
Set of classes that each focus on a specific task in the ClearMap pipeline.

The processors are the main building blocks of the ClearMap pipeline. The base class from which all processors inherit is TabProcessor. Then there are 2 types of derived classes, preprocessor and the ones using a preprocessor.

Note batch_process is not a processor but a set of convenience functions to run aspects of

the pipeline on a group of samples.

Sub-packages and modules#


The processor set of scripts to batch process a group of samples.


This module contains the class to analyze (detect) individual cells, e.g. to analyze immediate early gene expression data from iDISCO+ cleared tissue [Renier2016].


This module contains the generic processor classes that are used to define the processing steps and run the processing This is inherited by all processors in ClearMap


This is the part that is common to both pipelines to process the raw images.