# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to handle sources distributed over a list of files.
File lists ar specified using a :mod:`~ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression`.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <christoph.kirst.ck@gmail.com>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = 'http://idisco.info'
__download__ = 'http://www.github.com/ChristophKirst/ClearMap2'
import os
import re
import glob
import traceback
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
import natsort
import warnings
import itertools
import numbers
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import concurrent.futures
import ClearMap.IO.FileUtils as fu
import ClearMap.IO.Source as src
import ClearMap.IO.Slice as slc
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
import IO as io
from . import IO as io
import ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression as te
import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.ParallelTraceback as ptb
### Source class
class Source(src.VirtualSource):
"""File list source.
The full shape of the file list source is the shape of the expression and
the shape of the data in each file, i.e. shape = file_list_shape + array_shape.
def __init__(self, expression = None, file_list = None, axes_order = None, shape = None, dtype = None, order = None, name = None):
"""File list source class construtor.
expression : str or Expression
The expression specifying a file list.
file_list : list of strs
List of filenames.
axes_order : list of str
List of names indicating the ordering of the tags along the axes.
name : str or None
Optional name of the source.
Either expression or file_list need to be specified.
super(Source, self).__init__(name = name);
expression, file_list = _expression_or_file_list(expression=expression, file_list=file_list);
self._expression = expression;
self._file_list = file_list;
self._axes_order = axes_order;
self._shape = shape;
self._dtype = dtype;
self._order = order;
def name(self):
return "FileList-Source";
def file_list(self, sort = True):
"""The underlying file list.
filelist : list
The underlying sources of this source.
if self._file_list is None:
self._file_list = _file_list(expression=self.expression, sort=sort);
return self._file_list;
def file_list(self, value):
raise ValueError('Cannot set file_list for this source!')
def expression(self):
"""The underlying expression of this file list.
expression : str
The underlying expression of this source.
if self._expression is None:
self._expression = te.detect(self.file_list);
return self._expression;
def expression(self, value):
raise ValueError('Cannot set expression for this source!')
def axes_order(self):
"""Optional ordering of the tag names.
axes_order : list of str
The ordered axis names.
tag_names = self.expression.tag_names()
axes_order = self._axes_order
if axes_order is None:
axes_order = []
for a in axes_order:
if a not in tag_names:
raise ValueError(f'Axes name {a} is not in the tags {tag_names}!')
axes_order += [n for n in tag_names if n not in axes_order]
return axes_order
def axes_order(self, value):
self._axes_order = value;
def shape(self, axis = None):
"""The shape of the source.
shape : tuple
The shape of the source.
if self._shape is None: #cache the result
self._shape = shape(expression=self.expression, file_list=self.file_list, axes_order=self.axes_order, axis=axis);
return self._shape;
def shape(self, value):
self._shape = value;
def dtype(self):
"""The data type of the source.
dtype : dtype
The data type of the source.
if self._dtype is None:
self._dtype = dtype(expression=self._expression, file_list=self.file_list);
return self._dtype;
def element_strides(self):
raise NotImplementedError();
def ndim_file(self):
"""Source dimension of the individual files."""
return len(self.shape_file);
def ndim_list(self):
"""Source dimensions of the file list."""
return len(self.shape_list);
def shape_file(self):
"""Source shape of the individual files."""
return shape_file(expression=self._expression, file_list=self._file_list);
def shape_list(self):
"""Source shape of the file list."""
return shape_list(expression=self._expression, file_list=self._file_list, axes_order=self.axes_order);
def axes_file(self):
"""Source axes that constitute individual file dimensions in the full array."""
return tuple(i for i in range(self.ndim_file));
def axes_list(self):
"""Source axes that constitute the dimensions of the file list in the full array."""
ndim_file = self.ndim_file;
return tuple(ndim_file + i for i in range(self.ndim_list));
def tag_to_axes_order(self):
"""Map from the tag list from the file expression and the axes of this source."""
tag_names = self.expression.tag_names();
axes_order = self.axes_order;
tag_to_axes = [];
for n in axes_order:
for i,m in enumerate(tag_names):
if n==m:
return tag_to_axes;
def axes_to_tag_order(self):
"""Map from axes of this source to the tag list from the file expression."""
