Source code for ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.Vector.Vector


Module to compute filters on vector/direction fields

Used for filtering orientation and fiber data.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2023 by Christoph Kirst'

import numpy as np

from ..StructureElement import sphere
from .VectorStructureElement import vectors_to_neighbours

import pyximport

pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()}, reload_support=True)

from . import VectorCode as code

# Vector filters

[docs] def similarity(vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset=None, weights=None, sink=None): """Compute sum of scalar products of the center vector with neighbouring vectors defined by the structural element. Arguments --------- vectors : array Input vector field array. structural_element: array or str Structural element specification. structural_element_offset : tuple or None Structural element offset weights : None or array Weights for each vector in the vector field. sink : array Output, if None, a new array is allocated. Returns ------- sink : array Filtered output. Algorithm --------- For each center voxel compute the scalar products of the center vector with the neighbouring vectors defined by the structural element and sum. """ if weights is None: return _apply_code(code.similarity, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink) else: return _apply_code(code.similarity_weighted, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink)
[docs] def alignment(vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset=None, weights=None, sink=None): """Compute alignment of central vector with neighboring vectors. Arguments --------- vectors : array Input vector field array. structural_element: array or str Structural element specification. structural_element_offset : tuple or None Structural element offset weights : None or array Weights for each vector in the vector field. sink : array Output, if None, a new array is allocated. Returns ------- sink : array Filtered output. Algorithm --------- For each central voxel 1. compute a set of weights to neighboring vectors via the scalar product of the central vector with the structural element vectors 2. compute the scalar product of the central vector with the neighbouring vectors 3. from the weighed sum """ if weights is None: return _apply_code(code.alignment, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink) else: return _apply_code(code.alignment_weighted, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink)
[docs] def orientation(vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset=None, weights=None, sink=None): """Compute orientation alignment of central vector with neighboring vectors. Arguments --------- vectors : array Input vector field array. structural_element: array or str Structural element specification. structural_element_offset : tuple or None Structural element offset weights : None or array Weights for each vector in the vector field. sink : array Output, if None, a new array is allocated. Returns ------- sink : array Filtered output. Algorithm --------- For each central voxel 1. compute a set of matched orientation weights to neighboring vectors via the absolute value scalar product of the central vector with the structural element vectors (e.g. direction vectors from center), and further multiply by the input weights for the vectors. 2. compute the absolute value of the scalar product of the central vector with the neighbouring vectors 3. from the weighed sum """ if weights is None: return _apply_code(code.orientation, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink) else: return _apply_code(code.orientation_weighted, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink)
[docs] def orientation_ellipsoid(vectors, weights=None, max_radius=5, scales=(2,1), sink=None): """Compute orientation alignment of central vector with neighboring vectors. Arguments --------- vectors : array Input vector field array. weights : None or array Weights for each vector in the vector field. max_radius : float The maximal radius of the ellipse scales : tuple or list A tuple (s1,s2) with s1 for the scale of the mayor axis and s2 the scale for the 2 minor axes of the ellipsoid. sink : array Output, if None, a new array is allocated. Returns ------- sink : array Filtered output. Algorithm --------- For each central voxel 1. compute a set of matched orientation weights to neighboring vectors via the absolute value scalar product of the central vector with the structural element vectors (e.g. direction vectors from center), and further multiply by the input weights for the vectors. 2. compute the absolute value of the scalar product of the central vector with the neighbouring vectors 3. from the weighed sum """ if not hasattr(scales, '__len__') or len(scales) != 2: raise ValueError('scales must be a tuple or list of two elements, found %r' % (scales,)) radius = max_radius / np.max(scales) parameter = tuple(scales) + (radius,) # compute structural element that fits ellipsoid shape = (int(radius * np.max(scales))-1,) * 3 structural_element = sphere(shape) structural_element_offset = None if weights is None: return _apply_code(code.orientation_ellipsoid, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink, parameter=parameter) else: return _apply_code(code.orientation_ellipsoid_weighted, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink, parameter=parameter)
