Source code for ClearMap.gui.widgets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A set of custom widgets for the ClearMap GUI
import functools
import json
import os
import re
import tempfile
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

import numpy as np
import psutil
import pyqtgraph as pg
from qdarkstyle import DarkPalette

from skimage import transform as sk_transform  # WARNING: Slowish import, should be replaced

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QDialogButtonBox, QListWidget, QHBoxLayout, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout, QTableWidget, \
    QTableWidgetItem, QToolBox, QRadioButton, QTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItem

from ClearMap.Alignment.Annotation import annotation
from ClearMap.IO import TIF
from ClearMap.IO.metadata import pattern_finders_from_base_dir
from ClearMap.Settings import atlas_folder
from ClearMap.Utils.utilities import gpu_params
from ClearMap.Visualization import Plot3d as plot_3d
from ClearMap.config.config_loader import ConfigLoader
from ClearMap.gui.dialogs import make_splash, update_pbar
from ClearMap.gui.gui_utils import create_clearmap_widget, get_pseudo_random_color, is_dark

__author__ = 'Charly Rousseau <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2022 by Charly Rousseau'
__webpage__ = ''
__download__ = ''

[docs] def setup_mini_brain(mini_brain_scaling=(5, 5, 5)): # TODO: scaling in prefs """ Create a downsampled version of the Allen Brain Atlas for the mini brain widget Parameters ---------- mini_brain_scaling : tuple(int, int, int) The scaling factors for the mini brain. Default is (5, 5, 5) Returns ------- tuple(scale, downsampled_array) """ atlas_path = os.path.join(atlas_folder, 'ABA_25um_annotation.tif') arr = TIF.Source(atlas_path).array return mini_brain_scaling, sk_transform.downscale_local_mean(arr, mini_brain_scaling)
[docs] class OrthoViewer(object): """ Orthogonal viewer for 3D images This is a class that allows to visualize 3D images in 3 orthogonal views. """ def __init__(self, img=None, parent=None): """ Initialize the viewer Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray The 3D image to visualize parent : QWidget The parent widget """ self.img = img self.parent = parent self.params = None self.linear_regions = [] self.dvs = []
[docs] def setup(self, img, params, parent=None): """ Initialize the viewer after the object has been created Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray The 3D image to visualize params : UiParameter The parameters object parent : QWidget The parent widget Returns ------- """ self.img = img self.params = params self.parent = parent self.linear_regions = []
@property def shape(self): """ Get the shape of the image Returns ------- tuple(int, int, int) """ return self.img.shape if self.img is not None else None @property def width(self): """ Get the width of the image Returns ------- int """ return self.shape[0] @property def height(self): """ Get the height of the image Returns ------- int """ return self.shape[1] @property def depth(self): """ Get the depth of the image Returns ------- int """ return self.shape[2]
[docs] def update_ranges(self, ranges): """ Update the ranges (min, max) for each axis of the viewer Parameters ---------- ranges : list(tuple(float, float)) """ for i, rng in enumerate(ranges): region_item = self.linear_regions[i] region_item.setRegion(rng) self.__update_range(region_item, axis=i)
def __update_range(self, region_item, axis=0): rng = region_item.getRegion() if self.params is not None: rng = [self.params.scale_axis(val, 'xyz'[axis]) for val in rng] setattr(self.params, f'crop_{"xyz"[axis]}_min', rng[0]) setattr(self.params, f'crop_{"xyz"[axis]}_max', rng[1])
[docs] def add_regions(self): # FIXME: improve documenation """ Add the regions to the viewer """ # y_axis_idx = (1, 2, 0) for i, dv in enumerate(self.dvs): transparency = '4B' linear_region = pg.LinearRegionItem([0, self.shape[i]], brush=DarkPalette.COLOR_BACKGROUND_2 + transparency) linear_region.sigRegionChanged.connect(functools.partial(self.__update_range, axis=i)) self.linear_regions.append(linear_region) dv.view.addItem(linear_region)
[docs] def plot_orthogonal_views(self, img=None, parent=None): """ Plot the orthogonal views of the image Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray The image to plot. If None, the image set at initialization will be used parent : QWidget The parent widget to plot into. If None, the parent set at initialization will be used Returns ------- list(DataViewer) """ if img is None: img = self.img.array if parent is None: parent = self.parent if parent is None: raise ValueError('Parent not set') xy = np.copy(img) yz = np.copy(img).transpose((1, 2, 0)) zx = np.copy(img).transpose((2, 0, 1)) dvs = plot_3d.plot([xy, yz, zx], arrange=False, lut='white', parent=parent, sync=False) self.dvs = dvs self.add_regions() for dv in self.dvs: for btn in dv.axis_buttons: btn.setEnabled(False) return dvs
