Source code for ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ConvolvePointList

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Convolution on a subset of points only. 

Paralllel convolution of a kernel at specified points of the source only.
Useful to speed up processing in large arrays and only a smaller number of 
convolution points.

  This module is heavily used in the 
  :mod"`~ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Skeletonization` algorithm.
__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''

import numpy as np;
from multiprocessing import cpu_count;

import ClearMap.IO.IO as io

import pyximport; 
pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": [np.get_include()]}, reload_support=True)

import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.ConvolvePointListCode as code

### Convolve point lists

#TODO: use ArrayProcessing initialization tools 
[docs] def convolve_3d(source, kernel, points = None, indices = None, x = None, y = None, z = None, sink = None, sink_dtype = None, strides = None, check_border = True, processes = cpu_count()): """Convolves source with a specified kernel at specific points only. Arguments --------- source : array 3d binary array to convolve. kernel : array Convolution kernel. points : array List of points to convolve. indices : array Indices to convolve. x,y,z : array Arrays of x,y,z coordinates of points to convolve on sink : array Optional sink to write result to. sink_dtype : dtype) Optional type of the sink. If None, the kernel type is used as default. strides : array The strides of the source in case its given as a 1d list. check_border : bool If True, check if each kernel element is inside the source array shape. processes : int or None Number of processes to use. Returns ------- convolved : array List of results of convolution at specified points Note ---- Either points x,y,z or an index array needs to be given. This function wraps more specialized functions See also -------- convolve_3d_points, convolve_3d_xyz, convolve_3d_indices """ if points is not None and points.ndim == 1: indices = points; points = None; if points is not None: return convolve_3d_points(source, kernel, points, sink = sink, sink_dtype = sink_dtype, check_border = check_border, processes = processes); elif indices is not None: return convolve_3d_indices(source, kernel, indices, sink = sink, sink_dtype = sink_dtype, check_border = check_border, processes = processes); elif x is not None and y is not None and z is not None: return convolve_3d_xyz(source, kernel, x, y, z, sink = sink, sink_dtype = sink_dtype, check_border = check_border, processes = processes); else: raise RuntimeError('Positions expected to be given as points, index or x,y,z arrays');
[docs] def convolve_3d_points(source, kernel, points, sink = None, sink_dtype = None, check_border = True, processes = cpu_count()): """Convolves source with a specified kernel at specific points only Arguments --------- source : array 3d binary array to convolve. kernel : array Convolution kernel. points : array List of points to convolve. sink : array Optional sink to write result to. sink_dtype : dtype) Optional type of the sink. If None, the kernel type is used as default. check_border : bool If True, check if each kernel element is inside the source array shape. processes : int or None Number of processes to use. Returns ------- convolved : array List of results of convolution at specified points """ if source.dtype == bool: d = source.view('uint8'); else: d = source; npts = points.shape[0]; if sink is None: if sink_dtype is None: sink_dtype = kernel.dtype; sink = np.zeros(npts, dtype = sink_dtype); if sink.shape[0] != npts: raise RuntimeError('The sinkput has not the expected size of %d but %d' % (npts, sink.shape[0])); if sink.dtype == bool: o = sink.view('uint8'); else: o = sink; if kernel.dtype == bool: k = np.array(kernel, 'uint8'); else: k = kernel; if processes is None: processes = cpu_count(); if check_border: code.convolve_3d_points(d, k, points, o, processes); else: code.convolve_3d_points_no_check(d, k, points, o, processes); return sink;
[docs] def convolve_3d_xyz(source, kernel, x, y, z, sink = None, sink_dtype = None, check_border = True, processes = cpu_count()): """Convolves source with a specified kernel at specific points only Arguments --------- source : array 3d binary array to convolve. kernel : array Convolution kernel. x,y,z : array Arrays of x,y,z coordinates of points to convolve on sink : array Optional sink to write result to. sink_dtype : dtype) Optional type of the sink. If None, the kernel type is used as default. check_border : bool If True, check if each kernel element is inside the source array shape. processes : int or None Number of processes to use. Returns ------- convolved : array List of results of convolution. """ if source.dtype == bool: d = source.view('uint8'); else: d = source; npts = len(x); if sink is None: if sink_dtype is None: sink_dtype = kernel.dtype; sink = np.zeros(npts, dtype = sink_dtype); if sink.shape[0] != npts or len(y) != npts or len(z) != npts: raise RuntimeError('The sinkput has size %d and does not match the x,y,z coordinates of sizes: %d = %d = %d' % (sink.shape[0], len(x), len(y), len(z))); if sink.dtype == bool: o = sink.view('uint8'); else: o = sink; if kernel.dtype == bool: k = np.array(kernel, 'uint8'); else: k = kernel; if processes is None: processes = cpu_count(); if check_border: code.convolve_3d_xyz(d, k, x, y, z, o, processes); else: code.convolve_3_xyz_no_check(d, k, x, y, z, o, processes); return sink;
