Source code for ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.Rank.Rank


Main 3d rank filter module

The package is based on the 2d skimage.filters.rank filter module.

These filters compute the local histogram at each pixel, using a sliding window
similar to the method described in [1]_. A histogram is built using a moving
window in order to limit redundant computation. The moving window follows a
snake-like path:


The local histogram is updated at each pixel as the structuring element window
moves by, i.e. only those pixels entering and leaving the structuring element
update the local histogram. The histogram size is 8-bit (256 bins) for 8-bit
images and 2- to 16-bit for 16-bit images depending on the maximum value of the

The filter is applied up to the image border, the neighborhood used is
adjusted accordingly. The user may provide a mask image (same size as input
image) where non zero values are the part of the image participating in the
histogram computation. By default the entire image is filtered.

This implementation outperforms grey.dilation for large structuring elements.

Input image can be 8-bit or 16-bit, for 16-bit input images, the number of
histogram bins is determined from the maximum value present in the image.

Result image is 8-/16-bit or double with respect to the input image and the
rank filter operation.


.. [1] Huang, T. ,Yang, G. ;  Tang, G.. "A fast two-dimensional
       median filtering algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and
       Signal Processing, Feb 1979. Volume: 27 , Issue: 1, Page(s): 13 - 18.

__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''
__note__      = "Code adpated to 3D images from skimage.filters.rank"

import warnings
import numpy as np

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io

import pyximport;

from . import RankCode as code

__all__ = ['autolevel', 'bottomhat', 'equalize', 'gradient', 'mean',
           'geometric_mean', 'subtract_mean', 'median',  'maximum', 'minimum', 'minmax', 'modal',
           'enhance_contrast', 'pop', 'threshold', 'tophat', 'noise_filter',
           'entropy', 'otsu', 'std', 'histogram']

