Source code for ClearMap.Analysis.vasculature.vasc_graph_utils

import multiprocessing
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from concurrent.futures.process import BrokenProcessPool

import igraph
import numpy as np

from ClearMap.Alignment import Annotation as annotation, Annotation as ano

"""These are the values of the "nkind" property of the edges in the graph
these are used to have an integer value for the edges that can be used in the linear system"""
n_kinds = {
    'arteries': 2,
    'veins': 3,
    'capillaries': 4

MAX_PROCS = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1

# ############################## Brain graph generic ########################################

[docs] def extract_annotated_region(graph, region): # TODO: move to annotation ? id_, level = region print(annotation.annotation.ids_to_names(id_)) label = graph.vertex_annotation() label_leveled = annotation.convert_label(label, key='id', value='id', level=level) vertex_filter = label_leveled == id_ region_graph = graph.sub_graph(vertex_filter=vertex_filter) return region_graph, vertex_filter
[docs] def get_sub_graph(graph, region_list): label = graph.vertex_annotation() vertex_filter = np.isin(label, region_list) sub_graph = graph.sub_graph(vertex_filter=vertex_filter) return sub_graph
[docs] def edge_to_vertex_property(graph, edge_property, dtype=None): """ Converts graph_property from edge to vertex property .. warning:: This function only works for binary properties Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to convert the property from edge_property : str or np.array The name of the edge property to convert or the edge property itself Returns ------- The vertex property (as a numpy array) """ edge_property_data = edge_property if not isinstance(edge_property, str) else graph.edge_property(edge_property) edge_connectivity = graph.edge_connectivity() vertex_property_data = np.zeros(graph.n_vertices) for i in range(edge_connectivity.shape[1]): vertex_property_data[edge_connectivity[edge_property_data == 1, i]] = 1 if dtype is not None: vertex_property_data = vertex_property_data.astype(dtype) return vertex_property_data
[docs] def vertex_to_edge_property(graph, graph_property): """ Converts graph_property from vertex to edge property .. warning:: This function only works for binary properties Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to convert the property from graph_property : str or np.array The name of the vertex property to convert or the vertex property itself Returns ------- The edge property (as a numpy array) """ vertex_prop = graph.vertex_property(graph_property) if isinstance(graph_property, str) else graph_property connectivity = graph.edge_connectivity() edge_prop = np.logical_and(vertex_prop[connectivity[:, 0]], vertex_prop[connectivity[:, 1]]) return edge_prop
[docs] def vertex_filter_to_edge_filter(graph, vertex_filter, operator=np.logical_and): """ Converts a vertex filter to an edge filter .. warning:: The operator is essential. Should both vertices follow the filter or either one. Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to convert the filter for vertex_filter : np.array The vertex filter to convert Returns ------- The edge filter (as a numpy array) """ connectivity = graph.edge_connectivity() start_vertex_follows_filter = vertex_filter[connectivity[:, 0]] end_vertex_follows_filter = vertex_filter[connectivity[:, 1]] edge_filter = operator(start_vertex_follows_filter, end_vertex_follows_filter) return edge_filter
[docs] def remove_surface(graph, depth): """ Removes the vessels that are within a certain distance from the surface of the brain The filter is done on the 'distance_to_surface' property of the vertices. Hence, the depth should be given in the same unit as the property. Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to filter depth : float The depth from the surface to remove Returns ------- """ # distance_from_surface = from_v_prop2_eprop(graph, graph.vertex_property('distance_to_surface')) # ef=distance_from_surface>width # TODO: verify if filtering by vertex is OK or if we should filter by edge vf = graph.vertex_property('distance_to_surface') > depth return graph.sub_graph(vertex_filter=vf)