[docs] def convolve_3d_indices(source, kernel, indices, sink = None, sink_dtype = None, strides = None, check_border = True, processes = cpu_count()): """Convolves source with a specified kernel at specific points given by a flat array index. Arguments --------- source : array 3d binary array to convolve. kernel : array Convolution kernel. indices : array Indices to convolve. sink : array Optional sink to write result to. sink_dtype : dtype) Optional type of the sink. If None, the kernel type is used as default. strides : array The strides of the source in case its given as a 1d list. check_border : bool If True, check if each kernel element is inside the source array shape. processes : int or None Number of processes to use. Returns ------- convolved : array List of results of convolution. """ d = source.reshape(-1, order = 'A'); if source.dtype == bool: d = d.view('uint8'); npts = indices.shape[0]; if sink is None: if sink_dtype is None: sink_dtype = kernel.dtype; sink = np.zeros(npts, dtype = sink_dtype); if sink.shape[0] != npts: raise RuntimeError('The sinkput has not the expected size of %d but %d' % (npts, sink.shape[0])); if sink.dtype == bool: o = sink.view('uint8'); else: o = sink; if kernel.dtype == bool: k = np.array(kernel, 'uint8'); else: k = kernel; if processes is None: processes = cpu_count(); if strides is None: strides = np.array(io.element_strides(source)); #print d.dtype, strides.dtype, kernel.dtype, o.dtype if check_border: code.convolve_3d_indices(d, strides, k, indices, o, processes); else: code.convolve_3d_indices_no_check(d, strides, k, indices, o, processes); return sink;
[docs] def convolve_3d_indices_if_smaller_than(source, kernel, indices, max_value, sink = None, strides = None, check_border = True, processes = cpu_count()): """Convolves source with a specified kernel at specific points given by a flat array indx under conditon the value is smaller than a number Arguments --------- source : array 3d binary array to convolve. kernel : array Convolution kernel. indices : array Indices to convolve. max_value : float Checks if the convolution result is smaller than this value. sink : array Optional sink to write result to. strides : array The strides of the source in case its given as a 1d list. check_border : bool If True, check if each kernel element is inside the source array shape. processes : int or None Number of processes to use. Returns ------- convolved : array List of results of convolution at specified points """ d = source.reshape(-1, order = 'A'); if source.dtype == bool: d = d.view('uint8'); npts = indices.shape[0]; if sink is None: sink = np.zeros(npts, dtype = bool); if sink.shape[0] != npts: raise RuntimeError('The sinkput has not the expected size of %d but %d' % (npts, sink.shape[0])); if sink.dtype == bool: o = sink.view('uint8'); else: o = sink; if kernel.dtype == bool: k = np.array(kernel, dtype = 'uint8'); else: k = kernel; if processes is None: processes = cpu_count(); if strides is None: strides = np.array(io.element_strides(source), dtype=int); #print d.dtype, strides.dtype, kernel.dtype, o.dtype if check_border: print(d.dtype, strides.dtype, k.dtype, indices.dtype, np.array(max_value).dtype, o.dtype) code.convolve_3d_indices_if_smaller_than(d, strides, k, indices, max_value, o, processes); else: code.convolve_3d_indices_if_smaller_than_no_check(d, strides, k, indices, max_value, o, processes); return sink;
[docs] def convolve_3d_find_smaller_than(source, search, indices, max_value, sink = None, processes = cpu_count()): """Convolves source with a specified kernel at specific points given by a flat array indx under conditon the value is smaller than a number Arguments: source (array): 3d binary array to convolve kernel (array): binary orinteger kernel to convolve points (array): list of points to convolve given by the flat array coordinates max_value (int): if result of convolution is smaller then this value return True otherwise False in the sink array processes (int): number of processors Returns: array: list of results of convolution at specified points Note: cython does not support bools -> use view on uint8 as numpy does """ d = source.reshape(-1, order = 'A'); if source.dtype == bool: d = d.view('uint8'); npts = indices.shape[0]; if sink is None: sink = np.zeros(npts, dtype = int); if sink.shape[0] != npts: raise RuntimeError('The sinkput has not the expected size of %d but %d' % (npts, sink.shape[0])); if sink.dtype == bool: o = sink.view('uint8'); else: o = sink; if processes is None: processes = cpu_count(); code.convolve_3d_find_smaller_than(d, search, indices, max_value, o, processes); return sink;
############################################################################### ### Tests ###############################################################################
[docs] def test(): import numpy as np import ClearMap.sourceProcessing.ConvolvePointList as cpl from importlib import reload reload(cpl); reload(cpl.code); #source = np.random.rand(2000,1000,1000) > 0.5; source = np.random.rand(100,100,500) > 0.5; source[[0,-1],:,:] = 0; source[:,[0,-1],:] = 0; source[:,:,[0,-1]] = 0; pts = np.where(source); pts = np.array(pts, dtype = int).T;'source.npy', source);'points.npy', pts) from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Topology.Topology3d import n6 n6i = np.array(n6, dtype = int) import time; t0 = time.time(); result = cpl.convolve_3d(source, n6i, pts, processes=24, check_border = True) t1 = time.time(); print('%f secs' % ((t1-t0))); import scipy.ndimage t0 = time.time(); good = scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve(np.array(source, dtype = float), np.array(n6, dtype = float), mode = 'constant', cval = 0) t1 = time.time(); print('%f secs' % ((t1-t0))); x,y,z = pts.T if np.all(good[x,y,z].astype(result.dtype) == result): print('works') else: print('error!') ptsi = np.where(source.reshape(-1, order = 'A'))[0]; t0 = time.time(); result = cpl.convolve_3d_index(source, n6i, ptsi, processes=24) t1 = time.time(); print('%f secs' % ((t1-t0))); x,y,z = pts.T if np.all(good[x,y,z].astype(result.dtype) == result): print('works') else: print('error!') ptsi = np.where(source.reshape(-1, order = 'A'))[0]; t0 = time.time(); resultc = cpl.convolve_3d_index_if_smaller_than(source, n6i, ptsi, 3, processes=24) t1 = time.time(); print('%f secs' % ((t1-t0))); np.all(resultc == (result < 3)) x,y,z = pts.T if np.all(good[x,y,z].astype(result.dtype) == result): print('works'); else: print('error!');
#import os #os.remove('source.npy'); #os.remove('points.npy')