Source code for ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphProcessing

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module providing tools to create and manipulate graphs. Functions include graph
construction from skeletons, simplification, reduction and clean-up of graphs.
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import numpy as np

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io

import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphGt as ggt;

import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as t3d

import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap

import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr;

### Graphs from skeletons

[docs] def graph_from_skeleton(skeleton, points = None, radii = None, vertex_coordinates = True, check_border = True, delete_border = False, verbose = False): """Converts a binary skeleton image to a graph-tool graph. Arguments --------- skeleton : array Source with 2d/3d binary skeleton. points : array List of skeleton points as 1d indices of flat skeleton array (optional to save processing time). radii : array List of radii associated with each vertex. vertex_coordinates : bool If True, store coordiantes of the vertices / edges. check_border : bool If True, check if the boder is empty. The algorithm reuqires this. delete_border : bool If True, delete the border. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- graph : Graph class The graph corresponding to the skeleton. Note ---- Edges are detected between neighbouring foreground pixels using 26-connectivty. """ skeleton = io.as_source(skeleton); if delete_border: skeleton = t3d.delete_border(skeleton); check_border = False; if check_border: if not t3d.check_border(skeleton): raise ValueError('The skeleton array needs to have no points on the border!'); if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); timer_all = tmr.Timer(); print('Graph from skeleton calculation initialize.!'); if points is None: points = ap.where(skeleton.reshape(-1, order = 'A')).array; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Point list generation'); timer.reset(); #create graph n_vertices = points.shape[0]; g = ggt.Graph(n_vertices=n_vertices, directed=False); g.shape = skeleton.shape; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph initialized with %d vertices' % n_vertices); timer.reset(); #detect edges edges_all = np.zeros((0,2), dtype = int); for i,o in enumerate(t3d.orientations()): # calculate off set offset = np.sum((np.hstack(np.where(o))-[1,1,1]) * skeleton.strides) edges = ap.neighbours(points, offset); if len(edges) > 0: edges_all = np.vstack([edges_all, edges]); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('%d edges with orientation %d/13 found' % (edges.shape[0], i+1)); timer.reset(); if edges_all.shape[0] > 0: g.add_edge(edges_all); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Added %d edges to graph' % (edges_all.shape[0])); timer.reset(); if vertex_coordinates: vertex_coordinates = np.array(np.unravel_index(points, skeleton.shape, order=skeleton.order)).T; g.set_vertex_coordinates(vertex_coordinates); if radii is not None: g.set_vertex_radius(radii); if verbose: timer_all.print_elapsed_time('Skeleton to Graph'); return g;
[docs] def graph_to_skeleton(graph, sink=None, dtype=bool, values=True): """Create a binary skeleton from a graph.""" if not graph.has_edge_geometry(): coordinates = np.asarray(graph.vertex_coordinates(), dtype=int); else: coordinates = graph.edge_geometry('coordinates'); coordinates = np.asarray(np.vstack(coordinates), dtype=int); if sink is None: shape = graph.shape; if shape is None: shape = tuple(np.max(coordinates, axis = 0)); sink = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype); coordinates = tuple(coordinates.T); sink[coordinates] = values; return sink;
############################################################################### ### Graph CleanUp ###############################################################################
[docs] def mean_vertex_coordinates(coordinates): return np.mean(coordinates, axis=0);