[docs] class ProgressWatcher(QWidget): # Inspired from """ A QWidget that watches the progress of a process. It uses signals to update the progress bar and the text The main setup methods are `setup` and `prepare_for_substep` It is meant to be used in conjunction with a ProgressWatcherDialog to which it is connected through its signals """ main_step_name_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) sub_step_name_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) main_progress_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) main_max_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) progress_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) max_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) aborted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) # FIXME: use def __init__(self, max_progress=100, main_max_progress=1, parent=None): """ Create a ProgressWatcher Parameters ---------- max_progress : int The maximum progress value, when the progress reaches this value, the (sub-)operation is considered finished. default is 100 main_max_progress : int The maximum progress value for the main operation. When the progress reaches this value, the main operation is considered finished. If all sub-operations are also finished, this is usually linked to the end of the whole process. Default is 1 parent : QWidget The parent widget """ super().__init__(parent) self._main_step_name = 'Processing' self._sub_step_name = None self.__main_progress = 1 self.__main_max_progress = main_max_progress self.__progress = 0 self.__max_progress = max_progress self.range_fraction = 1 # FIXME: unused self.n_dones = 0 self.previous_log_length = 0 # The log length at the end of the previous operation self.log_path = None self.pattern = None def __del__(self): self.set_main_progress(self.main_max_progress) self.set_progress(self.max_progress) if self.parentWidget() is not None: self.parentWidget().app.processEvents()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset all the values to their initial state Returns ------- """ self.main_step_name = 'Processing' self.__main_progress = 1 self.__main_max_progress = 1 self.__progress = 0 self.__max_progress = 100 self.range_fraction = 1 # FIXME: unused self.n_dones = 0 self.previous_log_length = 0 # The log length at the end of the previous operation self.log_path = None self.pattern = None
[docs] def setup(self, main_step_name, main_step_length, sub_step_length=0, pattern=None): """ Post initialisation of the Parameters ---------- main_step_name main_step_length sub_step_length pattern Returns ------- """ self.main_step_name = main_step_name self.main_max_progress = main_step_length # self.sub_step_name = sub_step_name self.max_progress = sub_step_length self.pattern = pattern self.reset_log_length() self.set_main_progress(1) self.set_progress(0) # Force update self.main_progress_changed.emit(self.__main_progress) self.progress_changed.emit(self.__progress)
[docs] def prepare_for_substep(self, step_length, pattern, step_name): """ Setup the watcher for a new substep Parameters ---------- step_name str step_length int The number of steps in the operation pattern str or re.Pattern or (str, re.Pattern) the text to look for in the logs to check for progress """ self.max_progress = step_length self.pattern = pattern self.reset_log_length() self.set_progress(0) self.sub_step_name = step_name
[docs] def get_progress(self): """ Get the current progress Returns ------- int """ return self.__progress
[docs] def set_progress(self, value): """ Set the progress value of the current main or sub step Parameters ---------- value: int The progress value """ if self.__progress == value: return self.__progress = round(value) self.progress_changed.emit(self.__progress)
[docs] def set_main_progress(self, value): """ Set the progress value for the main step Parameters ---------- value: int The progress value """ if self.__main_progress == value: return self.__main_progress = round(value) self.reset_log_length() self.main_progress_changed.emit(self.__main_progress) if self.__main_progress != 0 and self.__main_progress == self.main_max_progress + 1: self.finished.emit(self.main_step_name)
[docs] def increment_main_progress(self, increment=1): """ Integer increment of the main progress Parameters ---------- increment: int The increment value (default is 1) """ self.set_main_progress(self.__main_progress + round(increment))
[docs] def increment(self, increment): """ Increment the progress value of the current main or sub step Parameters ---------- increment: int or float The increment value. If float, it is considered as a percentage of the maximum progress value """ if isinstance(increment, float): self.set_progress(self.__progress + int(self.max_progress * increment)) elif isinstance(increment, int): self.set_progress(self.__progress + increment)