# PERFORMANCE: could be parallelized
[docs] def modularity_measure(graph, modules): # @Sophie: fill docstring explaination """ Measure of modularity of a subgraph Parameters ---------- modules graph Returns ------- """ K = graph.n_edges # @Sophie: maybe we want some explaination for the single letter vars. That could be a latex eq in the docstring # trash_clusters = np.unique(partition)[np.where(c<20)] Qs = [] for module_id in np.unique(modules): # Could call colors instead of modules ? cluster = graph.sub_graph(vertex_filter=(modules == module_id)) ms = cluster.n_edges # @ Sophie isn't that k of the cluster? (shouldn't this be ks ?) ks = np.sum(cluster.vertex_degrees()) Qs.append((ms / K) - ((ks / (2 * K)) ** 2)) return sum(Qs)
# ############################## Vasculature Graph generic ######################################## # FIXME: check that all uses should use the same implementation
[docs] def set_artery_vein_if_missing(graph, artery_min_radius=4, vein_min_radius=8): # FIXME: magic number """ Sets the vertex properties for artery and vein if they are missing. """ try: edge_to_vertex_property(graph, 'artery') edge_to_vertex_property(graph, 'vein') except KeyError: # May be other exception kind, check print('No artery vertex properties') artery = graph.vertex_radii() >= artery_min_radius vein = graph.vertex_radii() >= vein_min_radius graph.add_vertex_property('artery', artery) graph.add_vertex_property('vein', vein) graph.add_edge_property('artery', vertex_to_edge_property(graph, artery)) graph.add_edge_property('vein', vertex_to_edge_property(graph, vein))
[docs] def combine_arteries_and_veins(graph, artery=None, vein=None, mode='arteryvein', min_radius=None): """ Combine the arteries and veins in the graph into a single property Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to combine the arteries and veins of artery : np.array or None The artery property of the graph. If None, will be extracted from the graph vein : np.array or None The vein property of the graph. If None, will be extracted from the graph mode : str The mode to use for combining the arteries and veins. Can be one of: - 'arteryvein': simply combine (OR) the artery and vein properties - 'bigvessels': combine the artery and vein properties and add the vessels with a radius above min_radius min_radius : float or None The minimum radius to use for the 'bigvessels' mode. This is required if mode is 'bigvessels'. Returns ------- The combined artery_vein property (as a numpy array) """ if artery is None: artery = np.asarray(graph.vertex_property('artery')) if vein is None: vein = np.asarray(graph.vertex_property('vein')) combined = np.logical_or(artery, vein) if mode == 'bigvessels': big_vessel_filter = edge_to_vertex_property(graph, graph.edge_property('radii') > min_radius) # FIXME: could we just do graph.vertex_property('radii') > radius ? combined = np.logical_or(combined, big_vessel_filter) elif mode != 'arteryvein': raise ValueError(f'Unknown mode {mode}, expected one of ("arteryvein", "bigvessels")') return combined
[docs] def parallel_get_vessels_lengths(graph, edge_coordinates_name='coordinates', clip_below_unity=True, min_chunk_size=5, n_processes=1): """ Computes the length of each vessel in the graph in parallel. Using the geometry, we extract the coordinates of each vessel and compute the length from that. This is parallelized because pure numpy is impossible because the vessels have different lengths. Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to compute the lengths of edge_coordinates_name : str The name of the property containing the coordinates of the vessels. Typically, 'coordinates' or 'coordinates_atlas' clip_below_unity : bool If True, clips the length below 1 to 1 min_chunk_size : int The minimum chunk size to use for parallel processing n_processes : int The number of processes to use for the computation Returns ------- An array of the lengths of the vessels in the graph """ n_processes = min(n_processes, MAX_PROCS) vessels_coordinates = graph.edge_geometry(edge_coordinates_name) if n_processes > 1: try: # try parallel processing chunk_size = max(min_chunk_size, len(vessels_coordinates) // (2 * n_processes)) with ProcessPoolExecutor(n_processes) as executor: results =, vessels_coordinates, chunksize=chunk_size) vessels_lengths = np.array(list(results)) except BrokenProcessPool: # Go single threaded vessels_lengths = np.array([get_vessel_length(vessel_coords) for vessel_coords in vessels_coordinates]) else: vessels_lengths = np.array([get_vessel_length(vessel_coords) for vessel_coords in vessels_coordinates]) if clip_below_unity: vessels_lengths = np.clip(vessels_lengths, 1, None) return vessels_lengths
