Source code for ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Tools for parallel processing of large arrays.

This module provides an interface to deal with large numpy arrays and speed up 
numpy routines that get very slow for data arrays above 100-500GB of size.

The implementation builds on the buffer interface used by cython.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import os
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp

import pyximport

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import ClearMap.IO.Slice as slc
import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr

pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": [np.get_include(), os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))]},

import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessingCode as code

# Default Machine Settings

default_processes = mp.cpu_count()
"""Default number of processes to use"""

default_blocks_per_process = 10
"""Default number of blocks per process to split the data.

10 blocks per process is a good choice.

default_cutoff = 20000000
"""Default size of array below which ordinary numpy is used.

Ideally test this on your machine for different array sizes.

# Lookup table transforms

[docs] def apply_lut(source, lut, sink=None, blocks=None, processes=None, verbose=False): """Transforms the source via a lookup table. Arguments --------- source : array The source array. lut : array The lookup table. sink : array or None The result array, if none an array is created. blocks : int or None: Number of blocks to use, if None use `blocks=default_blocks_per_process * processes` processes : None or int Number of processes to use, if None use number of cpus. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- sink : array The source transformed via the lookup table. """ processes, timer, blocks = initialize_processing(processes=processes, function='apply_lut', verbose=verbose, blocks=blocks, return_blocks=True) source, source_buffer = initialize_source(source, as_1d=True) lut, lut_buffer = initialize_source(lut) sink, sink_buffer = initialize_sink(sink=sink, source=source, as_1d=True, dtype=lut.dtype) code.apply_lut(source_buffer, sink_buffer, lut_buffer, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='apply_lut', timer=timer) return sink
[docs] def apply_lut_to_index(source, kernel, lut, sink=None, processes=None, verbose=False): """Correlates the source with an index kernel and returns the value of the look-up table. Arguments --------- source : array The source array. kernel : array The correlation kernel. lut : array The lookup table. sink : array or None The result array, if none an array is created. processes : None or int Number of processes to use, if None use number of cpus Returns ------- sink : array The source transformed via the lookup table. """ processes, timer = initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='apply_lut_to_index') source, source_buffer, source_shape = initialize_source(source, return_shape=True) kernel, kernel_buffer, kernel_shape = initialize_source(kernel, return_shape=True) sink, sink_buffer, sink_shape = initialize_sink(sink=sink, dtype=lut.dtype, source=source, return_shape=True) lut, lut_buffer = initialize_source(lut) if len(source_shape) != 3 or len(kernel_shape) != 3 or len(sink_shape) != 3: raise NotImplementedError( 'apply_lut_index not implemented for non 3d sources, found %d dimensions!' % len(source_shape)) code.apply_lut_to_index_3d(source_buffer, kernel_buffer, lut_buffer, sink_buffer, processes=processes) finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='apply_lut_to_index', timer=timer) return sink
############################################################################### ### Correlation ###############################################################################
[docs] def correlate1d(source, kernel, sink = None, axis=0, processes=None, verbose=False): """Correlates the source along the given axis wih ta 1d kernel. Arguments --------- source : array The source array. lut : array The lookup table. sink : array or None The result array, if none an array is created. processes : None or int Number of processes to use, if None use number of cpus verbose : bool If True, print progress information. Returns ------- sink : array The source transformed via the lookup table. """ processes, timer = initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='correlate1d') source, source_buffer, source_shape, source_strides = initialize_source(source, as_1d=True, return_shape=True, return_strides=True) kernel, kernel_buffer = initialize_source(kernel) dtype = np.result_type(source_buffer.dtype, kernel_buffer.dtype) if sink is None else None sink, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides = initialize_sink(sink=sink, as_1d=True, shape=tuple(source_shape), dtype=dtype, source=source, return_shape=True, return_strides=True) kernel_buffer = np.asarray(kernel_buffer, dtype=float) code.correlate_1d(source_buffer, source_shape, source_strides, sink_buffer, sink_shape, sink_strides, kernel_buffer, axis, processes=processes) finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='correlate1d', timer=timer) return sink