@property def max_progress(self): return self.__max_progress @max_progress.setter def max_progress(self, value): self.__max_progress = round(value) self.max_changed.emit(self.__max_progress) @property def main_max_progress(self): return self.__main_max_progress @main_max_progress.setter def main_max_progress(self, value): self.__main_max_progress = round(value) self.main_max_changed.emit(self.__main_max_progress) @property def main_step_name(self): return self._main_step_name @main_step_name.setter def main_step_name(self, step_name): self._main_step_name = step_name self.main_step_name_changed.emit(self.main_step_name) @property def sub_step_name(self): return self._sub_step_name @sub_step_name.setter def sub_step_name(self, step_name): self._sub_step_name = step_name self.sub_step_name_changed.emit(self.sub_step_name) def __match(self, line): if isinstance(self.pattern, tuple): # TODO: cache return self.pattern[0] in line and self.pattern[1].match(line) # Most efficient elif isinstance(self.pattern, str): return self.pattern in line elif isinstance(self.pattern, re.Pattern): return self.pattern.match(line)
[docs] def count_dones(self): """ Parse the logs to extract the number of `done` operations (based on self.pattern) For each `done` operation, the progress is incremented by 1 For efficiency, the logs are read from the last read position Returns ------- int The number of `done` operations found """ if self.pattern is None: return 0 with open(self.log_path, 'r') as log: new_lines = log.readlines() n_dones = len([ln for ln in new_lines if self.__match(ln)]) self.n_dones += n_dones self.previous_log_length += self.__get_log_bytes(new_lines) return self.n_dones
[docs] def reset_log_length(self): """ Resets dones to 0 and seeks to the end of the log file """ with open(self.log_path, 'r') as log: self.previous_log_length = self.__get_log_bytes(log.readlines()) self.n_dones = 0
def __get_log_bytes(self, log): return sum([len(ln) for ln in log])
[docs] def finish(self): """ Trigger the finish signal """ self.finished.emit(self.main_step_name)
# Adapted from by
[docs] class TwoListSelection(QWidget): """ A widget that allows to select items from a list and move them to another list This is useful for selecting items from a list of available items and moving them to a list of selected items """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.__setup_layout() # = app def __setup_layout(self): """ Setup the layout of the widget with the two columns for the lists and the buttons """ lay = QHBoxLayout(self) self.mInput = QListWidget() self.mOuput = QListWidget() move_btns, up_down_btns = self.__layout_buttons() lay.addWidget(self.mInput) lay.addLayout(move_btns) lay.addWidget(self.mOuput) lay.addLayout(up_down_btns) self.update_buttons_status() self.__connections() def __layout_buttons(self): """ Create and lay out the control buttons of the widget """ self.mButtonToSelected = QPushButton(">>") self.mBtnMoveToAvailable = QPushButton(">") self.mBtnMoveToSelected = QPushButton("<") self.mButtonToAvailable = QPushButton("<<") move_btns = QVBoxLayout() move_btns.addStretch() move_btns.addWidget(self.mButtonToSelected) move_btns.addWidget(self.mBtnMoveToAvailable) move_btns.addWidget(self.mBtnMoveToSelected) move_btns.addWidget(self.mButtonToAvailable) move_btns.addStretch() self.mBtnUp = QPushButton("Up") self.mBtnDown = QPushButton("Down") up_down_btns = QVBoxLayout() up_down_btns.addStretch() up_down_btns.addWidget(self.mBtnUp) up_down_btns.addWidget(self.mBtnDown) up_down_btns.addStretch() return move_btns, up_down_btns
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def update_buttons_status(self): self.mBtnUp.setDisabled(not bool(self.mOuput.selectedItems()) or self.mOuput.currentRow() == 0) self.mBtnDown.setDisabled(not bool(self.mOuput.selectedItems()) or self.mOuput.currentRow() == (self.mOuput.count() -1)) self.mBtnMoveToAvailable.setDisabled(not bool(self.mInput.selectedItems()) or self.mOuput.currentRow() == 0) self.mBtnMoveToSelected.setDisabled(not bool(self.mOuput.selectedItems()))
def __connections(self): """ Bind the buttons to their slots """ self.mInput.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.update_buttons_status) self.mOuput.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.update_buttons_status) self.mBtnMoveToAvailable.clicked.connect(self.__on_mBtnMoveToAvailable_clicked) self.mBtnMoveToSelected.clicked.connect(self.__on_mBtnMoveToSelected_clicked) self.mButtonToAvailable.clicked.connect(self.__on_mButtonToAvailable_clicked) self.mButtonToSelected.clicked.connect(self.__on_mButtonToSelected_clicked) self.mBtnUp.clicked.connect(self.__on_mBtnUp_clicked) self.mBtnDown.clicked.connect(self.