Source code for ClearMap.IO.TIF

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TIF module provides interface to read and write tif image files.

This module relies on the tifffile library.
__author__ = 'Christoph Kirst <>, Charly Rousseau <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3 - GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE.txt)'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2020 by Christoph Kirst'
__webpage__ = ''
__download__ = ''

import warnings
from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np
from tifffile import tifffile

from ClearMap.IO.Source import Source as AbstractSource
from ClearMap.IO.Source import VirtualSource as AbstractVirtualSource
import ClearMap.IO.Slice as cmp_clicing

from ClearMap.Utils.Lazy import lazyattr

# ## Source class

[docs] class Source(AbstractSource): """Class to handle a tif file source Note ---- Its assumed that the image data is stored in a series of the tif file. .. warning:: It is also assumed that the last 3 dimensions are the image dimensions in the order z,y,x. """ def __init__(self, location, series=0, multi_file=False): try: self._tif = tifffile.TiffFile(location, multifile=multi_file) except TypeError: # TODO: filter with message self._tif = tifffile.TiffFile(location, _multifile=multi_file) # Versions >= 2020.9.30 # FIXME: to see if read or write mode, check 1) if the file exists, 2) if there is metadata in the file self._series = series self.multi_file = multi_file if not self.series_mode and not self.pages_mode: raise ValueError(f'Unknown metadata type {self._metadata_type}') @property def name(self): return "Tif-Source" @lazyattr def series(self): return self._tif.series[self._series] @property def is_clearmap(self): return self._tif.is_shaped # Likely written by clearmap if not more metadata @property def axes_order(self): md = self.metadata(info=['shape']) return md['order'] @cached_property def series_mode(self): return (self._tif._multifile or self._metadata_type == 'imagej_metadata' or self._metadata_type == 'shaped_metadata' or self._metadata_type is None) @cached_property def pages_mode(self): return self._metadata_type == 'ome_metadata' @cached_property def shape(self): try: shape_ = shape_from_tif(self.tif_shape) except ValueError as err: print(f'ERROR transposing shape of {self._tif.filename} ({self.tif_shape}) from {self.axes_order} to ZYX order!') raise err return shape_ @cached_property def tif_shape(self): if self.series_mode: shape = self._parse_series_shape() else: shape = self._parse_pages_shape() # Remove empty dimensions shape = tuple(dim for dim in shape if dim != 1) return shape def _parse_series_shape(self): return self.series.shape def _parse_pages_shape(self): _shape = self._tif.pages[0].shape # The 2D shape of the image n_pages = len(self._tif.pages) if n_pages > 1: _shape = (n_pages,) + _shape return _shape @cached_property def dtype(self): if self.series_mode: return self.series.dtype else: return self._tif.pages[0].dtype @property def location(self): return self._tif._fh.path @location.setter def location(self, value): if value != self.location: self._tif = tifffile.TiffFile(value, multifile=False) @property def array(self, processes=None): array = self._tif.asarray(maxworkers=processes) return self.to_clearmap_order(array) @cached_property def element_strides(self): """The strides of the array elements. Returns ------- strides : tuple Strides of the array elements. Note ---- The strides of the elements module itemsize instead of bytes. """ memmap = self.as_memmap() return tuple(s // memmap.itemsize for s in memmap.strides) def __getitem__(self, slicing, processes=None): ndim = self.ndim if ndim >= 3: slicing = cmp_clicing.unpack_slicing(slicing, ndim) # matches dimensions for slicing (may assume space at the end) slicing_z = slicing[-1] if isinstance(slicing_z, (int, np.int64)): slicing_z = int(slicing_z) array = self._tif.asarray(key=slicing_z, maxworkers=processes) array = self.to_clearmap_order(array) slicing_xy = (Ellipsis,) + slicing[-3: -1] # Assumes that the last dimensions are space and in the order z,y,x ?? if len(array.shape) > len(self._tif.pages[0].shape): # FIXME: is self._tif.pages[0].shape used for series mode? slicing_xy = slicing_xy + (slice(None), ) return array[slicing_xy] else: array = self._tif.asarray(maxworkers=processes) array = self.to_clearmap_order(array) return array[slicing] def __setitem__(self, *args): memmap = self.as_memmap() memmap.__setitem__(*args)
[docs] def to_clearmap_order(self, array): try: transposed = tif_to_clearmap_order(array, self.axes_order) except ValueError as err: print(f'ERROR transposing array {self._tif.filename} with shape {array.shape} ' f'from {self.axes_order} to ClearMap (ZYX) order!') raise err return transposed
@cached_property def _metadata_type(self): populated_metadata = [f'{t}_metadata' for t in self._tif.flags if getattr(self._tif, f'{t}_metadata', None) is not None] if not populated_metadata: return None elif len(populated_metadata) > 1: warnings.warn(f'Multiple metadata types found in tif file {self.location}!; metadata: {populated_metadata}') return populated_metadata[0]
