Source code for ClearMap.ImageProcessing.IlluminationCorrection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The module provides a function to correct systematic illumination variations
and vignetting in intensity.

The intensity image :math:`I(x)` given a flat field :math:`F(x)` and 
a background :math:`B(x)` the image is corrected to :math:`C(x)` as:
.. math:
   C(x) = \\frac{I(x) - B(x)}{F(x) - B(x)}

The module also has functionality to create flat field corections from measured 
intensity changes in a single direction, useful e.g. for lightsheet images,
see e.g. :func:`flatfield_from_regression`.

..[LSM] Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, p. 421
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import numpy as np
import os

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr
import ClearMap.Utils.HierarchicalDict as hdict

import ClearMap.Settings as settings

### Default parameter

default_flat_field_line_file_name = os.path.join(settings.resources_path, "Microscope/lightsheet_flatfield_correction.csv");
"""Default file of points along the illumination changing line for the flat field correction

See Also:

### Illuminaton correction

[docs] def correct_illumination(source, flatfield = None, background = None, scaling = None, dtype = None, verbose = False): """Correct illumination and background. Arguments --------- source : array, str, or Source The image to correct for illumination. sink : array, str, Source, or None The sink to write results to. flatfield : str, array, Source or None The flatfield estimate. If None, no flat field correction is done. background : str, array, Source or None The background estimate. If None, background is assumed to be zero. scaling : float, 'max', 'mean' or None Scale the corrected result by this factor. If 'max' or 'mean' scale the result to match the 'max' or 'mean'. If None, don't scale the result. dtype : dtype Data type for output. verbose : bool If true, print progress information. Returns ------- corrected : array Illumination corrected image. Note ---- The intensity image :math:`I(x)` given a flat field :math:`F(x)` and a background :math:`B(x)` image is corrected to :math:`C(x)` as: .. math: C(x) = \\frac{I(x) - B(x)}{F(x) - B(x)} If the background is not given :math:`B(x) = 0`. The correction is done slice by slice assuming the data was collected with a light sheet microscope. The image is finally optionally scaled. References ---------- [1] Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, p 421 See Also -------- :const:`default_flatfield_line_file_name` """ if background is not None: background = io.as_source(background); if flatfield is None: return source; if flatfield is True: # default flatfield correction flatfield = default_flat_field_line_file_name; if isinstance(flatfield, str): flatfield = io.as_source(flatfield); if flatfield.ndim == 1: flatfield = flatfield_from_line(flatfield, source.shape[1]); if flatfield.shape[:2] != source.shape[:2]: raise ValueError("The flatfield shape %r does not match the source shape %r!" % (flatfield.shape[:2], source.shape[:2])); flatfield = io.as_source(flatfield); if verbose: timer = tmr.Timer(); hdict.pprint(head = 'Illumination correction:', flatfield=flatfield, background=background, scaling=scaling); #initilaize source source = io.as_source(source); if dtype is None: dtype = source.dtype; # rescale factor flatfield = flatfield.array.astype(dtype); if scaling is True: scaling = "mean"; if isinstance(scaling, str): if scaling.lower() == "mean": # scale back by average flat field correction: scaling = flatfield.mean(); elif scaling.lower() == "max": scaling = flatfield.max(); else: raise RuntimeError('Scaling not "max" or "mean" but %r!' % (scaling,)); # illumination correction in each slice corrected = np.array(source.array, dtype=dtype) if background is None: for z in range(source.shape[2]): corrected[:,:,z] = source[:,:,z] / flatfield; else: if background.shape != flatfield.shape: raise RuntimeError("Illumination correction: background does not match source shape: %r vs %r!" % (background.shape, source[:,:,0].shape)); background = background.array.astype('float32'); flatfield = (flatfield - background); for z in range(source.shape[2]): corrected[:,:,z] = (source[:,:,z] - background) / flatfield; if not scaling is None: corrected= corrected * scaling; if verbose: timer.print_elapsed_time('Illumination correction'); return corrected