tag_names = self.expression.tag_names();
axes_order = self.axes_order;
axes_to_tags = []
for n in tag_names:
for i,m in enumerate(axes_order):
if n==m:
return axes_to_tags;
def __getitem__(self, slicing, processes = None, order = None):
e = self.expression;
shape = self.shape;
ndim = self.ndim;
ndim_list = e.ntags();
slicing = slc.unpack_slicing(slicing, ndim);
slicing_file = slicing[:-ndim_list];
slicing_list = slicing[-ndim_list:];
shape_file = shape[:-ndim_list];
shape_list = shape[-ndim_list:];
sliced_shape_file = slc.sliced_shape(slicing=slicing_file, shape=shape_file);
#sliced_shape_list = slc.sliced_shape(slicing=slicing_list, shape=shape_list);
#start indices
indices_start = self.expression.indices(self.file_list[0]);
#TODO: steps in file list
#genereate file list to read
#Note: indices increase according to the axes order but their own order is in tag order
indices = [];
slicing_list_indices = [];
shape_list_keep_dims = ();
slicing_keep_dims_to_final = (Ellipsis,);
for sl,s,i in zip(slicing_list, shape_list, indices_start):
if isinstance(sl, slice):
slice_indices = sl.indices(s);
slice_indices = (slice_indices[0] + i, slice_indices[1] + i, slice_indices[2]);
n = len(indices[-1]);
shape_list_keep_dims += (n,);
slicing_keep_dims_to_final += (slice(None),);
elif isinstance(sl, (list, np.ndarray)):
indices.append(np.array(sl) + i);
n = len(indices[-1]);
shape_list_keep_dims += (n,);
slicing_keep_dims_to_final += (slice(None),);
elif isinstance(sl, numbers.Integral):
indices.append([sl + i]);
shape_list_keep_dims += (1,);
slicing_keep_dims_to_final += (0,);
raise IndexError('Invalid slice specification %r!' % sl )
indices = itertools.product(*indices);
indices = [i[::-1] for i in indices];
slicing_list_indices = itertools.product(*slicing_list_indices);
slicing_list_indices = [i[::-1] for i in slicing_list_indices];
#print(indices, slicing_list_indices, slicing_keep_dims_to_final)
axes_to_tags = self.axes_to_tag_order();
if len(axes_to_tags) > 1 and axes_to_tags != list(range(len(axes_to_tags))):
indices = [tuple(i[j] for j in axes_to_tags) for i in indices];
fl = [e.string_from_index(i) for i in indices];
dtype = self.dtype;
data = np.zeros(sliced_shape_file + shape_list_keep_dims, dtype=dtype, order=order);
def func(filename, index, data=data, slicing=slicing_file):
index = (Ellipsis,) + index;
data[index] = io.read(filename, slicing=slicing, processes = 'serial');
if processes is None:
processes = mp.cpu_count();
if processes == 'serial':
for f,i in zip(fl, slicing_list_indices):
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(processes) as executor:
executor.map(func, fl, slicing_list_indices);
data = data[slicing_keep_dims_to_final];
return data;
def __setitem__(self, slicing, data, processes = None):
e = self.expression;
shape = self.shape;
ndim = self.ndim;
ndim_list = e.ntags();
slicing = slc.unpack_slicing(slicing, ndim);
slicing_file = slicing[:-ndim_list];
slicing_list = slicing[-ndim_list:];
shape_list = shape[-ndim_list:];
#start indices
indices_start = self.expression.indices(self.file_list[0]);
#TODO: steps in file list
#genereate file list to read
#Note: indices increase according to the axes order but thier own order is in tag order
indices = [];
for sl,s,i in zip(slicing_list, shape_list, indices_start):
if isinstance(sl, slice):
slice_indices = sl.indices(s);
slice_indices = (slice_indices[0] + i, slice_indices[1] + i, slice_indices[2]);
elif isinstance(sl, (list, np.ndarray)):
indices.append(np.array(sl) + i);
elif isinstance(sl, numbers.Integral):
indices.append([sl + i]);
raise IndexError('Invalid slice specification %r!' % sl )
indices = itertools.product(*indices);
indices = [i[::-1] for i in indices];
axes_to_tags = self.axes_to_tag_order();
if len(axes_to_tags) > 1 and axes_to_tags != list(range(len(axes_to_tags))):
indices = [tuple(i[j] for j in axes_to_tags) for i in indices];
fl = [e.string_from_index(i) for i in indices];
#print indices, fl
#create directory if it does not exists
#Note: move this to func if files need to be distributed accross several directories
fu.create_directory(fl[0], split=True);
if processes is None:
