# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Various utility functions specific to the graphical interface
import inspect
import os
from math import sqrt, ceil
import warnings
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import skimage.io
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb
from ClearMap.gui.pyuic_utils import loadUiType
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, module='ClearMap.gui.gui_utils') # For surface_project
__author__ = 'Charly Rousseau <charly.rousseau@icm-institute.org>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2022 by Charly Rousseau'
__webpage__ = 'https://idisco.info'
__download__ = 'https://www.github.com/ChristophKirst/ClearMap2'
UI_FOLDER = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
def np_to_qpixmap(img_array, alpha):
img_array = img_array.copy().astype(np.float64)
img_array -= img_array.min() # normalise 0-1
img_array /= img_array.max()
# img = np.uint8(matplotlib.cm.Blues_r(img_array)*255)
img = np.uint8(matplotlib.cm.copper(img_array)*255)
if alpha.dtype == bool:
alpha = alpha.astype(np.uint8)
alpha[alpha != 0] = 255 # reestablish full range
r = img[:, :, 0]
g = img[:, :, 1]
b = img[:, :, 2]
img = np.dstack((r, g, b, alpha))
tmp_path = '/tmp/test.png' # OPTIMISE: use tempfile
skimage.io.imsave(tmp_path, img)
img = QtGui.QPixmap(tmp_path)
return img
# def __np_to_qpixmap(img_array, fmt=QtGui.QImage.Format_Indexed8):
# img = QtGui.QImage(
# img_array.data.tobytes(),
# img_array.shape[0],
# img_array.shape[1],
# img_array.strides[0],
# fmt
# )
# return QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(img)
def html_to_ansi(msg): # WARNING: Will not work correctly with colours
codes_dict = {
'<nobr>': '',
'</nobr>': '',
'<br>': '\n',
'</em>': '\033[0m',
'<em>': '\033[3m'
for k, v in codes_dict.items():
msg = msg.replace(k, v)
return msg
def html_to_plain_text(msg):
codes_dict = {
'<nobr>': '',
'</nobr>': '',
'<br>': '\n',
'</em>': '',
'<em>': ''
for k, v in codes_dict.items():
msg = msg.replace(k, v)
return msg
def compute_grid(nb):
sqr = round(sqrt(nb))
col = ceil(nb / sqr)
row = ceil(nb / col)
return row, col
def project(img, axis, invalid_val=np.nan):
mask = img != 0
return np.where(mask.any(axis=axis), mask.argmax(axis=axis), invalid_val)
def surface_project(img):
proj = project(img, 2, invalid_val=0.0)
proj -= np.min(proj[np.nonzero(proj)])
proj[proj < 0] = np.nan # or -np.inf
mask = ~np.isnan(proj).T
proj *= 255.0 / np.nanmax(proj)
proj = 255 - proj # invert
proj = proj.astype(np.uint8).T
return mask, proj
class TmpDebug(object): # FIXME: move as part of workspace
def __init__(self, workspace):
self.workspace = workspace
def __enter__(self):
self.workspace.debug = True
return self.workspace
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.workspace.debug = False
def get_current_res(app):
screen = app.primaryScreen()
size = np.array((screen.size().width(), screen.size().height()))
hd_res = np.array((1920, 1080))
four_k_res = np.array((3840, 2160))
if (size < hd_res).any():
res = 'sd'
elif (size < four_k_res).any():
res = 'hd'
res = '4k'
return res
def pseudo_random_rgb_array(n_samples):
if n_samples == 0:
return None
hues = np.random.rand(n_samples)
saturations = np.random.rand(n_samples) / 2 + 0.5
values = np.random.rand(n_samples) / 2 + 0.5
hsvs = np.vstack((hues, saturations, values))
rgbs = np.apply_along_axis(hsv_to_rgb, 0, hsvs)
return rgbs.T
def get_random_color():
return QColor(*np.random.randint(0, 255, 3))
def get_pseudo_random_color():
Return a pseudo random colour. The hue is random but
The saturation and the value are kept in the upper half interval
rand_gen = np.random.default_rng()
hsv = (rand_gen.uniform(0, 1),
rand_gen.uniform(0.5, 1),
rand_gen.uniform(0.5, 1))
rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv)
return rgb
def is_dark(color):
color QColor
return color.getHsl()[2] < 128
def clear_layout(layout):
Clears all widgets in the layout
for i in range(layout.count(), -1, -1):
item = layout.takeAt(i)
if item is not None:
widg = item.widget()