Source code for ClearMap.IO.Source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module provides the base class for data sources and sinks.
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import numpy as np

import ClearMap.IO.FileUtils as fu

from ClearMap.Utils.Formatting import ensure

### Source base class

[docs] class Source(object): """Base abstract source class.""" #__slots__ = (); def __init__(self, name = None): """Initialization.""" if name is not None: self._name = name; @property def name(self): """The name of this source. Returns ------- name : str Name of this source. """ if hasattr(self, '_name'): return self._name; else: return type(self).__name__; @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = ensure(value, str); @property def shape(self): """The shape of the source. Returns ------- shape : tuple The shape of the source. """ return None; @shape.setter def shape(self, value): raise ValueError('Cannot set shape for this source.'); @property def dtype(self): """The data type of the source. Returns ------- dtype : dtype The data type of the source. """ return None; @dtype.setter def dtype(self, value): raise ValueError('Cannot set dtype for this source.'); @property def order(self): """The contiguous order of the underlying data array. Returns ------- order : str Returns 'C' for C contigous and 'F' for fortran contigous, None otherwise. """ return None; @order.setter def order(self, value): raise ValueError('Cannot set order for this source.'); # @property # def memory(self): # """The memory type of the source. # # Returns # ------- # memory : str # Returns 'shared' for a shared memory buffer, 'memmap' for a memory map to a file, None otherwise. # """ # return None; # # @memory.setter # def memory(self, value): # raise ValueError('Cannot set memory type for this source.'); @property def location(self): """The location where the data of the source is stored. Returns ------- location : str or None Returns the location of the data source or None if this source lives in memory only. """ return None; @location.setter def location(self, value): raise ValueError('Cannot set location for this source.'); ### Derived properties @property def ndim(self): """The number of dimensions of the source. Returns ------- ndim : int The number of dimension of the source. """ return len(self.shape); @property def size(self): """The size of the source. Returns ------- size : int The number of data items in the source. """ return; # @property # def shared(self): # """Returns True if the source is in shared memory. # # Returns # ------- # shared : bool # True if the source is in shared memory. # """ # return self.memory == 'shared'; # # @shared.setter # def shared(self, value): # if value is True: # self.memory == 'shared'; # elif self.memory == 'shared': # self.memory = None; # # # @property # def memmap(self): # """Returns True if the source is a memory map. # # Returns # ------- # memmap : bool # True if the source is memory mapped. # """ # return self.memory == 'memmap'; # # @memmap.setter # def memmap(self, value): # if value is True: # self.memory == 'memmap'; # elif self.memory == 'memmap': # self.memory = None; ### Functionality
[docs] def exists(self): if self.location is not None: return fu.is_file(self.location); else: return False;
### Source conversions
[docs] def as_virtual(self): """Return virtual source without array data to pass in parallel processing. Returns ------- source : Source class The source class without array data. """ #return VirtualSource(source = self.source); raise NotImplementedError('virtual source not implemented for this source!')
[docs] def as_real(self): return self;
[docs] def as_buffer(self): raise NotImplementedError('buffer not implemented for this source!')
[docs] def as_memory(self): return np.array(self.as_buffer());
### Data def __getitem__(self, *args): raise KeyError('No getitem routine for this source!') def __setitem__(self, *args): raise KeyError('No setitem routine for this source!')
[docs] def read(self, *args, **kwargs): raise KeyError('No read routine for this source!');
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): raise KeyError('No write routine for this source!')