processes = mp.cpu_count();
def func(filename, index, data=data, slicing=slicing_file):
index = (Ellipsis,) + index;
io.write(sink=filename, data=data[index], slicing=slicing, processes ='serial');
if processes == 'serial':
for f,i in zip(fl, indices):
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(processes) as executor:
executor.map(func, fl, indices);
def array(self):
return self._getitem__(slice(None));
def __str__(self):
name = self.name;
name = '%s' % name if name is not None else '';
name ='';
shape = self.shape # _shape
shape ='%r' % ((shape,)) if shape is not None else '';
shape = '';
dtype = self.dtype; #_dtype
dtype = '[%s]' % dtype if dtype is not None else '';
dtype = '';
order = self.order; #_order
order = '|%s|' % order if order is not None else '';
order = '';
file_list = '<%d>' % len(self._file_list);
file_list = '';
expression = self.expression.tag();
if len(expression) > 100:
expression = expression[:50] + '...' + expression[-50:]
expression = '{%s}' % expression;
expression = '';
return name + shape + dtype + file_list + expression
def as_real(self):
return self;
def as_virtual(self):
return VirtualSource(expression=self.expression, file_list=None,
shape = self._shape, dtype = self._dtype, order = self._order,
axes_order = self._axes_order);
def as_buffer(self):
return self.array;
class VirtualSource(src.VirtualSource):
"""Virtual file list source."""
def __init__(self, expression = None, file_list = None, shape = None, dtype = None, order = None, axes_order = None, source = None, name = None):
super(VirtualSource, self).__init__(source=source, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order, name=name);
self._expression = expression;
self._file_list = file_list;
self._axes_order = axes_order;
def name(self):
return 'Virtual-FileList-Source';
def expression(self):
"""The underlying expression of this file list.
expression : str
The underlying expression of this source.
if self._expression is None:
self._expression = te.detect(self.file_list);
return self._expression;
def expression(self, value):
raise ValueError('Cannot set expression for this source!')
def axes_order(self):
return self._axes_order;
def axes_order(self, value):
raise ValueError('Cannot set axes_order for this source!')
def file_list(self):
return self._file_list;
def file_list(self, value):
raise ValueError('Cannot set file_list for this source!')
def shape(self, axis = None):
"""The shape of the source.
shape : tuple
The shape of the source.
if self._shape is None: #cache the result
self._shape = shape(expression=self.expression, file_list=self.file_list, axes_order=self.axes_order, axis=axis);
return self._shape;
def shape(self, value):
self._shape = value;
def dtype(self):
"""The data type of the source.
dtype : dtype
The data type of the source.
if self._dtype is None:
self._dtype = dtype(expression=self._expression, file_list=self.file_list);
return self._dtype;
def element_strides(self):
raise NotImplementedError();
def as_virtual(self):
return self;
def as_real(self):
return Source(expression=self.expression, file_list=self.file_list, axes_order=self.axes_order,
shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, order=self.order, name=self.name);
def as_buffer(self):
return self.as_real().as_buffer();
def array(self):
return self.as_real().array;
def __str__(self):
name = self.name;
name = '%s' % name if name is not None else '';
name ='';
shape = self.shape # _shape
shape ='%r' % ((shape,)) if shape is not None else '';
shape = '';
dtype = self.dtype; #_dtype
dtype = '[%s]' % dtype if dtype is not None else '';
dtype = '';
order = self.order; #_order
order = '|%s|' % order if order is not None else '';
order = '';
file_list = '<%d>' % len(self._file_list);
file_list = '';
expression = self.expression.tag();
if len(expression) > 100:
expression = expression[:50] + '...' + expression[-50:]
expression = '{%s}' % expression;
expression = '';
return name + shape + dtype + file_list + expression
### IO Interface
def is_file_list(expression, exists = False, tag_names = None, n_tags = -1, verbose = False):
"""Checks if the expression is a valid file list.
