# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module providing routines to check and convert between tag expressions.
This simplfies the handling of list of files from using regular expressions
to tag expression.
A tag is a simple placeholder for a string or number in a file name.
An expression is a filename with any number of tags.
A tag has the format <Name,Type,Width>.
* Name : str that specifies the tag name
* Type : 'I' or 'S' for integer or string, optional and defaults to 'I'
* Width : int, if given indicates a fixed width and missing digist or chars
are replaced by trailing zeros or spaces.
The module also provides functions to infer the tag expressions from a list of
file names via the function :func:`~ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression.detect`.
Expressions can also be converted to glob or regular expressions.
An example tag expression would be 'file_<X,2>_<Y,3>.npy' and would for example
match the filename 'file_01_013.npy'
>>> import ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression as te
>>> e = te.Expression('file_<X,2>_<Y,3>.npy')
>>> e.tag_names()
>>> e.glob()
>>> e.indices('file_01_013.npy')
[1, 13]
>>> e.re()
>>> e.string({'X':1, 'Y':10})
See also
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <christoph.kirst.ck@gmail.com>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = 'http://idisco.info'
__download__ = 'http://www.github.com/ChristophKirst/ClearMap2'
import copy
import re
TAG_START = '<';
TAG_END = '>';
TAG_INT = 'I';
TAG_STR = 'S';
def ttype_to_dtype(ttype):
if ttype == TAG_INT or ttype is None:
return int
elif ttype == TAG_STR:
return str;
raise ValueError('The specified tag type %r is not valid!' % ttype);
def default_tag_name(index = None):
tag = 'Tag';
if index is not None:
tag += '%d' % index;
return tag;
class Tag(object):
def __init__(self, tag = None, name = None, ttype = TAG_INT, width = None, reference = None, trange = None):
if tag is not None:
self.name = name;
self.ttype = ttype;
self.width = width;
self.reference = reference;
self.trange = trange;
def label(self, index = None):
if self.name is not None:
return self.name;
return default_tag_name(index = index)
def dtype(self):
return ttype_to_dtype(self.ttype);
def tag(self):
if self.name is not None:
t += self.name + TAG_SEPARATOR;
if self.ttype is not None:
t += self.ttype + TAG_SEPARATOR;
if self.width is not None:
t += str(self.width) + TAG_SEPARATOR;
if len(t) > len(TAG_START):
t = t[:-len(TAG_SEPARATOR)];
t += TAG_END;
return t;
def glob(self):
e = '';
if self.width != None:
if self.ttype == TAG_INT or self.ttype is None:
s = '[0-9]'
elif self.ttype == TAG_STR:
s = '?'
e += ''.join([s] * self.width);
e += '*';
return e;
def re(self, name = None):
if name is None:
name = self.name;
e = '';
if self.reference:
if name is not None:
e += '(?P=' + name + ')';
raise ValueError('Name needs to be given for a referenced tag!');
if name is not None:
e += '(?P<' + name + '>';
e += '('
if self.ttype == TAG_INT or self.ttype is None:
e += '\d';
else: # self.ttype == TAG_STR:
e += '.';
if self.width is not None:
e += '{' + str(self.width) + '}';
e += '*?';
e += ')'
return e;
def string(self, value = None):
if value is None:
return self.tag();
if self.width is None:
if self.ttype == TAG_INT or self.ttype is None:
frmt = '%d';
frmt = '%s';
if self.ttype == TAG_INT or self.ttype is None:
frmt = '%0' + str(self.width) + 'd';
frmt = '%' + str(self.width) + 's';
return frmt % value;
def string_from_index(self, index = None):
if index is not None:
if self.trange is not None:
value = self.trange[index];
value = index;
value = None;
return self.string(value=value);
