Source code for ClearMap.Visualization.Color.orientation_colormap

Orientation Color Map

An accurate and intuitive orientation color map.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2022 by Christoph Kirst'

import numpy as np

WHITE = np.array([1, 1, 1])
BLACK = np.array([0, 0, 0])
RED = np.array([1, 0, 0])
GREEN = np.array([0, 1, 0])
BLUE = np.array([0, 0, 1])
YELLOW = np.array([1, 1, 0])
MAGENTA = np.array([1, 0, 1])
CYAN = np.array([0, 1, 1])


# alternative coloring

[docs] def zero_to_one(x, s=0.1, e=0.5, k=1): """Scale x from 0 to one.""" zo = np.zeros(x.shape) ids = x > e zo[ids] = 1 ids = np.logical_and(s < x, x < e) zo[ids] = (0.5 * (np.sin(np.pi * ((x[ids] - s) / (e - s) - 0.5)) + 1)) ** k return zo
[docs] def deform_1(x, s=0.25, e=0.75, h=0.9, k=1): """Deform x for more uniform perception of color gradients.""" xd = np.array(x) ids = x > s x_ids = x[ids] a = zero_to_one(x_ids, s=s, e=e, k=k) xd[ids] = (1 - a) * x_ids + a * ((1 - h) * (x_ids - s) / (1 - s) + h) return xd
[docs] def deform_xyz(x, y, z, s=0.6, e=0.8, h=0.95): """Deform xyz for more uniform perception of color gradients.""" theta = np.arctan2(y, x) phi = (np.pi / 2 - np.arccos(z)) / (np.pi / 2) phi = deform_1(phi, s=s, e=e, h=h) phi = np.pi / 2 * (1 - phi) z = np.cos(phi) sin_phi = np.sin(phi) x = sin_phi * np.cos(theta) y = sin_phi * np.sin(theta) return x, y, z
[docs] def generate_color_squares(color_z=COLOR_Z, color_xy=COLOR_XY, color_m=COLOR_M): """Generate colors for each square from the color settings.""" # colors for each square: 0,1,2,3 upper squares, 4,5,6,7 center squares color_squares = np.zeros((8, 2, 2, 3)) for i in range(4): color_squares[i][1, 1] = color_z color_squares[i][0, 0] = color_xy[i % 2] color_squares[i][0, 1] = color_m[(i - 1) % 4] color_squares[i][1, 0] = color_m[i] for i in range(4, 8): k = i - 4 color_squares[i][0, 0] = color_xy[k % 2] color_squares[i][1, 1] = color_xy[(k + 1) % 2] color_squares[i][0, 1] = color_m[k] color_squares[i][1, 0] = color_m[(k + 2) % 4] return color_squares
[docs] def orientation_color(xyz, normalize=False, deform=None, colors=(COLOR_Z, COLOR_XY, COLOR_M), verbose=False): """Orientation color for the given orientation vectors.""" color_squares = generate_color_squares(color_z=colors[0], color_xy=colors[1], color_m=colors[2]) x, y, z = np.array(xyz[..., 0]), np.array(xyz[..., 1]), np.array(xyz[..., 2]) # align to positive z invert = z < 0 x[invert] *= -1 y[invert] *= -1 z[invert] *= -1 # normalize to length 1 if normalize: norm = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) x = x / norm y = y / norm z = z / norm # deform for more uniform color perception if deform is True: deform = deform_xyz if deform: if verbose: print('deforming!') x, y, z = deform(x, y, z) theta = np.arctan2(y, x) / (2 * np.pi) + 0.5 if np.any(np.isnan(theta)): if verbose: print('encountered nans!') ids = np.isnan(theta) print(x[ids], y[ids]) theta = np.mod(theta, 1) sin_phi = 1 - z * z if verbose and np.any(sin_phi < 0): print('invalid 1-z2: ', np.sum(sin_phi)) sin_phi[sin_phi < 0] = 0 sin_phi = np.sqrt(sin_phi) # rotate to first quadrant q = np.array(4 * theta, dtype=int) theta_t = (4 * theta - q) octant = np.array(theta_t >= 0.5, dtype=int) theta_t = theta_t * np.pi / 2 x_t = np.cos(theta_t) * sin_phi y_t = np.sin(theta_t) * sin_phi # interpolation values in center squares ds = 2 * np.sqrt(1 - y_t * z + x_t * (y_t + z)) s = 0.5 - 3 / np.pi * (np.arcsin((x_t + z) / ds) + np.arcsin((z - y_t) / ds)) dt = 2 * np.sqrt(1 - x_t * z + (x_t + z) * y_t) t = -1 + 3 / np.pi * (np.arcsin((y_t + z) / dt) + np.arccos((x_t - z) / dt)) # decide upper or center squares st = np.array([s, 1 - t]) upper = np.take_along_axis(st, octant[np.newaxis, :], axis=0)[0] < 0 # upper 2nd quadrant rotate by -Pi/2 upper_octant2 = np.logical_and(upper, octant == 1) theta_t[upper_octant2] -= np.pi / 2 x_t[upper_octant2] = np.cos(theta_t[upper_octant2]) * sin_phi[upper_octant2] y_t[upper_octant2] = np.sin(theta_t[upper_octant2]) * sin_phi[upper_octant2] # calculate interpolation values in upper squares x_t_u = x_t[upper] y_t_u = y_t[upper] z_u = z[upper] dv = 2 * np.sqrt(1 - y_t_u * z_u + x_t_u * (y_t_u + z_u)) v = 0.5 - 3 / np.pi * (np.arcsin((y_t_u - z_u) / dv) + np.arcsin((x_t_u + y_t_u) / dv)) du = 2 * np.sqrt(1 - x_t_u * y_t_u + (x_t_u + y_t_u) * z_u) u = -1 + 3 / np.pi * (np.arcsin((y_t_u + z_u) / du) + np.arccos((x_t_u - y_t_u) / du)) # calculate color square id c_id = q + (1 - upper) * 4 c_id[upper_octant2] = np.mod(c_id[upper_octant2] + 1, 4) # return c_id # interpolate colors a = s b = t a[upper] = u b[upper] = v a = a[..., np.newaxis] b = b[..., np.newaxis] colors = color_squares[c_id] # shape (...,2,2,3) c = colors[..., 0, 0, :] * (1 - a) * (1 - b) + colors[..., 1, 0, :] * a * (1 - b) + colors[..., 0, 1, :] * ( 1 - a) * b + colors[..., 1, 1, :] * a * b # numeric rounding will be slightly off c[c > 1] = 1 c[c < 0] = 0 return c
_colormap_cache = None
[docs] def orientation_colormap_cache(n=200, **kwargs): global _colormap_cache import os cache_file = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'omap.npy') if _colormap_cache is None: if os.path.isfile(cache_file): _colormap_cache = np.load(cache_file) if _colormap_cache is not None and n == _colormap_cache.shape[0]: return _colormap_cache x_lin, y_lin, z_lin = [np.linspace(-1, 1, n + 1) for i in range(3)] x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x_lin, y_lin, z_lin) # zero zero = np.logical_and(x == 0, np.logical_and(y == 0, z == 0)) x[zero] = 1 xyz = np.array([x, y, z]).transpose((1, 2, 3, 0)) col = orientation_color(xyz, normalize=True, **kwargs) _colormap_cache = col, _colormap_cache) return col
[docs] def orientation_color_cached(xyz, cache=None): """Fast no interpolation between colors.""" if cache is None: cache = _colormap_cache nx, ny, nz = np.array(cache.shape[:3]) - 1 ix = np.array(xyz[..., 0] * (nx / 2) + nx / 2, dtype=int) iy = np.array(xyz[..., 1] * (ny / 2) + ny / 2, dtype=int) iz = np.array(xyz[..., 2] * (nz / 2) + nz / 2, dtype=int) colors = cache[ix, iy, iz] return colors
# util # # def orientation_vectors(shape, max_radius=None, min_radius=None, reshape=True, orientation=True, rescale=True): # """Generate vectors to all pixels in a box neighborhood.""" # # # center # center = np.array([s // 2 - 1 if s % 2 == 0 else s // 2 for s in shape]) # ranges = [np.arange(-c, c + 1) for c in center] # # if max_radius == 'sphere': # max_radius = np.min(center) # # # all vectors # vectors = np.array(np.meshgrid(*ranges, indexing='ij'), dtype=float) # # if reshape: # vectors = vectors.reshape(len(shape), -1).T # else: # vectors = vectors.transpose(tuple(d for d in range(1, len(shape) + 1)) + (0,)) # # # length weights # is this a good measure? # lengths = np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=-1) # # # valid # if min_radius is None: # min_radius = 0 # valid = lengths > min_radius # if max_radius is not None: # valid = np.logical_and(valid, lengths <= max_radius) # # # orientation # if orientation: # # invert z < 0 # vectors[vectors[..., 2] < 0, :] *= -1 # # invert z = 0, y < 0 # ids0 = vectors[..., 2] == 0 # vectors[np.logical_and(ids0, vectors[..., 1] < 0), :] *= -1 # # invert z = 0, y = 0, x < 0 # ids0 = np.logical_and(ids0, vectors[..., 1] == 0) # vectors[np.logical_and(ids0, vectors[..., 0] < 0), :] *= -1 # # # rescale vectors # if rescale is not None: # if rescale: # rescale = lambda x: x # vectors[valid] = (vectors[valid] / rescale(lengths[valid][:, np.newaxis])) # # return vectors, lengths, valid