
class LUT(image=None, color='red', percentiles=[[-100, 0, 50], [50, 75, 100]], parent=None, *args)[source]#

Bases: QWidget

quickPercentile(data, percentiles, target_size=1000.0)[source]#
updateRegionPercentile(pmin, pmax)[source]#
updateRegionRange(m, p)[source]#
class LUTItem(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: HistogramLUTItem

Lookup table item for the DataViewer

imageChanged(autoLevel=False, autoRange=False)[source]#

Estimate the min/max values of the image data by subsampling.

class LUTWidget(parent=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: GraphicsView

Lookup table widget for the DataViewer

sizeHint(self) QSize[source]#