IO interface to read files as sources.
This is the main module to distribute the reading and writing of individual data formats to the specialized submodules.
See ClearMap.IO
for details.
- as_source(source_, slicing=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Convert source specification to a Source class.
- source_object
The source specification.
- sourceSource class
The source class.
- buffer(source_)[source]#
Returns an io buffer of the data array of a source for use with e.g. cython.
- source_source specification
The source specification.
- bufferarray or memmap
A buffer to read and write data.
- convert(source_, sink, processes=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Transforms a source into another format.
- source_source specification
The source or list of sources.
- sinksource specification
The sink or list of sinks.
- sinksink specification
The sink or list of sinks.
- convert_files(filenames, extension=None, path=None, processes=None, verbose=False, workspace=None, verify=False)[source]#
Transforms list of files to their sink format in parallel.
- filenameslist of str
The filenames to convert
- extensionstr
The new file format extension.
- pathstr or None
Optional path specification.
- processesint, ‘serial’ or None
The number of processes to use for parallel conversion.
- verbosebool
If True, print progress information.
- filenameslist of str
The new file names.
- create(source_, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Create a data source on disk.
- source_str, pathlib.Path, array, Source class
The source to write data to.
- sinkstr, array or Source class
The sink to which the data was written.
- dtype(source_)[source]#
Returns dtype of a source.
- source_str, array or Source
The source specification.
- dtypedtype
The data type of the source.
- element_strides(source_)[source]#
Returns the strides of the data array of a source.
- source_str, array, dtype or Source
The source specification.
- stridestuple of int
The strides of the source.
- file_list(expression=None, file_list=None, sort=True, verbose=False)[source]#
Returns the list of files that match the tag expression.
- expression :str
The regular expression the file names should match.
- sortbool
If True, sort files naturally.
- verbosebool
If True, print warning if no files exists.
- file_listlist of str
The list of files that matched the expression.
- filename_to_module(filename)[source]#
Returns the IO module associated with a filename.
- filenamestr
The file name.
- modulemodule
The module that handles the IO of the file.
- get_info(d_type)[source]#
Get the numpy info object for a data type. (automatically determines if integer or float)
- Parameters:
d_type (dtype) – The data type to get the info for.
- info: numpy info object
The info object for the data type.
- get_value(source_, value_type)[source]#
Get the minimal or maximal value of a source data type.
- Parameters:
source (str, array, dtype or Source) – The source specification.
value_type (str) – The value type to get, either ‘min’ or ‘max’.
- value: number
The value of the data type.
- initialize(source_=None, shape=None, dtype=None, order=None, location=None, memory=None, like=None, hint=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Initialize a source with specified properties.
The source is created on disk or in memory if it does not exist so processes can start writing into it.
- source_str, array, Source class
The source to write data to.
- shapetuple or None
The desired shape of the source. If None, inferred from existing file or from the like parameter. If not None and source has a valid shape shapes are tested to match.
- dtypetype, str or None
The desired dtype of the source. If None, inferred from existing file or from the like parameter. If not None and source has a valid dtype the types are tested to match.
- order‘C’, ‘F’ or None
The desired order of the source. If None, inferred from existing file or from the like parameter. If not None and source has a valid order the orders are tested to match.
- locationstr or None
The desired location of the source. If None, inferred from existing file or from the like parameter. If not None and source has a valid location the locations need to match.
- memory‘shared’ or None
The memory type of the source. If ‘shared’ a shared array is created.
- likestr, array or Source class
Infer the source parameter from this source.
- hintstr, array or Source class
If parameters for source creation are missing use the ones from this hint source.
- source: Source class
The initialized source.
- initialize_buffer(source_, shape=None, dtype=None, order=None, location=None, memory=None, like=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Initialize a buffer with specific properties.
- source_str, array, Source class
The source to write data to.
- shapetuple or None
The desired shape of the source. If None, inferred from existing file or from the like parameter. If not None and source has a valid shape shapes are tested to match.
- dtypetype, str or None
The desired dtype of the source. If None, inferred from existing file or from the like parameter. If not None and source has a valid dtype the types are tested to match.
- order‘C’, ‘F’ or None
The desired order of the source. If None, inferred from existing file or from the like parameter. If not None and source has a valid order the orders are tested to match.
- locationstr or None
The desired location of the source. If None, inferred from existing file or from the like parameter. If not None and source has a valid location the locations need to match.
- memory‘shared’ or None
The memory type of the source. If ‘shared’ a shared array is created.
- likestr, array or Source class
Infer the source parameter from this source.
- bufferarray
The initialized buffer to use tih e.g. cython.
The buffer is created if it does not exist.
- is_source(source_, exists=True)[source]#
Checks if source_ is a valid Source.
- source_object
Source to check.
- existsbool
If True, check if source exists in case it has a location.
- is_sourcebool
True if source is a valid source.
- location(source_)[source]#
Returns the location of a source.
- source_str, array or Source
The source specification.
- locationstr or None
The location of the source.
- location_to_module(location_)[source]#
Returns the IO module associated with a location string.
- location_str or te.Expression or pathlib.Path
Location of the source.
- modulemodule
The module that handles the IO of the source specified by its location.
- max_value(source_)[source]#
Returns the maximal value of a source data type.
- source_str, array, dtype or Source
The source specification.
- max_valuenumber
The maximal value for the data type of the source
- memory(source_)[source]#
Returns the memory type of source_.
- source_str, array or Source
The source specification.
- memorystr or None
The memory type of the source.
- min_value(source_)[source]#
Returns the minimal value of a source data type.
- source_str, array, dtype or Source
The source specification.
- min_valuenumber
The minimal value for the data type of the source
- ndim(source_)[source]#
Returns number of dimensions of a source.
- source_str, array or Source
The source specification.
- ndimint
The number of dimensions in the source.
- order(source_)[source]#
Returns order of a source.
- source_str, array or Source
The source specification.
- order‘C’, ‘F’, or None
The order of the source data items.
- read(source_, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Read data from a data source.
- source_str, pathlib.Path, array, Source class
The source to read the data from.
- dataarray
The data of the source.
- shape(source_)[source]#
Returns shape of a source.
- source_: str, array or Source
The source specification.
- shapetuple of ints
The shape of the source.
- size(source_)[source]#
Returns size of a source.
- source_str, array or Source
The source specification.
- sizeint
The size of the source.
- source(source_, slicing=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Convert source specification to a Source class.
- source_object
The source specification.
- sourceSource class
The source class.
- source_to_module(source_)[source]#
Returns IO module associated with a source.
- source_object
The source specification.
- typemodule
The module that handles the IO of the source.
- write(sink, data, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Write data to a data source.
- sinkstr, pathlib.Path, array, Source class
The source to write data to.
- dataarray
The data to write to the sink.
- slicingslice specification or None
Optional sub-slice to write data to.
- sinkstr, array or Source class
The sink to which the data was written.
- source_modules = [<module 'ClearMap.IO.NPY' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>, <module 'ClearMap.IO.TIF' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>, <module 'ClearMap.IO.MMP' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>, <module 'ClearMap.IO.SMA' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>, <module 'ClearMap.IO.FileList' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>, <module 'ClearMap.IO.NRRD' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>, <module 'ClearMap.IO.MHD' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>, <module 'ClearMap.IO.CSV' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>, <module 'ClearMap.IO.GT' from '/home/crousseau/code/icm/ClearMap2-lf003/ClearMap/IO/'>]#
The valid source modules.