__on_mBtnDown_clicked) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def __on_mBtnMoveToAvailable_clicked(self): self.mOuput.addItem(self.mInput.takeItem(self.mInput.currentRow())) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def __on_mBtnMoveToSelected_clicked(self): self.mInput.addItem(self.mOuput.takeItem(self.mOuput.currentRow())) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def __on_mButtonToAvailable_clicked(self): while self.mOuput.count() > 0: self.mInput.addItem(self.mOuput.takeItem(0)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def __on_mButtonToSelected_clicked(self): while self.mInput.count() > 0: self.mOuput.addItem(self.mInput.takeItem(0)) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def __on_mBtnUp_clicked(self): row = self.mOuput.currentRow() currentItem = self.mOuput.takeItem(row) self.mOuput.insertItem(row - 1, currentItem) self.mOuput.setCurrentRow(row - 1) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def __on_mBtnDown_clicked(self): row = self.mOuput.currentRow() currentItem = self.mOuput.takeItem(row) self.mOuput.insertItem(row + 1, currentItem) self.mOuput.setCurrentRow(row + 1) # The actual user functions
[docs] def addAvailableItems(self, items): """ Add the list of available items to the left list Parameters ---------- items: list(str) The list of items to add """ self.mInput.addItems(items)
[docs] def setSelectedItems(self, items): """ Add the list of selected items to the right list Parameters ---------- items: list(str) The list of items to add """ self.mOuput.clear() self.mOuput.addItems(items)
[docs] def get_left_elements(self): """ Get the list of items in the left list (available items) Returns ------- list(str) """ r = [] for i in range(self.mInput.count()): it = self.mInput.item(i) r.append(it.text()) return r
[docs] def get_right_elements(self): """ Get the list of items in the right list (selected items) Returns ------- list(str) """ r = [] for i in range(self.mOuput.count()): it = self.mOuput.item(i) r.append(it.text()) return r
[docs] class DataFrameWidget(QWidget): # TODO: optional format attribute with shape of df """ A simple widget to display a pandas DataFrame """ def __init__(self, df, n_digits=2, parent=None): """ Initialize the widget Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame The DataFrame to display n_digits: int The number of digits to display for float values parent: QWidget The parent widget to attach the widget to """ super().__init__(parent) self.df = df self.n_digits = n_digits self.table = QTableWidget(len(df.index), df.columns.size, parent=parent) self.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.df.columns) self._set_content() def _set_content(self): for i in range(len(self.df.index)): for j in range(self.df.columns.size): v = self.df.iloc[i, j] if self.df.dtypes[j] == np.float_: self.table.setItem(i, j, QTableWidgetItem(f'{v:.{self.n_digits}}')) else: self.table.setItem(i, j, QTableWidgetItem(f'{v}'))
[docs] class WizardDialog: """ A base class for a complex dialogs designed with QT creator and exported as ui files. It is meant to be subclassed. The subclass should implement the `setup` and `connect_buttons` methods This class needs a src_folder, a ui_name, a ui_title. The ui names and titles are used to build a dialog from the ui file of the same name and parametrise the dialog """ def __init__(self, ui_name, ui_title, src_folder="", params=None, app=None, size=None): """ Initialize the dialog Parameters ---------- src_folder: str The source folder ui_name: str The name of the ui file to use. ClearMap automatically locates and loads the file ui_title: str The title of the dialog size: tuple(int, int) (optional) The size of the dialog. If None, the dialog will be resized to its content params: UiParameter (optional) The parameters object to use to parametrise the dialog app: QApplication (optional) The QApplication instance to use. If None, ClearMap will try to use the existing instance """ self.src_folder = src_folder self.params = params = app or QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() dlg = create_clearmap_widget(f'{ui_name}.ui', patch_parent_class='QDialog', window_title=ui_title) if size is not None: if size[0] is None: size[0] = dlg.width() if size[1] is None: size[1] = dlg.height() dlg.resize(size[0], size[1]) self.dlg = dlg self.setup() # self.dlg.setStyleSheet(qdarkstyle.load_stylesheet()) self.__fix_btn_boxes_text() self.connect_buttons()
[docs] def setup(self): """ Setup the dialog after creation from the ui file. This method is called automatically in the constructor but should be implemented in the subclass """ raise NotImplementedError
def __fix_btn_boxes_text(self): """ Patch the name of button boxes to match the text in the ui file """ for btn_box in self.dlg.findChildren(QDialogButtonBox): if'applyText'): btn_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply).setText('applyText'))
[docs] def connect_buttons(self): """ Connect the buttons to their slots. This method is called automatically in the constructor but should be implemented in the subclass """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def enable_widgets(widgets): """ Helper method to enable a list of widgets Parameters ---------- widgets: list(QWidget) The list of widgets to enable """ for w in widgets: w.setEnabled(True)