### Formatting def __str__(self): try: name =; name = '%s' % name if name is not None else ''; except: #print('name') name =''; try: shape = self.shape shape ='%r' % ((shape,)) if shape is not None else ''; except: #print('shape') shape = ''; try: dtype = self.dtype; dtype = '[%s]' % dtype if dtype is not None else ''; except: #print('dtype') dtype = ''; try: order = self.order; order = '|%s|' % order if order is not None else ''; except: #print('order') order = ''; # try: # memory = self.memory; # memory = '<%s>' % memory if memory is not None else ''; # except: # memory = ''; try: location = self.location; location = '%s' % location if location is not None else ''; if len(location) > 100: location = location[:50] + '...' + location[-50:] if len(location) > 0: location = '{%s}' % location; except: #print('location') location = ''; # try: # array = self.array.__str__(); # if len(array) > 100: # e = array[100:].find('\n'); # if e != -1: # array = array[:100 + e] + '...'; # if len(array) > 0: # array = '\n' + array; # except: # array = ''; return name + shape + dtype + order + location; # + array def __repr__(self): return self.__str__();
############################################################################### ### Abstract and VirtualSource base class ############################################################################### #TODO: memory -> device argument
[docs] class AbstractSource(Source): """Abstract source to handle data sources without data in memory. Note ---- This class handles essential info about a source and to how access its data. """ #__slots__ = ('_shape', '_dtype', '_order', '_location') def __init__(self, source = None, shape = None, dtype = None, order = None, location = None, name = None): """Source class constructor. Arguments --------- shape : tuple of int or None Shape of the source, if None try to determine from source. dtype : dtype or None The data type of the source, if None try to detemrine from source. order : 'C' or 'F' or None The order of the source, c or fortran contiguous. memory : str or None The memory type of the source, 'memmap' uses memory mapped array and 'shared'returns a shared memory. location : str or None The location of the source. """ super(AbstractSource, self).__init__(name = name); if source is not None: if shape is None and hasattr(source, 'shape'): shape = source.shape; if dtype is None and hasattr(source, 'dtype'): dtype = source.dtype; if order is None and hasattr(source, 'order'): order = source.order; #if memory is None and hasattr(source, 'memory'): # memory = memory.order; if location is None and hasattr(source, 'location'): location = source.location; self._shape = ensure(shape, tuple); self._dtype = ensure(dtype, np.dtype); self._order = ensure(order, str); #self._memory = ensure(memory, str); self._location = ensure(location, str); @property def shape(self): """The shape of the source. Returns ------- shape : tuple The shape of the source. """ return self._shape; @shape.setter def shape(self, value): self._shape = ensure(value, tuple); @property def dtype(self): """The data type of the source. Returns ------- dtype : dtype The data type of the source. """ return self._dtype; @dtype.setter def dtype(self, value): self._dtype = ensure(value, np.dtype); @property def order(self): """The contiguous order of the data array of the source. Returns ------- order : str Returns 'C' for C and 'F' for fortran contiguous arrays, None otherwise. """ return self._order; @order.setter def order(self, value): if value not in [None, 'C', 'F']: raise ValueError("Order %r not in [None, 'C' or 'F']!" % value); self._order = ensure(value, str); @property def location(self): """The location of the source's data. Returns ------- location : str or None Returns the location of the data source or None if there is none. """ return self._location; @location.setter def location(self, value): self._location = ensure(value, str);
[docs] def as_virtual(self): return self;
[docs] def as_real(self): raise RuntimeError('The abstract source cannot be converted to a real source!')
[docs] def as_buffer(self): raise RuntimeError('The abstract source cannot be converted to a buffer!')
[docs] class VirtualSource(AbstractSource): """Virtual source to handle data sources without data in memory. Note ---- This class is fast to serialize and useful as a source pointer in parallel processing. """ def __init__(self, source = None, shape = None, dtype = None, order = None, location = None, name = None): AbstractSource.__init__(self, source=source, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order, location=location, name=name) def __getitem__(self, *args): return self.as_real().__getitem__(*args); def __setitem__(self, *args): self.as_real().__setitem__(*args);
[docs] def read(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.as_real().read(*args, **kwargs);
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): self.as_real().write(*args, **kwargs);
#def __getattr__(self, name): # return getattr(self.as_real(), name); ############################################################################### ### Tests ############################################################################### def _test(): import ClearMap.IO.Source as src #reload(src) s = src.VirtualSource(shape = (50,50), dtype = float, location = '/home/test.npy', order = 'F') print(s) s.size s.ndim