Source code for ClearMap.gui.params_interfaces

import functools
import os

from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QCheckBox, QLabel, QLineEdit, QSpinBox, QFrame, QComboBox

from ClearMap.Utils.utilities import set_item_recursive, get_item_recursive
from ClearMap.config.config_loader import ConfigLoader
from ClearMap.Utils.exceptions import ConfigNotFoundError

[docs] class UiParameter(QObject): """ This is a class to link the GUI widgets to the config file. This is done automatically from parsing the ``params_dict`` attribute. The ``params_dict`` attribute is a dictionary of the form:: {'attr_name': ParamLink(keys, widget, attr_name=, default=, connect=)} or {'attr_name': keys,} where: - ``attr_name`` is the name of the attribute in the class - ``keys`` is a list of keys (chain) to access the value in the config file. If ``None``, the attribute is not connected widget is the GUI widget ``connect`` is a boolean to indicate whether the widget should be connected to the config file. Set to ``False`` to not connect or connect manually. If the value is not a ``ParamLink``, it is assumed that the keys point to the value and the widget connection is done through accessors and mutators. """ def __init__(self, tab, src_folder=None, params_dict=None): super().__init__() params_dict = params_dict if params_dict is not None else {} self.params_dict = params_dict = tab self.src_folder = src_folder self._config = None self._default_config = None self.cfg_subtree = None self.attrs_to_invert = [] if self.params_dict: self.connect()
[docs] def is_simple_attr(self, key): if key == 'params_dict' or not self.params_dict: return False is_graphical_param = key in self.params_dict.keys() if not is_graphical_param: return False attr = self.params_dict[key] is_simple = isinstance(attr, ParamLink) return is_simple
def __getattr__(self, item): # FiXME: use binder.default if self.is_simple_attr(item): binder = self.params_dict[item] widget = binder.widget if isinstance(widget, QCheckBox): return widget.isChecked() elif isinstance(widget, (QLabel, QLineEdit)): return widget.text() elif isinstance(widget, QSpinBox): return widget.value() elif isinstance(widget, QFrame): name = widget.objectName() if name.endswith('let'): # singlets, doublets and triplets return widget.getValue() elif name.endswith('TextEdit'): return widget.text() else: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognised frame with name "{name}"') elif isinstance(widget, QComboBox): # FIXME: 'None' or '' = None return widget.currentText() else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unhandled object of type {type(widget)}') else: raise AttributeError(f'Unknown attribute {item}') def __setattr__(self, key, value): if self.is_simple_attr(key): binder = self.params_dict[key] widget = binder.widget if isinstance(widget, QCheckBox): widget.setChecked(value) elif isinstance(widget, (QLabel, QLineEdit)): widget.setText(value) elif isinstance(widget, QSpinBox): widget.setValue(value) elif isinstance(widget, QFrame): # frames = singlets, doublets and triplets name = widget.objectName() if name.endswith('let'): # singlets, doublets and triplets widget.setValue(value) elif name.endswith('TextEdit'): widget.setText(value) else: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognised frame with name "{name}"') elif isinstance(widget, QComboBox): widget.setCurrentText(value) # FIXME: None = 'None' or '' else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unhandled object of type {type(widget)}') else: QObject.__setattr__(self, key, value) # print(hasattr(self, key))
[docs] def connect_simple_widgets(self): for k in self.params_dict.keys(): if self.is_simple_attr(k) and self.params_dict[k].connect and not hasattr(self, f'handle_{k}_changed'): self.__connect_widget(k)
def __connect_widget(self, key): widget = self.params_dict[key].widget callback = functools.partial(self.handle_widget_changed, attr_name=key) if isinstance(widget, QCheckBox): widget.stateChanged.connect(callback) # FIXME: change depending on type elif isinstance(widget, QSpinBox): widget.valueChanged.connect(callback) elif isinstance(widget, (QLabel, QLineEdit)): # WARNING: QLabel before QFrame because QLabel inherits QFrame widget.textChanged.connect(callback) elif isinstance(widget, QFrame): name = widget.objectName() if name.endswith('let'): # singlets, doublets and triplets widget.valueChangedConnect(callback) elif name.endswith('PlainTextEdit'): # WARNING: plainTextEdit.textChanged is argument less widget.textChangedConnect(functools.partial(self.handle_widget_changed, value=None, attr_name=key)) elif name.endswith('TextEdit'): widget.textChangedConnect(callback) else: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognised frame with name "{name}"') elif isinstance(widget, QComboBox): widget.currentTextChanged.connect(callback) else: raise ValueError(f'Unhandled object of type {type(widget)}')