[docs] def get_raw_metadata_dictionary(self): if not self._metadata_type: return {} md = getattr(self._tif, self._metadata_type) or {} if self._tif.is_ome: md = tifffile.xml2dict(md).get('OME', {}) return md
[docs] def metadata(self, info=('shape', 'resolution', 'overlap')): """Returns metadata from this tif file. Arguments --------- info : list, 'all' or None Optional list of keywords, if 'all' return full tif metadata, if None return default set info. Returns ------- metadata : dict Dictionary with the metadata. """ metadata = self.get_raw_metadata_dictionary() if not metadata: warnings.warn(f'No metadata found in tif file {self._tif.filename}!' f'Assuming XYZ order and shape {self.shape}.') shape = self.shape order = ''.join([ax for i, ax in zip(shape, 'XYZ')]) return {'shape': shape, 'order': order} if info is all: raise DeprecationWarning('The all argument is deprecated. Use "all" instead.') elif info == 'all': return metadata if self._metadata_type == 'ome_metadata': parser = OMEMetadataParser(self, metadata, info) elif self._metadata_type == 'imagej_metadata': parser = ImageJMetadataParser(self, metadata, info) elif self._metadata_type == 'shaped_metadata': parser = ClearMapMetadataParser(self, metadata, info) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown metadata type {self._metadata_type}.' f'Please subclass BaseMetadataParser to handle this metadata type.') parser.parse() return
[docs] def as_memmap(self): try: return self.to_clearmap_order(tifffile.memmap(self.location)) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f'The tif file {self.location} cannot be memmaped!; {err}')
[docs] def as_virtual(self): return VirtualSource(source=self)
[docs] def as_real(self): return self
[docs] def as_buffer(self): return self.as_memmap()
# #### Formatting ### def __str__(self): try: name = or '' shape = repr((self.shape,)) if self.shape else '' dtype = f'[{self.dtype}]' if self.dtype else '' order = f'|{self.order}|' if self.order else '' location = f'{self.location}' if self.location else '' location = location if len(location) <= 100 else location[:50] + '...' + location[-50:] except TypeError: name = shape = dtype = order = location = '' return f'{name}{shape}{dtype}{order}{location}'
[docs] class VirtualSource(AbstractVirtualSource): def __init__(self, source=None, shape=None, dtype=None, order=None, location=None, name=None): super(VirtualSource, self).__init__(source=source, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order, location=location, name=name) if isinstance(source, Source): self.multi_file = source.multi_file self.series = source._series @property def name(self): return 'Virtual-Tif-Source'
[docs] def as_virtual(self): return self
[docs] def as_real(self): return Source(location=self.location, series=self.series, multi_file=self.multi_file)
[docs] def as_buffer(self): return self.as_real().as_buffer()
############################################################################### # ## TIF Parsers ###############################################################################
[docs] class BaseMetadataParser: def __init__(self, source, metadata, info_categories): self.source = source self.metadata = metadata if isinstance(info_categories, str): info_categories = [info_categories] = {k: None for k in info_categories}
[docs] def parse(self): if 'shape' in self.parse_pixel_metadata() if 'resolution' in self.parse_resolution() if 'overlap' in self.parse_overlap() if 'description' in self.parse_description() if 'tile_configuration' in self.parse_tile_configuration() if 'date' in self.parse_date()
[docs] def update_info(self, name, keys, mdict, astype): value = [] for k in keys: v = mdict for kk in k.split('.'): # Iterate over dot nested keys v = v.get(kk, None) if v is None: break if v is not None: value.append(astype(v)) if value:[name] = tuple(value)
[docs] def parse_order(self):['order'] = self.pixels_metadata.get('DimensionOrder', None)
[docs] def parse_shape(self): self.update_info('shape', tuple([f'Size{d}' for d in['order']]), self.pixels_metadata, int) # Remove empty dimensions if['shape'] is not None and [d for d in['shape'] if d != 1] != self.source.shape: order = [d for s, d in zip(['shape'],['order']) if s > 1]['order'] = order['shape'] = self.source.shape
[docs] def parse_pixel_metadata(self): """ Parse only the pixel metadata (i.e. shape and order) from the OME metadata. Returns ------- """ self.parse_order() self.parse_shape()
[docs] def parse_resolution(self):['resolution'] = tuple(float(self.pixels_metadata[f'PhysicalSize{dim}']) for dim in['order'] if dim in 'XYZ')
[docs] def parse_date(self):['date'] = self.metadata.get('Image', {}).get('CreationDate', None)
[docs] def parse_description(self): if self.source.pages_mode: desc = self.source._tif.pages[0].description else: desc = self.source.series.description if desc:['description'] = desc else:['description'] = self.metadata.get('Image', {}).get('Description', None)
[docs] def parse_tile_configuration(self): warnings.warn(f"Tile configuration parsing is not available for {self.__class__}, skipping!")