[docs] def get_vessel_length(coordinates): """ Get the length of a single vessel from its coordinates Parameters ---------- coordinates : ndarray The coordinates of the (single) vessel in the format (n_points, 3) Returns ------- """ diff = np.diff(coordinates, axis=0) length = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=1)) return length
[docs] def filter_graph_degrees(graph, min_degree=2, max_degree=4): """ Filter the graph to keep only the edges with a degree between min_degree and max_degree (boundaries are included) Parameters ---------- graph min_degree : int The minimum degree to keep max_degree : int The maximum degree to keep Returns ------- The filtered graph """ degrees = graph.vertex_degrees() vf = np.logical_and(degrees >= min_degree, degrees <= max_degree) graph = graph.sub_graph(vertex_filter=vf) return graph
[docs] def graph_gt_to_igraph(src_graph): """ Convert graph from GraphGt to igraph format .. warning:: This only transfers the properties 'radius', 'diameter' and 'nkind'. nkind is the integer value representing the type of vessel (see the n_kinds dictionary for the possible values) Parameters ---------- src_graph : GraphGt The graph to convert (in GraphGt format) Returns ------- The converted graph (in igraph format) """ output_graph = igraph.Graph() output_graph.add_vertices(src_graph.n_vertices) output_graph.add_edges(src_graph.edge_connectivity())["nkind"] = get_edges_n_kinds(src_graph) output_graph.vs["nkind"] = get_vertices_n_kinds(src_graph) radii = src_graph.edge_property('radii')["radius"] = radii["diameter"] = 2 * radii return output_graph
[docs] def get_edges_n_kinds(graph): """ Get the n_kind property (i.e. the integer value representing the type of vessel) for each edge in the graph Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to get the n_kind property of Returns ------- n_kind : np.array The n_kind property for each edge in the graph """ n_kind = np.full(graph.n_edges, n_kinds['capillaries'], dtype=int) arteries = graph.edge_property('artery') veins = graph.edge_property('vein') n_kind[arteries] = n_kinds['arteries'] n_kind[veins] = n_kinds['veins'] return n_kind
[docs] def get_vertices_n_kinds(graph): """ Get the n_kind property (i.e. the integer value representing the type of vessel) for each vertex in the graph Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to get the n_kind property of Returns ------- n_kind : np.array The n_kind property for each vertex in the graph """ n_kind = np.full(graph.n_vertices, n_kinds['capillaries'], dtype=int) # REFACTOR: see if can replace the following with np.where # Also, check if this is a binary property (in which case, we could use a boolean array) arteries = edge_to_vertex_property(graph, 'artery', int).nonzero()[0] veins = edge_to_vertex_property(graph, 'vein', int).nonzero()[0] n_kind[arteries] = n_kinds['arteries'] n_kind[veins] = n_kinds['veins'] return n_kind
[docs] def get_vertex_coordinates(graph, coordinates_name): """ Get the coordinates from the graph in any space. The coordinates can be in any space, as long as it is a vertex property of the graph. Examples of coordinates spaces are 'coordinates', 'coordinates_atlas', 'coordinates_scaled', 'coordinates_MRI' Parameters ---------- graph : GraphGt.Graph The graph to get the coordinates from coordinates_name : str The name of the coordinates space to use. Typically, 'coordinates' or 'coordinates_atlas' Returns ------- """ if coordinates_name == 'coordinates': coordinates = graph.vertex_coordinates() # REFACTOR: check if we could use the vertex property instead to generalize else: coordinates = graph.vertex_property(coordinates_name) return coordinates