Converts point data into a voxelized image for visulalization and analysis.
- search_indices_rectangle(radius, kernel=None)[source]#
Creates all relative indices within a rectangle.
- radiustuple or float
Radius of the sphere of the search index list.
- indicesarray
Array of ints of relative indices for the search area voxels.
- search_indices_sphere(radius, kernel=None)[source]#
Creates all relative indices within a sphere of specified radius.
- radiustuple or int
Radius of the sphere of the search index list.
- indicesarray
Array of ints of relative indices for the search area voxels.
- voxelize(source, sink=None, shape=None, dtype=None, weights=None, method='sphere', radius=(1, 1, 1), kernel=None, processes=None, verbose=False)[source]#
Converts a list of points into an volumetric image array
- sourcestr, array or Source
Source of point of nxd coordinates.
- sinkstr, array or None
The sink for the voxelized image, if None return array.
- shapetuple or None
Shape of the final voxelized data. If None, deterimine from points.
- dtypedtype or None
Optional data type of the sink.
- weightsarray or None
Weight array of length n for each point. If None, use uniform weights.
- methodstr
Method for voxelization: ‘sphere’, ‘rectangle’ or ‘pixel’.
- radiustuple
Radius of the voxel region to integrate over.
- kernelfunction
Optional function of distance to set weights in the voxelization.
- processesint or None
Number of processes to use.
- verbosebool
If True, print progress info.
- sinkstr, array
Volumetric data of voxelied point data.