r' % (p_post, p_end, new)
#print 'active=%d,%r' % (len(active), active)
#print 'new pre = %r' % ([trajectories[a][-1][1] for a in active],)
#if len(active) != n_post:
# raise ValueError();
return trajectories;
def match(positions_pre, positions_post, new_trajectory_cost = None, cutoff = None):
"""Matches two set of positions.
positions_pre : array
The initial particle positions.
positions_post : array
The final particle positions.
new_trajectory_cost : float or None
The cost for a new trajectory, if None, maximal distance+1
cutoff : float or None:
The maximal distance allowed to connect particles.
match : dict
The optimal association as a dictionary {index_pre : index_post}.
#create distance matrices
cost = ssd.cdist(positions_pre, positions_post);
if cutoff:
cost[cost > cutoff] = np.inf;
if new_trajectory_cost is None:
new_trajectory_cost = np.max(cost) + 1.0;
cost = np.pad(cost, [(0,1), (0,1)], 'constant', constant_values = new_trajectory_cost);
#match points
A = optimal_association_matrix(cost);
return { i : j for i,j in zip(*np.where(A[:-1,:]))}
def optimal_association_matrix(cost):
"""Optimizes the association matrix A given the cost matrix cost.
cost : array
The cost matrix, the last row and colum represent csot for
particle creation/destruction.
association : array
The optimal association matrix.
It is assumed that creation/deletion of objects are the last
row and column in cost.
A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems
Jonker, R, Volgenant, A, Computing 1987
A = _init_association_matrix(cost);
Cs = np.where(cost[:-1,:-1].flatten()<np.inf);
finished = False;
while not finished:
A, finished = _do_one_move(A, cost, Cs);
return A;
### Helper
def _init_association_matrix(cost):
"""Association matrix A"""
osize = cost.shape[0] - 1;
nsize = cost.shape[1] - 1;
A = np.zeros((osize+1, nsize+1), dtype = bool);
for i in range(osize):
# sort costs of real particles
srtidx = np.argsort(cost[i,:]);
# index of dummy particle
dumidx = np.where(srtidx==nsize)[0];
# search for available particle of smallest cost or dummy
# particle must not be taken and cost must be less than dummy
iidx = 0;
while np.sum(A[:,srtidx[iidx]]) != 0 and iidx<dumidx:
iidx = iidx + 1;
A[i,srtidx[iidx]] = True;
# set dummy particle for columns with no entry
s = np.sum(A,axis=0);
A[osize,s < 1] = True;
# dummy always corresponds to dummy
A[osize,nsize] = True;
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#plt.figure(7); plt.clf();
#plt.imshow(A, origin = 'lower')
#plt.imshow(cost, origin='lower')
return A;
def _do_one_move(A, C, Cs):
"""Optimize single association in A."""
osize = A.shape[0]-1;
nsize = A.shape[1]-1;
# find unmade links with finite cost
todo = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.logical_not(A[:osize, :nsize].flatten()))[0], Cs);
if len(todo) == 0:
return A, True
# determine induced changes and reduced cost cRed for each
# candidate link insertion
iCand, jCand = np.unravel_index(todo, (osize, nsize));
yCand = [np.where(A[ic,:])[0][0] for ic in iCand];
xCand = [np.where(A[:,jc])[0][0] for jc in jCand];
cRed = [C[i,j] + C[x,y] - C[i,y] - C[x,j] for i,j,x,y in zip(iCand,jCand, xCand, yCand)];
rMin = np.argmin(cRed);
rCost = cRed[rMin];
# if minimum is < 0, link addition is favorable
if rCost < -1e-10:
A[iCand[rMin],jCand[rMin]] = 1;
A[xCand[rMin],jCand[rMin]] = 0;
A[iCand[rMin],yCand[rMin]] = 0;
A[xCand[rMin],yCand[rMin]] = 1;
finished = False;
finished = True;
return A, finished;
### Tests
def _test():
import ClearMap.Alignment.Tracking as trk
from importlib import reload
import ClearMap.Alignment.StitchingWobbly as stw
positions = [[(5,6),(10,10)], [(5,7), (11,10),(30,10)],[(9,10),(31,9)]]
tr = trk.track_positions(positions, creation_destruction_cost = None, cutoff = None)
# realistic test
positions = [stw.detect_local_minima(c, distance = 1)[0] for c in correlation.transpose([2,0,1])]
positions = positions[1230:];
k = 20;
plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
plt.imshow(correlation[:,:,k].T, origin='lower')
plt.plot([p[0] for p in positions[k]],[p[1] for p in positions[k]], '*', c='r')
tr = trk.track_positions(positions, creation_destruction_cost = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(correlation[:,:,0].shape, 2))), cutoff = np.sqrt(2 * 3**2))
tr = trk.track_positions(positions, creation_destruction_cost = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(correlation[:,:,0].shape, 2))), cutoff = None)
import matplotlib as mpl
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(1); plt.clf();
for t in tr:
plt.plot([p[0] for p in t], [p[1] for p in t])
fig = plt.figure(2); plt.clf();
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
for t in tr:
plt.plot([positions[p[0]][p[1]][0] for p in t], [positions[p[0]][p[1]][1] for p in t], [p[0] for p in t])
tr[np.argmax([len(t) for t in tr])]
# possibility to join with other trajectories ?