expression : str
The regular expression to check.
exists : bool
If True, check if at least one file exists.
tag_names : list of str or None
List of tag names expected to be present in the expression.
n_Tags : int or None
Number of tags to expect.
verbose : bool
If True, print reason why the epxression does not represent the desired file list.
is_expression : bool
Returns True if the expression fullfills the desired criteria and at least one file matching the expression exists.
if isinstance(expression, Source):
return True;
if not isinstance(expression, (str, te.Expression)):
if verbose:
warnings.warn('The expression %r is not a string or valid Source!' % expression);
return False;
if fu.is_directory(expression):
if exists:
if len(os.listdir(expression)) == 0:
if verbose:
warnings.warn('No files exists in the directory %s!' % expression);
return False;
return True;
return True;
if tag_names is not None or n_tags is not None:
t = te.Expression(expression) if not isinstance(expression, te.Expression) else expression;
if n_tags is not None:
if n_tags < 0 and -n_tags > t.ntags():
if verbose:
warnings.warn('Expression has not required number %d of tags, but %d!' % (n_tags, t.ntags()));
return False;
elif n_tags >=0 and n_tags != t.ntags():
if verbose:
warnings.warn('Expression has not required number %d of tags, but %d!' % (n_tags, t.ntags()));
return False;
if tag_names is not None:
if tag_names != t.tag_names():
if verbose:
warnings.warn('Expression has not required tags %r, but %r!' % (tag_names, t.tag_names()));
return False;
if exists:
f = _first_file(expression);
if f is None:
if verbose:
warnings.warn('Expression does not point to any files!');
return False;
return True;
def ndim(expression = None, file_list = None):
"""Calculates the dimension of the file list given by an expression.
expression : str
The expression for the file_list.
file_list : list
Optional file_list to speed up calculation.
ndim : int
The dimension of the file list given by the expression.
expression, file_list = _expression_and_file_list(expression=expression, file_list=file_list);
if len(file_list) == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot determine dimension of the file list %r without files.!' % expression);
return io.ndim(file_list[0]) + expression.ntags();
#TODO: arbitrary axes mixing file and list dimensions
def shape(expression = None, file_list = None, axes_order = None, axis = None):
"""Calculates the shape of the data in a file list.
expression : str or None
The regular epression for the file list.
file_list : list or None
List of files.
axis : int or None
The shape along a specific axis. Can speed up the shape calculation.
axes_order : list or None
The names of how to order the different tag names in the expression.
If None, use ordering of the tags in the expression.
shape : int or tuple of ints
The shape of the array st ored in a file list.
expression, file_list = _expression_and_file_list(expression=expression, file_list=file_list);
shapelist = shape_list(expression=expression, file_list=file_list, axes_order=axes_order);
if axis is not None:
if axis < 0 and -axis < len(shapelist):
return shapelist[axis];
#determine dimensions in each file
shapefile = shape_file(expression=expression, file_list=file_list);
#full shape
shape_full = shapefile + shapelist;
if axis is not None:
return shape_full[axis];
return shape_full;
def shape_file(expression = None, file_list = None):
"""Calculates the shape of the data in a file list.
expression : str or None
The regular epression for the file list.
file_list : list or None
List of files.
shape : int or tuple of ints
The shape of the array st ored in a file list.
expression, file_list = _expression_and_file_list(expression=expression, file_list=file_list)
if len(file_list) == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot determine dimension of the file list %r without files.!' % expression);
#determine dimensions in each file
shape_file = io.shape(file_list[-1]) # Take the last because the first has Z
return shape_file
def shape_list(expression = None, file_list = None, axes_order = None):
"""Calculates the shape of the data in a file list.
expression : str or None
The regular epression for the file list.
file_list : list or None
List of files.
axes_order : list or None
The names of how to order the different tag names in the expression.
