Source code for ClearMap.Utils.utilities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Various utilities that do not have a specific category
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from functools import reduce
from operator import getitem

import numpy as np
import psutil

__author__ = 'Charly Rousseau <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2022 by Charly Rousseau'
__webpage__ = ''
__download__ = ''

import functools

from ClearMap.Utils.TagExpression import Expression
from ClearMap.Utils.exceptions import MissingRequirementException, SmiError

colors = {
    "WHITE": '\033[1;37m',
    "GREEN": '\033[0;32m',
    "YELLOW": '\033[1;33;48m',
    "RED": '\033[1;31;48m',
    "BLINK": '\33[5m',
    "BLINK2": '\33[6m',
    "RESET": '\033[1;37;0m'

[docs] def colorize(msg, color): color = color.upper() color = colors[color] return "{color}{msg}{reset_color}".format(color=color, msg=msg, reset_color=colors["RESET"])
[docs] def runs_on_spyder(): return any('SPYDER' in name for name in os.environ)
[docs] def runs_on_pycharm(): return "PYCHARM_HOSTED" in os.environ
[docs] def runs_on_ui(): return 'CLEARMAP_GUI_HOSTED' in os.environ
[docs] def smi_query(var_name, units=False): cmd = f'nvidia-smi --query-gpu={var_name} --format=noheader,csv' if not units: cmd += ',nounits' output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) if "Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch" in output.decode('ascii'): raise SmiError(output) return output
[docs] def get_free_v_ram(): return int(smi_query(''))
[docs] def get_percent_v_ram_use(): percent = float(smi_query('memory.used')) / float(smi_query('')) return percent * 100
[docs] def gpu_util(): gpu_percent = smi_query('utilization.gpu', units=True).decode('ascii').replace('%', '').strip() return int(gpu_percent)
[docs] def gpu_params(dest_file_path): # Uses 1 query instead of 3 because too time-consuming cmd = 'nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.used,,utilization.gpu --format=noheader,csv,nounits' cmd += f' > {dest_file_path}' subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
[docs] class CancelableProcessPoolExecutor(ProcessPoolExecutor):
[docs] def immediate_shutdown(self): with self._shutdown_lock: self._shutdown_thread = True # statuses = [psutil.Process( for _proc in self._processes.values()] terminated_procs = 0 for proc in self._processes.values(): status = psutil.Process( if status == 'sleeping': proc.terminate() terminated_procs += 1 if not terminated_procs: for proc in self._processes.values(): proc.terminate()
[docs] def is_in_range(src_array, value_range): return np.logical_and(src_array >= value_range[0], src_array <= value_range[1])
[docs] def is_iterable(obj): try: _ = iter(obj) return True except TypeError: return False
[docs] def title_to_snake(string): return re.sub('(?!^)([A-Z]+)', r'_\1', string).lower()
[docs] def backup_file(file_path): # REFACTOR: put in workspace or IO base_path, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) new_path = base_path + '.bcp' + ext shutil.copy(file_path, new_path)
[docs] def make_abs(directory, file_name): """Make file_name absolute if it is not""" if os.path.isabs(file_name): f_path = file_name else: f_path = os.path.join(directory, file_name) return f_path
[docs] def get_item_recursive(container, keys): return reduce(getitem, keys, container)
[docs] def set_item_recursive(dictionary, keys_list, val, fix_missing_keys=True): def add_keys(d, keys): if not keys: return if keys[0] not in d.keys(): d[keys[0]] = {} if keys[1:]: # if keys left add_keys(d[keys[0]], keys[1:]) if fix_missing_keys: add_keys(dictionary, keys_list[:-1]) # Fix missing keys recursively get_item_recursive(dictionary, keys_list[:-1])[keys_list[-1]] = val
[docs] def requires_files(file_paths): def decorator(func): def wraps(*args, **kwargs): instance = args[0] workspace = instance.workspace for f_p in file_paths: f_path = workspace.filename(f_p.base, prefix=f_p.prefix, postfix=f_p.postfix, extension=f_p.extension) msg = f'{type(instance).__name__}.{func.__name__} missing path: "{f_path}"' if Expression(f_path).tags: file_list = workspace.file_list(f_p.base, prefix=f_p.prefix, postfix=f_p.postfix, extension=f_p.extension) if not file_list: raise MissingRequirementException(msg + ' Pattern but no file') for f in file_list: if not os.path.exists(f): raise MissingRequirementException(msg + f' Missing tile {f}') elif not os.path.exists(f_path): raise MissingRequirementException(msg) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wraps return decorator
[docs] def check_enough_temp_space(min_temp_space=200): free = get_free_temp_space() return free // (2**30) > min_temp_space # GB
[docs] def get_free_temp_space(): _, _, free = shutil.disk_usage(tempfile.gettempdir()) return free
# FIXME: move to io
[docs] class FilePath: def __init__(self, base, prefix=None, postfix=None, extension=None): self.base = base self.prefix = prefix self.postfix = postfix self.extension = extension
[docs] def handle_deprecated_args(deprecated_args_map): """ Decorator to handle deprecated arguments by renaming them. It takes a dictionary and renames old arguments to new ones. Parameters ---------- deprecated_args_map : dict Dictionary mapping old argument names to new ones. Returns ------- """ def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): for old_arg, new_arg in deprecated_args_map.items(): if old_arg in kwargs: warnings.warn(f"The '{old_arg}' argument is deprecated, use '{new_arg}' instead.", DeprecationWarning) kwargs[new_arg] = kwargs.pop(old_arg) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def substitute_deprecated_arg(old_arg, new_arg, old_arg_name, new_arg_name): if new_arg is not None: raise ValueError(f'Cannot use both {old_arg_name} and {new_arg_name} arguments.') else: warnings.warn(f'The {old_arg_name} argument is deprecated. Use {new_arg_name} instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return old_arg
[docs] def validate_arg(arg_name, value, valid_values): """ Check if the value is in the list of valid values and raise a ValueError if not. Parameters ---------- arg_name value valid_values Returns ------- value if it is in the list of valid values, otherwise raises a ValueError """ if value not in valid_values: raise ValueError(f'Unknown {arg_name} "{value}". ' f'Supported values are "{valid_values}".') return value