Source code for ClearMap.ImageProcessing.LocalStatistics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module provides functions to calculate local data and statistics of an image 
and apply a function to those. It is useful for local and adaptive image 
processing of large 3d images.

The module provides ways to speed up the local statistics by only sampling
on a sub-grid of the image and resample the result to the full image shape.
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import numpy as np

import scipy.ndimage as ndi

### Local image processing 
[docs] def apply_local_function(source, function, selem=(50,50), spacing=None, step=None, interpolate=2, mask=None, fshape=None, dtype=None, return_centers=False): """Calculate local histograms on a sub-grid, apply a scalar valued function and resample to original image shape. Arguments --------- source : array The source to process. function : function Function to apply to the linear array of the local source data. If the function does not return a scalar, fshape has to be given. selem : tuple or array or None The structural element to use to extract the local image data. If tuple, use a rectangular region of this shape. If array, the array is assumed to be bool and acts as a local mask around the center point. spacing : tuple or None The spacing between sample points. If None, use shape of structural_element. step : tuple of int or None If tuple, subsample the local region by these step. Note that the structural_element is applied after this subsampling. interpolate : int or None If int, resample the result back to the original source shape using this order of interpolation. If None, return the results on the sub-grid. mask : array or None Optional mask to use. fshape : tuple or None If tuple, this is the shape of the function output. If None assumed to be (1,). dtype : dtype or None Optional data type for the result. return_centers : bool If True, additionaly return the centers of the sampling. Returns ------- local : array The reuslt of applying the function to the local samples. cetners : array Optional cttners of the sampling. """ if spacing is None: spacing = selem; shape = source.shape; ndim = len(shape); if step is None: step = (None,) * ndim if len(spacing) != ndim or len(step) != ndim: raise ValueError('Dimension mismatch in the parameters!') #histogram centers n_centers = tuple(s//h for s,h in zip(shape, spacing)) left = tuple((s - (n-1) * h)//2 for s,n,h in zip(shape, n_centers, spacing)); #center points centers = np.array(np.meshgrid(*[range(l, s, h) for l,s,h in zip(left, shape, spacing)], indexing = 'ij')); #centers = np.reshape(np.moveaxis(centers, 0, -1),(-1,len(shape))); centers = np.moveaxis(centers, 0, -1) #create result rshape = (1,) if fshape is None else fshape; rdtype = source.dtype if dtype is None else dtype; results = np.zeros(n_centers + rshape, dtype = rdtype); #calculate function centers_flat = np.reshape(centers, (-1,ndim)); results_flat = np.reshape(results, (-1,) + rshape); #structuring element if isinstance(selem, np.ndarray): selem_shape = selem.shape else: selem_shape = selem; selem = None hshape_left = tuple(h//2 for h in selem_shape); hshape_right = tuple(h - l for h,l in zip(selem_shape, hshape_left)); for result, center in zip(results_flat,centers_flat): sl = tuple(slice(max(0,c-l), min(c+r,s), d) for c,l,r,s,d in zip(center, hshape_left, hshape_right, shape, step)); if selem is None: if mask is not None: data = source[sl][mask[sl]]; else: data = source[sl].flatten(); else: slm = tuple(slice(None if c-l >= 0 else min(l-c,m), None if c+r <= s else min(m - (c + r - s), m), d) for c,l,r,s,d,m in zip(center, hshape_left, hshape_right, shape, step, selem_shape)); data = source[sl]; if mask is not None: data = data[np.logical_and(mask[sl], selem[slm])] else: data = data[selem[slm]]; #print result.shape, data.shape, function(data) result[:] = function(data); #resample if interpolate: res_shape = results.shape[:len(shape)]; zoom = tuple(float(s) / float(r) for s,r in zip(shape, res_shape)); results_flat = np.reshape(results, res_shape + (-1,)); results_flat = np.moveaxis(results_flat, -1, 0); full = np.zeros(shape + rshape, dtype = results.dtype); full_flat = np.reshape(full, shape + (-1,)); full_flat = np.moveaxis(full_flat, -1, 0); #print results_flat.shape, full_flat.shape for r,f in zip(results_flat, full_flat): f[:] = ndi.zoom(r, zoom=zoom, order = interpolate); results = full; if fshape is None: results.shape = results.shape[:-1]; if return_centers: return results, centers else: return results
