Source code for ClearMap.Alignment.utils

import os
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs] def get_all_structs(dfs): """ Get all the structures that are in any of the dataframes Parameters ---------- dfs list(pd.DataFrame) Returns ------- """ structs = pd.Series() for df in dfs: structs = pd.concat((structs, df['id'])) return np.sort(structs.unique())
########################### Label table creation ### Utility functions for label table creation
[docs] def get_flattened_structure(structure): """ flattens the initial nested dict into a list of dicts (one dict per structure), retaining all the information """ children_list = [] children = structure.get('children') # can be empty list for child in children: children_list.append(child) children_list.extend(get_flattened_structure(child)) # recursion return children_list
[docs] def get_direct_children_structures_ids(children): """ children: list of structures returns a list of the ids of direct children only """ return [child.get("id") for child in children]
[docs] def get_all_children_structures_ids(children): """ children: list of structures returns a list of the ids of all children, (direct children, their children and so on) """ list_all_children = children.copy() for child in children: list_all_children.extend(get_flattened_structure(child)) return [child.get("id") for child in list_all_children]
[docs] def get_structure_path(structure_id, df): """ Parameters ---------- structure_id: int id of the structure of interest Returns ------- structure_path: list of int path from root structure to structure of interest example: [997, 8, 343, 313, 348, 165, 100] """ df = df.set_index('id') structure_path = [int(structure_id)] while structure_id: structure_id = df.loc[structure_id, "parent_structure_id"] structure_id = 0 if np.isnan(structure_id) else structure_id structure_path = [int(structure_id)] + structure_path if structure_id else structure_path return structure_path
### Main function for label table creation
[docs] def create_label_table(fpath, save=False, from_cached=False): """ Parameters ---------- fpath: str Path to a JSON file similar to the one downloaded from '' Returns ------- df: pd.DataFrame dataframe holding informations on the labels () """ assert fpath.endswith('.json') if from_cached: if os.path.isfile(fpath + 'l'): return pd.read_json(fpath + "l", orient="records", lines=True) with open(fpath, 'r') as file_in: data = json.load(file_in)['msg'] assert len(data) == 1 ## flatten the label file data.extend(get_flattened_structure(data[0])) df = pd.DataFrame(data) ## add 3 columns df["direct_children_structures_ids"] = df['all_children_structures_ids'] = df['structure_path'] = df['id'].map(lambda x: get_structure_path(x, df)) ## filter columns of interest cols_kept = [ 'id', 'acronym', 'name', 'color_hex_triplet', 'st_level', 'parent_structure_id', 'direct_children_structures_ids', 'all_children_structures_ids', 'structure_path', ] df = df[cols_kept].copy() ## save to a JSONL file if save: df.to_json(fpath + 'l', orient="records", lines=True) return df