def value(self, string):
return self.dtype()(string);
def index(self, value):
if self.trange is None:
if isinstance(value, str):
raise IndexError('No range to determine index for tag %r and value %r!' % (self, value));
return value;
for i,r in enumerate(self.trange):
if value == r:
return i;
raise IndexError('Value %r not in tag range %r!' % (value, self.trange));
def parse(self, tag):
if len(tag) < len(TAG_START) + len(TAG_END):
raise ValueError('The string %s is not a valid tag!' % tag)
if tag[:len(TAG_START)] != TAG_START:
raise ValueError('Expecting the tag to start with %s found %s!' % (TAG_START, tag[:len(TAG_START)]));
if tag[-len(TAG_END):] != TAG_END:
raise ValueError('Expecting the tag to end with %s found %s!' % (TAG_END, tag[-len(TAG_END):]));
tag = tag[len(TAG_START):-len(TAG_END)];
if len(tag) == 0:
values = tag.split(TAG_SEPARATOR);
if len(values) > 3:
raise ValueError('Found %d > %d tag specifications!' % (len(values), 3));
name = [];
ttype = [];
width = [];
for i,v in enumerate(values):
if i == 0: #dont expect a width specification in the first entry
raise Exception;
if v in [TAG_INT, TAG_STR]:
elif len(v) == 0:
raise ValueError('Found two tag separators without a value in between!');
if len(name) > 1:
raise ValueError('More than one name found in tag: %r' % name);
if len(ttype) > 1:
raise ValueError('More than one type found in tag: %r' % ttype);
if len(width) > 1:
raise ValueError('More than one widht found in tag: %r' % width);
name = name[0] if len(name) == 1 else None;
ttype = ttype[0] if len(ttype) == 1 else None;
width = width[0] if len(width) == 1 else None;
self.__init__(name=name, ttype=ttype, width=width);
def __str__(self):
return self.tag();
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__();
class Expression(object):
def __init__(self, pattern = None):
if isinstance(pattern, Expression):
self.pattern = copy.copy(pattern.pattern);
self.tags = copy.copy(pattern.tags);
elif isinstance(pattern, str):
if pattern is None:
pattern = [];
self.pattern = pattern;
self.tags = [p for p in pattern if isinstance(p, Tag) and not p.reference];
def tag(self):
e = '';
for p in self.pattern:
if isinstance(p, Tag):
e += p.tag();
e += p;
return e;
def re(self):
e = '';
n_tag = 0;
for p in self.pattern:
if isinstance(p, Tag):
e += p.re(name = p.label(n_tag));
n_tag +=1;
e += re.escape(p);
return e;
def glob(self, values = None):
e = '';
n_tag = 0;
for p in self.pattern:
if isinstance(p, Tag):
if values is None:
e += p.glob();
lab = p.label(n_tag);
if lab in values.keys():
e += escape_glob(p.string(value = values[lab]));
e += p.glob();
n_tag += 1;
e += escape_glob(p);
return e;
def string(self, values = None):
e = '';
n_tag = 0;
for p in self.pattern:
if isinstance(p, Tag):
if values is not None:
v = values.get(p.label(n_tag), None);
v = None;
e += p.string(value = v);
n_tag += 1;
e += p;
return e;
def values(self, string):
tags = self.tags;
search = re.compile(self.re()).search;
match = search(string);
if match is None:
return {};
d = match.groupdict();
for k,v in d.items():
for i,t in enumerate(tags):
if k == t.label(i):
v = t.dtype()(v);
d[k] = v;
return d;
def string_from_index(self, indices):
if not isinstance(indices, dict):
indices = {t.label(i) : indices[i] for i,t in enumerate(self.tags)};
e = '';
n_tag = 0;
for p in self.pattern:
if isinstance(p, Tag):
e += p.string_from_index(index = indices[p.label(n_tag)]);
n_tag += 1;
e += p;
return e;
def indices(self, string):
tags = self.tags;
search = re.compile(self.re()).search;
match = search(string);
if match is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot infer indices from string!')