[docs] def parse_overlap(self): warnings.warn(f"Overlap parsing is not available for {self.__class__}, skipping!")
@cached_property def pixels_metadata(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses should implement this method")
[docs] class OMEMetadataParser(BaseMetadataParser): """ Parser for OME metadata. Typically, this is tuned for the metadata of the OME-TIFF files generated by either the UltraMicroscopeII or the Blaze light-sheet microscopes from LaVision BioTec (now Miltenyi Biotec). """ @cached_property def pixels_metadata(self): return self.metadata.get('Image', {}).get('Pixels', {})
[docs] def parse_overlap(self): custom_md = self.metadata.get('CustomAttributes', {}).get('PropArray', {}) # UM2 if custom_md: overlap_keys = [f'xyz-Table_{dim}_Overlap.Value' for dim in 'XY'] self.update_info('overlap', overlap_keys, custom_md, float) else: custom_md = self.metadata.get('CustomAttributes', {}).get('Properties', {}).get('prop', {}) overlap_keys = [f'xyz-Table {dim} Overlap' for dim in 'XY'] overlaps = [float(label.get('Value')) for label in custom_md if label.get('label') in overlap_keys]['overlap'] = tuple(overlaps) if overlaps else None
[docs] def parse_tile_configuration(self): tile_cfg_txt = (self.metadata.get('Image', {}).get('CustomAttributes', {}) .get('TileConfiguration', {}).get('TileConfiguration', '')) if tile_cfg_txt: tile_cfg_txt = [ln.strip() for ln in tile_cfg_txt[1:].split(')') if ln] tile_cfg = [ln.split(';;') for ln in tile_cfg_txt] tile_cfg = [(ln[0], ln[1][1:]) for ln in tile_cfg]['tile_configuration'] = tile_cfg
[docs] class ImageJMetadataParser(BaseMetadataParser): @cached_property def pixels_metadata(self): labels = self.metadata.get('Labels') if labels: return {(line.split('=', 1)[0]).strip(): (line.split('=', 1)[1]).strip() for line in labels[0].split('\n') if '=' in line} else: print(f'WARNING: Image: {self.source._tif.filename}, no labels found in imagej metadata!;' f' metadata: {self.metadata}') return self.parse_info_field()
[docs] def parse_info_field(self): parsed_info = {} try: md_info = self.metadata['Info'].split('\n') except KeyError: warnings.warn(f'No Info metadata found in tif file {self.source._tif.filename}!' f'Metadata: {self.metadata}') parsed_info['order'] = 'XYZ' return parsed_info if md_info[0].startswith('NRRD'): # FIXME: just get pixel metadata self.__parse_nrrd(md_info, parsed_info) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown metadata type {self.source._metadata_type} and format: {md_info[0]};' f' info: {md_info}') return parsed_info
def __parse_nrrd(self, md_info, parsed_info): md_info = {ln.split(':', 1)[0]: ln.split(':', 1)[1] for ln in md_info if ':' in ln} if 'sizes' in md_info: index_to_dim = {0: 'X', 1: 'Y', 2: 'Z'} space_directions = md_info.get('space directions', None) space_directions = tuple(tuple([int(dim_) for dim_ in v.strip('()').split(',')]) for v in space_directions.split(' ') if v) parsed_info['DimensionOrder'] = [index_to_dim[np.argmax(v)] for v in space_directions] dim_to_index = {d: i for i, d in index_to_dim.items()} shape = [int(sz) for sz in md_info['sizes'].split(' ') if sz] for ax in parsed_info['DimensionOrder']: parsed_info[f'Size{ax}'] = shape[dim_to_index[ax]] if ax in 'XYZ': parsed_info[f'PhysicalSize{ax}'] = max(space_directions[dim_to_index[ax]]) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown metadata type {self.source._metadata_type} and format: {md_info[0]};' f' info: {md_info}')
[docs] class ClearMapMetadataParser(BaseMetadataParser): """ Parser for ClearMap metadata. Typically, this is tuned for the metadata of the ClearMap generated tif files which might lack some of the metadata fields but where the axes order is bound to be 'XYZ'. """
[docs] def parse_order(self): # parsed_info = self.metadata[0] # FIXME: check, which is best super().parse_order() if['order'] is None: warnings.warn('WARNING: No dimension order found in tif metadata! Assuming "XYZTC" order.')['order'] = ''.join([d for d in 'XYZTC' if f'Size{d}' in self.pixels_metadata.keys()]) if not['order']:['order'] = 'XYZ'
############################################################################### # ## IO functionality ###############################################################################
