Source code for ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Defines basic 3d discrete topology utils. 

The definitions are compatible with a separable convolutional kernel with 
weights along the 3 dimensions given by:
>>> [[(2**(3**d))**k for k in range(3)] for d in range(3)]

__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'MIT License <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 by Christoph Kirst, The Rockefeller University, New York City'

import tempfile
import numpy as np

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap

### Neighbourhoods

n6 =  np.array([[[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,0]],
                [[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,0]]], dtype = bool);
"""6-Neighborhood excluding center"""

n18 = np.array([[[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]],
                [[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]]], dtype = bool);
"""18-Neighborhood excluding center"""

n26 = np.array([[[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]],
                [[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]], dtype = bool);
"""26-Neighborhood excluding center"""

### Label and Base 2 representations / indexing

[docs] def cube_labeled(center = None): """Returns an array with labels on the cube""" cube = np.zeros((3,3,3), dtype = int); if center: i = 0; else: i = 1; for z in range(3): for y in range(3): for x in range(3): if center is not None and x == 1 and y == 1 and z == 1: cube[x,y,z] = center; else: cube[x,y,z] = i; i+=1; return cube;
[docs] def cube_base_2(center = None): """Returns an array with base 2 numbers on the cube for convolution and lut matching""" cube = np.zeros((3,3,3), dtype = int); k = 0; for z in range(3): for y in range(3): for x in range(3): if center is not None and x == 1 and y ==1 and z == 1: cube[x,y,z] = center; else: cube[x,y,z] = 2**k; k+=1; return cube;
[docs] def cube_from_index(index, center = None): """Returns a boolean cube for the corresponding index""" cube = np.zeros((3,3,3), dtype = bool); d = 0; for z in range(3): for y in range(3): for x in range(3): if center is not None and x == 1 and y == 1 and z == 1: cube[x,y,z] = center; else: cube[x,y,z] = (index >> d) & 0x01; d += 1; return cube;
[docs] def cube_to_index(cube, center = None): """Returns index for a boolean cube""" return (cube_base_2(center=center) * np.array(cube)).sum()
[docs] def n_cube_indices(center = None): """Number of different cubes""" return np.sum(cube_base_2(center=center)) + 1;
[docs] def xyz_to_index(x,y,z): return x + 3 * y + 9 * z;
[docs] def xyz_from_ndex(index): index9 = index % 9; x = index9 % 3; y = index9 / 3; z = index / 9; return x,y,z
[docs] def n6_indices(dtype = 'uint8'): """Indices as 6 Neighbourhood""" xyz = np.where(n6) return np.sort(np.array(map(xyz_to_index, *xyz), dtype = dtype));
[docs] def n18_indices(dtype = 'uint8'): """Indices as 6 Neighbourhood""" xyz = np.where(n18) return np.sort(np.array(map(xyz_to_index, *xyz), dtype = dtype));
[docs] def n26_indices(dtype = 'uint8'): """Indices as 6 Neighbourhood""" xyz = np.where(n26) return np.sort(np.array(map(xyz_to_index, *xyz), dtype = dtype));
[docs] def index_kernel(axis = None, dtype='uint32'): """Separable 1d kernels to obtain configuration index.""" kernels = [np.array([(2**(3**d))**k for k in range(3)], dtype=dtype) for d in range(3)]; if axis is None: kernel = 1; for k in kernels: kernel = np.multiply.outer(kernel, k); return np.array(kernel, dtype=dtype) else: return kernels[axis];
[docs] def index_from_binary(source, sink = None, method = 'shared', dtype = 'uint32', processes = None, verbose = False): """Calculate the local 3x3x3 configuration in a binary source. Note ---- The configuration kernel is separable and convolution with it is calculated via a sequence of 1d convolutions. """ processes, timer = ap.initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='index_from_binary'); #determine configuration source, source_buffer, source_shape, source_strides, source_order = ap.initialize_source(source, as_1d=True, return_shape=True, return_strides=True, return_order=True); ndim = len(source_shape); buffer_dtype = np.result_type(source_buffer.dtype, 'uint32'); delete_files = []; if source_order == 'C': axis_range = range(ndim-1,-1,-1); axis_last = 0; else: axis_range = range(ndim); axis_last = ndim-1; for axis in axis_range: if axis == axis_last: sink, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides = ap.initialize_sink(sink=sink, as_1d=True, source=source, dtype=dtype, return_shape=True, return_strides=True); else: if method == 'shared': _, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides = ap.initialize_sink(sink=None, as_1d=True, shape=source_shape, dtype=buffer_dtype, order=source_order, return_shape=True, return_strides=True); else: location = tempfile.mktemp() + '.npy'; _, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides = ap.initialize_sink(sink=location, as_1d=True, shape=tuple(source_shape), dtype=buffer_dtype, order=source_order, return_shape=True, return_strides=True); delete_files.append(location); kernel = index_kernel(axis=axis, dtype=float); #print(source_buffer.dtype, source_buffer.shape, source_shape, source_strides, axis, sink_buffer.shape, sink_buffer.dtype, sink_strides, kernel.dtype) ap.code.correlate_1d(source_buffer, source_shape, source_strides, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides, kernel, axis, processes); source_buffer = sink_buffer; for f in delete_files: io.delete_file(f); ap.finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='index_from_binary', timer=timer); return sink;
############################################################################### ### Transformations ###############################################################################
[docs] def rotate(cube, axis = 2, steps = 0): """Rotate a cube around an axis in 90 degrees steps""" cube = cube.copy(); steps = steps % 4; if steps == 0: return cube; elif axis == 0: if steps == 1: return cube[:, ::-1, :].swapaxes(1, 2) elif steps == 2: # rotate 180 degrees around x return cube[:, ::-1, ::-1] elif steps == 3: # rotate 270 degrees around x return cube.swapaxes(1, 2)[:, ::-1, :] elif axis == 1: if steps == 1: return cube[:, :, ::-1].swapaxes(2, 0) elif steps == 2: # rotate 180 degrees around x return cube[::-1, :, ::-1] elif steps == 3: # rotate 270 degrees around x return cube.swapaxes(2, 0)[:, :, ::-1] if axis == 2: # z axis rotation if steps == 1: return cube[::-1, :, :].swapaxes(0, 1) elif steps == 2: # rotate 180 degrees around z return cube[::-1, ::-1, :] elif steps == 3: # rotate 270 degrees around z return cube.swapaxes(0, 1)[::-1, :, :]
[docs] def reflect(cube): """Generate the center point reflection.""" reflection = cube.copy(); for x in range(3): xr = 2 - x; for y in range(3): yr = 2 - y; for z in range(3): zr = 2 - z; reflection[xr,yr,zr] = cube[x,y,z]; return reflection;
[docs] def rotations6(cube): """Generate rotations in 6 main directions""" rotU = cube.copy(); rotD = rotate(cube, axis = 0, steps = 2); rotN = rotate(cube, axis = 0, steps = 1); rotS = rotate(cube, axis = 0, steps = 3); rotE = rotate(cube, axis = 1, steps = 3); rotW = rotate(cube, axis = 1, steps = 1); return [rotU, rotN, rotW, rotD, rotS, rotE];
[docs] def rotations12(cube): """Generate rotations in 12 diagonal directions""" rotUS = cube.copy(); rotUW = rotate(cube, axis = 2, steps = 1); rotUN = rotate(cube, axis = 2, steps = 2); rotUE = rotate(cube, axis = 2, steps = 3); rotDS = rotate(cube, axis = 1, steps = 2); rotDW = rotate(rotDS, axis = 2, steps = 1); rotDN = rotate(rotDS, axis = 2, steps = 2); rotDE = rotate(rotDS, axis = 2, steps = 3); rotSW = rotate(cube, axis = 1, steps = 1); rotSE = rotate(cube, axis = 1, steps = 3); rotNW = rotate(rotUN, axis = 1, steps = 1); rotNE = rotate(rotUN, axis = 1, steps = 3); return [rotUS, rotNE, rotDW, rotSE, rotUW, rotDN, rotSW, rotUN, rotDE, rotNW, rotUE, rotDS];
[docs] def orientations(): """Generate cubes with True voxels at each of the 13 orientations""" cube0 = np.zeros((3,3,3), dtype = bool); o1 = cube0.copy(); o1[0,1,1] = True; o2 = cube0.copy(); o2[0,2,1] = True; o3 = cube0.copy(); o3[1,2,1] = True; o4 = cube0.copy(); o4[2,2,1] = True; o5 = cube0.copy(); o5[0,0,0] = True; o6 = cube0.copy(); o6[1,0,0] = True; o7 = cube0.copy(); o7[2,0,0] = True; o8 = cube0.copy(); o8[0,1,0] = True; o9 = cube0.copy(); o9[1,1,0] = True; o10= cube0.copy(); o10[2,1,0] = True; o11= cube0.copy(); o11[0,2,0] = True; o12= cube0.copy(); o12[1,2,0] = True; o13= cube0.copy(); o13[2,2,0] = True; return [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10, o11, o12, o13];
############################################################################### ### Neighbourhood lists ###############################################################################