[docs] def flatfield_from_line(line, shape, axis = 0, dtype = float): """Creates a 2d flat field image from a 1d line of estimated intensities. Arguments --------- line : array Array of intensities along the specified axis. shape : tuple Shape of the resulting image. axis : int Axis of the flat field line estimate. Returns ------- flatfield : array Full 2d flat field. """ line = io.as_source(line); if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (line.shape[0], shape) if axis == 0 else (shape, line.shape[0]); if shape[axis] != line.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Line shape %d does not match image shape %d!' % (line.shape[0], shape[axis])); shape = shape[axis]; flatfield = np.array([line.array] * shape, dtype=dtype) if axis == 1: flatfield = flatfield.T; return flatfield;
[docs] def flatfield_line_from_regression(source, sink = None, positions = None, method = 'polynomial', reverse = None, return_function = False, verbose = False): """Create flat field line fit from a list of positions and intensities. Arguments --------- source : str, array or Source Intensities as (n,)-vector or (n,m)-array of m intensity measurements at n points along an axis. sink : str, array, Source or None Sink for the result. positions : array, 'source' or None The positions of the soource points. If None, a linear increasing positions with equal spaccing is assumed. If 'source' take positions from first line of the source array. method : 'Gaussian' or 'Polynomial' function type for the fit. reverse : bool Reverse the line fit after fitting. return_function : bool If True, also return the fitted function. verbose :bool Print and plot information for the fit. Returns ------- fit : array Fitted intensities on points. fit_function : function Fitted function. Note ---- The fit is either to be assumed to be a 'Gaussian': .. math: I(x) = a \\exp^{- (x- x_0)^2 / (2 \\sigma)) + b" or follows a order 6 radial 'Polynomial' .. math: I(x) = a + b (x- x_0)^2 + c (x- x_0)^4 + d (x- x_0)^6 """ source = io.as_source(source); # split source if source.ndim == 1: y = np.atleast_2d(source.array); elif source.ndim == 2: if positions == 'source': positions = source[:,0]; y = source[:,1:-1]; else: y = source.array; else: raise RuntimeError('flatfield_line_from_regression: input data not a line or array of x,i data'); if positions is None: positions = np.arange(source.shape[0]) #calculate mean of the intensity measurements x = positions; ym = np.mean(y, axis = 1); if verbose > 1: plt.figure() for i in range(1,source.shape[1]): plt.plot(x, source[:,i]); plt.plot(x, ym, 'k'); if method.lower() == 'polynomial': ## fit r^6 mean = sum(ym * x)/sum(ym) def f(x,m,a,b,c,d): return a + b * (x-m)**2 + c * (x-m)**4 + d * (x-m)**6; popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, x, ym, p0 = (mean, 1, 1, 1, .1)); m = popt[0]; a = popt[1]; b = popt[2]; c = popt[3]; d = popt[4]; def fopt(x): return f(x, m = m, a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d); if verbose: print("polynomial fit: %f + %f (x- %f)^2 + %f (x- %f)^4 + %f (x- %f)^6" % (a, b, m, c, m, d, m)); else: ## Gaussian fit mean = sum(ym * x)/sum(ym) sigma = sum(ym * (x-mean)**2)/(sum(ym)) def f(x, a, m, s, b): return a * np.exp(- (x - m)**2 / 2 / s) + b; popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, x, ym, p0 = (1000, mean, sigma, 400)); a = popt[0]; m = popt[1]; s = popt[2]; b = popt[3]; def fopt(x): return f(x, a=a, m=m, s=s, b=b); if verbose: print("Gaussian fit: %f exp(- (x- %f)^2 / (2 %f)) + %f" % (a, m, s, b)); fit = fopt(x); if reverse: fit.reverse(); if verbose > 1: plt.plot(x, fit); plt.title('flatfield_line_from_regression') result = io.write(sink, fit); if return_function: result = (result, fopt) return result;
############################################################################### ### Tests ############################################################################### def _test(): """Tests""" import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.IlluminationCorrection as ic ff = ic.flatfield_from_line(ic.default_flat_field_line_file_name, 100); p3d.plot(ff)