[docs] def is_tif(source): """Checks if this is a TIF source""" if isinstance(source, Source): return True if isinstance(source, str): try: Source(source) except tifffile.TiffFileError: # Do not catch missing file or permission errors return False return True return False
[docs] def read(source, slicing=None, sink=None, **args): """Read data from a tif file. Arguments --------- source : str or TIF class The name of the tif file or a TIF class. slicing : slice, Slice or None An optional sub-slice to consider. Returns ------- data : array The image data in the tif file. """ if not isinstance(source, Source): source = Source(source) if slicing is None: return source.array else: return source[slicing]
[docs] def write(sink, data, **args): """Write data to a tif file Arguments --------- sink : str The name of the tif file. Returns ------- sink : str The name of the tif file. """ try: data = array_to_tif(data) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f'Cannot write array to tif file {sink}!; {err}') # TODO: add axes order 'XYZ(C)' to metadata try: tifffile.imsave(sink, data, **args) # noqa except AttributeError: tifffile.imwrite(sink, data, **args) return sink
[docs] def create(location=None, shape=None, dtype=None, mode=None, as_source=True, **kwargs): """Create a memory map. Arguments --------- location : str The filename of the memory mapped array. shape : tuple or None The shape of the memory map to create. dtype : dtype The data type of the memory map. mode : 'r', 'w', 'w+', None The mode to open the memory map. as_source : bool If True, return as Source class. Returns ------- memmap : np.memmap The memory map. Note ---- By default memmaps are initialized as fortran contiguous if order is None. """ if shape is None: raise ValueError('Shape for new tif file must be given!') try: shape = shape_to_tif(shape) except ValueError as err: print(f'ERROR: could not transpose shape of {location} ({shape}) to ZYX order!; {err}') raise err mode = 'r+' if mode == 'w+' or mode is None else mode dtype = 'float64' if dtype is None else dtype memmap = tifffile.memmap(location, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, mode=mode) if as_source: return Source(location) else: return memmap
################################################################################ # ### Array axes order ################################################################################
[docs] def map_axes(source_order, dest_order, ndim=None): """ Generate a mapping of axes from source order to destination order. The mapping is a tuple of integers that can be used with np.transpose to reorder the axes of an array. Parameters ---------- source_order : str The order of the axes in the source array (e.g., 'ZYX'). dest_order : str The desired order of axes in the output array (e.g., 'XYZ'). Returns ------- tuple A tuple of integers that can be used with np.transpose to reorder the axes of an array. """ if not ndim: ndim = len(source_order) if isinstance(source_order, (tuple, list)): source_order = ''.join(source_order) if isinstance(dest_order, (tuple, list)): dest_order = ''.join(dest_order) source_order = source_order.upper() dest_order = dest_order.upper() if 'C' in source_order and 'C' not in dest_order: warnings.warn('Color channel is present in source order but not explicitly in destination order, ' 'assuming it should be moved to the end of the array.') dest_order += 'C' elif 'C' in dest_order and 'C' not in source_order: raise ValueError('Cannot add color channel to array without color channel.') # if order were given with too much information, discard by least significant for dim in 'TCZ': if ((ndim < len(source_order) and dim in source_order) or (ndim < len(dest_order) and dim in dest_order)): source_order = source_order.replace(dim, '') dest_order = dest_order.replace(dim, '') if len(source_order) != len(dest_order): raise ValueError(f'Source and destination order must have the same number of axes.' f' Source order: {source_order}, Destination order: {dest_order}') return tuple(source_order.index(axis) for axis in dest_order)