############################################################################### ### Where ###############################################################################
[docs] def where(source, sink=None, blocks=None, cutoff=None, processes=None, verbose=False): """Returns the indices of the non-zero entries of the array. Arguments --------- source : array Array to search for nonzero indices. sink : array or None If not None, results is written into this array blocks : int or None Number of blocks to split array into for parallel processing cutoff : int Number of elements below whih to switch to numpy.where processes : None or int Number of processes, if None use number of cpus. Returns ------- where : array Positions of the nonzero entries of the input array Note ---- Uses numpy.where if there is no match of dimension implemented! """ source, source_buffer = initialize_source(source) ndim = source_buffer.ndim if not ndim in [1,2,3]: raise Warning('Using numpy.where for dimension %d!' % (ndim,)) return io.as_source(np.vstack(np.where(source_buffer)).T) processes, timer, blocks = initialize_processing(processes=processes, function='where', verbose=verbose, blocks=blocks, return_blocks=True) if cutoff is None: cutoff = 1 cutoff = min(1, cutoff) if source_buffer.size <= cutoff: result = np.vstack(np.where(source_buffer)).T if sink is None: sink = io.as_source(result) else: sink, sink_buffer = initialize_sink(sink=sink, shape=result.shape) sink[:] = result else: if ndim == 1: sums = code.block_sums_1d(source_buffer, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) elif ndim == 2: sums = code.block_sums21d(source_buffer, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) else: sums = code.block_sums_3d(source_buffer, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) if ndim == 1: sink_shape = (np.sum(sums),) else: sink_shape = (np.sum(sums), ndim) sink, sink_buffer = initialize_sink(sink=sink, shape=sink_shape, dtype=int) if ndim == 1: code.where_1d(source_buffer, where=sink_buffer, sums=sums, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) elif ndim == 2: code.where_2d(source_buffer, where=sink_buffer, sums=sums, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) else: code.where_3d(source_buffer, where=sink_buffer, sums=sums, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='where', timer=timer) return sink
[docs] def neighbours(indices, offset, processes=None, verbose=False): """Returns all pairs in a list of indices that are apart a specified offset. Arguments --------- indices : array List of indices. offset : int The offset to search for. processes : None or int Number of processes, if None use number of cpus. verbose : bool If True, print progress. Returns ------- neighbours : array List of pairs of neighbours. Note ---- This function can be used to create graphs from binary images. """ processes, timer = initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='neighbours') neighbours = code.neighbours(indices, offset=offset, processes=processes) finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, timer=timer, function='neighbours') return neighbours
############################################################################### ### IO ###############################################################################
[docs] def read(source, sink=None, slicing=None, memory=None, blocks=None, processes=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Read a large array into memory in parallel. Arguments --------- source : str or Source The source on diks to load. slicing : slice, tuple, or None Optional sublice to read. memory : 'shared; or None If 'shared', read into shared memory. blocks : int or None number of blocks to split array into for parallel processing processes : None or int number of processes, if None use number of cpus verbose : bool print info about the file to be loaded Returns ------- sink : Source class The read source in memory. """ processes, timer, blocks = initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='read', blocks=blocks, return_blocks=True) #source info source = io.as_source(source) if slicing is not None: source = slc.Slice(source=source, slicing=slicing) shape, location, dtype, order, offset = source.shape, source.location, source.dtype, source.order, source.offset if location is None: raise ValueError('The source has not valid location to read from!') if order not in ['C', 'F']: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot read in parallel from non-contigous source!') #TODO: implement parallel reader with strides ! sink, sink_buffer = initialize_sink(sink=sink, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order, memory=memory, as_1d=True), location.encode(), offset=offset, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='read', timer=timer) return sink
