Source code for ClearMap.gui.preferences

This module handles the preferences of the graphical interface.
The values are persisted in a file
located in the home folder of the user. The preferences are used to store values related to
ClearMap performance as well as values that affect the appearance of the software.
from ClearMap.gui.interfaces import GenericDialog
from ClearMap.gui.params import PreferencesParams

[docs] class PreferenceUi(GenericDialog): """ This class handles the global preferences of the graphical interface It links a graphical dialog and the preference file located in the home folder of the user """ def __init__(self, main_window): super().__init__(main_window, 'Preferences', 'preferences_editor')
[docs] def setup(self, font_size): self.init_ui() self.ui.setMinimumHeight(700) # FIXME: adapt to screen resolution self.setup_preferences() self.ui.buttonBox.connectApply(self.params.ui_to_cfg) self.ui.buttonBox.connectOk(self.apply_prefs_and_close) self.ui.buttonBox.connectCancel(self.ui.close) self.params.font_size = font_size self.ui.fontComboBox.currentFontChanged.connect(self.main_window.set_font)
[docs] def set_params(self, *args): """ Associate the params object to the dialog Parameters ---------- args Returns ------- """ self.params = PreferencesParams(self.ui, self.main_window.src_folder)
[docs] def setup_preferences(self): """ Setup the dialog with the values from the preference fil in the home folder Returns ------- """ self.set_params() machine_cfg_path = self.main_window.config_loader.get_default_path('machine') if self.main_window.file_exists(machine_cfg_path): self.params.read_configs(machine_cfg_path) self.params.cfg_to_ui() else: msg = 'Missing machine config file. Please ensure a machine_params.cfg file ' \ 'is available at {}. This should be done at installation'.format(machine_cfg_path) self.main_window.print_error_msg(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
[docs] def open(self): return self.ui.exec()
[docs] def apply_prefs_and_close(self): self.params.ui_to_cfg() self.ui.close() self.main_window.reload_prefs()