If None, use ordering of the tags in the expression.
shape : int or tuple of ints
The shape of the array along the dimensions created by the file list.
expression, file_list = _expression_and_file_list(expression=expression, file_list=file_list);
if len(file_list) == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot determine dimension of the file list %r without files.!' % expression);
#ordering of the axes
if axes_order is None:
axes_order = expression.tag_names();
#determine dimensions along the file list
values0 = expression.values(file_list[0]);
if len(axes_order) == 1:
shape_list = (len(file_list),);
shape_list = ();
for a in axes_order:
values = values0.copy();
e = te.Expression(expression.string(values = values));
search = re.compile(e.re()).search;
shape_list += (len([f for f in file_list if search(f)]),);
return shape_list;
def dtype(expression = None, file_list = None):
"""Returns data type of the array stored in a file list.
expression : str
The regular epression for the file list.
dtype : dtype
The data type of the file list.
file_list = _file_list(expression=expression, file_list=file_list);
if len(file_list) == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot determine dtype from file list %r without files!' % expression);
return io.dtype(file_list[0]);
def order(expression = None, file_list = None):
"""Returns order of the array stored in a file list.
expression : str
The regular epression for the file list.
dtype : dtype
The data type of the file list.
file_list = _file_list(expression=expression, file_list=file_list);
if len(file_list) == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot determine order from file list %r without files!' % expression);
order_file = io.order(file_list[0]);
if order_file == 'F':
return 'F';
return None;
def read(source, slicing = None, axes_order = None, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('read for FileList not implemented yet!')
def write(sink, data, slicing = None, axes_order = None, processes = None, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('write for FileList not implemented yet!')
def create(location = None, shape = None, dtype = None, array = None, as_source = True):
raise NotImplementedError('create for FileList not implemented yet!')
### Helpers
def _file_list(expression = None, file_list = None, sort = True, verbose = False):
"""Returns the list of files that match the tag expression.
expression :str
The regular expression the file names should match.
sort : bool
If True, sort files naturally.
verbose : bool
If True, print warning if no files exists.
file_list : list of str
The list of files that matched the expression.
if isinstance(file_list, list):
return file_list;
if isinstance(expression, te.Expression):
fl = glob.glob(expression.glob());
elif fu.is_directory(expression):
expression = fu.join(expression, '*');
fl = glob.glob(expression);
e = te.Expression(expression);
fl = glob.glob(e.glob());
if verbose and len(fl) == 0:
warnings.warn('No files found matching %s !' % expression);
return [];
if sort:
fl = natsort.natsorted(fl);
return fl;
def _first_file(expression):
fl = _file_list(expression=expression, file_list=None, sort=False, verbose=False);
if len(fl) > 0:
return fl[0];
return None;
def _expression_and_file_list(expression = None, file_list = None):
if isinstance(expression, te.Expression) or expression is None:
elif fu.is_directory(expression):
if file_list is None:
file_list = glob.glob(fu.join(expression, '*'));
expression = te.detect(file_list);
elif isinstance(expression, (str, list)):
expression = te.Expression(expression);
raise ValueError('Expression %r is not valid!' % expression)
if file_list is None:
if expression is None:
raise ValueError('Either expression or file_list need to be specified!')
file_list = glob.glob(expression.glob());
elif isinstance(file_list, list):
if expression is None:
expression = te.detect(file_list);
raise ValueError('The file_list %r is not value!' % file_list)
return expression, file_list
def _expression_or_file_list(expression = None, file_list = None):
if isinstance(expression, te.Expression) or expression is None:
elif fu.is_directory(expression):
file_list = _file_list(expression=expression, sort=True);
expression = None;
elif isinstance(expression, str):
expression = te.Expression(expression);
raise ValueError('The expression %r is not valid!' % expression);
if file_list is not None and not isinstance(file_list, list):
raise ValueError('The file_list %r is not a list or None!' % file_list);
if expression is None and file_list is None:
raise ValueError('Expresson and file_list cannot both be None!')
return expression, file_list
### Conversions
def convert(source, sink, processes = None, verbose = False):
Converts list of files to a sink in parallel
source : Source
File list source.
sink : Source
A sink to write the source to.
sink : Source
The sink the data was converted to.
