Source code for ClearMap.config.config_loader

This module provides a class to load configuration files from the ClearMap configuration directory.

The configuration files are used to store the parameters for the ClearMap processing steps.
Currently, they are stored as configobj files, but other formats like json or yaml
could be supported in the future through a simple plugin function to this module
(see the not_implemented functions). All that is required is that the object returned by these
plugin functions implements read, write, and reload methods, a filename attribute and behaves as
a python dictionary.
import inspect
import os

import configobj

# FIXME: implement validation

INSTALL_CFG_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))  # Where this file resides (w cfgs)
CLEARMAP_CFG_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/.clearmap/')

[docs] def get_configobj_cfg(cfg_path): cfg_path = clean_path(cfg_path) try: return configobj.ConfigObj(cfg_path, encoding="UTF8", indent_type=' ', unrepr=True, file_error=True) except configobj.ConfigObjError as err: print(f'Could not read config file "{cfg_path}", some errors were encountered: "{err}"')
[docs] def get_yml_cfg(cfg_path): """ Parameters ---------- cfg_path (str) Returns Should return a dict like object with a write method and filename that gives the path ------- """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_json_cfg(cfg_path): """ Parameters ---------- cfg_path (str) Returns Should return a dict like object with a write method and filename that gives the path ------- """ raise NotImplementedError
tabs_alternatives = [ ['sample'], ['alignment', 'processing'], ['cell_map'], ['vasculature', 'tube_map'], ['batch'], ] alternative_names = tabs_alternatives + [['machine'], ['display']] CONFIG_NAMES = [names[0] for names in alternative_names]
[docs] def get_alternatives(cfg_name): alternatives = [names for names in alternative_names if cfg_name in names] if not alternatives: raise ValueError(f'Could not find any alternative for {cfg_name}') return alternatives[0]
[docs] def flatten_alternatives(alternatives): flat = [] for names in alternatives: flat.extend(names) return flat
[docs] def is_tab_file(cfg_name): cfg_name = cfg_name.replace('_params', '') return cfg_name in flatten_alternatives(tabs_alternatives)
[docs] def clean_path(path): return os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(path))
[docs] def is_machine_file(cfg_name): return any([base in cfg_name for base in ('machine', 'preferences')])
[docs] def patch_cfg(cfg, default_cfg): for k, v in default_cfg.items(): if k not in cfg.keys(): cfg[k] = v # everything below will match by definition else: if isinstance(v, dict): patch_cfg(cfg[k], v)
[docs] class ConfigLoader(object): loader_functions = { '.cfg': get_configobj_cfg, '.ini': get_configobj_cfg, '.yml': get_yml_cfg, '.json': get_json_cfg } supported_exts = tuple(loader_functions.keys()) default_dir = CLEARMAP_CFG_DIR def __init__(self, src_dir): self.src_dir = src_dir self.sample_cfg_path = '' # OPTIMISE: could use cached property self.preferences_path = '' self.cell_map_cfg_path = ''
[docs] def get_cfg_path(self, cfg_name, must_exist=True): """ Parameters ---------- cfg_name: str must_exist: bool Returns ------- """ variants = get_alternatives(cfg_name) for alternative_name in variants: if not alternative_name.endswith('params'): alternative_name += '_params' for ext in self.supported_exts: cfg_path = clean_path(os.path.join(self.src_dir, f'{alternative_name}{ext}')) if os.path.exists(cfg_path): return cfg_path if not must_exist: # If none found but not necessary, return the first possible option return clean_path(os.path.join(self.src_dir, f'{cfg_name}_params{self.supported_exts[0]}')) raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find file {cfg_name} in {self.src_dir} with variants {variants}')
[docs] def get_cfg(self, cfg_name): if is_tab_file(cfg_name): cfg_path = self.get_cfg_path(cfg_name) else: cfg_path = self.get_default_path(cfg_name) return self.get_cfg_from_path(cfg_path)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cfg_from_path(cfg_path): ext = os.path.splitext(cfg_path)[-1] return ConfigLoader.loader_functions[ext](cfg_path)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_patched_cfg_from_path(cfg_path): cfg_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cfg_path))[0] cfg = ConfigLoader.get_cfg_from_path(cfg_path) default_cfg = ConfigLoader.get_cfg_from_path(ConfigLoader.get_default_path(cfg_name)) patch_cfg(cfg, default_cfg) cfg.write() return cfg
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_path(cfg_name, must_exist=True, install_mode=False): # FIXME: recursive w/ alternatives if cfg_name.endswith('_params'): cfg_name = cfg_name.replace('_params', '') for name_variant in get_alternatives(cfg_name): name_variant += '_params' for ext in ConfigLoader.supported_exts: cfg_path = ConfigLoader._name_to_default_path(name_variant, ext, install_mode=install_mode) if os.path.exists(cfg_path): break if os.path.exists(cfg_path): # REFACTOR: avoid duplicate w/ above break else: if must_exist: cfg_dir = INSTALL_CFG_DIR if install_mode else ConfigLoader.default_dir raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find file {cfg_name} in {cfg_dir}') else: # Return first (default) ext if none found return ConfigLoader._name_to_default_path(f'{cfg_name}_params', ConfigLoader.supported_exts[0], install_mode=install_mode) return cfg_path
@staticmethod def _name_to_default_path(cfg_name, ext, install_mode=False): prefix = 'default_' if is_tab_file(cfg_name) else '' cfg_name = f'{prefix}{cfg_name}{ext}' cfg_dir = INSTALL_CFG_DIR if install_mode else ConfigLoader.default_dir cfg_path = clean_path(os.path.join(cfg_dir, cfg_name)) return cfg_path
[docs] def get_configs(cfg_path, processing_params_path, machine_cfg_path=None): # FIXME: fix missing stuff here if machine_cfg_path is None: machine_cfg_path = ConfigLoader.get_default_path('machine') sample_config = ConfigLoader.get_patched_cfg_from_path(cfg_path) processing_config = ConfigLoader.get_patched_cfg_from_path(processing_params_path) machine_config = ConfigLoader.get_patched_cfg_from_path(machine_cfg_path) return machine_config, sample_config, processing_config
[docs] def get_cfg_reader_function(cfg_path): ext = os.path.splitext(cfg_path)[-1] read_cfg = ConfigLoader.loader_functions[ext] return read_cfg