Source code for ClearMap.Analysis.vasculature.flow.units

from __future__ import division

import quantities as pq

__all__ = ['pq', 'scaling_factor', 'scaling_factor_du']

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ug = pq.UnitQuantity('microgram', pq.g/1e6, symbol='ug')
ng = pq.UnitQuantity('nanogram', pq.g/1e9, symbol='ng')
pg = pq.UnitQuantity('picogram', pq.g/1e12, symbol='pg')
fL = pq.UnitQuantity('femtoliter', pq.liter/1e15, symbol='fL')

[docs] def scaling_factor(Q_rescale, Q_compare): """Computes the scaling factor to multiply a quantity with, if it is to be expressed in units of another quantity. Arguments --------- Q_rescale: The quantity instance or unit-string that is to be rescaled. Q_compare: The quantity instance or unit-string whose units are desired. Returns ------- Factor by which Q_rescale is to be multiplied with, if expressed in units of Q_compare """ if not isinstance(Q_rescale, pq.Quantity): Q_rescale = pq.Quantity(1.0, Q_rescale) return Q_rescale.rescale(Q_compare).magnitude.tolist()
[docs] def scaling_factor_du(Q_rescale, default_units): """Computes the scaling factor to multiply a quantity with, if it is to be expressed in the default units provided. Arguments --------- Q_rescale: The quantity instance or unit-string that is to be rescaled. default_units: The default units as dictionary, e.g.: {'length': 'm', 'mass': 'kg', 'time': 's'} Returns ------- Factor by which Q_rescale is to be multiplied with, if expressed in the default units. """ pq.set_default_units(**default_units) if not isinstance(Q_rescale, pq.Quantity): Q_rescale = pq.Quantity(1.0, Q_rescale) return Q_rescale.simplified.magnitude.tolist()