### Rank filter

[docs] def autolevel(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Auto-level image using local histogram. This filter locally stretches the histogram of greyvalues to cover the entire range of values from "white" to "black". Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structuring element, if None use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array, if None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels in the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.autolevel, code.autolevel_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def bottomhat(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Local bottom-hat. This filter computes the morphological closing of the image and then subtracts the result from the original image. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.bottomhat, code.bottomhat_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def equalize(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Equalize image using local histogram. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.equalize, code.equalize_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def gradient(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return local gradient of an image (i.e. local maximum - local minimum). Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.gradient, code.gradient_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def mean(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return local mean. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.mean, code.mean_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def geometric_mean(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return local geometric mean. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.geometric_mean, code.geometric_mean_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def subtract_mean(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return image subtracted from its local mean. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.subtract_mean, code.subtract_mean_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def median(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return local median. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.median, code.median_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def maximum(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return local maximum. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.maximum, code.maximum_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def minimum(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return local minimum. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.minimum, code.minimum_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def minmax(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return local maximum and minimum. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.minmax, code.minmax_masked, sink_shape_per_pixel = (2,), source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def enhance_contrast(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Enhance contrast. This replaces each pixel by the local maximum if the pixel gray value is closer to the local maximum than the local minimum. Otherwise it is replaced by the local minimum. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.enhance_contrast, code.enhance_contrast_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def pop(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return the local number (population) of pixels. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.pop, code.pop_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
def sum(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Return the local sum of pixels. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.sum, code.sum_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def threshold(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Local threshold. The resulting binary mask is True if the greyvalue of the center pixel is greater than the local mean. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.threshold, code.threshold_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def tophat(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Local top-hat. This filter computes the morphological opening of the image and then subtracts the result from the original image. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.tophat, code.tophat_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def noise_filter(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Noise feature. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ # ensure that the central pixel in the structuring element is empty if selem is None: selem_cpy = np.ones((3,3,3), dtype = bool); else: selem_cpy = selem.copy(); center = tuple(int(s / 2) for s in selem.shape) selem_cpy[center] = 0; return _apply_code(code.noise_filter, code.noise_filter_masked, source=source, selem=selem_cpy, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def entropy(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Local entropy. The entropy is computed using base 2 logarithm i.e. the filter returns the minimum number of bits needed to encode the local greylevel distribution. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.entropy, code.entropy_masked, sink_dtype = float, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def otsu(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Local Otsu's threshold value for each pixel. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.otsu, code.otsu_masked, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def std(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """Local standard deviation. Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. Returns ------- sink : array The filtered array. """ return _apply_code(code.std, code.std_masked, sink_dtype=float, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, **kwargs);
[docs] def histogram(source, selem=None, sink=None, mask=None, max_bin=None): """Normalized sliding window histogram Arguments --------- source : array Input array. selem : array Structure element. If None, use a cube of size 3. sink : array Output array. If None, a new array is allocated. mask : array Optional mask, if None, the complete source is used. Pixels on the mask are zero in the output. max_bin : int or None Maximal number of bins. Returns ------- sink : array Array of the source shape pluse on extra dimension for the histogram at each pixel. """ if max_bin is None: max_bin = io.max_value(source.dtype); if max_bin >= 2**16: raise ValueError('The histograms are to large for this code to be efficient!'); parameter_index = [max_bin]; return _apply_code(code.histogram, code.histogram_masked, max_bin=max_bin, sink_shape_per_pixel=(max_bin,), sink_dtype = float, source=source, selem=selem, sink=sink, mask=mask, parameter_index=parameter_index);
############################################################################### ### Helper ############################################################################### import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.StructureElement as se def _initialize_selem(selem, ndim): if selem is None: selem = 3; if isinstance(selem, int): selem = (selem,) * ndim; if isinstance(selem, tuple): if len(selem) == 2 and isinstance(selem[0], str): form, shape = selem; selem = se.structure_element(form=form, shape=shape); else: selem = np.ones(selem, dtype = bool); selem = np.asarray(selem > 0, dtype = 'uint8'); return selem; def _apply_code(function, function_mask, source, selem = None, sink = None, sink_dtype = None, sink_shape_per_pixel = None, mask = None, max_bin = None, parameter_index = None, parameter_float = None): """Helper to apply code.""" selem = _initialize_selem(selem, source.ndim) if source.ndim > 3: raise ValueError('Source dimension %d not supported!' % source.ndim); if source.ndim != 3: source = np.asarray(source); shape_remove = [d for d in range(source.ndim, 3)]; source = source.view(); source.shape = source.shape + (1,) * (3 - source.ndim); if mask is not None: mask = np.asarray(mask); mask = mask.view(); mask.shape = mask.shape + (1,) * (3 - mask.ndim); selem = selem.view(); selem.shape = selem.shape + (1,) * (3 - selem.ndim); else: shape_remove = []; if source.dtype not in (np.uint8, np.uint16, int, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint32, np.uint64, bool): raise ValueError('The rank filter requires a source of integer type, found %r!' % source.dtype); if mask is not None: if mask.dtype == bool: mask = mask.view('uint8'); if mask.shape != source.shape: raise ValueError('Source shape %r and mask shape %r do not match!' % (source.shape, mask.shape)) if source is sink: raise ValueError("Cannot perform rank filter in place!") if sink_shape_per_pixel is None: shape_per_pixel = (1,); shape_remove += [3]; else: shape_per_pixel = sink_shape_per_pixel; if sink is None: if sink_dtype is None: sink_dtype = source.dtype sink = np.zeros(source.shape + shape_per_pixel, dtype=sink_dtype) else: if shape_per_pixel != (1,): if sink.shape != source.shape + shape_per_pixel: raise ValueError('The sink of shape %r does not have expected shape %r!' % (sink.shape, source.shape + shape_per_pixel)); if sink.shape != source.shape + shape_per_pixel: sink = sink.reshape(source.shape + shape_per_pixel) if sink.dtype == bool: s = sink.view('uint8') else: s = sink; if max_bin is None: max_bin = io.max_value(source.dtype); if max_bin >= 2**16: raise ValueError('The histograms are to large for this code to be efficient!'); bitdepth = int(np.log2(max_bin)) if bitdepth > 12: warnings.warn("Bitdepth of %d may result in bad rank filter performance." % bitdepth); if parameter_index is None: parameter_index = np.zeros(0, dtype = int); parameter_index = np.asarray([parameter_index], dtype = int).flatten(); if parameter_float is None: parameter_float = np.zeros(0, dtype = float); parameter_float = np.asarray([parameter_float], dtype = float).flatten(); #print(source.__class__, source.dtype, s.__class__, s.dtype, structural_element.dtype, max_bin); #if mask is not None: # print(mask.dtype) #print(source.shape, s.shape, structural_element.shape); if mask is None: function(source=source, selem=selem, sink=s, max_bin=max_bin, p=parameter_index, q=parameter_float); else: function_mask(source=source, selem=selem, mask=mask, sink=s, max_bin=max_bin, p=parameter_index, q=parameter_float); if len(shape_remove) > 0: shape = tuple(s for d,s in enumerate(sink.shape) if d not in shape_remove); sink = sink.reshape(shape); return sink ############################################################################### ### Tests ############################################################################### def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.Rank.Rank as rnk reload(rnk) import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tfs; data = np.asarray(tfs.source('vr')[:100,:100,50], dtype = float); data = np.asarray(255 * data / data.max(), dtype = 'uint8'); funcs = rnk.__all__[:-1]; n = len(funcs); m = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))); p = int(np.ceil(float(n)/m)); import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.figure(1); plt.clf(); ax = plt.subplot(m,p,1); plt.imshow(data); plt.title('original') for i,f in enumerate(funcs): func = eval('rnk.' + f); res = func(data, selem=np.ones((5,5,5), dtype = bool)); plt.subplot(m,p,i+2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax); plt.imshow(res); plt.title(f); plt.tight_layout() #masked version mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype = bool); mask[30:60, 30:60] = True; import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.figure(2); plt.clf(); ax = plt.subplot(m,p,1); plt.imshow(data); plt.title('original') for i,f in enumerate(funcs): func = eval('rnk.' + f); res = func(data, selem=np.ones((5,5), dtype = bool), mask=mask); plt.subplot(m,p,i+2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax); plt.imshow(res); plt.title(f); plt.tight_layout()