
Converts point data into a devolved or smeared out image for visulalization and analysis purposes.


This is effecitively blurring with a specified kernel.

devolve(source, sink=None, shape=None, dtype=None, weights=None, indices=None, kernel=None, processes=None, verbose=False)[source]#

Converts a list of points into an volumetric image array.


sourcestr, array or Source

Source of point of nxd coordinates.

sinkstr, array or None

The sink for the devolved image, if None return array.

shapetuple, str or None

Shape of the final devolved data. If None, determine from points. If str, determine shape from the source at the specified location.

dtypedtype or None

Optional data type of the sink.

weightsarray or None

Weight array of length n for each point. If None, use uniform weights.


Method for voxelization: ‘sphere’, ‘rectangle’ or ‘pixel’.


The relative indices to the center to devolve over as nxd array.


Optional kernel weights for each index in indices.

processesint or None

Number of processes to use.


If True, print progress info.


sinkstr, array

Volumetric data of devolved point data.