Source code for ClearMap.Utils.array_utils

This module provides functions to remap the values of an array from one range to another.
It is essentially a fronted to optimized ``Cython`` functions.

The function remap_array_ranges is the main function of this module.
It takes as input the source array, the new array, the source ranges, and the new ranges and
returns the remapped array.
import os

import numpy as np
from pyximport import pyximport

pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": [np.get_include(), os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))]},

from ClearMap.Utils.array_utils_cy import remap_array_ranges_1_d, remap_array_ranges_2_d

[docs] def remap_array_ranges(src_array, new_array, src_ranges, new_ranges): functions_map = { 1: remap_array_ranges_1_d, 2: remap_array_ranges_2_d } if src_array.ndim not in functions_map.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Only arrays with dimensions {' or '.join([str(k) for k in functions_map.keys()])}" f" are supported") else: result = functions_map[src_array.ndim](src_array, new_array, src_ranges, new_ranges) return np.asarray(result, dtype=src_array.dtype)