Source code for ClearMap.Analysis.Statistics.data_frame_operations

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs] def sanitize_df(df, id_col_name='Structure ID'): """ Remove the rows corresponding to the "brain" structure and the rows with invalid ids Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame The dataframe to sanitize id_col_name : str The name of the column containing the ids Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The sanitized dataframe """ valid_idx = np.logical_and(df[id_col_name] > 0, df[id_col_name] < 2 ** 16) df = df[valid_idx] df = df[df[id_col_name] != 997] # Not "brain" return df
def _sanitize_df_column_names(df): """ Sanitize the column names of a dataframe by lowercasing them and replacing spaces with underscores Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame The dataframe to sanitize Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The sanitized dataframe """ columns = {c: c.lower().replace(' ', '_') for c in df.columns} return df.rename(columns=columns)
[docs] def fix_df_column_names(stats_df): df = stats_df.rename(columns={'Structure ID': 's_id', 'Hemisphere': 'hem_id', 'Cell counts': 'cell_counts'}, # 'Average cell size': 'average_cell_size'}, errors='raise') return df
[docs] def normalise_df_column_names(df): """ Return same names wether df is a cell stats df or a group stats df Parameters ---------- df Returns ------- """ columns = { 'Structure ID': 'structure_id', 'id': 'structure_id', 'Structure order': 'structure_order', 'Structure name': 'structure_name', 'name': 'structure_name', 'Hemisphere': 'hemisphere', 'volume': 'structure_volume', 'Structure volume': 'structure_volume', 'Cell counts': 'cell_counts', 'Average cell size': 'average_cell_size' } return df.rename(columns=columns, errors='ignore')
# ## utils for dataframe counting, grouping, collapsing, filtering and normalizing
[docs] def count_cells(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ counts cells from one file of type cells.feather returns df with columns id, hemisphere, cell_count and one row per structure x hemisphere """ df = pd.read_feather(path) df['hemisphere'] = df['hemisphere'].map({0: 'LH', 255: 'RH'}) counts = (df.groupby(['id', 'hemisphere'], as_index=False) .agg(cell_count=('name', 'count')) ) counts = counts.reset_index(drop=True) return counts
[docs] def group_counts(counts_s, sample_names) -> pd.DataFrame: """ groups several cell_counts together; sample_names are the names of the samples returns df with columns id, hemisphere, and one column per sample """ counts_s = [counts.set_index(['id', 'hemisphere']) for counts in counts_s] df = pd.concat(counts_s, axis=1).fillna(0) df.columns = sample_names df = df.reset_index() return df
[docs] def collapse_structures(df: pd.DataFrame, map_collapse, collapse_hemispheres=False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ collapses structures according to a dict map_collapse (id -> new_id) ids not in map_collapse are kept """ df['id'] = df['id'].map(lambda x: map_collapse.get(x, x)) if not collapse_hemispheres: counts = (df.groupby(['id', 'hemisphere'], as_index=False) .sum() ) else: counts = (df.groupby(['id'], as_index=False) .sum() ) return counts
[docs] def filter_df(df: pd.DataFrame, structure_ids, hemispheres=['RH', 'LH'], exclude: bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ returns a df that includes only the """ if not exclude: if 'hemisphere' in df.columns: mask = df["id"].isin(structure_ids) & df["hemisphere"].isin(hemispheres) else: mask = df["id"].isin(structure_ids) else: if 'hemisphere' in df.columns: mask = ~df["id"].isin(structure_ids) & df["hemisphere"].isin(hemispheres) else: mask = ~df["id"].isin(structure_ids) df = df.loc[mask].reset_index(drop=True) return df.copy()
[docs] def normalize_df(df: pd.DataFrame, df_normalize: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: df = df.set_index(['id', 'hemisphere']).copy() df_normalize = df_normalize.set_index(['id', 'hemisphere']).copy() normalize_100 = df_normalize.sum(axis=0) df = df/normalize_100 * 100 return df.reset_index()