Source code for ClearMap.Visualization.Vispy.GraphVisual

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module providing Graph visuals for rendering graphs.

This module is providing vispy visuals only.
See :mod:`PlotGraph3d` module for plotting.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>'
__license__ = 'MIT License <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 by Christoph Kirst, The Rockefeller University, New York City'

import numpy as np

import vispy.visuals as visuals

import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphRendering as gr  
import ClearMap.Visualization.Color as col

# ## Graph visuals

default_color = (0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0)

[docs] class GraphLineVisual(visuals.LineVisual): """Displays a graph in 3d using tube rendering for the edges """ def __init__(self, graph, coordinates=None, color=None, vertex_colors=None, edge_colors=None, width=None, mode='gl'): connectivity = graph.edge_connectivity() if coordinates is None: name = 'coordinates' else: name = coordinates coordinates = graph.vertex_property(name) if vertex_colors is not None or edge_colors is not None: color = None if color is None: if edge_colors is None and vertex_colors is None: color = default_color elif vertex_colors is not None: if isinstance(vertex_colors, np.ndarray) and vertex_colors.ndim == 2: color = vertex_colors else: color = col.color(vertex_colors, alpha=True) elif edge_colors is not None: if isinstance(edge_colors, np.ndarray) and edge_colors.ndim == 2: # need a vertex pair for every edge if the color is different coordinates = coordinates[connectivity.flatten()] connectivity = np.arange(coordinates.shape[0]) connectivity = connectivity.reshape((-1, 2)) indices = np.arange(len(edge_colors)) indices = np.array([indices, indices]).T.flatten() color = edge_colors[indices] else: color = col.color(edge_colors, alpha=True) else: color = col.color(color, alpha=True) if width is None: width = 1 visuals.LineVisual.__init__(self, coordinates, connect=connectivity, color=color, width=width, method=mode)
[docs] class GraphMeshVisual(visuals.mesh.MeshVisual): """Displays a graph in 3d using tube rendering for the edges""" def __init__(self, graph, coordinates=None, radii=None, n_tube_points=8, default_radius=1, color=None, vertex_colors=None, edge_colors=None, mode='triangles', shading='smooth'): if vertex_colors is not None or edge_colors is not None: color = None if color is None and vertex_colors is None: color = default_color if graph.has_edge_geometry(): name = coordinates if coordinates is not None else 'coordinates' coordinates, indices = graph.edge_geometry(name=name, return_indices=True, as_list=False) # calculate mesh try: name = radii if radii is not None else 'radii' radii = graph.edge_geometry(name=name, return_indices=False, as_list=False) except: # FIXME: broad radii = self.use_default_radii(coordinates, default_radius) else: coordinates = graph.vertex_coordinates() indices = graph.edge_connectivity().flatten() coordinates = np.vstack(coordinates[indices]) try: radii = graph.vertex_radii() radii = radii[indices] except: # FIXME: broad radii = self.use_default_radii(coordinates, default_radius) n_edges = graph.n_edges indices = np.array([2*np.arange(0, n_edges), 2*np.arange(1, n_edges+1)]).T if vertex_colors is not None: connectivity = graph.edge_connectivity() edge_colors = (vertex_colors[connectivity[:, 0]] + vertex_colors[connectivity[:, 1]])/2.0 vertices, faces, vertex_colors = gr.mesh_tube_from_coordinates_and_radii(coordinates, radii, indices, n_tube_points=n_tube_points, edge_colors=edge_colors, processes=None) visuals.mesh.MeshVisual.__init__(self, vertices, faces, color=color, vertex_colors=vertex_colors, shading=shading, mode=mode)
[docs] def use_default_radii(self, coordinates, default_radius): print(f'No radii found in the graph, using uniform radii = {default_radius}!') radii = np.full(coordinates.shape[0], default_radius) return radii
############################################################################### # ## Tests ############################################################################### def _test(): import numpy as np import vispy import ClearMap.Analysis.Graphs.GraphGt as ggt import ClearMap.Visualization.Vispy.Plot3d as p3d import ClearMap.Visualization.Vispy.GraphVisual as gv # reload(gv) g = ggt.Graph() g.add_vertex(5) g.add_edge([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 0]]) g.set_vertex_coordinates(20*np.random.rand(5, 3)) v = vispy.scene.visuals.create_visual_node(gv.GraphLineVisual) p = v(g, parent=p3d.initialize_view().scene) v = vispy.scene.visuals.create_visual_node(gv.GraphMeshVisual) p = v(g, parent=p3d.initialize_view().scene)