Source code for ClearMap.Settings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module to set *ClearMap's* internal parameter and paths to external programs.

Edit the :func:`setup` routine to point to set paths for specific hosts.

See Also
    * :const:`clearmap_path`
    * :const:`atlas_folder`
    * :const:`resources_path`
    * :const:`external_path`
    * :const:`ilastik_path`
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = ''
__download__ = ''

import os

# ## Paths

[docs] def path(): # FIXME: use inspect and rename """Returns root path to the ClearMap software. Returns ------- path : str Root path to *ClearMap*. """ f_name = os.path.split(__file__) f_name = os.path.abspath(f_name[0]) return f_name
clearmap_path = path() """Absolute path to the ClearMap's root folder.""" resources_path = os.path.join(clearmap_path, 'Resources') """Absolute path to the ClearMap's resources folder.""" atlas_folder = os.path.join(resources_path, 'Atlas') # FIXME: rename or rename others to be consistent """Absolute path to the ClearMap's atlas folder.""" external_path = os.path.join(clearmap_path, 'External') """Absolute path to the ClearMap's external program folder.""" test_path = os.path.join(clearmap_path, 'Tests') """Absolute path to the ClearMap's test folder.""" test_data_path = os.path.join(test_path, 'Data') """Absolute path to the ClearMap's test data folder.""" ############################################################################### # ## Paths to external programs and resources ############################################################################### elastix_path = os.path.join(external_path, 'elastix', 'build') """Absolute path to the elastix installation Note ---- `Elastix Webpage <>`_ """ tera_stitcher_path = None """Absolute path to the TeraStitcher installation Note ---- `TeraSticher Webpage <>`_ """ imagej_path = None # '/usr/local/' """Absolute path to the ImageJ/Fiji installation Note ---- `ImageJ/Fiji Webpage <>`_ """ ilastik_path = None # '/usr/local/ilastik/ilastik-1.2.0-Linux' """Absolute path to the Ilastik installation Note ---- `Ilastik Webpage <>`_ `Ilastik Download <>`_ """