This morphological reconstruction routine was adapted from
`CellProfiler <http://www.cellprofiler.org>`_.
Original author: Lee Kamentsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Modifed by Christoph Kirst for ClearMap integration.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <christoph.kirst.ck@gmail.com>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = 'http://idisco.info'
__download__ = 'http://www.github.com/ChristophKirst/ClearMap2'
import numpy as np
from skimage.filters._rank_order import rank_order
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.StructureElement as se
import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr
import ClearMap.Utils.HierarchicalDict as hdict
### Grey reconstruction
def reconstruct(seed, mask = None, method = 'dilation', selem = None, offset = None):
"""Performs a morphological reconstruction of an image.
seed : array
Seed image to be dilated or eroded.
mask : array
Maximum (dilation) / minimum (erosion) allowed
method : {'dilation'|'erosion'}
The method to use.
selem : array
Structuring element.
offset : array or None
The offset of the structuring element, None is centered.
reconstructed : array
Result of morphological reconstruction.
Reconstruction uses a seed image, which specifies the values
to dilate and a mask image that gives the maximum allowed dilated value at
each pixel.
The algorithm is taken from [1]_. Applications for greyscale
reconstruction are discussed in [2]_ and [3]_.
Effectively operates on 2d images.
.. [1] Robinson, "Efficient morphological reconstruction: a downhill
filter", Pattern Recognition Letters 25 (2004) 1759-1767.
.. [2] Vincent, L., "Morphological Grayscale Reconstruction in Image
Analysis: Applications and Efficient Algorithms", IEEE Transactions
on Image Processing (1993)
.. [3] Soille, P., "Morphological Image Analysis: Principles and
Applications", Chapter 6, 2nd edition (2003), ISBN 3540429883.
if mask is None:
mask = seed.copy();
if seed.shape != mask.shape:
raise ValueError('Seed shape % and mask shape %r do not match' % (seed.shape, mask.shape))
if method == 'dilation' and np.any(seed > mask):
raise ValueError("Intensity of seed image must be less than that "
"of the mask image for reconstruction by dilation.")
elif method == 'erosion' and np.any(seed < mask):
raise ValueError("Intensity of seed image must be greater than that "
"of the mask image for reconstruction by erosion.")
from skimage.morphology._greyreconstruct import reconstruction_loop
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("_greyreconstruct extension not available.")
if selem is None:
selem = np.ones([3] * seed.ndim, dtype=bool)
selem = selem.copy()
if offset is None:
if not all([d % 2 == 1 for d in selem.shape]):
ValueError("Footprint dimensions must all be odd")
offset = np.array([d // 2 for d in selem.shape])
# Cross out the center of the structural_element
selem[tuple(slice(d, d + 1) for d in offset)] = False
# Make padding for edges of reconstructed image so we can ignore boundaries
padding = (np.array(selem.shape) / 2).astype(int)
dims = np.zeros(seed.ndim + 1, dtype=int)
dims[1:] = np.array(seed.shape) + 2 * padding
dims[0] = 2
inside_slices = tuple(slice(p, -p) for p in padding)
# Set padded region to minimum image intensity and mask along first axis so
# we can interleave image and mask pixels when sorting.
if method == 'dilation':
pad_value = np.min(seed)
elif method == 'erosion':
pad_value = np.max(seed)
images = np.ones(dims, dtype = seed.dtype) * pad_value
images[(0,) + inside_slices] = seed
images[(1,) + inside_slices] = mask
# Create a list of strides across the array to get the neighbors within
# a flattened array
value_stride = np.array(images.strides[1:]) / images.dtype.itemsize
image_stride = images.strides[0] // images.dtype.itemsize
selem_mgrid = np.mgrid[[slice(-o, d - o)
for d, o in zip(selem.shape, offset)]]
selem_offsets = selem_mgrid[:, selem].transpose()
nb_strides = np.array([np.sum(value_stride * selem_offset)
for selem_offset in selem_offsets], np.int32)
images = images.flatten()
# Erosion goes smallest to largest; dilation goes largest to smallest.
index_sorted = np.argsort(images).astype(np.int32)
if method == 'dilation':
index_sorted = index_sorted[::-1]
# Make a linked list of pixels sorted by value. -1 is the list terminator.
prev = -np.ones(len(images), np.int32)
next = -np.ones(len(images), np.int32)
prev[index_sorted[1:]] = index_sorted[:-1]
next[index_sorted[:-1]] = index_sorted[1:]
# Cython inner-loop compares the rank of pixel values.
if method == 'dilation':
value_rank, value_map = rank_order(images)
elif method == 'erosion':
value_rank, value_map = rank_order(-images)
value_map = -value_map
start = index_sorted[0]
reconstruction_loop(value_rank, prev, next, nb_strides, start, image_stride)
# Reshape reconstructed image to original image shape and remove padding.
rec_img = value_map[value_rank[:image_stride]]
rec_img.shape = np.array(seed.shape) + 2 * padding
return rec_img[inside_slices]
def grey_reconstruct(source, mask = None, sink = None, method = None, shape = 3, verbose = False):
"""Calculates the grey reconstruction of the image
source : array
The source image data.
method : 'dilation' or 'erosion' or None
The mehtjod to use, if None return original image.
shape : in or tuple
Shape of the strucuturing element for the grey reconstruction.
verbose : boo;
If True, print progress info.
reconstructed: array
Grey reconstructed image.
The reconstruction is done slice by slice along the z-axis.
if verbose:
timer = tmr.Timer();
hdict.pprint(head='Grey reconstruction', method=method, shape=shape)
if method is None:
return source;
if sink is None:
sink = np.empty(source.shape, dtype=source.dtype);
# background subtraction in each slice
selem = se.structure_element(form='Disk', shape=shape, ndim=2).astype('uint8');
for z in range(source.shape[2]):
#img[:,:,z] = img[:,:,z] - grey_opening(img[:,:,z], structure = structureElement('Disk', (30,30)));
#img[:,:,z] = img[:,:,z] - morph.grey_opening(img[:,:,z], structure = self.structureELement('Disk', (150,150)));
sink[:,:,z] = source[:,:,z] - reconstruct(source[:,:,z], mask=mask[:,:,z], method=method, selem=selem)
if verbose:
timer.print_elapsed_time('Grey reconstruction');
return sink
### Test
def _test():
import numpy as np
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.GreyReconstruction as gr
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d
x = np.random.rand(*(200,200,10));
r = gr.grey_reconstruct(x, mask=0.5 * x, method='erosion', shape=3);