Source code for ClearMap.Visualization.Qt.data_viewer_luts

import functools as ft

import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGridLayout, QPushButton, QSizePolicy, QWidget

from ClearMap.Visualization.Color import rand_cmap

[docs] class LUTItem(pg.HistogramLUTItem): """Lookup table item for the DataViewer""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pg.HistogramLUTItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.vb.setMaximumWidth(15) self.vb.setMinimumWidth(10)
[docs] def imageChanged(self, autoLevel=False, autoRange=False): if autoLevel: mn, mx = self.quickMinMax(targetSize=500) self.region.setRegion([mn, mx])
[docs] def quickMinMax(self, targetSize=1e3): """ Estimate the min/max values of the image data by subsampling. """ data = self.imageItem().image while data.size > targetSize: ax = np.argmax(data.shape) sl = [slice(None)] * data.ndim sl[ax] = slice(None, None, 2) data = data[tuple(sl)] return np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data)
[docs] class LUTWidget(pg.GraphicsView): """Lookup table widget for the DataViewer""" def __init__(self, parent=None, *args, **kwargs): background = kwargs.get('background', 'default') pg.GraphicsView.__init__(self, parent=parent, useOpenGL=True, background=background) self.item = LUTItem(*args, **kwargs) self.setCentralItem(self.item) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Expanding) # TODO: add option for size_policy self.setMinimumWidth(120)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return QSize(120, 200)
def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.item, attr)
[docs] class LUT(QWidget): def __init__(self, image=None, color='red', percentiles=[[-100, 0, 50], [50, 75, 100]], parent=None, *args): QWidget.__init__(self, parent, *args) self.layout = QGridLayout(self) self.layout.setSpacing(0) # self.layout.setMargin(0) self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.lut = LUTWidget(parent=parent, image=image) self.layout.addWidget(self.lut, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.range_layout = QGridLayout() self.range_buttons = [] pre = ['%d', '%d'] for r in range(2): range_buttons_m = [] for i, p in enumerate(percentiles[r]): button = QPushButton(pre[r] % (p)) button.setMaximumWidth(30) font = button.font() font.setPointSize(6) button.setFont(font) self.range_layout.addWidget(button, r, i) range_buttons_m.append(button) self.range_buttons.append(range_buttons_m) self.layout.addLayout(self.range_layout, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.precentiles = percentiles self.percentile_id = [2, 2] for m, ab in enumerate(self.range_buttons): for p, abm in enumerate(ab): abm.clicked.connect(ft.partial(self.updateRegionRange, m, p)) # default gradient if color in pg.graphicsItems.GradientEditorItem.Gradients.keys(): self.lut.gradient.loadPreset(color) elif color in pg.colormap.listMaps('matplotlib'): colormap = pg.colormap.get(color, source='matplotlib') self.lut.gradient.setColorMap(colormap) elif color == 'random': colormap_values = rand_cmap(int(image.image.max() - image.image.min()), map_type='bright', first_color_black=True, last_color_black=False) colormap_values = [pg.mkColor(*[int(c*255) for c in col]) for col in colormap_values] colormap = pg.ColorMap(None, colormap_values, mapping=pg.ColorMap.CLIP) self.lut.gradient.setColorMap(colormap) else: self.lut.gradient.getTick(0).color = QColor(0, 0, 0, 0) self.lut.gradient.getTick(1).color = QColor(color) self.lut.gradient.updateGradient()
[docs] def updateRegionRange(self, m, p): self.percentile_id[m] = p p_min = self.precentiles[0][self.percentile_id[0]] p_max = self.precentiles[1][self.percentile_id[1]] self.updateRegionPercentile(p_min, p_max)
[docs] def updateRegionPercentile(self, pmin, pmax): iitem = self.lut.imageItem() if iitem is not None: pmax1 = max(0, min(pmax, 100)) if pmin < 0: pmin1 = min(-pmin, 100) else: pmin1 = min(pmin, 100) if pmax1 == 0: pmax1 = 1; pmax = 1 if pmin1 == 0: pmin1 = 1; pmin = 1 r = [float(pmin)/pmin1, float(pmax)/pmax1] * self.quickPercentile(iitem.image, [pmin1, pmax1]) self.lut.region.setRegion(r)
[docs] def quickPercentile(self, data, percentiles, target_size=1e3): while data.size > target_size: ax = np.argmax(data.shape) sl = [slice(None)] * data.ndim sl[ax] = slice(None, None, 2) sl = tuple(sl) data = data[sl] if data.dtype == np.bool_: return np.nanpercentile(data.astype(np.uint8), percentiles) else: return np.nanpercentile(data, percentiles)