[docs] def write(sink, source, slicing=None, overwrite=True, blocks=None, processes=None, verbose=False): """Write a large array to disk in parallel. Arguments --------- sink : str or Source The sink on disk to write to. source : array or Source The data to write to disk. slicing : slicing or None Optional slicing for the sink to write to. overwrite : bool If True, create new file if the source specifications do not match. blocks : int or None Number of blocks to split array into for parallel processing. processes : None or int Number of processes, if None use number of cpus. verbose : bool Print info about the file to be loaded. Returns ------- sink : Source class The sink to which the source was written. """ processes, timer, blocks = initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=verbose, function='write', blocks=blocks, return_blocks=True) source, source_buffer, source_order = initialize_source(source, as_1d=True, return_order = True) try: sink = io.as_source(sink) location = sink.location except: if isinstance(sink, str): location = sink sink = None else: raise ValueError('Sink is not a valid writable sink specification!') if location is None: raise ValueError('Sink is not a valid writable sink specification!') if slicing is not None: if not io.is_file(location): raise ValueError('Cannot write a slice to a non-existent sink %s!' % location) sink = slc.Slice(source=sink, slicing=slicing) else: if io.is_file(location): mode = None if (sink.shape != source.shape or sink.dtype != source.dtype or sink.order != source_order): if overwrite: mode = 'w+' else: raise ValueError('Sink file %s exists but does not match source!') sink_shape = source.shape sink_dtype = source.dtype sink_order = source.order sink = None else: sink_shape = None sink_dtype = None sink_order = None mode = None sink = initialize_sink(sink=sink, location=location, shape=sink_shape, dtype=sink_dtype, order=sink_order, mode=mode, source=source, return_buffer=False) sink_order, sink_offset = sink.order, sink.offset if sink_order not in ['C', 'F']: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot read in parallel from non-contigous source!') if (source_order != sink_order): raise RuntimeError('Order of source %r and sink %r do not match!' % (source_order, sink_order)) #print(source_buffer.shape, location, sink_offset, blocks, processes) code.write(source_buffer, location.encode(), offset=sink_offset, blocks=blocks, processes=processes) finalize_processing(verbose=verbose, function='write', timer=timer) return sink
############################################################################### ### Utility ###############################################################################
[docs] def block_ranges(source, blocks=None, processes=None): """Ranges of evenly spaced blocks in array. Arguments --------- source : array Source to divide in blocks. blocks : int or None Number of blocks to split array into. processes : None or int Number of processes, if None use number of cpus. Returns ------- block_ranges : array List of the range boundaries """ processes, _ = initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=False) if blocks is None: blocks = processes * default_blocks_per_process size = io.size(source) blocks = min(blocks, size) return np.array(np.linspace(0, size, blocks + 1), dtype=int)
[docs] def block_sums(source, blocks=None, processes=None): """Sums of evenly spaced blocks in array. Arguments --------- source : array Array to perform the block sums on. blocks : int or None Number of blocks to split array into. processes : None or int Number of processes, if None use number of cpus. Returns ------- block_sums : array Sums of the values in the different blocks. """ processes, _ = initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=False) if blocks is None: blocks = processes * default_blocks_per_process source, source_buffer = initialize_source(source, as_1d=True) return code.block_sums_1d(source_buffer, blocks=blocks, processes=processes)
[docs] def index_neighbours(indices, offset, processes=None): """Returns all pairs of indices that are a part of a specified offset. Arguments --------- indices : array List of indices. offset : int The offset to check for. processes : None or int Number of processes, if None use number of cpus. """ processes, _ = initialize_processing(processes=processes, verbose=False) indices, indices_buffer = initialize_source(indices) return code.index_neighbours(indices_buffer, offset=offset, processes=processes)
############################################################################### ### Initialization ###############################################################################
[docs] def initialize_processing(processes=None, verbose=False, function=None, blocks=None, return_blocks=False): """Initialize parallel array processing. Arguments --------- processes : int, 'serial' or None The number of processes to use. If None use number of cpus. verbose : bool If True, print progress information. function : str or None The name of the function. Returns ------- processes : int The number of processes. timer : Timer A timer for the processing. """ if processes is None: processes = default_processes if processes == 'serial': processes = 1 if verbose: if function: print('%s: initialized!' % function) timer = tmr.Timer() else: timer = None results = (processes, timer) if return_blocks: if blocks is None: blocks = processes * default_blocks_per_process results += (blocks,) return results
[docs] def finalize_processing(verbose=False, function=None, timer=None): """Finalize parallel array processing. Arguments --------- verbose : bool If True, print progress information. function : str or None The nae of the function. timer : Timer or None A processing timer. """ if verbose: if function and timer: timer.print_elapsed_time(function)