# read files
if not isinstance(source, Source):
raise ValueError(f'Source should be a FileList source, found {source}!')
expression = source.expression
shape = source.shape
dtype = source.dtype
shape_list = source.shape_list
file_list = source.file_list
# genereate file lists and slicings
indices_file_start = expression.indices(file_list[0])
indices_slice = [np.arange(s) for s in shape_list]
indices_file = [s + i for i, s in zip(indices_file_start, indices_slice)]
indices_file = itertools.product(*indices_file)
indices_file = [i[::-1] for i in indices_file]
indices_slice = itertools.product(*indices_slice)
indices_slice = [i[::-1] for i in indices_slice]
axes_to_tags = source.axes_to_tag_order()
if len(axes_to_tags) > 1 and axes_to_tags != list(range(len(axes_to_tags))):
indices_file = [tuple(i[j] for j in axes_to_tags) for i in indices_file]
file_list = [expression.string_from_index(i) for i in indices_file]
sink = io.create(sink, shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
sink_virtual = sink.as_virtual()
if processes is None:
processes = mp.cpu_count()
def _convert(filename, index_slicing, sink=sink_virtual, verbose=verbose):
slicing = (Ellipsis,) + index_slicing
if verbose:
print(f'Converting slice {slicing} from {filename} to {sink}')
sink.as_real()[slicing] = io.read(filename, processes='serial')
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error converting slice {slicing} from {filename} to {sink}: {e}')
if processes == 'serial':
for f, i in zip(file_list, indices_slice):
_convert(f, i)
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(processes) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(_convert, f, i)
for f, i in zip(file_list, indices_slice)]
for future in as_completed(futures):
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error in future: {e}')
return sink
# ## Tests
def _test():
from importlib import reload
import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tf
import ClearMap.IO.FileList as fl
expression = tf.io.join(tf.tif_sequence, 'sequence<Z,I,4>.tif')
f = fl.Source(expression=expression);
print(f.expression.string({'Z': 10}))
d = f.__getitem__((slice(None), slice(None), 1), processes='serial')
d = f[:,:,1];
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
np.all(d == io.read(f.file_list[1]))
# genreate some files
data = np.asarray(20 * np.random.rand(4,5,2,3), dtype = 'int32');
data[5:15, 20:45, 2:9] = 0;
f = fl.Source('./test_file_list/test<I,3>_<I,2>.npy', shape = (4,5,2,3), dtype = 'int32');
f.__setitem__(slice(None,), data, processes='serial')
f2 = fl.Source('./test_file_list')
data2 = f2.__getitem__(slice(None), processes='serial');
s = io.as_source(data);
s2 = io.as_source(data2);
print(s); print(s2)
data3 = f2[:]
import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tf
name = tf.tif_sequence
fl1 = fl._file_list(name)
name = fl.fu.join(tf.tif_sequence, 'sequence<I,4>.tif')
fl2 = fl._file_list(name)
print(fl1 == fl2)
f = fl.Source(name)
#def copy(source, sink):
# """Copy a data file from source to sink for entire list of files
# Arguments:
# source (str): file name pattern of source
# sink (str): file name pattern of sink
# Returns:
# str: file name patttern of the copy
# """
# (fileheader, fileext, digitfrmt) = splitFileExpression(sink);
# fp, fl = readFileList(source);
# for i in range(len(fl)):
# io.copyFile(os.path.join(fp, fl[i]), fileheader + (digitfrmt % i) + fileext);
# return sink
#def _cropParallel(arg):
# """Crop helper function to use for parallel cropping of image slices"""
# fileSource = arg[0];
# fileSink = arg[1];
# x = arg[2];
# y = arg[3];
# ii = arg[4];
# nn = arg[5];
# if ii is not None:
# pw = ProcessWriter(ii);
# pw.write("cropData: corpping image %d / %d" % (ii, nn))
# #pw.write('%s -> %s' % (fileSource, fileSink));
# data = io.readData(fileSource, x = x, y = y);
# io.writeData(fileSink, data);
#def crop(source, sink = None, x = all, y = all, z = all, adjustOverlap = False, verbose = True, processes = all):
