Source code for ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Tracing.Trace


Module to trace paths of minimal resitance between two points in a 3d array.
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'MIT License <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 by Christoph Kirst'

import os
import numpy as np

import pyximport

pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": [np.get_include(), os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))]},

import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Tracing.TraceCode as code

### Tracing

[docs] def trace(source, score, start, stop, costPerDistance = 1.0, minimumCostPerDistance = 1/60.0, tubenessMultiplier = 4.0, minimalTubeness = 0.1, returnQuality = False, maxSteps = None, verbose = False): """Trace a path in the 3d source image from start to stop Arguments ---------- srouce : array Input source. score : array A measure at each point to score a path. The higher the more likely is it that the path will go through and thus the score is a reward like measure. The cost for the path is approximately 1/score. start : array Start position. stop : array Stop position. costPerDistance : float Cost used to when estimating remaining distance. Can be used to weigh the estimated distance measure. minimalCostperDistance : float Minimal cost per distance used when tubeness measure is below this value. tubenessMultipler : float Multiply the tubeness measure by this value before estimating coadt via inverse. Can be used to weigh tubness vs. distiance measures. minimalTubeness : float Minimal tubness measure to use (note the inverse of the tubness measure is used to calculate the cost, this effectively limits the maximal cost). maxSteps : int or None Number of maximal iteration steps. Returns ------- path : 2-D array The path a list of coordinates. """ # if not source.flags.c_contiguous: # raise RuntimeError('Source array not c-contigous'); # # if not tubeness.flags.c_contiguous: # raise RuntimeError('Tubeness array not c-contigous'); if maxSteps is None: maxSteps = -1; path = code.trace(source, score, np.array(start), np.array(stop), costPerDistance, minimumCostPerDistance, tubenessMultiplier, minimalTubeness, returnQuality, maxSteps, verbose); return path;
[docs] def trace_to_mask(source, tubeness, start, mask, costPerDistance = 1.0, minimumCostPerDistance = 1/60.0, tubenessMultiplier = 4.0, minimalTubeness = 0.1, returnQuality = False, maxSteps = None, verbose = False): """Trace a path in the 3d source image from start to a point on the mask Parameters ---------- source : array Input source. tubeness : array Tubness measure used to score path start : array starting point for tracing mask : 3-D array distance array to mask (goal points on mask == 0). costPerDistance : float Cost used to when estimating remaining distance. Can be used to weigh the estimated distance measure minimalCostperDistance : float Minimal cost per distance used when tubeness measure is below this value. tubenessMultipler : float Multiply the tubeness measure by this value before estimating coadt via inverse. Can be used to weigh tubness vs. distiance measures. maxSteps : int or None Number of maximal iteration steps. Returns ------- path : 2-D array the path a list of coordinates """ # if not source.flags.c_contiguous: # raise RuntimeError('Source array not c-contigous'); # # if not tubeness.flags.c_contiguous: # raise RuntimeError('Tubeness array not c-contigous'); # # if not mask.flags.c_contiguous: # raise RuntimeError('Mask array not c-contigous'); if maxSteps is None: maxSteps = -1; #maxSteps = long(maxSteps); path = code.traceToMask(source, tubeness, np.array(start), mask, costPerDistance, minimumCostPerDistance, tubenessMultiplier, minimalTubeness, returnQuality, maxSteps, verbose); return path
def _test(): import numpy as np; import scipy.ndimage as ndi; import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.Curvature.Curvature as cur import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Tracing.Trace as trc; from importlib import reload reload(trc); #x = np.random.rand(50,50,50); #x = ndi.gaussian_filter(x, sigma = 2); x = np.load('/home/ckirst/Desktop/data.npy')[:50,:50,:50]; x = np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype = float); start, stop = [37,20,24], [27,32,38] # from collections import defaultdict # import gc # gc.collect(); #before = defaultdict(int) #after = defaultdict(int) #for i in gc.get_objects(): # before[type(i)] += 1 t = cur.tubeness(x) #reload(trc); p = trc.trace(x, t, start, stop, verbose = False); #gc.collect(); #for i in gc.get_objects(): # after[type(i)] += 1 #print [(k, after[k] - before[k]) for k in after if after[k] - before[k]] #import mem_top as mt; #print mt.mem_top(width = 150); #%% xp = np.asarray(x, dtype = int); for pp in p: xp[pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]] = 512; try: dd[0].setSource(xp); dd[1].setSource(t); except: dd = p3d.plot([xp,t]); import scipy.ndimage as ndi mask = np.zeros_like(x); mask[:,:,:40] = 1; # zeros are the goal !! dist = ndi.distance_transform_edt(mask, sampling = [1,1,1]); start = [37, 20, 25]; path = trc.traceToMask(x, t, start, dist) xp = np.asarray(x, dtype = int); for pp in path: xp[pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]] = 512; try: dd[0].setSource(xp); dd[1].setSource(t); except: dd = p3d.plot([xp,t]);