[docs] def neighbourhood_list(img, dtype = 'int64', verbose = False): """Return a list of x,y,z and list indices of the 26 neighbours""" if verbose: print("Generating neighbourhood..."); x,y,z = np.where(img); npts = len(x); if verbose: print('Creating labels...'); label = np.full(img.shape, -1, dtype = dtype); label[x,y,z] = np.arange(npts); # calculate indices (if many voxels this is only 27 loops!) nhood = np.full((x.shape[0],27), -1, dtype = dtype); rg = range(3); direct = 0; for xx in rg: for yy in rg: for zz in rg: if verbose: print('Filling direction %d / 27' % direct); direct+=1; w = xx + yy * 3 + zz * 9; idx = x+xx-1; idy = y+yy-1; idz = z+zz-1; nhood[:,w] = label[idx,idy,idz]; return (x,y,z,nhood);
[docs] def neighbourhood_list_delete(nhl, ids, changed = True): """Delete points in a neighbourhood list""" odirs = neighbourhood_opposing_directions(); for i,oi in odirs: nhs = nhl[ids,i]; nhi = nhs[nhs >= 0]; nhl[nhi,oi] = -1; if changed: #collect non-deleted nodes with at least one neighbour deleted change = np.unique(nhl[ids].flatten()); if len(change) > 0 and change[0] == -1: change = change[1:]; # delete remaining neighbours of deleted pixels nhl[ids] = -1; if changed: return nhl, change; else: return nhl;
[docs] def neighbourhood_opposing_directions(): """Returns a list of neighbour indices that are opposite of each other""" dirs = np.zeros((27, 2), dtype = int); opdir = np.array([2,1,0]); rg = range(3); i = 0; for xx in rg: for yy in rg: for zz in rg: #w = _xyz_to_neighbourhood[xx,yy,zz]; w = xx + yy * 3 + zz * 9; w2 = opdir[xx] + opdir[yy] * 3 + opdir[zz] * 9; dirs[i] = [w,w2]; i+=1; return dirs;
[docs] def extract_neighbourhood(img,x,y,z): """Return the neighbourhoods of the indicated voxels Arguments: img (array): the 3d image x,y,z (n array): coordinates of the voxels to extract neighbourhoods from Returns: array (nx27 array): neighbourhoods Note: Assumes borders of the image are zero so that 0<x,y,z<w,h,d ! """ nhood = np.zeros((x.shape[0],27), dtype = bool); # calculate indices (if many voxels this is only 27 loops!) for xx in range(3): for yy in range(3): for zz in range(3): #w = _xyz_to_neighbourhood[xx,yy,zz]; w = xx + 3 * yy + 9 * zz; idx = x+xx-1; idy = y+yy-1; idz = z+zz-1; nhood[:,w]=img[idx, idy, idz]; nhood.shape = (nhood.shape[0], 3, 3, 3); nhood[:, 1, 1, 1] = 0; return nhood;
############################################################################### ### Uitility ###############################################################################
[docs] def delete_border(data, value = 0): data[[0,-1],:,:] = value; data[:,[0,-1],:] = value; data[:,:,[0,-1]] = value; return data;
[docs] def check_border(data, value = 0): if np.any(data[[0,-1],:,:] != value): return False; if np.any(data[:,[0,-1],:] != value): return False; if np.any(data[:,:,[0,-1]] != value): return False; return True;
############################################################################### ### Printing ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ### Testing ############################################################################### def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as top from importlib import reload reload(top) label = top.cube_labeled(); top.print_cube(label) # Test rotations c = np.zeros((3,3,3), dtype= bool); c[1,0,0] = True; top.print_cube(c) cs = [top.rotate(c, axis = 2, steps = r) for r in range(4)]; [top.print_cube(cc) for cc in cs] reload(top) l = top.cube_labeled(); rts = top.rotations6(l); [top.print_cube(r) for r in rts] reload(top); b = top.cube_from_index(6); i = top.cube_to_index(b); print(i,6) us = np.zeros((3,3,3), dtype = int); us[1,1,2] = 1; us[1,0,1] = 1; us[1,2,0] = 2; r12 = top.rotations12(us); [top.print_cube(cc) for cc in r12] #check configuration utlity reload(top) index = 11607; source = top.cube_from_index(index); c = top.index_from_binary(source); c[1,1,1] == index x = np.random.rand(1500,500,500) > 0.6; c =top.index_from_binary(x) import numpy as np import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as top #check fortran vs c order x = np.random.rand(5,5,5) > 0.35; y = np.asanyarray(x, order='F') ix = top.index_from_binary(x) iy = top.index_from_binary(y) ax = ix.array; ay = iy.array; #%% profile import io io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 2**32 import pstats, cProfile import numpy as np import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as top x = np.ones((3000,500,1000), dtype=bool, order = 'F'); import ClearMap.IO.IO as io import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap ap.write('test.npy', x) y = io.as_source('test.npy') z = io.create('resuly.npy', shape=y.shape, order='C', dtype='uint32'); cProfile.runctx("c =top.index_from_binary(y, method='!shared', sink=z, verbose=True, processes=None)", globals(), locals(), "") s = pstats.Stats("") s.strip_dirs().sort_stats("time").print_stats() import mmap mmap.ACCESS_COPY