# """Crop source from start to stop point
# Arguments:
# source (str or array): filename or data array of source
# sink (str or None): filename or sink
# x,y,z (tuple or all): the range to crop the data to
# adjustOverlap (bool): correct overlap meta data if exists
# Return:
# str or array: array or filename with cropped data
# """
# if sink is None:
# return readDataFiles(source, x = x, y = y, z = z);
# else: # sink assumed to be file expression
# if not io.isFileExpression(sink):
# raise RuntimeError('cropping data to different format not supported!')
# fileheader, fileext, digitfrmt = splitFileExpression(sink);
# #read first image to get data size and type
# fp, fl = readFileList(source);
# nz = len(fl);
# rz = io.toDataRange(nz, r = z);
# if adjustOverlap: #change overlap in first file
# try:
# fn = os.path.join(fp, fl[0]);
# info = io.readMetaData(fn, info = ['description', 'overlap', 'resolution']);
# description = str(info['description']);
# overlap = np.array(info['overlap'], dtype = float);
# resolution = np.array(info['resolution'], dtype = float);
# except:
# raise RuntimeWarning('could not modify overlap!')
# fullsize = io.dataSize(fn);
# data = io.readData(fn, x = x, y = y);
# #overlap in pixels
# poverlap = overlap[:2] / resolution[:2];
# print poverlap
# #cropped pixel
# xr = io.toDataRange(fullsize[0], r = x);
# yr = io.toDataRange(fullsize[1], r = y);
# print xr
# print yr
# print fullsize
# poverlap[0] = poverlap[0] - xr[0] - (fullsize[0] - xr[1]);
# poverlap[1] = poverlap[1] - yr[0] - (fullsize[1] - yr[1]);
# print poverlap
# #new overlap in microns
# overlap = poverlap * resolution[:2];
# #check for consistency
# if np.abs(fullsize[0]-xr[1] - xr[0]) > 1 or np.abs(fullsize[1]-yr[1] - yr[0]) > 1:
# raise RuntimeWarning('cropping is inconsistent with overlap )modification!');
# #change image description
# import ClearMap.IO.TIF as CMTIF
# description = CMTIF.changeOMEMetaDataString(description, {'overlap': overlap});
# print len(description)
# #write first file
# fnout = fileheader + (digitfrmt % 0) + fileext;
# io.writeData(fnout, data, info = description);
# zr = range(rz[0]+1, rz[1]);
# else:
# zr = range(rz[0], rz[1]);
# print zr
# nZ = len(zr);
# if processes is None:
# processes = 1;
# if processes is all:
# processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count();
# if processes > 1: #parallel processing
# pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes);
# argdata = [];
# for i,z in enumerate(zr):
# if verbose:
# argdata.append( (os.path.join(fp, fl[z]), fileheader + (digitfrmt % (i+1)) + fileext, x, y, (i+1), (nZ+1)) );
# else:
# argdata.append( (os.path.join(fp, fl[z]), fileheader + (digitfrmt % (i+1)) + fileext, x, y, None, None) );
# pool.map(_cropParallel, argdata);
# else: # sequential processing
# for i,z in enumerate(zr):
# if verbose:
# print "cropData: corpping image %d / %d" % (i+1, nZ+1);
# fileSource = os.path.join(fp, fl[z]);
# data = io.readData(fileSource, x = x, y = y);
# fileSink = fileheader + (digitfrmt % (i+1)) + fileext
# io.writeData(fileSink, data);
# return sink;
#def readMetaData(source, info = all, sort = True):
# """Reads the meta data from the image files
# Arguments:
# source: the data source
# info (list or all): optional list of keywords
# sort (bool): if True use first file to infer meta data, otherwise arbitrary file
# Returns:
# object: an object with the meta data
# """
# firstfile = firstFile(source, sort = sort);
# mdata = io.readMetaData(firstfile, info = info);
# if 'size' in mdata.keys():
# mdata['size'] = dataSize(source);
# return mdata;