Source code for ClearMap.Analysis.Measurements.MeasureRadius

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Measures intensity decays at spcified points in the data.
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import numpy as np;

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io

import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.MeasurePointList as mpl

import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr

### Measure Radius

[docs] def measure_radius(source, points, fraction = None, value = None, max_radius = 100, method = 'sphere', default = np.inf, scale = None, return_radii = True, return_radii_as_scalar = True, return_indices = False, processes = None, verbose = False): """Measures a radius via decay of intensity values for a list of points. Arguments --------- source : array Source for measurement. points : array List of indices to measure radis for. fraction : float or None Fraction of center intensity that needs to be reached to detemrine the radius. If None, value needs to be given. value : array or float or None: The value below which the inensity has to fall to measure the radius from the center pixel. For array, it has to be the same size as the points. If None, fraction has to be given. max_radius : int or tuple of ints The maximal pixel radius to consider in each dimension. The larger, the slower the measurement. default : number or None Default value to use if no radius was detected. scale: tuple or float An optional scale in each direction to determine the distance. return_radii : bool If True, return the radii measured. return_radii_as_scalar : bool If True, returnt the radii as single floats, otherwise a radius for each dimension. return_indices : bool If True, return the indices of the search which allows to idenitfy the pixel at which the radius condition was met. processes : int or None Number of processes to use. verbose : bool If True, print progress info. Returns ------- radii : array Array of measured radii if return_radii is True. indices : array Array of measured indices at which the radius detrection condition is met. """ source = io.as_source(source).array; if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); print('Measuring radii of %d points in array of shape %r.' % (points.shape[0], source.shape)); ndim = source.ndim; if not hasattr(max_radius, '__len__'): max_radius = [max_radius] * ndim; if len(max_radius) != ndim: raise ValueError(' The maximal search radius %r has wronf dimension!' % max_radius); if method == 'sphere': search = search_indices_sphere(max_radius); elif method == 'rectangle': search = search_indices_rectangle(max_radius); else: raise ValueError("The method is not 'sphere' or 'rectangle' but %r!" % method); if value is not None: if hasattr(value, '__len__'): measured = mpl.find_smaller_than_values(source, points, search, value, sink=None, processes=processes, verbose=verbose); else: measured = mpl.find_smaller_than_value(source, points, search, value, sink=None, processes=processes, verbose=verbose); elif fraction is not None: measured = mpl.find_smaller_than_fraction(source, points, search, fraction, sink=None, processes=processes, verbose=verbose); else: raise ValueError('fraction or value cannot both be None!'); if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Measuring radii done'); result = (); if return_radii: if scale is None: scale = 1; if not hasattr(scale, '__len__'): scale = [scale] * ndim; scale = np.asarray(scale); radii = np.abs(search) * scale; if return_radii_as_scalar: radii = np.sqrt(np.sum(radii*radii, axis=1)); radii = np.hstack([radii, default]); else: radii = np.vstack([radii, [default] * ndim]); radii = radii[measured]; result += (radii,); if return_indices: search = np.vstack([search, [np.max(search, axis=0) + 1]]); indices = search[measured]; result += (indices,); if len(result) == 1: result = result[0]; return result;
############################################################################### ### Search indices ###############################################################################
[docs] def search_indices_sphere(radius): """Creates all relative indices within a sphere of specified radius in an array with specified strides. Arguments --------- radius : tuple of int Radius of the sphere of the search index list. Returns ------- indices : array Array of ints of relative indices for the search area voxels. """ grid = [np.arange(-r,r+1, dtype=float)/np.maximum(1,r) for r in radius]; grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(*grid, indexing = 'ij')); #sort indices by radius dist = np.sum(grid*grid, axis = 0); dist_shape = dist.shape; dist = dist.reshape(-1); dist_index = np.argsort(dist); dist_sorted = dist[dist_index]; keep = dist_sorted <= 1; dist_index = dist_index[keep]; # convert to relative coordinates indices = np.array(np.unravel_index(dist_index, dist_shape)).T; indices -= radius; return indices;
[docs] def search_indices_rectangle(radius): """Creates all relative indices within a rectangle. Arguments --------- radius : tuple or float Radius of the sphere of the search index list. Returns ------- indices : array Array of ints of relative indices for the search area voxels. """ #create coordiante grid grid = [np.arange(-r,r+1, dtype=int) for r in radius]; grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(*grid, indexing = 'ij')); #sort indices by radius dist = np.sum(grid*grid, axis = 0); dist_shape = dist.shape; dist = dist.reshape(-1); dist_index = np.argsort(dist); # convert to relative coordinates indices = np.array(np.unravel_index(dist_index, dist_shape)).T; indices -= radius; return indices;
############################################################################### ### Tests ###############################################################################
[docs] def test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.IO.IO as io import ClearMap.Analysis.Measurements.MeasureRadius as mr; data = 10-np.abs(10-np.arange(0,21)); search = mr.search_indices_sphere(radius=[10,10,10]) print(search) points = np.array([10]); d,i = mr.measure_radius(data, points, fraction = 0.75, max_radius = 10, scale = 2, verbose = True, processes = 4, return_indices=True); data = np.random.rand(*(30,40,50)); io.write('data.npy', data) points = np.array([np.random.randint(0,s, size=10) for s in data.shape]).T d,i = mr.measure_radius(data, points, value = 0.5, max_radius = 10, scale = 2, verbose = True, processes = 4, return_indices=True); data = np.zeros((30,40,50), dtype=int); data[10:20, 15:25,10:20] = 1; data[15,20,15] = 2; import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d p3d.plot(data) points = np.array([[15, 20, 15],[4,4,4]]) d,i = mr.measure_radius(data, points, value = 0.0, max_radius = 10, scale = None, verbose = True, processes = None, return_indices=True);