[docs] def handle_widget_changed(self, value, attr_name): keys = self.params_dict[attr_name].keys property_value = getattr(self, attr_name) set_item_recursive(self.config, keys, property_value)
[docs] def connect(self): """Connect GUI slots here""" pass
[docs] def fix_cfg_file(self, f_path): """Fix the file if it was copied from defaults, tailor to current sample""" pass
@property def path(self): return self._config.filename
[docs] def read_configs(self, cfg_path): self._config = ConfigLoader.get_cfg_from_path(cfg_path) if not self._config: raise ConfigNotFoundError cfg_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cfg_path))[0] self._default_config = ConfigLoader.get_cfg_from_path(ConfigLoader.get_default_path(cfg_name))
@property def config_path(self): return self._config.filename @property def config(self): if self.cfg_subtree: return get_item_recursive(self._config, self.cfg_subtree) else: return self._config @property def default_config(self): if self.cfg_subtree: return get_item_recursive(self._default_config, self.cfg_subtree) else: return self._default_config
[docs] def write_config(self): self._config.write()
[docs] def reload(self): self._config.reload()
def _translate_state(self, state): if state is True: state = Qt.Checked elif state is False: state = Qt.Unchecked else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown state {state}') return state
[docs] def ui_to_cfg(self): self._ui_to_cfg() self.write_config()
def _ui_to_cfg(self): pass
[docs] def cfg_to_ui(self): # FIXME: add reload here but make sure that compatible with all uses (especially UiParamCollection) if not self.params_dict: raise NotImplementedError('params_dict not set') else: any_amended = False for attr, keys_list in self.params_dict.items(): if isinstance(keys_list, ParamLink): keys_list = keys_list.keys if keys_list is None: # For params without cfg continue current_amended = False try: val = get_item_recursive(self.config, keys_list) except KeyError: # TODO: add msg val = get_item_recursive(self.default_config, keys_list) any_amended = True current_amended = True if attr in self.attrs_to_invert: val = not val if current_amended: # Update the config set_item_recursive(self.config, keys_list, val) # Update the UI setattr(self, attr, val) # comes after the cfg otherwise, key will be missing in the callback if any_amended: self.ui_to_cfg() # Add the newly parsed field
[docs] def is_checked(self, check_box): return check_box.checkState() == Qt.Checked
[docs] def set_check_state(self, check_box, state): state = self._translate_state(state) check_box.setCheckState(state)
[docs] def sanitize_nones(self, val): return val if val is not None else -1
[docs] def sanitize_neg_one(self, val): return val if val != -1 else None
[docs] class UiParameterCollection: """ For multi-section UiParameters that share the same config file. This ensures the file remains consistent. """ def __init__(self, tab, src_folder=None): = tab self.src_folder = src_folder self.config = None
[docs] def fix_cfg_file(self, f_path): """Fix the file if it was copied from defaults, tailor to current sample""" pass
@property def params(self): raise NotImplementedError('Please subclass UiParameterCollection and implement params property')
[docs] def read_configs(self, cfg_path): self.config = ConfigLoader.get_cfg_from_path(cfg_path) if not self.config: raise ConfigNotFoundError cfg_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cfg_path))[0] default_path = ConfigLoader.get_default_path(cfg_name) self._default_config = ConfigLoader.get_cfg_from_path(default_path) for param in self.params: param._config = self.config param._default_config = self._default_config
@property def config_path(self): return self.config.filename
[docs] def write_config(self): self.config.write()
[docs] def reload(self): self.config.reload()
[docs] def ui_to_cfg(self): self.write_config()
[docs] def cfg_to_ui(self): for param in self.params: param.cfg_to_ui()