Source code for ClearMap.Analysis.Measurements.maxima_detection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Collection of routines to detect maxima in scalar images.

Used for finding cells or intensity peaks.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = ''
__download__ = ''

import numpy as np

import scipy.ndimage.measurements as ndm
import scipy.ndimage.filters as ndf

import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.GreyReconstruction as gr

import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr
import ClearMap.Utils.HierarchicalDict as hdict

# Basic Transforms
[docs] def h_max_transform(source, h_max): """ H-maximum transform of an array. Arguments --------- source : array Input image. h_max : float or None H parameter of h-max transform, if None return source. Returns ------- transformed : array H-max transformed image if h is not None. """ if h_max is None: return source else: return gr.reconstruct(source - h_max, source)
[docs] def local_max(source, shape=5): """ Calculates local maxima of an image Arguments --------- source : array Input image. shape : int, tuple or None Shape of the volume to search for maxima. Returns ------- local_max : array Mask that is True at local maxima. """ if shape is None: return source if not isinstance(shape, tuple): shape = (shape,) * source.ndim return ndf.maximum_filter(source, size=shape) == source
[docs] def extended_max(source, h_max=0): """ Calculates extended h-maxima of an image Arguments --------- source : array Input image. h_max : float or None H parameter of h-max transform. If None, calculate local maxima only. Returns ------- maxima : array Extended maxima of the image. Note ---- Extended maxima are the local maxima of the h-max transform. """ # h max transform if h_max is not None and h_max > 0: source = h_max_transform(source, h_max) # max return local_max(source)
############################################################################## # Maxima Detection ##############################################################################
[docs] def find_maxima(source, h_max=None, shape=5, threshold=None, verbose=None): """ Find local and extended maxima in an image. Arguments --------- source : array The source data. h_max : float or None H parameter for the initial h-Max transform. If None, do not perform a h-max transform. shape : int or tuple Shape for the structure element for the local maxima filter. threshold : float or None If float, include only maxima larger than this threshold. verbose : bool Print progress info. Returns ------- maxima : array Binary image with True pixel at extended maxima. Notes ----- This routine performs a h-max transform, followed by a local maxima search and thresholding of the maxima. See also -------- :func:`h_max_transform`, :func:`local_max` """ if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer() hdict.pprint(head='Find Maxima:', h_max=h_max, shape=shape, threshold=threshold) # extended maxima maxima = h_max_transform(source, h_max=h_max) # local maxima maxima = local_max(maxima, shape=shape) # thresholding if threshold is not None: maxima = np.logical_and(maxima, source >= threshold) if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time(head='Find Maxima') return maxima
[docs] def find_center_of_maxima(source, maxima=None, label=None, verbose=False): """ Find center of detected maxima weighted by intensity Arguments --------- source : array Intensity image data. maxima : array or None Binary array indicating the maxima. If label is not None this can be None. label : array or None Labeled image of the shapes of the maxima. If None, determined from maxima. verbose : bool Print progress info. Returns ------- coordinates : array Coordinates of the n centers of maxima as (n,d)-array. """ if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer() print('Center of Maxima initialized!') # center of maxima if label is None: label, n_label = ndm.label(maxima) else: n_label = label.max() if n_label > 0: centers = np.array(ndm.center_of_mass(source, label, index=np.arange(1, n_label))) else: centers = np.zeros((0, source.ndim)) if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time(f'Center of Maxima: {centers.shape[0]} maxima detected') return centers