Source code for ClearMap.processors.generic_tab_processor

This module contains the generic processor classes that are used to define the processing steps and run the processing
This is inherited by all processors in ClearMap
import os
import sys
import warnings
from concurrent.futures.process import BrokenProcessPool

[docs] class ProcessorSteps: def __init__(self, workspace, postfix=''): self.postfix = postfix self.workspace = workspace @property def steps(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def path_from_step_name(self, step_name): raise NotImplementedError
@property def existing_steps(self): return [s for s in self.steps if self.step_exists(s)] @property def last_step(self): return self.existing_steps[-1]
[docs] def get_next_steps(self, step_name): return self.steps[self.steps.index(step_name)+1:]
[docs] def step_exists(self, step_name): return os.path.exists(self.path_from_step_name(step_name))
[docs] def remove_next_steps_files(self, target_step_name): for step_name in self.get_next_steps(target_step_name): f_path = self.path_from_step_name(step_name) if os.path.exists(f_path): warnings.warn(f"WARNING: Remove previous step {step_name}, file {f_path}") os.remove(f_path)
[docs] def path(self, step, step_back=False, n_before=0): if n_before: step = self.steps[self.steps.index(step) - n_before] f_path = self.path_from_step_name(step) if not os.path.exists(f_path): if step_back: # FIXME: steps back only once ?? f_path = self.path(self.steps[self.steps.index(step) - 1]) else: raise IndexError(f'Could not find path "{f_path}" and not allowed to step back') return f_path
[docs] class TabProcessor: def __init__(self): self.stopped = False self.progress_watcher = None self.workspace = None self.machine_config = {}
[docs] def set_progress_watcher(self, watcher): self.progress_watcher = watcher
[docs] def update_watcher_progress(self, val): if self.progress_watcher is not None: self.progress_watcher.increment(val)
[docs] def update_watcher_main_progress(self, val=1): if self.progress_watcher is not None: self.progress_watcher.increment_main_progress(val)
[docs] def set_watcher_step(self, step_name): if self.progress_watcher is not None: self.progress_watcher.main_step_name = step_name
[docs] def prepare_watcher_for_substep(self, counter_size, pattern, title, increment_main=False): """ Prepare the progress watcher for the coming processing step. The watcher will in turn signal changes to the progress bar Arguments --------- counter_size: int The progress bar maximum pattern: str or re.Pattern or (str, re.Pattern) The string to search for in the log to signal an increment of 1 title: str The title of the step for the progress bar increment_main: bool Whether a new step should be added to the main progress bar """ if self.progress_watcher is not None: self.progress_watcher.prepare_for_substep(counter_size, pattern, title) if increment_main: self.update_watcher_main_progress()
[docs] def stop_process(self): # REFACTOR: put in parent class ?? self.stopped = True if hasattr(self.workspace, 'executor') and self.workspace.executor is not None: if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9): print('Canceling process') self.workspace.executor.shutdown(cancel_futures=True) # The new clean version else: self.workspace.executor.immediate_shutdown() # Dirty but we have no choice in python < 3.9 self.workspace.executor = None # raise BrokenProcessPool elif hasattr(self.workspace, 'process') and self.workspace.process is not None: self.workspace.process.terminate() # self.workspace.process.wait() self.workspace.process = None raise CanceledProcessing
@property def verbose(self): return self.machine_config['verbosity'] == 'debug'
[docs] def run(self): raise NotImplementedError
# def setup(self): # pass
[docs] class CanceledProcessing(BrokenProcessPool): # TODO: better inheritance pass