[docs] def initialize_source(source, return_buffer=True, as_1d=False, return_shape=False, return_strides=False, return_order=False): """Initialize a source buffer for parallel array processing. Arguments --------- source : source specification The source to initialize. return_buffer : bool If True, return a buffer compatible with cython memory views. return_shape : bool If True, also return shape of the source. return_strides : bool If True, also return the element strides of the source. return_order : bool If True, also return order of the source. Returns ------- source : Source The initialized source. source_buffer The initialized source as buffer. shape : tuple of int Shape of the source. return_Strides : tuple of int Element strides of the source. """ source = io.as_source(source) if return_shape: shape = np.array(source.shape, dtype=int) if return_strides: strides = np.array(source.element_strides, dtype=int) if return_order: order = source.order if return_buffer: source_buffer = source.as_buffer() if source_buffer.dtype == bool: source_buffer = source_buffer.view('uint8') if as_1d: source_buffer = source_buffer.reshape(-1, order = 'A') result = (source,) if return_buffer: result += (source_buffer,) if return_shape: result += (shape,) if return_strides: result += (strides,) if return_order: result += (order,) if len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return result
[docs] def initialize_sink(sink=None, shape=None, dtype=None, order=None, memory=None, location=None, mode=None, source=None, return_buffer=True, as_1d=False, return_shape=False, return_strides=False): """Initialze or create a sink. Arguments --------- sink : sink specification The source to initialize. shape : tuple of int Optional shape of the sink. If None, inferred from the source. dtype : str, type or None Optional dtype of the sink. If None, inferred from the source. order : 'C', 'F' or None Optional order of the sink. If None, inferred from the source. memory : 'shared' or None If 'shared' create a shared memory sink. location : str Optional location specification of the sink. source : Source or None Optional source to infer sink specifications from. return_buffer : bool If True, return also a buffer compatible with cython memory views. return_shape : bool If True, also return shape of the sink. return_strides : bool If True, also return the element strides of the sink. Returns ------- sink : Source The initialized sink. buffer (optional) : array Buffer of the sink. shape (optional) : tuple of int Shape of the source. strides (optional) : tuple of int Element strides of the source. """ sink = io.initialize(sink, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order, memory=memory, location=location, mode=mode, like=source, as_source=True) result = (sink,) if return_buffer: buffer = sink.as_buffer() if buffer.dtype == bool: buffer = sink.view('uint8') if as_1d: buffer = buffer.reshape(-1, order = 'A') result += (buffer,) if return_shape: result += (np.array(sink.shape,dtype=int),) if return_strides: result += (np.array(sink.element_strides, dtype=int),) if len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return result
############################################################################### ### Tests ############################################################################### def _test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap ## Lookup table processing #apply_lut x = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(20,30)) lut = np.arange(100) + 1 y = ap.apply_lut(x, lut) assert np.all(y == x+1) #apply_lut_to_index import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d as t3d kernel = t3d.index_kernel(dtype=int) import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Binary.Smoothing as sm lut = sm.initialize_lookup_table() data = np.array(np.random.rand(150,30,40) > 0.75, order='F') result = ap.apply_lut_to_index(data, kernel, lut, sink=None, verbose=True) import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d p3d.plot([[data, result]]) ### Correlation #correlate1d kernel = np.array(range(11), dtype='uint32') data = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 2**27, (300, 400, 1500), dtype='uint32'), order='F') #data = np.array(np.random.rand(3,4,5), order='F'); data = np.empty((300,400,1500), order='F') kernel = np.array([1,2,3,4,5], dtype='uint8') sink = 'test.npy' import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as tmr import scipy.ndimage as ndi timer = tmr.Timer() for axis in range(3): print(axis) corr_ndi = ndi.correlate1d(data, axis=axis, mode='constant',cval=0) timer.print_elapsed_time('ndi') timer = tmr.Timer() for axis in range(3): print(axis) corr = ap.correlate1d(data, sink=sink, kernel=kernel, axis=axis, verbose=False, processes=None) timer.print_elapsed_time('ap') assert np.allclose(corr.array, corr_ndi) # IO import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ArrayProcessing as ap import numpy as np # reload(ap) data = np.random.rand(10,200,10) sink = ap.write('test.npy', data, verbose=True) assert(np.all(sink.array == data)) read ='test.npy', verbose=True) assert(np.all(read.array == data))'test.npy') # where # reload(ap) data = np.random.rand(30,20,40) > 0.5 where_np = np.array(np.where(data)).T where = ap.where(data, cutoff = 2**0) check_np = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) check = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) check_np[tuple(where_np.T)] = True check[tuple(where.array.T)] = True assert(np.all(check_np == check)) # # def setValue(data, indices, value, cutoff=defaultCutoff, processes=defaultProcesses): # """Set value at specified indices of an array # # Arguments: # data : array # array to search for nonzero indices # indices : array or None # list of indices to set # value : numeric or bool # value to set elements in data to # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # array with specified entries set to new value # # Note: # Uses numpy if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if data.ndim != 1: # raise Warning('Using numpy where for dimension %d and type %s!' % (data.ndim, data.dtype)) # data[indices] = value; # return data; # # if cutoff is None: # cutoff = 1; # cutoff = min(1, cutoff); # if data.size <= cutoff: # data[indices] = value; # return data; # # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # # if data.dtype == bool: # d = data.view('uint8') # else: # d = data; # # code.set1d(d, indices, value, processes = processes); # # return data; # # # def setArray(data, indices, values, cutoff=defaultCutoff, processes=defaultProcesses): # """Set value at specified indices of an array # # Arguments: # data : array # array to search for nonzero indices # indices : array or None # list of indices to set # values : array # values to set elements in data to # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # array with specified entries set to new value # # Note: # Uses numpy if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if data.ndim != 1: # raise Warning('Using numpy where for dimension %d and type %s!' % (data.ndim, data.dtype)) # data[indices] = values; # return data; # # if cutoff is None: # cutoff = 1; # cutoff = min(1, cutoff); # if data.size <= cutoff: # data[indices] = values; # return data; # # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # # if data.dtype == bool: # d = data.view('uint8') # else: # d = data; # # code.set1darray(d, indices, values, processes = processes); # # return data; # # # # def take(data, indices, out=None, cutoff=defaultCutoff, processes=defaultProcesses): # """Extracts the values at specified indices # # Arguments: # data : array # array to search for nonzero indices # out : array or None # if not None results is written into this array # cutoff : int # number of elements below whih to switch to numpy.where # processes : None or int # number of processes, if None use number of cpus # # Returns: # array # positions of the nonzero entries of the input array # # Note: # Uses numpy data[indices] if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if data.ndim != 1: # raise Warning('Using numpy where for dimension %d and type %s!' % (data.ndim, data.dtype)) # return data[indices]; # # if cutoff is None: # cutoff = 1; # cutoff = min(1, cutoff); # if data.size < cutoff: # return data[indices]; # # if processes is None: # processes = defaultProcesses; # # if data.dtype == bool: # d = data.view('uint8') # else: # d = data; # # if out is None: # out = np.empty(len(indices), dtype = data.dtype); # if out.dtype == bool: # o = out.view('uint8'); # else: # o = out; # # code.take1d(d, indices, o, processes = processes); # # return out; # # # def match(match, indices, out=None): # """Matches a sorted list of 1d indices to another larger one # # Arguments: # match : array # array of indices to match to indices # indices : array or None # array of indices # # Returns: # array # array with specified entries set to new value # # Note: # Uses numpy if there is no match of dimension implemented! # """ # if match.ndim != 1: # raise ValueError('Match array dimension required to be 1d, found %d!' % (match.ndim)) # if indices.ndim != 1: # raise ValueError('Indices array dimension required to be 1d, found %d!' % (indices.ndim)) # # if out is None: # out = np.empty(len(match), dtype = match.dtype); # # code.match1d(match, indices, out); # # return out; # # # Find neighbours in an index list # # # def neighbours(indices, offset, processes=defaultProcesses): # """Returns all pairs of indices that are apart a specified offset""" # return code.neighbours(indices, offset = offset, processes = processes); # # # def findNeighbours(indices, center, shape, strides, mask): # """Finds all indices within a specified kernel region centered at a point""" # # if len(strides) != 3 or len(shape) != 3 or (strides[0] != 1 and strides[2] != 1): # raise RuntimeError('only 3d C or F contiguous arrays suported'); # # if isinstance(mask, int): # mask = (mask,); # if isinstance(mask, tuple): # mask = mask * 3; # return code.neighbourlistRadius(indices, center, shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], # strides[0], strides[1], strides[2], # mask[0], mask[1], mask[2]); # else: # if mask.dtype == bool: # mask = mask.view(dtype = 'uint8'); # # return code.neighbourlistMask(indices, center, shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], strides[0], strides[1], strides[2], mask);