[docs] @staticmethod def hide_widgets(widgets): """ Helper method to hide a list of widgets Parameters ---------- widgets: list(QWidget) The list of widgets to hide """ for w in widgets: w.setVisible(False)
[docs] def exec(self): """ Execute the dialog """ self.dlg.exec()
[docs] class PatternDialog(WizardDialog): """ A wizard dialog to help the user define file patterns for a set of image file paths The dialog scans the source folder to find patterns in the file names and suggests them to the user there must be at least `min_file_number` files in the folder with the extension `tile_extension` to trigger the pattern search """ def __init__(self, src_folder, params, app=None, min_file_number=10, tile_extension='.ome.tif'): """ Initialize the dialog Parameters ---------- src_folder: str The source folder to scan for patterns params: UiParameter (optional) The parameters object to use to parametrise the dialog app: QApplication (optional) The QApplication instance to use. If None, ClearMap will try to use the existing instance min_file_number: int (optional) The minimum number of files to trigger the pattern search. Default is 10 tile_extension: str (optional) The extension of the files to consider. Default is '.ome.tif' """ self.tile_extension = tile_extension self.min_file_number = min_file_number super().__init__('pattern_prompt', 'File paths wizard', src_folder, params, app, [600, None]) self.n_image_groups = 0 self.pattern_strings = {} self.patterns_finders = None
[docs] def setup(self): """ Setup the dialog after creation from the ui file. This method is called automatically in the constructor """ self.n_image_groups = 0 self.dlg.patternToolBox = QToolBox(parent=self.dlg) self.dlg.patternWizzardLayout.insertWidget(0, self.dlg.patternToolBox) self.pattern_strings = {} self.patterns_finders = self.get_patterns() for pattern_idx, p_finder in enumerate(self.patterns_finders): self.add_group() for axis, digits_idx in enumerate(p_finder.pattern.digit_clusters): label_widget, pattern_widget, combo_widget = self.get_widgets(pattern_idx, axis) pattern_widget.setText(p_finder.pattern.highlight_digits(axis)) self.enable_widgets((label_widget, pattern_widget, combo_widget)) for ax in range(axis + 1, 4): # Hide the rest self.hide_widgets(self.get_widgets(pattern_idx, ax))
[docs] def get_widgets(self, image_group_id, axis): """ Get the widgets (label, pattern and combo) for a given image group and axis Parameters ---------- image_group_id: int The index of the image group axis: int The index of the axis Returns ------- tuple(QLabel, QLabel, QComboBox) The label of the axis, pattern for the axis pattern and combobox containing the axis name (as a letter) """ page = self.dlg.patternToolBox.widget(image_group_id) if page is None: raise IndexError(f'No widget at index {image_group_id}') label_widget = getattr(page, f'label0_{axis}') pattern_widget = getattr(page, f'pattern0_{axis}') combo_widget = getattr(page, f'pattern0_{axis}ComboBox') return label_widget, pattern_widget, combo_widget
[docs] def add_group(self): """ Add a new group of widgets to the dialog This is a group of widgets to define a pattern for a set of image files (typically a channel) """ group_controls = create_clearmap_widget('image_group_ctrls.ui', patch_parent_class='QWidget') self.dlg.patternToolBox.addItem(group_controls, f'Image group {self.n_image_groups}') group_controls.patternButtonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply).clicked.connect(self.validate_pattern) self.n_image_groups += 1
[docs] def connect_buttons(self): """ Connect the buttons to their slots. This method is called automatically in the constructor """ self.dlg.mainButtonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply).clicked.connect(self.save_results) self.dlg.mainButtonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel).clicked.connect(self.dlg.close)
[docs] def validate_pattern(self): """ Validate the pattern defined by the user and update the result widget The result is saved in the pattern_strings attribute for the current channel name """ pattern_idx = self.dlg.patternToolBox.currentIndex() pattern = self.patterns_finders[pattern_idx].pattern for subpattern_idx, digit_cluster in enumerate(pattern.digit_clusters): _, _, combo_widget = self.get_widgets(pattern_idx, subpattern_idx) axis_name = combo_widget.currentText() n_axis_chars = len(pattern.digit_clusters[subpattern_idx]) if axis_name == 'C': raise NotImplementedError('Channel splitting is not implemented yet') else: pattern_element = '<{axis},{length}>'.format(axis=axis_name, length=n_axis_chars) pattern.pattern_elements[subpattern_idx] = pattern_element result_widget = self.dlg.patternToolBox.widget(pattern_idx).result pattern_string = pattern.get_formatted_pattern() pattern_string = os.path.join(self.patterns_finders[pattern_idx].folder, pattern_string) pattern_string = os.path.relpath(pattern_string, start=self.src_folder) result_widget.setText(pattern_string) channel_name = self.dlg.patternToolBox.widget(pattern_idx).channelComboBox.currentText() self.pattern_strings[channel_name] = pattern_string
