Source code for ClearMap.gui.interfaces

This module contains the interfaces to the different tabs and dialogs in the ClearMap GUI.
import os

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWhatsThis

from ClearMap.Utils.exceptions import MissingRequirementException
from ClearMap.gui.gui_utils import create_clearmap_widget

[docs] class GenericUi: """ The first layer of interface. This is not implemented directly but is the base class of GenericTab and GenericDialog, themselves interfaces """ def __init__(self, main_window, name, ui_file_name, widget_class_name): """ Parameters ---------- main_window: ClearMapGui name: str ui_file_name: str widget_class_name: str """ self.main_window = main_window = name self.ui_file_name = ui_file_name self.widget_class_name = widget_class_name self.ui = None self.params = None self.progress_watcher = self.main_window.progress_watcher
[docs] def init_ui(self): self.ui = create_clearmap_widget(f'{self.ui_file_name}.ui', patch_parent_class=self.widget_class_name) self.patch_button_boxes()
[docs] def set_params(self, *args): """ Set the params object which links the UI and the configuration file Parameters ---------- args Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def load_config_to_gui(self): """ Set every control on the UI to the value in the params Returns ------- """ self.params.cfg_to_ui()
[docs] def set_progress_watcher(self, watcher): pass
[docs] def patch_button_boxes(self): """ Patch the button boxes in the ui so that the text corresponds to that defined in QtCreqtor Returns ------- """ self.main_window.patch_button_boxes(self.ui)
[docs] class GenericDialog(GenericUi): """ Interface to any dialog associated with parameters """ def __init__(self, main_window, name, file_name): super().__init__(main_window, name, file_name, 'QDialog')
[docs] def init_ui(self): super().init_ui() self.ui.setWindowTitle(
[docs] def set_params(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class GenericTab(GenericUi): """ The interface to all tab managers. A tab manager includes a tab widget, the associated parameters and potentially a processor object which handles the computations. """ def __init__(self, main_window, name, tab_idx, ui_file_name): """ Parameters ---------- main_window: ClearMapGui name: str tab_idx: int ui_file_name: str """ super().__init__(main_window, name, ui_file_name, 'QTabWidget') self.processing_type = None self.tab_idx = tab_idx self.minimum_width = 200 # REFACTOR: self.advanced_control_names = []
[docs] def init_ui(self): super().init_ui() self.ui.setMinimumWidth(self.minimum_width) self.main_window.tabWidget.removeTab(self.tab_idx) self.main_window.tabWidget.insertTab(self.tab_idx, self.ui, if hasattr(self.ui, 'advancedCheckBox'): for ctrl_name in self.advanced_control_names: ctrl = getattr(self.ui, ctrl_name) ctrl.setVisible(False) self.ui.advancedCheckBox.stateChanged.connect(self.handle_advanced_checked)
[docs] def handle_advanced_checked(self): """ Activate the *advanced* mode which will display more controls Returns ------- """ checked = self.ui.advancedCheckBox.isChecked() for ctrl_name in self.advanced_control_names: ctrl = getattr(self.ui, ctrl_name) ctrl.setVisible(checked)
[docs] def set_params(self, *args): """ Set the params object which links the UI and the configuration file Parameters ---------- args Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def read_configs(self, cfg_path): # FIXME: REFACTOR: parse_configs """ Read the configuration file associated with the params from the filesystem Parameters ---------- cfg_path Returns ------- """ self.params.read_configs(cfg_path)
[docs] def fix_config(self): # TODO: check if could make part of self.params may not be possible since not set """ Amend the config for the tabs that required live patching the config Returns ------- """ self.params.fix_cfg_file(self.params.config_path)
[docs] def disable(self): """ Disable this tab (UI element) Returns ------- """ self.ui.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def step_exists(self, step_name, file_list): """ Check that prerequisite step step_name has been run and produced the outputs in file_list Parameters ---------- step_name file_list Returns ------- """ if isinstance(file_list, str): file_list = [file_list] for f_path in file_list: if not os.path.exists(f_path): self.main_window.print_error_msg(f'Missing {step_name} file {f_path}. ' f'Please ensure {step_name} is run first.') return False return True
[docs] def setup_workers(self): """ Setup the optional workers (which handle the computations) associated with this tab Returns ------- """ pass
[docs] def display_whats_this(self, widget): """ Utility function to display the detailed *whatsThis* message associated with the control Parameters ---------- widget Returns ------- """ QWhatsThis.showText(widget.pos(), widget.whatsThis(), widget)