######################################################################################################################## # Helpers ######################################################################################################################## def _apply_code(function, vectors, structural_element, structural_element_offset, weights, sink=None, sink_dtype=None, sink_shape_per_pixel=None, parameter=None): """Helper to apply the core functions""" if vectors.ndim != 4: raise ValueError('The vector field is assumed to be 4d array, found %dd!' % (vectors.ndim,)) shape = vectors.shape[:-1] if isinstance(structural_element, tuple) and len(structural_element) == 2 and \ structural_element[0] == 'relative_distance': structural_element_shape = (structural_element[1],) * 3 structural_element, _, _ = vectors_to_neighbours(structural_element_shape, reshape=False, rescale=True, max_radius='sphere') if structural_element.ndim == 3: structural_element = structural_element[..., np.newaxis] structural_element_index = np.array(np.array(np.where(np.sum(structural_element != 0, axis=-1))).T) structural_element_vector = structural_element[structural_element_index[:, 0], structural_element_index[:, 1], structural_element_index[:, 2]] if structural_element_offset is None: structural_element_offset = np.array(structural_element.shape[:3]) // 2 structural_element_offset = np.array(structural_element_offset, dtype=int) if weights is not None: if weights.shape != shape: raise ValueError( 'The weights do not match the shape of the vector field %r != %r!' % (weights.shape, shape)) if sink_shape_per_pixel is None: shape_per_pixel = (1,) else: shape_per_pixel = sink_shape_per_pixel if sink is None: if sink_dtype is None: sink_dtype = float sink = np.zeros(shape + shape_per_pixel, dtype=sink_dtype, order='F') else: if shape_per_pixel != (1,): if sink.shape != shape + shape_per_pixel: raise ValueError( 'The sink of shape %r does not have expected shape %r!' % (sink.shape, shape + shape_per_pixel)) if sink.shape != shape + shape_per_pixel: sink = sink.reshape(shape + shape_per_pixel) if structural_element_vector.dtype != sink_dtype: structural_element_vector = np.asarray(structural_element_vector, dtype=sink_dtype) if sink.dtype == bool: sink_view = sink.view('uint8') else: sink_view = sink if parameter is None: parameter = np.zeros(0) parameter = np.asarray([parameter], dtype=float).flatten() if weights is None: function(vectors=vectors, selem_index=structural_element_index, selem_vector=structural_element_vector, selem_offset=structural_element_offset, sink=sink_view, parameter=parameter) else: function(vectors=vectors, weights=weights, selem_index=structural_element_index, selem_vector=structural_element_vector, selem_offset=structural_element_offset, sink=sink_view, parameter=parameter) if sink_shape_per_pixel is None: sink = sink.reshape(sink.shape[:-1]) return sink ######################################################################################################################## # Tests ######################################################################################################################## def _test(): # %gui qt import numpy as np import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.Vector.Vector as vec import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.Vector.VectorStructureElement as vse import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.StructureElement as se import ClearMap.Visualization.PyVista.plot as pvp import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d print('done') from importlib import reload reload(vec.code) reload(vec) # axon along x axis vectors = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 3)) vectors[:, 4:7, 4:7, 0] = 1 vectors[:5] *= -1 # similarity selem = se.sphere((3,3,3)) > 0 filtered = vec.similarity(vectors, selem) #pvp.plot_3d_volume(filtered) p3d.plot({'source' : filtered, 'vectors': vectors}) # orientation ellipsoid filter filtered = vec.orientation_ellipsoid(vectors, scales=(5,0.5), max_radius=10) p3d.plot({'source': filtered, 'vectors': vectors}) p3d.close(all) # real data filtered = vec.orientation_ellipsoid(o, scales=(4, 1), max_radius=6, weights=a3) p3d.plot([a3, filtered, {'source': filtered, 'orientations': o}]) # structural_element def rescale(x): return 1.0/x**2 structure, lengths, valid = vse.vectors_to_neighbours((7, 7, 7), reshape=False, rescale=rescale, max_radius='sphere') p = pvp.plot_volumetric_vector_field(structure) p.show_grid() # orientation weights central_vector = np.array([1,1,0]) weights = np.abs(structure @ central_vector) / np.linalg.norm(central_vector) nrm = np.linalg.norm(structure, axis=-1) valid = nrm > 0 weights[valid] = weights[valid] / nrm[valid] weights = weights**5 weights = weights * nrm pvp.plot_3d_volume(weights) p3d.plot(weights) p3d.plot(nrm) filtered = vec.alignment(vectors=vectors, selem=selem) print('done') # %gui qt p = p3d.plot_volumetric_vector_field(selem) p.show_grid() p = p3d.plot_volumetric_vector_field(vectors) p.show_grid() # %gui qt p3d.plot_3d_volume(filtered) weights = np.random.rand(*vectors.shape[:-1]) filtered = vec.alignment(vectors=vectors, selem=selem, weights=weights) print('done')