[docs] def get_patterns(self): """ Scan the current source folder to get the pattern finders for the image files Returns ------- list(PatternFinder) The pattern finders for the source folder """ splash, progress_bar = make_splash(bar_max=100) with ThreadPool(processes=1) as pool: result = pool.apply_async(pattern_finders_from_base_dir, [self.src_folder, None, self.min_file_number, self.tile_extension]) while not result.ready(): result.wait(0.25) update_pbar(, progress_bar, 1) # TODO: real update pattern_finders = result.get() update_pbar(, progress_bar, 100) splash.finish(self.dlg) return pattern_finders
[docs] def save_results(self): """ Save the file patterns to the `sample` configuration file and close the dialog """ config_loader = ConfigLoader(self.src_folder) sample_cfg = config_loader.get_cfg('sample') for channel_name, pattern_string in self.pattern_strings.items(): sample_cfg['src_paths'][channel_name] = pattern_string sample_cfg.write() self.params.cfg_to_ui() self.dlg.close()
[docs] class SamplePickerDialog(WizardDialog): """ A dialog to help the user pick the sample folders from a source folder. The dialog scans the source folder to find the sample folders based on the presence of a `sample_params.cfg` file The results are displayed in two lists. The user can move the sample folders from the left (available items) list to the right (selected items) list. The samples can be split into groups to allow for different processing of the groups. """ def __init__(self, src_folder, params, app=None): """ Initialize the dialog Parameters ---------- src_folder: str The source folder to scan for sample folders params: UiParameter The parameters object to use to parametrise the dialog app: QApplication (optional) The QApplication instance to use. If None, ClearMap will try to use the existing instance """ self.group_paths = None self.current_group = 0 self.list_selection = TwoListSelection() super().__init__('sample_picker', 'File paths wizard', src_folder=src_folder, params=params, app=app, size=[None, 600]) self.list_selection.addAvailableItems(self.parse_sample_folders()) self.exec()
[docs] def setup(self): """ Setup the dialog after creation from the ui file. This method is called automatically in the constructor """ self.group_paths = [[]] self.current_group = 1 for i in range(self.params.n_groups - 1): self.__handle_add_group(add_to_params=False) self.list_selection = TwoListSelection() self.dlg.listPickerLayout.addWidget(self.list_selection)
[docs] def connect_buttons(self): """ Connect the buttons to their slots. This method is called automatically in the constructor """ self.dlg.addGroupPushButton.clicked.connect(functools.partial(self.__handle_add_group, add_to_params=True)) self.dlg.groupsComboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.__handle_group_changed) self.dlg.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.__apply_changes) self.dlg.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.dlg.close) selected_model = self.list_selection.mOuput.model() selected_model.rowsInserted.connect(self.__update_current_group_paths) # Update group when selection updated selected_model.rowsRemoved.connect(self.__update_current_group_paths) # Update group when selection updated
[docs] def parse_sample_folders(self): """ Scan the source folder to find the sample folders based on the presence of a `sample_params.cfg` file (skip `config_snapshots` folders) Returns ------- list(str) The list of sample folders """ sample_folders = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.src_folder): for fldr in dirs: if fldr == 'config_snapshots' or root.endswith('config_snapshots'): continue fldr = os.path.join(root, fldr) if 'sample_params.cfg' in os.listdir(fldr): sample_folders.append(fldr) return sample_folders
def __apply_changes(self): """ Save the selected groups of samples to the configuration file and close the dialog """ for group, paths in enumerate(self.group_paths): if group > self.params.n_groups: self.params.add_group() if paths: self.params.set_paths(group+1, paths) self.dlg.close() def __handle_group_changed(self): """ Handle the change of the current group (display the corresponding paths in the list selection) """ self.__update_current_group_paths() current_gp_id = self.dlg.groupsComboBox.currentIndex() self.current_group = max(0, current_gp_id) + 1 # WARNING: update current_group after update self.list_selection.setSelectedItems(self.group_paths[self.current_group - 1]) def __update_current_group_paths(self): """ Update the paths of the current group with the selected items in the list selection """ self.group_paths[self.current_group - 1] = self.list_selection.get_right_elements() def __handle_add_group(self, add_to_params=True): """ Add a new group to the dialog Parameters ---------- add_to_params: bool Whether to add the group to the parameters object. Default is True """ self.dlg.groupsComboBox.addItem(f'{self.dlg.groupsComboBox.count() + 1}') if add_to_params: self.params.add_group() self.group_paths.append([])
