Source code for ClearMap.IO.GT

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Interface to read and write graph tool files.

The module utilizes the gt writer/reader from graph_tool.

See also
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphGt as ggt

import ClearMap.IO.Source as src

### Source classe

[docs] class Source(src.Source): """GT graph source.""" def __init__(self, location = None, graph = None, name = None): """GT source class construtor. Arguments --------- location : str or None The filename of the graph source. graph : Graph or None The graph object """ super(Source, self).__init__(name=name); if isinstance(location, ggt.Graph): graph = location; location = None; self._location = location; self._graph = graph; @property def name(self): return "Graph-Source"; @property def location(self): return self._location; @location.setter def location(self, value): if value != self.location: self._location = value; @property def graph(self): """The underlying graph. Returns ------- graph : Graph The underlying graph of this source. """ if self._graph is None: self._graph = _graph(self.location); return self._graph; @graph.setter def graph(self, value): self._graph = value; @property def shape(self): """The shape of the source. Returns ------- shape : tuple The shape of the source. """ return self.graph.shape; @shape.setter def shape(self, value): self.graph.shape = value;
[docs] def as_virtual(self): return VirtualSource(source=self);
[docs] def as_real(self): return self;
### Generic
[docs] def info(self):;
[docs] def write(self, location = None): if location is None: location = self.location; return _write(location, self.graph);
[docs] def read(self, location = None): if location is None: location = self.location; self._graph = _graph(location);
[docs] def copy(self): return Source(graph=self.graph.copy())
### Formatting def __str__(self): try: name =; name = '%s' % name if name is not None else ''; except: name =''; try: graph = self._graph.__str__()[5:]; except: graph = ''; try: location = self.location; location = '%s' % location if location is not None else ''; if len(location) > 100: location = location[:50] + '...' + location[-50:] if len(location) > 0: location = '{%s}' % location; except: location = ''; return name + graph + location
[docs] class VirtualSource(src.VirtualSource): def __init__(self, source = None, location = None, name = None): if source is not None and location is None: location = source.location; super(VirtualSource, self).__init__(location=location, name=name); @property def name(self): return 'Virtual-Graph-Source';
[docs] def as_virtual(self): return self;
[docs] def as_real(self): return Source(location=self.location);
@property def graph(self): """The underlying graph. Returns ------- graph : Graph The underlying graph of this source. """ if self._graph is None: self._graph = _graph(self.location); return self._graph; @graph.setter def graph(self, value): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot set virtual graph") @property def shape(self): """The shape of the source. Returns ------- shape : tuple The shape of the source. """ return self.graph.shape; @shape.setter def shape(self, value): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot set shape of virtual graph")
############################################################################### ### IO Interface ###############################################################################
[docs] def is_graph(source): """Checks if this source is a graph source""" if isinstance(source, Source): return True; if isinstance(source, str) and len(source) >= 2 and source[-2:] == 'gt': return True; return False;
[docs] def read(source, as_source = None, **kwargs): """Read graph from a file. Arguments --------- source : str The name of the graph file. slicing : slice, Slice or None An optional sub-slice to consider. as_source : bool If True, return results as a source. Returns ------- graph : Graph or Source The graph as a Graph class or source. """ if not isinstance(source, Source): source = Source(source); if as_source: return source else: return source.graph;
[docs] def write(sink, graph, **kwargs): """Write graph to a file. Arguments --------- sink : str The name of the CSV file. graph : Graph The data to write into the CSV file. Returns ------- sink : grpah or source The sink graph file. """ if not isinstance(sink, Source): sink = Source(sink); return _write(sink, graph);
[docs] def create(location = None, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('Creating graph files not implemented yet!')
############################################################################### ### Helpers ############################################################################### def _graph(location, **kwargs): """Read graph from file. Arguments --------- location : str Location of the csv array data. Returns ------- graph : Graph The graph as a Graph object. """ graph = ggt.load(location); return graph; def _write(filename, graph, **args): """Write graph to file. """, graph) return filename ############################################################################### ### Tests ###############################################################################
[docs] def test(): """Test GT module""" import os import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphGt as ggt import ClearMap.IO.GT as gt location = ''; g = ggt.Graph(n_vertices=10) s = gt.Source(graph=g, location=location); s.shape = (1,2,3); print(s) s.write(); r = gt.Source(location=location) print(r.shape) os.remove(location)