d = match.groupdict();
for k,v in d.items():
for i,t in enumerate(tags):
if k == t.label(i):
v = t.index(t.dtype()(v));
d[k] = v;
indices = [d[t.label(i)] for t in tags];
return indices;
def tag_names(self):
return [t.label(i) for i,t in enumerate(self.tags)];
def __getitem__(self, i):
if isinstance(i, int):
return self.tags[i];
for j,n in enumerate(self.tag_names()):
if n == i:
return self.tags[j];
raise IndexError('No tag with name %r!' % i);
def parse(self, expression):
p = re.compile(TAG_START + '.*?' + TAG_END);
pattern = [];
tags = [];
start = 0;
for match in p.finditer(expression):
if match.start() > start:
tag = Tag(tag = match.group())
start = match.end();
if start < len(expression):
#check for references
for i,t in enumerate(tags):
if t.name is not None and t.reference is not True:
refs = [r for r in tags[i+1:] if r.name == t.name];
for r in refs:
r.reference = True;
if r.ttype is None:
r.ttype = t.ttype;
elif r.ttype != t.ttype:
raise ValueError('The reference %r has not the same type as the tag %r!' % (r,t));
if r.width is None:
r.width = t.width;
self.pattern = pattern;
self.tags = [q for q in pattern if isinstance(q, Tag) and not q.reference];
def detect(self, strings, names = None, max_check = None, with_trange = False):
if not isinstance(strings,list):
strings = [strings];
ls = [len(s) for s in strings];
for l in ls:
if l != ls[0]:
raise ValueError('Cannot infer tag expression from strings of different length!');
if max_check is None:
max_check = len(strings);
if names is None:
names = [];
#detect differences in filenames
s0 = strings[0];
tags = [];
tag_start = -1;
tag_end = -1;
for i, c in enumerate(s0):
same = True;
for s in strings[1:]:
if s[i] != c:
if i == tag_end:
tag_end += 1;
tag_start = i;
tag_end = i + 1;
if same and tag_start != -1:
tags.append((tag_start, tag_end));
tag_start = -1; tag_end = -1;
#detect trailing zeros
tags_full = [];
for t in tags:
s,e = t;
while s > 0 and s0[s-1] == '0':
s -= 1;
tags = tags_full;
#infer pattern
pattern = [];
p = 0;
for i,t in enumerate(tags):
s,e = t;
if s-p > 0:
p = e;
ttype = TAG_INT;
values = [];
for s in strings[:max_check]:
v = s[t[0]:t[1]];
v = int(v);
ttype = TAG_STR;
if not with_trange:
if len(names) > 0:
name = names.pop(0);
name = default_tag_name(i);
trange = values if with_trange else None;
pattern.append(Tag(name = name, ttype = ttype, width = t[1] - t[0], trange = trange));
if p < len(s0) > 0:
self.pattern = pattern;
self.tags = [q for q in pattern if isinstance(q, Tag) and not q.reference];
def __str__(self):
return 'TagExpression(' + self.tag() + ')';
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__();
def parse(expression):
e = Expression()
return e;
def detect(strings, names = None, max_check = None, with_trange = False):
e = Expression();
e.detect(strings=strings, names=names, max_check=max_check, with_trange=with_trange);
return e;
def escape_glob(string):
e = '';
for c in string:
if c in '?[]':
e += '[' + c + ']';
e += c;
return e;
def _test():
import ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression as te
#values and strings
t = te.parse('/test/test<X,I,4>_<Y,I,3>_<X>.tif')
s = '/test/test0010_013_0010.tif';
v = t.values(s);
s2 = t.string(v)
s == s2
t.string({'X' : 111})
t = te.parse('/test/test<X,I,4>_<Y,S>.tif');
t['Y'].trange = list('abcd')
import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tf
import glob
s = tf.io.join(tf.tif_sequence, 'sequence<I,4>.tif')
t = te.parse(s)
f = glob.glob(t.glob())
te.detect(f, names = ['X'])
t = te.detect(f, names = ['X'], with_trange = True);