Source code for ClearMap.Utils.Timer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module provides tools for timing information.


>>> import ClearMap.Utils.Timer as timer
>>> t = timer.Timer();
>>> for i in range(100000000):
>>>   x = 10 + i;
>>> t.print_elapsed_time('test')

__author__    = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__   = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Pulic License v3 (see LICENSE)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__   = ''
__download__  = ''
import time

import ClearMap.Utils.Sound as snd;

[docs] class Timer(object): """Class to stop time and print results in formatted way Attributes ---------- time : float The time since the timer was started. head : str or None Option prefix to the timing string. """ def __init__(self, head = None): self.head = head; self.start();
[docs] def start(self): """Start the timer""" self.time = time.time();
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the timer""" self.time = time.time();
[docs] def elapsed_time(self, head = None, as_string = True): """Calculate elapsed time and return as formated string Arguments --------- head : str or None Prefix to the timing string. as_string : bool If True, return as string, else return elapsed time as float. Returns ------- time : str or float The elapsed time information. """ t = time.time(); if as_string: t = self.format_time(t - self.time); if head is None: head = self.head; elif self.head is not None: head = self.head + head; if head is not None: return head + ": elapsed time: " + t; else: return "Elapsed time: " + t; else: return t - self.time;
[docs] def print_elapsed_time(self, head = None, beep = False): """Print elapsed time. Arguments --------- head : str or None Prefix to the timing string. beep : bool If True, beep in addition to print the time. """ print(self.elapsed_time(head=head), flush=True) if beep: snd.beep()
[docs] def format_time(self, t): """Format time to string. Arguments --------- t :float Time in seconds to format. Returns ------- time : str The time as 'hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds'. """ m, s = divmod(t, 60); h, m = divmod(m, 60); ms = 1000 * (s % 1); return "%d:%02d:%02d.%03d" % (h, m, s, ms);
def __str__(self): return self.elapsed_time(); def __repr__(self): return self.__str__();
[docs] def timeit(method): def timed(*args, **kw): ts = time.time() result = method(*args, **kw) te = time.time() m, s = divmod(te-ts, 60); h, m = divmod(m, 60); ms = 1000 * (s % 1); print("%r took %d:%02d:%02d.%03d" % (method.__name__, h, m, s, ms)) return result return timed
def _test(): import ClearMap.Utils.Timer_Future as timer t = timer.Timer(head = 'Testing'); for i in range(10000): x = 10 + i; t.print_elapsed_time('test') print(t)