Source code for ClearMap.Visualization.atlas

import numpy as np

from ClearMap.Alignment.Annotation import annotation, __get_module_annotation_file, convert_label, color_map
from ClearMap.IO import IO as clearmap_io
from ClearMap.Visualization import Color as col

[docs] def write_color_palette(filename=None): """ Creates a pal or lut file for Imaris or Imagej based on label colors of atlas. Arguments --------- filename : str The name of the color palette file. Returns ------- filename : str The name of the file to which the color palette was written. """ cm = color_map(alpha=False, as_int=True) fext = clearmap_io.file_extension(filename) if fext == 'pal': col.write_PAL(filename, cm) elif fext == 'lut': col.write_LUT(filename, cm) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Color palette format: {fext} not lut or pal') return filename
[docs] def write_color_annotation(filename, annotation_file=None): """Creates a rgb image from the atlas color data. Arguments --------- filename : str The name of the color palette file. annotation_file : str File name of the atlas annotation. Returns ------- filename : str The name of the file to which the color atlas was written. """ # load atlas and convert to order atlas = create_color_annotation(annotation_file) return clearmap_io.write(filename, atlas)
[docs] def create_color_annotation(annotation_file_path): """Creates a rgb image from the atlas color data. Arguments --------- annotation_file_path : str File name of the atlas annotation. Returns ------- filename : str The name of the file to which the color atlas was written. """ annotation_file_path = __get_module_annotation_file(annotation_file_path) atlas = np.array(, dtype=int) atlas = convert_label(atlas, key='id', value='order', method='map') # apply color map cm = color_map(alpha=False, as_int=True) atlas = cm[atlas] return atlas
[docs] def convert_label_to_color(label, key='id', level=None, alpha=True, as_int=False, int_type='uint8'): """ Convert label using the atlas annotation colors. Arguments --------- label : array List of labels to convert. key : str The key corresponding to the label. level : nt or None Convert at this level of the hierarchy. If None use full hierarchy. alpha : bool If True, return rgba values. as_int : bool If True, return rgb value as as int between 0 and 255. int_type : dtype Type for the color array. Returns ------- colors : array List of colors for each label. """ return annotation.label_to_color(label, key=key, level=level, alpha=alpha, as_int=as_int, int_type=int_type)