[docs] class LandmarksSelectorDialog(WizardDialog): # TODO: bind qColorDialog to color buttons """ A dialog to select landmarks in 3D space for registration The dialog allows to select landmarks in two views (fixed and moving) The landmarks are displayed in two 3D viewers with matching colors """ def __init__(self, app=None): """ Initialize the dialog Parameters ---------- app: QApplication (optional) The QApplication instance to use. If None, ClearMap will try to use the existing instance """ self.markers = [] self.coords = [] super().__init__('landmark_selector', 'Landmark selector', app=app) # self.dlg.setModal(False) self.data_viewers = {}
[docs] def setup(self): """ Setup the dialog after creation from the ui file. This method is called automatically in the constructor """ btn = self.dlg.marker0RadioButton btn.setChecked(True) color_btn = self.dlg.marker0ColorBtn self.markers = [(btn, color_btn)] self.coords = [[(np.nan, np.nan, np.nan), (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)]]
def __len__(self): return len(self.markers) @property def current_marker(self): """ Get the index of the currently selected marker Returns ------- int : the index of the currently selected marker """ return [marker[0].isChecked() for marker in self.markers].index(True) # def get_marker_btn(self, idx): # return getattr(self.dlg, f'marker{idx}RadioButton', None) # # def get_marker_color_label(self, idx): # return getattr(self.dlg, f'marker{idx}ColorLabel', None)
[docs] def connect_buttons(self): """ Connect the buttons to their slots. This method is called automatically in the constructor """ self.dlg.addMarkerPushButton.clicked.connect(self.add_marker) self.dlg.delMarkerPushButton.clicked.connect(self.remove_marker) # self.dlg.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.dlg.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.dlg.close)
@property def fixed_coords(self): return np.array([c[0] for c in self.coords]) @property def moving_coords(self): return np.array([c[1] for c in self.coords])
[docs] def set_fixed_coords(self, x, y, z): self.coords[self.current_marker][0] = (x, y, z) self._set_viewer_coords(0, self.fixed_coords)
[docs] def set_moving_coords(self, x, y, z): self.coords[self.current_marker][1] = (x, y, z) self._set_viewer_coords(1, self.moving_coords)
def _set_viewer_coords(self, viewer_idx, coords): viewer = self.data_viewers[viewer_idx] viewer.scatter_coords.set_data({ 'x': coords[:, 0], 'y': coords[:, 1], 'z': coords[:, 2], 'colour': np.array([QColor(col) for col in self.colors]) }) viewer.refresh() @property def __style_sheets(self): return [color_btn.styleSheet() for _, color_btn in self.markers] @property def colors(self): """ Get the ordered list of colors of the markers Returns ------- list(str) The markers colors """ return [sheet.replace('background-color: ', '').strip() for sheet in self.__style_sheets] @property def current_color(self): """ Get the color of the currently selected marker Returns ------- str The color of the currently selected marker """ return self.colors[self.current_marker]
[docs] def add_marker(self): new_idx = len(self) btn = QRadioButton(f'Marker {new_idx}:', self.dlg) btn.setObjectName(f'marker{new_idx}RadioButton') color_btn = QPushButton(self.dlg) color_btn.setObjectName(f'marker{new_idx}ColorBtn') color_btn.setStyleSheet(f'background-color: {self.get_new_color()}') self.dlg.formLayout.insertRow(len(self), btn, color_btn) self.markers.append((btn, color_btn)) self.coords.append([None, None])
[docs] def remove_marker(self): if self.current_marker == len(self) - 1: self.markers[-2][0].setChecked(True) btn, color_btn = self.markers[len(self) - 1] for widg in (btn, color_btn): widg.setParent(None) widg.deleteLater() self.markers.pop() self.coords.pop()
[docs] def get_new_color(self): color = QColor(*[c*255 for c in get_pseudo_random_color()]) while in self.colors: color = QColor(*[c*255 for c in get_pseudo_random_color()]) return
[docs] class StructurePickerWidget(QTreeWidget): LIGHT_COLOR = 'white' DARK_COLOR = '#2E3436' def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setColumnCount(4) self.root = self.parse_json() self.build_tree(self.root, self) self.header().resizeSection(0, 300) self.setHeaderLabels(['Structure name', 'ID', 'Color', '']) # TODO: see why 4 columns # self.itemClicked.connect(self.print_id)
[docs] def print_id(self, itm, col): print([itm.text(i) for i in range(3)])
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_json(): with open(annotation.label_file, 'r') as json_handle: # FIXME: make parameter in case it hasn't been initialised aba = json.load(json_handle) root = aba['msg'][0] return root
