Source code for ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.Block

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The Block module provides a :mod:`~ClearMap.IO.Source` class used in parallel 
processing of very large arrays in 
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import numpy as np

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import ClearMap.IO.Slice as slc

### Block source

[docs] class Block(slc.Slice): """Block source A Block is a Slice with a sub-slice indicating the valid region to use when combining the results after block processing. Each block has a index tuple that specifies its position in the grid of blocks in which the source was split into. Each block also can carry a reference to its neighbouring blocks. See also -------- :mod:`ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.BlockProcessing` """ def __init__(self, source = None, slicing = None, valid = None, valid_slicing = None, offsets = None, index = None, iteration = None, blocks_shape = None, neighbours = None, name = None): """Constructor""" super(Block, self).__init__(source=source, slicing=slicing, name=name); if valid is None: if valid_slicing is None: if offsets is None: valid_slicing = slice(None); else: valid_slicing = _offsets_to_slicing(offsets) valid = slc.Slice(source=self, slicing=valid_slicing); if not isinstance(valid, slc.Slice): raise ValueError('The valid slice of the block is not specified correctly!'); self._valid = valid; self._index = index; self._iteration = iteration; self._blocks_shape = blocks_shape; self._neighbours = neighbours; @property def name(self): """The name of this source. Returns ------- name : str Name of this source. """ return 'Block-' +; @property def valid(self): """Return the slice of the valid region of this block. Returns ------- valid : Slice The valid slice of this block. """ return self._valid; @property def index(self): """Return the grid index of the block. Returns ------- index : tuple of ints The multi index of this block in a grid of blocks. """ return self._index; @property def blocks_shape(self): """Return the shape of the block grid this block belongs too. Returns ------- shape : tuple of ints The shape of the grid of blocks this block is part of. """ return self._blocks_shape; @property def iteration(self): """Return the index of this block in the list of all blocks to process. Returns ------- index : tuple of ints The multi index of this block in a grid of blocks. """ if self._iteration is None: if self.index is not None and self.blocks_shape is not None: return np.ravel_multi_index(self.index, self.blocks_shape); return self._iteration; @iteration.setter def iteration(self, iteration): self._iteration = iteration; @property def n_iterations(self): """Returns the number of blocks in the grid to which this block belongs. Returns ------- n_iterations : int or None The number of blocks in the block grid. """ if self.blocks_shape is not None: return; @property def neighbours(self): """Returns the neighbours of this block. Returns ------- neighbours : dict or None The neighbours of this block in the form {index : block,...} or None """ return self._neighbours; @neighbours.setter def neighbours(self, neighbours): self._neighbours = neighbours;
[docs] def as_virtual(self): return Block(source=self.source.as_virtual(), slicing=self.slicing, valid_slicing=self.valid.slicing)
[docs] def as_real(self): return Block(source=self.source.as_real(), slicing=self.slicing, valid_slicing=self.valid.slicing)
[docs] def as_memory_block(self): source = io.as_source(self.as_memory()); return Block(source=source, slicing=slice(None), valid_slicing=self.valid.slicing, index=self.index, neighbours=self.neighbours);
[docs] def iteration_info(self): """Return info string about the iteration of this block in the gird of blocks. Returns ------- info : str Info string. """ info = ''; iteration = self.iteration; if iteration is not None: info += '%d/%d' % (self.iteration, self.n_iterations); index = self.index; if index is not None: if info != '': info += '<'; info += '%r' % (index,); blocks_shape = self.blocks_shape; if blocks_shape is not None: info += '/%r' % (blocks_shape,); if info != '': info += '>' return info;
[docs] def info(self, short = True): """Return info string about this block within the grid of blocks. Returns ------- info : str Info string. """ info = self.iteration_info(); if info != '': info += ' '; if short: info += '%r@%r[%s]' % (self.shape, self.source.shape, slc._slicing_to_str(self.slicing, self.ndim)); else: info += '%r @ %r[%r]' % (self, self.source, self.slicing); return info
############################################################################### ### Helpers ############################################################################### def _offsets_to_slicing(offsets, ndim = None, shape = None): """Parses offsets into standard form ((low0, high0),(low1, high1),...).""" if shape is not None: ndim = len(shape); if not isinstance(offsets, (list, tuple)): offsets = [offsets] * (ndim or 1); if ndim is not None: if len(offsets) != ndim: raise ValueError('Offset dimension %d does not match data dimensions %d' % (len(offsets), ndim)); else: ndim = len(offsets); new_offsets = []; for d,o in enumerate(offsets): if not isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): o = [o]; o = list(o); if len(o) == 1: o = (o[0], o[0]); if len(o) != 2: raise ValueError('Offset %r in dimension %d not valid!' % (o, d)); if o[0] == 0: o[0] = None; if o[1] == 0: o[1] = None; elif isinstance(o[1], int): o[1] = -o[1]; if shape is not None: if o[0] is not None: if o[0] >= shape[d] or -o[0] > shape[d]: raise ValueError('Offset %r out of range %d in dimenion %d!' % (o, shape[d], d)); if o[1] is not None: if o[1] >= shape[d] or -o[1] > shape[d]: raise ValueError('Offset %r out of range %d in dimenion %d!' % (o, shape[d], d)); new_offsets.append(o); new_offsets = tuple(slice(o[0], o[1]) for o in new_offsets); return new_offsets; ############################################################################### ### Tests ############################################################################### def _test(): import numpy as np #analysis:ok import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.Block as blk import ClearMap.IO.IO as io source = io.as_source(np.asarray(np.random.rand(50,100,200), order = 'F')) block = blk.Block(source=source, index = (1,2,3), blocks_shape = (10,20,30)) print(block.n_iterations) print(block.iteration) print(block.iteration_info())