[docs] def transpose_array(array, source_order, dest_order): """ Transpose the axes on array from source_order to dest_order. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray The array to transpose source_order : str The order of the axes in the array (with letters representing the axes) dest_order : str The desired order of axes in the output array (with letters representing the axes) Returns ------- The transposed array """ transposition = map_axes(source_order, dest_order, ndim=array.ndim) return np.transpose(array, transposition)
[docs] def tif_to_clearmap_order(array, array_order='XYZ'): """ Transpose the axes on array to the ClearMap order ('ZYX') Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray The array to transpose array_order : str The order of the input array (with letters representing the axes) Returns ------- The transposed array """ return transpose_array(array, array_order, 'ZYX')
[docs] def reorder_shape(shape, order, dest_order): """ Rearrange the shape tuple to match the given order. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The original shape of the array order : str The order of the axes in the array (e.g., 'ZYX' or 'CZYX') dest_order : str The desired order of axes in the output array (e.g., 'XYZ' or 'XYZC') Returns ------- tuple The shape rearranged to match the given order """ axes_mapping = map_axes(order, dest_order, ndim=len(shape)) rearranged_shape = tuple(shape[ax] for ax in axes_mapping) return rearranged_shape
[docs] def shape_from_tif(shape, order='XYZ', dest_order='ZYX'): # FIXME: extract CLEARMAP_ORDER and TIF_ORDER to constants """ Rearrange the shape tuple to match the 'XYZ' (or 'XYZC') order based on the given axes order. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The original shape of the array. order : str The order of the axes in the array (e.g., 'ZYX' or 'CZYX'). Default is 'XYZ' (Default tiff order). dest_order : str The desired order of axes in the output array (e.g., 'XYZ' or 'XYZC'). Default is 'ZYX' (ClearMap array order). Returns ------- tuple The shape rearranged to match the 'XYZ' (or 'XYZC') order. """ return reorder_shape(shape, order, dest_order)
[docs] def shape_to_tif(shape, order='ZYX', dest_order='XYZ'): """ Rearrange the shape tuple to match the 'XYZ' (or 'XYZC') order based on the given axes order. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The original shape of the array. order : str The order of the axes in the array (e.g., 'ZYX' or 'CZYX'). Default is 'ZYX' (ClearMap array order). dest_order : str The desired order of axes in the output array (e.g., 'XYZ' or 'XYZC'). Default is 'XYZ' (Default tiff order). Returns ------- tuple The shape rearranged to match the 'XYZ' (or 'XYZC') order. """ return reorder_shape(shape, order, dest_order)
# # def shape_from_tif(shape): # ndim = len(shape) # shape = shape[:max(0, ndim-3)] + shape[-3:][::-1] # FIXME: rewrite for color and use in array_from_tiff too # return shape # # # def array_from_tif(array): # to ZYXC orientation # ndim = array.ndim # n_colors = min(array.shape) # valid if rgb # if ndim == 4 and n_colors in (3, 4): # Put color last for RGB images # col_idx = array.shape.index(n_colors) # # new_axes = list(range(ndim)) # new_axes.pop(col_idx) # new_axes = new_axes[::-1] # new_axes.append(col_idx) # array = np.transpose(array, new_axes) # else: # axes = list(range(ndim)) # axes = axes[:max(0, ndim-3)] + axes[-3:][::-1] # array = array.transpose(axes) # return array # def array_from_tif(array): # to ZYXC orientation # return tif_to_clearmap_order(array)
[docs] def array_to_tif(array, source_order='ZYX'): return transpose_array(array, source_order, 'XYZ')
################################################################################ # ### Tests ################################################################################ def _test(): import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tfs import ClearMap.IO.TIF as tif filename = tfs.filename('tif_2d') t = tif.Source(location=filename) print(t) filename = tfs.filename('tif_2d_color') t = tif.Source(location=filename) print(t) d = print(d.shape) v = t.as_virtual() print(v) q = v.as_real() print(q)