[docs] def clean_graph(graph, remove_self_loops = True, remove_isolated_vertices = True, vertex_mappings = {'coordinates' : mean_vertex_coordinates, 'radii' : np.max}, verbose = False): """Remove all cliques to get pure branch structure of a graph. Arguments --------- graph : Graph The graph to clean up. verbose : bool If True, prin progress information. Returns ------- graph : Graph A graph removed of all cliques. Note ---- cliques are replaced by a single vertex connecting to all non-clique neighbours The center coordinate is used for that vertex as the coordinate. """ if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); timer_all = tmr.Timer(); # find branch points n_vertices = graph.n_vertices; degrees = graph.vertex_degrees(); branches = degrees >= 3; n_branch_points = branches.sum(); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph cleaning: found %d branch points among %d vertices' % (n_branch_points, n_vertices)); timer.reset(); if n_branch_points == 0: return graph.copy(); # detect 'cliques', i.e. connected components of branch points gb = graph.sub_graph(vertex_filter=branches, view=True); components, counts = gb.label_components(return_vertex_counts=True); #note: graph_tools components of a view is a property map of the full graph components[branches] += 1; # group components components = _group_labels(components); #note: graph_tools components of a view is a property map of the full graph #note: remove the indices of the non branch nodes components = components[1:]; clique_ids = np.where(counts > 1)[0]; n_cliques = len(clique_ids); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph cleaning: detected %d cliques of branch points' % n_cliques); timer.reset(); # remove cliques g = graph.copy(); g.add_vertex(n_cliques); #mappings properties = {}; mappings = {}; for k in vertex_mappings.keys(): if k in graph.vertex_properties: mappings[k] = vertex_mappings[k]; properties[k] = graph.vertex_property(k); vertex_filter = np.ones(n_vertices + n_cliques, dtype = bool) for i,ci in enumerate(clique_ids): vi = n_vertices + i; cc = components[ci]; #remove clique vertices vertex_filter[cc] = False; # get neighbours neighbours = np.hstack([graph.vertex_neighbours(c) for c in cc]) neighbours = np.setdiff1d(np.unique(neighbours), cc); # connect to new node g.add_edge([[n, vi] for n in neighbours]); #map properties for k in mappings.keys(): g.set_vertex_property(k, mappings[k](properties[k][cc]), vertex=vi); if verbose and i+1 % 10000 == 0: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph cleaning: reducing %d / %d' % (i+1, n_cliques)); #generate new graph g = g.sub_graph(vertex_filter=vertex_filter); if remove_self_loops: g.remove_self_loops(); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph cleaning: removed %d cliques of branch points from %d to %d nodes and %d to %d edges' % (n_cliques, graph.n_vertices, g.n_vertices, graph.n_edges, g.n_edges)); timer.reset(); # remove isolated vertices if remove_isolated_vertices: non_isolated = g.vertex_degrees() > 0; g = g.sub_graph(vertex_filter = non_isolated) if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph cleaning: Removed %d isolated nodes' % np.logical_not(non_isolated).sum()); timer.reset(); del non_isolated; if verbose: timer_all.print_elapsed_time('Graph cleaning: cleaned graph has %d nodes and %d edges' % (g.n_vertices, g.n_edges)); return g;
def _group_labels(array): """Helper grouping labels in a 1d array.""" idx = np.argsort(array); arr = array[idx]; dif = np.diff(arr); res = np.split(idx, np.where(dif > 0)[0]+1); return res ############################################################################### ### Grapch reduction ###############################################################################
[docs] def reduce_graph(graph, vertex_to_edge_mappings = {'radii' : np.max}, edge_to_edge_mappings = {'length' : np.sum}, edge_geometry = True, edge_length = None, edge_geometry_vertex_properties = ['coordinates', 'radii'], edge_geometry_edge_properties = None, return_maps = False, verbose = False): """Reduce graph by replacing all vertices with degree two.""" if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); timer_all = tmr.Timer(); print('Graph reduction: initialized.'); #ensure conditions for precessing step are fullfiled if graph.is_view: raise ValueError('Cannot process on graph view, prune graph before graph reduction.'); if not np.all(np.diff(graph.vertex_indices())==1) or int(graph.vertex_iterator().next()) != 0: raise ValueError('Graph vertices not ordered!') #copy graph g = graph.copy(); #find non branching points, i.e. vertices with deg 2 branch_points = g.vertex_degrees() == 2; non_branch_ids = np.where(branch_points)[0]; branch_points = np.logical_not(branch_points) branch_ids = np.where(branch_points)[0]; n_non_branch_points = len(non_branch_ids); n_branch_points = len(branch_ids); del branch_points; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph reduction: Found %d branching and %d non-branching nodes' % (n_branch_points, n_non_branch_points)); timer.reset(); #mappings if edge_to_edge_mappings is None: edge_to_edge_mappings = {}; if vertex_to_edge_mappings is None: vertex_to_edge_mappings = {}; if edge_length: if 'length' not in edge_to_edge_mappings.keys(): edge_to_edge_mappings['length'] = np.sum; if 'length' not in g.edge_properties: g.add_edge_property('length', np.ones(g.n_edges, dtype = float)); edge_to_edge = {}; edge_properties = {}; edge_lists = {}; for k in edge_to_edge_mappings.keys(): if k in g.edge_properties: edge_to_edge[k] = edge_to_edge_mappings[k]; edge_properties[k] = g.edge_property_map(k); edge_lists[k] = []; edge_to_edge_keys = edge_to_edge.keys(); vertex_to_edge = {}; vertex_properties = {}; vertex_lists = {}; for k in vertex_to_edge_mappings.keys(): if k in g.vertex_properties: vertex_to_edge[k] = vertex_to_edge_mappings[k]; vertex_properties[k] = g.vertex_property_map(k); vertex_lists[k] = []; vertex_to_edge_keys = vertex_to_edge.keys(); #edge geometry calculate_vertex_to_vertex_map = False; calculate_edge_to_edge_map = False; calculate_edge_to_vertex_map = False; if edge_geometry: calculate_edge_to_vertex_map = True; reduced_edge_to_vertex_map = []; if return_maps: calculate_vertex_to_vertex_map = True; reduced_vertex_to_vertex_map = []; calculate_edge_to_vertex_map = True; reduced_edge_to_vertex_map = []; calculate_edge_to_edge_map = True; reduced_edge_to_edge_map = []; if edge_geometry_edge_properties is not None: calculate_edge_to_edge_map = True; reduced_edge_to_edge_map = []; if edge_geometry_vertex_properties is None: edge_geometry_vertex_properties = []; if edge_geometry_edge_properties is None: edge_geometry_edge_properties = []; #direct edges between branch points edge_list = []; checked = np.zeros(g.n_edges, dtype=bool); for i,v in enumerate(branch_ids): for e in g.vertex_edges_iterator(v): if != 2: eid = g.edge_index(e); if not checked[eid]: checked[eid] = True; vertex_ids = [int(e.source()), int(]; edge_list.append(vertex_ids); for k in edge_to_edge_keys: edge_lists[k].append(edge_to_edge[k]([edge_properties[k][e]])); for k in vertex_to_edge_keys: vv = vertex_properties[k]; vv = [vv[e.source()], vv[]]; vertex_lists[k].append(vertex_to_edge[k](vv)); if calculate_edge_to_vertex_map: reduced_edge_to_vertex_map.append(vertex_ids); if calculate_edge_to_edge_map: reduced_edge_to_edge_map.append([e]); if verbose and (i+1) % 250000 == 0: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph reduction: Scanned %d/%d branching nodes, found %d branches' % (i+1, n_branch_points, len(edge_list))); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph reduction: Scanned %d/%d branching nodes, found %d branches' % (i +1, n_branch_points, len(edge_list))); #reduce non-direct edges checked = np.zeros(g.n_vertices, dtype=bool); for i,v in enumerate(non_branch_ids): if not checked[v]: # extract branch checked[v] = True; vertex = g.vertex(v); vertices, edges, endpoints, isolated_loop = _graph_branch(vertex); #print([int(vv) for vv in vertices], [[int(ee.source()), int(] for ee in edges], endpoints, isolated_loop) if not isolated_loop: vertices_ids = [int(vv) for vv in vertices]; checked[vertices_ids[1:-1]] = True; edge_list.append([int(ep) for ep in endpoints]); #mappings for k in edge_to_edge.keys(): ep = edge_properties[k]; edge_lists[k].append(edge_to_edge[k]([ep[e] for e in edges])) for k in vertex_to_edge.keys(): vp = vertex_properties[k]; vertex_lists[k].append(vertex_to_edge[k]([vp[vv] for vv in vertices])); #if edge_geometry is not None: # branch_start.append(index_pos); # index_pos += len(vertices_ids); # branch_end.append(index_pos); if calculate_edge_to_vertex_map: reduced_edge_to_vertex_map.append(vertices_ids); if calculate_edge_to_edge_map: reduced_edge_to_edge_map.append(edges); if verbose and (i+1) % 250000 == 0: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph reduction: Scanned %d/%d non-branching nodes found %d branches' % (i+1, n_non_branch_points, len(edge_list))); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Graph reduction: Scanned %d/%d non-branching nodes found %d branches' % (i+1, n_non_branch_points, len(edge_list))); #reduce graph #redefine branch edges gr = g.sub_graph(edge_filter=np.zeros(g.n_edges, dtype=bool)); gr.add_edge(edge_list); #determine edge ordering edge_order = gr.edge_indices(); # remove non-branching points if calculate_vertex_to_vertex_map: gr.add_vertex_property('_vertex_id_', graph.vertex_indices()); gr = gr.sub_graph(vertex_filter=np.logical_not(checked)); if calculate_vertex_to_vertex_map: reduced_vertex_to_vertex_map = gr.vertex_property('_vertex_id_'); gr.remove_vertex_property('_vertex_id_'); # maps if calculate_edge_to_vertex_map: reduced_edge_to_vertex_map = np.array(reduced_edge_to_vertex_map, dtype=object)[edge_order]; if calculate_edge_to_edge_map: reduced_edge_to_edge_map = np.array(reduced_edge_to_edge_map, dtype=object)[edge_order]; # add edge properties for k in edge_to_edge_keys: gr.define_edge_property(k, np.array(edge_lists[k])[edge_order]); for k in vertex_to_edge_keys: gr.define_edge_property(k, np.array(vertex_lists[k])[edge_order]); if edge_geometry is not None: branch_indices = np.hstack(reduced_edge_to_vertex_map); indices = [0] + [len(m) for m in reduced_edge_to_vertex_map]; indices = np.cumsum(indices); indices = np.array([indices[:-1], indices[1:]]).T; #branch_start = np.array(branch_start); #branch_end = np.array(branch_end); #vertex properties #indices = np.array([branch_start, branch_end]).T; #indices = indices[edge_order]; indices_use = indices; for p in edge_geometry_vertex_properties: if p in g.vertex_properties: values = g.vertex_property(p); values = values[branch_indices]; gr.set_edge_geometry(name=p, values=values, indices=indices_use); indices_use = None; for p in edge_geometry_edge_properties: if p in g.edge_properties: values = g.edge_property_map(p); #there is one edge less than vertices in each reduced edge ! values = [[values[e] for e in edge] + [values[edge[-1]]] for edge in reduced_edge_to_edge_map]; gr.set_edge_geometry(name='edge_' + p, values=values, indices=indices_use); indices_use = None; if calculate_edge_to_edge_map: reduced_edge_to_edge_map = [[g.edge_index(e) for e in edge] for edge in reduced_edge_to_edge_map] if verbose: timer_all.print_elapsed_time('Graph reduction: Graph reduced from %d to %d nodes and %d to %d edges' % (graph.n_vertices, gr.n_vertices, graph.n_edges, gr.n_edges)); if return_maps: return gr, (reduced_vertex_to_vertex_map, reduced_edge_to_vertex_map, reduced_edge_to_edge_map); else: return gr;
def _graph_branch(v0): """Helper to follow a branch in a graph consisting of a chain of vertices of degree 2.""" edges_v0 = [e for e in v0.out_edges()]; assert(len(edges_v0) == 2) vertices_1, edges_1, endpoint_1 = _follow_branch(edges_v0[0], v0); if endpoint_1 != v0: vertices_2, edges_2, endpoint_2 = _follow_branch(edges_v0[1], v0); vertices_1.reverse(); vertices_1.append(v0); vertices_1.extend(vertices_2); edges_1.reverse(); edges_1.extend(edges_2); isolated_loop = False; else: endpoint_2 = v0; isolated_loop = True; return (vertices_1, edges_1, [int(endpoint_1), int(endpoint_2)], isolated_loop); def _follow_branch(e, v0): """Helper to follow branch from vertex v0 in direction of edge e.""" #argument v0 to prevent infinte loops for isolated closed loops edges = [e]; v =; vertices = [v]; while v.out_degree() == 2 and v != v0: for e_new in v.out_edges(): if e_new != e: break; e = e_new; edges.append(e); v =; vertices.append(v); return (vertices, edges, v);
[docs] def expand_graph_length(graph,length = 'length', return_edge_mapping = False): """Expand a reduced graph to a full graph.""" #data ec = graph.edge_connectivity(); vertex_lengths = graph.edge_property(length); edge_lengths = np.asarray(vertex_lengths, dtype=int) - 1; #construct graph new_edges = edge_lengths > 1; # edges to create n_vertices = graph.n_vertices + int(np.sum(vertex_lengths - 2)); g = ggt.Graph(n_vertices=n_vertices); #construct edges offset = graph.n_vertices; new_starts = np.hstack([[0], np.cumsum(edge_lengths[new_edges] - 1)]); new_ends = new_starts[1:] - 1; new_starts = new_starts[:-1]; new_to_new = np.array([np.arange(new_ends[-1]), np.arange(new_ends[-1])+1]).T