[docs] def connect_whats_this(self, info_btn, whats_this_ctrl): """ Utility function to bind the info button to the display of the detailed *whatsThis* message associated with the control Parameters ---------- widget Returns ------- """ info_btn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.display_whats_this(whats_this_ctrl))
[docs] def wrap_step(self, task_name, func, step_args=None, step_kw_args=None, n_steps=1, abort_func=None, save_cfg=True, nested=True, close_when_done=True, main_thread=False): # FIXME: saving config should be default """ This function wraps the computations of the tab. It should start a new thread to ensure that the UI remains responsive (unless main_thread is set to True). It will also start a progress dialog Parameters ---------- task_name : str The name of the task to be displayed func : function The function to run step_args : list The positional arguments to func step_kw_args : dict The keyword arguments to func n_steps : int The number of top level steps in the computation. This will be disabled if nested is False. abort_func : function The function to trigger to abort the execution of the computation (bound to the abort button) save_cfg : bool Whether to save the configuration to disk before running the computation. This is usually the right choice to ensure that the config reloaded by func is up to date. nested : bool Whether the computation has 2 levels of progress close_when_done : bool Close the progress dialog when func has finished executing main_thread : bool Whether to run in the main thread. Default is False to ensure that the UI thread remains responsive, a new thread will be spawned. Returns ------- """ if step_args is None: step_args = [] if step_kw_args is None: step_kw_args = {} if save_cfg: self.params.ui_to_cfg() if task_name: if not nested: n_steps = 0 self.main_window.make_progress_dialog(task_name, n_steps=n_steps, abort=abort_func) try: if main_thread: func(*step_args, **step_kw_args) else: self.main_window.wrap_in_thread(func, *step_args, **step_kw_args) except MissingRequirementException as ex: self.main_window.print_error_msg(ex) self.main_window.popup(str(ex), base_msg=f'Could not run operation {func.__name__}', print_warning=False) finally: if self.preprocessor is not None and self.preprocessor.workspace is not None: # WARNING: hacky self.preprocessor.workspace.executor = None if close_when_done: self.progress_watcher.finish() else: msg = f'{self.progress_watcher.main_step_name} finished' self.main_window.print_status_msg(msg) self.main_window.log_progress(f' : {msg}')
[docs] class PostProcessingTab(GenericTab): """ Interface to all the tab managers in charge of post processing the data (e.e. typically detecting relevant info in the data). One particularity of a post processing tab manager is that it includes the corresponding pre processor. A tab manager includes a tab widget, the associated parameters and potentially a processor object which handles the computations. """ def __init__(self, main_window, name, tab_idx, ui_file_name): super().__init__(main_window, name, tab_idx, ui_file_name) self.preprocessor = None self.processing_type = 'post'
[docs] def set_params(self, sample_params, alignment_params): """ Set the params object which links the UI and the configuration file Parameters ---------- args Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setup_preproc(self, pre_processor): """ Set the PreProcessor object associated with the sample Parameters ---------- pre_processor : PreProcessor Returns ------- """ self.preprocessor = pre_processor
[docs] def plot_slicer(self, slicer_prefix, tab, params): """ Display the orthoslicer to pick a subset of 3D data. This is typically used to create a small dataset to test parameters for long running operations before analysing the whole sample Parameters ---------- slicer_prefix tab params Returns ------- """ self.main_window.clear_plots() # if self.preprocessor.was_registered: # img = mhd_read(self.preprocessor.annotation_file_path) # FIXME: does not work (probably compressed format) # else: img = self.preprocessor.workspace.source('resampled') self.main_window.ortho_viewer.setup(img, params, parent=self.main_window) dvs = self.main_window.ortho_viewer.plot_orthogonal_views() ranges = [[params.reverse_scale_axis(v, ax) for v in vals] for ax, vals in zip('xyz', params.slice_tuples)] self.main_window.ortho_viewer.update_ranges(ranges) self.main_window.setup_plots(dvs, ['x', 'y', 'z']) # WARNING: needs to be done after setup for axis, ax_max in zip('XYZ', self.preprocessor.raw_stitched_shape): # FIXME: not always raw stitched getattr(tab, f'{slicer_prefix}{axis}RangeMax').setMaximum(ax_max)