
Custom exceptions for ClearMap

exception AssetNotFoundError[source]#

Bases: ClearMapAssetError

Exception raised when an asset is not found

exception ClearMapAssetError[source]#

Bases: ClearMapWorkspaceError

Exception raised when there is an error with the asset

exception ClearMapException[source]#

Bases: Exception

Base exception for all exceptions in ClearMap

exception ClearMapIoException[source]#

Bases: ClearMapException

Base exception for all exceptions related to input/output operations

exception ClearMapVRamException[source]#

Bases: ClearMapException

Exception raised when there is insufficient VRAM available for a processing step

exception ClearMapWorkspaceError[source]#

Bases: ClearMapException

Exception raised when there is an error with the workspace

exception ConfigNotFoundError[source]#

Bases: ClearMapException

Exception raised when a configuration file is not found

exception GroupStatsError[source]#

Bases: ClearMapException

Exception raised when there is an error with the group statistics

exception IncompatibleSource(source, variable_name, current_vars)[source]#

Bases: ClearMapIoException

exception MissingRequirementException[source]#

Bases: ClearMapException

Exception raised when a processing step is missing a required condition (i.e. an other step has not been run yet)

exception PlotGraphError[source]#

Bases: ClearMapException

Exception raised when attempting to plot a graph that is e.g. too large

exception SmiError[source]#

Bases: ClearMapException

Exception raised when there is an error with the nvidia-smi command

exception SourceModuleNotFoundError[source]#

Bases: ClearMapIoException

Exception raised when a source module is not found