split = np.ones(new_ends[-1], dtype=bool).T; split[new_ends[:-1]] = False; new_to_new = new_to_new[split]; new_starts += offset; new_ends += offset; new_to_new += offset; existing_to_existing = ec[np.logical_not(new_edges)]; existing_to_new = np.array([ec[new_edges,0], new_starts]).T; new_to_existing = np.array([new_ends, ec[new_edges,1]]).T; edges = np.vstack([existing_to_existing, existing_to_new, new_to_new, new_to_existing]); g.add_edge(edges); if return_edge_mapping: #edge order in new graph reorder = g.edge_indices(); # mapping[new_edge_id] = old_edge_id existing_edges_id = np.where(np.logical_not(new_edges))[0] new_edges_id = np.where(new_edges)[0]; mapping = np.hstack( [existing_edges_id, #existing edges new_edges_id, #existing to new np.repeat(new_edges_id, new_ends - new_starts), #new to new new_edges_id]); # new to existing; mapping = mapping[reorder]; return g, mapping; else: return g;
[docs] def expand_graph(graph): raise NotImplementedError();
# if not graph.has_edge_geometry(): # return graph.copy(); # # #calculate nodes of expanded graph # lengths = graph.edge_geometry_lengths() - 2; # n_add_vertices = np.sum(lengths); # # g = graph.copy(); # g.add_vertex(n_add_vertices); # g.remove_edge_geometry(); # # # re link edges and add vertex properties # #current_vertex = # #for e in graph.edge_iterator(): # # # #for name in graph.edge_geometry_names: # # graph.edge_geometry('coordinates'); ############################################################################### ### Label Tracing ###############################################################################
[docs] def trace_vertex_label(graph, vertex_label, condition, dilation_steps=1, max_iterations=None, pass_label=False, **condition_args): """Traces label within a graph. Arguments --------- vertex_label : array Start label. condition : function(graph, vertex) A function determining if the vertex should be added to the labels. steps : int Number edges to jump to find new neighbours. Default is 1. Returns ------- vertex_label : array The traced label. """ label = vertex_label.copy(); not_checked = np.logical_not(label); if max_iterations is None: max_iterations = np.inf; iteration = 0; while iteration < max_iterations: label_dilated = graph.vertex_dilate_binary(label, steps=dilation_steps); label_new = np.logical_xor(label, label_dilated); label_new = np.logical_and(label_new, not_checked); vertices_new = np.where(label_new)[0]; #print(label.sum(), label_dilated.sum(), label_new.sum()) #print(vertices_new) if len(vertices_new) == 0: break; else: if pass_label: current_label = label.copy(); for v in vertices_new: if condition(graph, v, current_label, **condition_args): label[v] = True; not_checked[v] = False; else: for v in vertices_new: if condition(graph, v, **condition_args): label[v] = True; not_checked[v] = False; iteration += 1; return label;
[docs] def trace_edge_label(graph, edge_label, condition, max_iterations = None, dilation_steps = 1, pass_label = False, **condition_args): """Traces label within a graph. Arguments --------- edge_label : array Start label. condition : function(graph, vertex) A function determining if the vertex should be added to the labels. steps : int Number edges to jump to find new neighbours. Default is 1. Returns ------- edge_label : array The traced label. """ edge_graph, edge_map = graph.edge_graph(return_edge_map=True) traced = trace_vertex_label(edge_graph, edge_label, condition, max_iterations=max_iterations, dilation_steps=dilation_steps, pass_label=pass_label, **condition_args) label = np.zeros(len(traced), dtype=bool) label[edge_map] = traced #TODO: check if initial label need to be reordered too ? return label
