import numpy as np
import graph_tool as gt
import graph_tool.topology as gtt
graph_lib = 'graph_tool'
except ImportError:
import igraph as gt
graph_lib = 'igraph'
def get_graph(n_vertices, directed=False):
g = gt.Graph(directed=directed)
return g
def graph_to_connected_components(g):
if graph_lib == 'graph_tool':
connected_components, hist = gtt.label_components(g)
connected_components = np.array(connected_components.a)
n_components = len(hist)
connected_components = g.clusters()
_, n_components = np.unique(connected_components, return_counts=True)
return connected_components, n_components
def get_connected_components(alignments, n_sources, source_to_index=None):
"""determine connected components"""
g = get_graph(n_sources)
if source_to_index is not None:
for a in alignments:
g.add_edge(source_to_index[a.pre], source_to_index[])
for a in alignments:
g.add_edge(a[0], a[1])
return graph_to_connected_components(g)
def connect_sources(alignments, n_sources, source_to_index):
"""construct minimal tree to connect sources"""
graph = get_graph(n_sources, directed=True)
if graph_lib == '': # FIXME: check name
pos_tree = graph.new_edge_property('vector<int>') # FIXME: missing
pos_tree = {} # An object indexable by edge should suffice for our purpose
for a in alignments:
i_pre = source_to_index[a.pre]
i_post = source_to_index[]
e = graph.add_edge(i_pre, i_post)
pos_tree[e] = a.displacement
e = graph.add_edge(i_post, i_pre)
pos_tree[e] = tuple(-s for s in a.displacement) # invert
return graph, pos_tree
def get_positions_from_tree(g, fixed_source, source_to_index, n_sources, ndim, pos_tree):
"""calculate positions from tree"""
start_id = 0
if fixed_source is not None:
start_id = source_to_index[fixed_source]
positions = np.zeros((n_sources, ndim), dtype=int)
for i in range(n_sources):
if graph_lib == 'graph_tool':
_, edge_list = gtt.shortest_path(g, g.vertex(start_id), g.vertex(i))
edge_indices = g.get_shortest_paths(g.vs[3], g.vs[8], output='epath')[0]
edge_list = [[i] for i in edge_indices]
for edge in edge_list:
positions[i] += pos_tree[edge]
return positions
def get_color_ids(sources, n_sources, color_ids):
if color_ids is None:
# find sources that overlap
edges = []
for i, s in enumerate(sources):
p1 = np.array(s.position, dtype=int)
s1 = s.shape
for j in range(i + 1, n_sources):
p2 = np.array(sources[j].position, dtype=int)
s2 = sources[j].shape
if np.all(np.max([p1, p2], axis=0) < np.min([p1 + s1, p2 + s2], axis=0)):
edges.append((i, j))
# find graph coloring of overlap structure
g = get_graph(n_vertices=n_sources)
if graph_lib == 'graph_tool':
color_ids = np.array(gtt.sequential_vertex_coloring(g).a) # FIXME: missing
color_ids = np.array(g.vertex_coloring_greedy())
return color_ids
def cluster_components(components):
"""Find the connected components of the cluster components"""
c_lens = [len(c) for c in components]
c_ids = np.cumsum(c_lens)
c_ids = np.hstack([0, c_ids])
n_components = np.sum(c_lens)
def is_to_c(s, i):
return c_ids[s] + i
def c_to_si(c):
s = np.searchsorted(c_ids, c, side='right') - 1
i = c - c_ids[s]
return s,i
g = get_graph(n_components)
for s in range(1, len(components)):
for i, ci in enumerate(components[s - 1]):
for j, cj in enumerate(components[s]):
for c in ci:
if c in cj:
g.add_edge(is_to_c(s - 1, i), is_to_c(s, j))
connected_components, n_components = graph_to_connected_components(g)
components_full = [np.where(connected_components == i)[0] for i in range(n_components)]
# remove isolated nodes
components_full = [c for c in components_full if len(c) > 1]
return components_full, is_to_c, c_to_si