[docs] def local_histogram(source, max_bin = 2**12, selem = (50,50), spacing = None, step = None, interpolate = None, mask = None, dtype = None, return_centers = False): """Calculate local histograms on a sub-grid. Arguments --------- source : array The source to process. selem : tuple or array or None The structural element to use to extract the local image data. If tuple, use a rectangular region of this shape. If array, the array is assumed to be bool and acts as a local mask around the center point. spacing : tuple or None The spacing between sample points. If None, use shape of structural_element. step : tuple of int or None If tuple, subsample the local region by these step. Note that the structural_element is applied after this subsampling. interpolate : int or None If int, resample the result back to the original source shape using this order of interpolation. If None, return the results on the sub-grid. mask : array or None Optional mask to use. max_bin : int Maximal bin value to account for. return_centers : bool If True, additionaly return the centers of the sampling. Returns ------- histograms : array The local histograms. cetners : array Optional centers of the sampling. Note ---- For speed, this function works only for uint sources as the histogram is calculated directly via the source values. The source values should be smaller than max_bin. """ def _hist(data): data, counts = np.unique(data, return_counts=True); histogram = np.zeros(max_bin, dtype=int); histogram[data] = counts; return histogram; return apply_local_function(source, selem=selem, spacing=spacing, step=step, interpolate=interpolate, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, return_centers=return_centers, function=_hist, fshape = (max_bin,));
[docs] def local_percentile(source, percentile, selem = (50,50), spacing = None, step = None, interpolate = 1, mask = None, dtype = None, return_centers = False): """Calculate local percentile. Arguments --------- source : array The source to process. percentile : float or array The percentile(s) to estimate locally. selem : tuple or array or None The structural element to use to extract the local image data. If tuple, use a rectangular region of this shape. If array, the array is assumed to be bool and acts as a local mask around the center point. spacing : tuple or None The spacing between sample points. If None, use shape of structural_element. step : tuple or int or None If tuple, subsample the local region by these steps. Note that the structural_element is applied after this subsampling. interpolate : int or None If int, resample the result back to the original source shape using this order of interpolation. If None, return the results on the sub-grid. mask : array or None Optional mask to use. return_centers : bool If True, additionally return the centers of the sampling. Returns ------- percentiles : array The local percentiles. centers : array Optional centers of the sampling. """ if isinstance(percentile, (tuple, list)): percentile = np.array([100*p for p in percentile]); fshape = (len(percentile),) def _percentile(data): if len(data) == 0: return np.array((0,) * len(percentile)); return np.percentile(data, percentile, axis = None); else: percentile = 100 * percentile; fshape = None; def _percentile(data): if len(data) == 0: return 0; return np.percentile(data, percentile, axis = None); return apply_local_function(source, selem=selem, spacing=spacing, step=step, interpolate=interpolate, mask=mask, dtype=dtype, return_centers=return_centers, function=_percentile, fshape=fshape);
############################################################################### ### Tests ############################################################################### def _test(): """Tests.""" import numpy as np import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.LocalStatistics as ls from importlib import reload reload(ls) source = np.random.rand(100,200,150) + np.arange(100)[:,None,None]; p = ls.local_percentile(source, percentile=0.5, selem=(30,30,30), interpolate=1); p3d.plot([source, p]) #def apply_histogram_function(histograms, function, shape = None, interpolation = 2): # # hist_shape = histograms.shape[:-1]; # max_bin = histograms.shape[-1]; # result = np.zeros(, dtype = float); # histograms_flat = np.reshape(histograms, (-1,max_bin)); # for i,h in enumerate(histograms_flat): # result[i] = function(h); # result.shape = hist_shape; # # if shape is not None: # zoom = tuple(float(s) / float(h) for s,h in zip(shape, hist_shape)) # result = ndi.zoom(result, zoom=zoom, order = interpolation); # # return result;