
Essentially a reimplementation of loadUiType from PyQt5 to allow monkey patching the classes

loadUiType(uifile, from_imports=False, resource_suffix='_rc', import_from='.') -> (form class, base class)[source]#

Load a Qt Designer .ui file and return the generated form class and the Qt base class.

uifile is a file name or file-like object containing the .ui file. from_imports is optionally set to generate relative import statements. At the moment this only applies to the import of resource modules. resource_suffix is the suffix appended to the basename of any resource file specified in the .ui file to create the name of the Python module generated from the resource file by pyrcc4. The default is ‘_rc’, i.e. if the .ui file specified a resource file called foo.qrc then the corresponding Python module is foo_rc. import_from is optionally set to the package used for relative import statements. The default is '.'.