[docs] @staticmethod def build_tree(tree=None, parent=None): for subtree in tree['children']: if isinstance(subtree, dict): struct = QTreeWidgetItem(parent) struct.setText(0, subtree['name']) color_hex = f"#{subtree['color_hex_triplet']}" struct.setText(1, str(subtree['id'])) struct.setText(2, color_hex) struct.setText(3, '') bg = QColor(color_hex) struct.setBackground(2, bg) fg = QColor(StructurePickerWidget.LIGHT_COLOR if is_dark(bg) else StructurePickerWidget.DARK_COLOR) struct.setForeground(2, fg) if 'children' in subtree.keys() and subtree['children']: StructurePickerWidget.build_tree(tree=subtree, parent=struct) elif isinstance(subtree, list): StructurePickerWidget.build_tree(tree=subtree, parent=parent) else: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognised type {type(subtree)} for Tree: {subtree}')
[docs] class StructureSelector(WizardDialog): def __init__(self, app=None): super().__init__('structure_selector', 'Structure selector', app=app) self.structure_selected = self.picker_widget.itemClicked self.onAccepted = self.dlg.buttonBox.accepted.connect self.onRejected = self.dlg.buttonBox.rejected.connect
[docs] def show(self):
[docs] def close(self): self.dlg.close()
[docs] def setup(self): self.picker_widget = StructurePickerWidget(self.dlg) self.dlg.structureLayout.addWidget(self.picker_widget)
[docs] def connect_buttons(self): pass
[docs] class PerfMonitor(QWidget): cpu_vals_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, int, int) gpu_vals_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, int) def __init__(self, parent, fast_period, slow_period, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, *args, **kwargs) if fast_period < 100 or slow_period and slow_period < 100: raise ValueError('Periods cannot be below 100ms') self.percent_cpu = 0 self.percent_thread = 0 """The percentage of the CPU used by the most active process of ClearMap""" self.percent_ram = 0 self.percent_v_ram = 0 self.percent_gpu = 0 self.fast_period = fast_period self.slow_period = slow_period self.fast_timer = QTimer() self.fast_timer.setInterval(self.fast_period) self.fast_timer.timeout.connect(self.update_cpu_values) self.slow_timer = QTimer() if slow_period is not None: self.slow_timer.setInterval(self.slow_period) self.slow_timer.timeout.connect(self.update_gpu_values) self.gpu_proc_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='_clearmap_gpu.proc')[-1] self.cpu_proc_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='_clearmap_cpu.proc')[-1] self.file_watcher = QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher([self.gpu_proc_file_path, self.cpu_proc_file_path]) self.file_watcher.fileChanged.connect(self.handle_proc_changed) self.pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
[docs] def start(self): self.fast_timer.start() if self.slow_period is not None: self.slow_timer.start()
[docs] def stop(self): self.fast_timer.stop() if self.slow_period is not None: self.slow_timer.stop()
[docs] def get_cpu_percent(self): return round(psutil.cpu_percent())
[docs] def get_thread_percent(self): try: clear_map_proc_cpu = [proc.cpu_percent() for proc in psutil.process_iter() if proc and 'python' in and 'clearmap' in proc.exe().lower()] except psutil.NoSuchProcess: clear_map_proc_cpu = [] # The name filter is not sufficient but necessary because the exe is not always allowed return max(clear_map_proc_cpu) if clear_map_proc_cpu else 0
[docs] def get_ram_percent(self): return round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent)
def _get_cpu_vals(self): with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as pool: # TODO: check if should use self.pool instead futures = [pool.submit(f) for f in (self.get_cpu_percent, self.get_thread_percent, self.get_ram_percent)] percents = [f.result() for f in futures] return percents
[docs] def update_cpu_values(self): percent_cpu, percent_thread, percent_ram = self._get_cpu_vals() if percent_ram != self.percent_ram or percent_cpu != self.percent_cpu or percent_thread != self.percent_thread: self.percent_cpu = percent_cpu self.percent_thread = percent_thread self.percent_ram = percent_ram self.cpu_vals_changed.emit(self.percent_cpu, self.percent_thread, self.percent_ram)
[docs] def update_gpu_values(self): self.pool.submit(gpu_params, self.gpu_proc_file_path)
[docs] def handle_proc_changed(self, file_path): if file_path == self.gpu_proc_file_path: self.handle_gpu_vals_updated() elif file_path == self.cpu_proc_file_path: self.handle_cpu_vals_updated()
[docs] def handle_gpu_vals_updated(self): with open(self.gpu_proc_file_path, 'r') as proc_file: line = if not line: return elems = line.split(',') if len(elems) < 3: return mem_used, mem_total, gpu_percent = [s.strip() for s in elems] percent_v_ram = int((float(mem_used) / float(mem_total)) * 100) percent_gpu = int(gpu_percent) if percent_gpu != self.percent_gpu or percent_v_ram != self.percent_v_ram: self.percent_gpu = percent_gpu self.percent_v_ram = percent_v_ram self.gpu_vals_changed.emit(self.percent_gpu, self.percent_v_ram)