# label = edge_label.copy(); # not_checked = np.logical_not(label); # while True: # label_dilated = graph.edge_dilate_binary(label, steps=steps); # label_new = np.logical_xor(label, label_dilated); # label_new = np.logical_and(label_new, not_checked); # edges_new = np.where(label_new)[0]; # #print(label.sum(), label_dilated.sum(), label_new.sum()) # #print(vertices_new) # if len(edges_new) == 0: # break; # else: # for e in edges_new: # if condition(graph, e): # label[e] = True; # not_checked[e] = False; # # return label; ############################################################################### ### Tests ############################################################################### def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tf import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphProcessing as gp #reload(gp) skeleton = tf.source('skeleton'); #import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d #p3d.plot(skeleton) #reload(gp) g = gp.graph_from_skeleton(skeleton) g.vertex_coordinates() s = gp.graph_to_skeleton(g) assert np.all(s==skeleton) gc = gp.clean_graph(g, verbose=True) gr = gp.reduce_graph(gc, verbose=True) gr2 = gr.copy(); gr2.set_edge_geometry_type('edge') l = gr.edge_geometry_lengths(); print(l) g = gp.ggt.Graph(n_vertices=10); g.add_edge(np.array([[7,8],[7,9],[1,2],[2,3],[3,1],[1,4],[4,5],[2,6],[6,7]])); g.set_vertex_coordinates(np.array([[10,10,10],[0,0,0],[1,1,1],[1,1,0],[5,0,0],[8,0,1],[0,7,1],[0,10,2],[0,12,3],[3,7,7]], dtype=float)); import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d p3d.plot_graph_line(g) gc = gp.clean_graph(g, verbose=True); p3d.plot_graph_line(gc) gr = gp.reduce_graph(gc, edge_geometry=True, verbose=True) #gr.set_edge_geometry(0.1*np.ones(gr.edge_geometry(as_list=False).shape[0]), 'radii') import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d vertex_colors = np.random.rand(g.n_vertices, 4); vertex_colors[:,3] = 1; p3d.plot_graph_mesh(gr, default_radius=1, vertex_colors=vertex_colors) eg = gr.edge_geometry(as_list=False); egs = 0.5 * eg; gr.set_edge_geometry(name='coordinates', values=egs) #tracing import numpy as np import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphProcessing as gp g = gp.ggt.Graph(n_vertices=10); g.add_edge(np.array([[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,0],[0,5],[5,6],[6,7],[0,8],[8,9],[9,0]])); g.set_vertex_coordinates(np.array([[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[2,0,0],[2,2,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,2],[0,0,3],[0,-1,0],[0,-1,-1]], dtype=float)); g.set_vertex_radii(np.array([10,6,4,6,7,4,2,2,5,5]) * 0.02) vertex_colors = np.array([g.vertex_radii()]*4).T; vertex_colors = vertex_colors / vertex_colors.max(); vertex_colors[:,3] = 1; p3d.plot_graph_mesh(g, default_radius=1, vertex_colors=vertex_colors) def condition(graph, vertex): r = graph.vertex_radii(vertex=vertex); print('condition, vertex=%d, radius=%r' % (vertex,r)) return r >= 5 * 0.02; label = np.zeros(g.n_vertices, dtype=bool); label[0] = True; traced = gp.trace_vertex_label(g, label, condition=condition, steps=1) print(traced) vertex_colors = np.array([[1,0,0,1],[1,1,1,1]])[np.asarray(traced, dtype=int)] p3d.plot_graph_mesh(g, default_radius=1, vertex_colors=vertex_colors) from importlib import reload; reload(gp) # edge tracing import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphGt as ggt edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[4,5],[5,6],[1,7]]; g = ggt.Graph(edges=edges) l,m = g.edge_graph(return_edge_map=True); import numpy as np label = np.zeros(len(edges), dtype=bool); label[1] = True; import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphProcessing as gp def condition(graph, edge): print('condition, edge=%d' % (edge,)) return True; traced = gp.trace_edge_label(g, label, condition=condition); print(traced) # expansion of edge lengths import numpy as np import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tf import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphProcessing as gp graph = gp.ggt.Graph(n_vertices=5); graph.add_edge([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[2,3],[2,1],[0,4]]); graph.add_edge_property('length', np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5])+2); e, m = gp.expand_graph_length(graph, 'length', True) import graph_tool.draw as gd pos = gp.ggt.vertex_property_map_to_python(gd.sfdp_layout(e.base)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(1); plt.clf(); import matplotlib.collections as mc import ClearMap.Visualization.Color as col colors = np.array([col.color(c) for c in ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'purple', 'orange']]) ec = e.edge_connectivity(); lines = pos[ec]; cols = colors[m]; lc = mc.LineCollection(lines, linewidths=1, color=cols); ax = plt.gca(); ax.add_collection(lc) ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.1) plt.scatter(pos[:,0], pos[:,1]) p =pos[:graph.n_vertices] plt.scatter(p[:,0],p[:,1], color='red')